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The type I DNA restriction and modification enzymes of prokaryotes are multimeric enzymes that cleave unmethylated, foreign DNA in a complex process involving recognition of the methylation status of a DNA target sequence, extensive translocation of DNA in both directions towards the enzyme bound at the target sequence, ATP hydrolysis, which is believed to drive the translocation possibly via a helicase mechanism, and eventual endonucleolytic cleavage of the DNA. We have examined the DNA binding affinity and exonuclease III footprint of the EcoKI type IA restriction enzyme on oligonucleotide duplexes that either contain or lack the target sequence. The influence of the cofactors, S-adenosyl methionine and ATP, on binding to DNA of different methylation states has been assessed. EcoKI in the absence of ATP, with or without S-adenosyl methionine, binds tightly even to DNA lacking the target site and the exonuclease footprint is large, approximately 45 base-pairs. The protection is weaker on DNA lacking the target site. Partially assembled EcoKI lacking one or both of the subunits essential for DNA cleavage, is unable to bind tightly to DNA lacking the target site but can bind tightly to the recognition site. The addition of ATP to EcoKI, in the presence of AdoMet, allows tight binding only to the target site and the footprint shrinks to 30 base-pairs, almost identical to that of the modification enzyme which makes up the core of EcoKI. The same effect occurs when S-adenosyl homocysteine or sinefungin are substituted for S-adenosyl methionine, and ADP or ATPgammaS are substituted for ATP. It is proposed that the DNA binding surface of EcoKI comprises three regions: a "core" region which recognises the target sequence and which is present on the modification enzyme, and a region on each DNA cleavage subunit. The cleavage subunits make tight contacts to any DNA molecule in the absence of cofactors, but this contact is weakened in the presence of cofactors to allow the protein conformational changes required for DNA translocation when a target site is recognised by the core modification enzyme. This weakening of the interaction between the DNA cleavage subunits and the DNA could allow more access of exonuclease III to the DNA and account for the shorter footprint.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II catalyzes two different chemical reactions as part of its DNA transport cycle: ATP hydrolysis and DNA breakage/religation. The coordination between these reactions was studied using mutants of yeast topoisomerase II that are unable to covalently cleave DNA. In the absence of DNA, the ATPase activities of these mutant enzymes are identical to the wild type activity. DNA binding stimulates the ATPase activity of the mutant enzymes, but with steady-state parameters different from those of the wild type enzyme. These differences were examined through DNA binding experiments and pre-steady-state ATPase assays. One mutant protein, Y782F, binds DNA with the same affinity as wild type protein. This mutant topologically traps one DNA circle in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog under the same conditions that the wild type protein catenates two circles. Rapid chemical quench and pulse-chase ATPase experiments reveal that the mutant proteins bound to DNA have the same sequential hydrolysis reaction cycle as the wild type enzyme. Binding of ATP to the mutants is not notably impaired, but hydrolysis of the first ATP is slower than for the wild type enzyme. Models to explain these results in the context of the entire DNA topoisomerase II reaction cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases are enzymes that control DNA topology by cleaving and rejoining DNA strands and passing other DNA strands through the transient gaps. Consequently, these enzymes play a crucial role in the regulation of the physiological function of the genome. Beyond their normal functions, topoisomerases are important cellular targets in the treatment of human cancers. In this review we summarize current protocols for extracting and purifying DNA topoisomerases, and for separating subtypes and isoforms of these enzymes. Furthermore, we discuss methods for measuring the catalytic activity of topoisomerases and for monitoring the molecular effects of topoisomerase-directed antitumor drugs in cell-free assays.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding ability to DNA of compounds belonging to the 2-azaanthraquinone-type structure and have examined the effect on the activity of DNA gyrase as well as on mammalian topoisomerases in vitro. Using different biophysical techniques it was found that one of these ligands, 9-((2-dimethylamino)ethyl)amino)-6-hydroxy-7-methoxy-5, 10-dihydroxybenzo[g]isoquinoline-5,10-dione (TPL-I), is an intercalating DNA binding agent, whereas the parent compound tolypocladin (TPL) and a derivative (TPL-II) showed almost no similar affinity to DNA. CD measurements demonstrated a significant and selective binding tendency of TPL-I to alternating purine/pyrimidine sequences with some preference for poly(dA-dT). poly(dA-dT). Tm values were increased of the ligand complex with the alternating AT-containing duplex polymer. The binding to various DNAs was characterized by CD and visible absorption spectral changes. From the latter, different binding constants of 6.2 x 10(5) and 1.5 x 10(5) M-1 were obtained for poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) and poly(dA). poly(dT), respectively. Sedimentation measurements with supercoiled pBR322 plasmid DNA clearly indicated an intercalative binding mechanism associated with an unwinding angle of about 18 degrees. These results suggest that the intercalative binding of TPL-I is promoted by the 2-(dimethylamino)ethylamino group substituted on carbon 9 of the anthraquinone system. The cytotoxic compound TPL-I, but not TPL or TPL-II, effectively inhibited the DNA supercoiling reaction of DNA gyrase and the activity of mammalian topoisomerases I and II as measured by the relaxation assay. TPL-I affects the cleavage reaction of topoisomerases on a single site located in alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence regions. The inhibitory potency of TPL-I can be ascribed to a blocking of cleavage sites on the DNA substrate, which correlates with the sequence preference of the ligand.  相似文献   

In lymphocytes of 12 oral cancer patients (and two control groups) the frequencies of DNA single-strand breaks and DNA-protein cross-linking were determined by alkaline filter elution. We found elevated DNA elution rates, which must be interpreted as an increased strand breakage frequency. There were significant correlations between the DNA strand breakage frequency and smoking habits. Using the 32P-postlabelling assay we determined the DNA adduct level in lymphocytes of 23 oral cancer patients (and two control groups). No significant influence of smoking habit on the DNA adduct level could be detected. There was a significant correlation between the DNA adduct level and the gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) value, suggesting systemic influences of alcohol drinking habits on the adduct level.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the role of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) in the rejoining of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (dsb). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study employed previously described in vitro assays that utilize nuclei or 'naked' DNA prepared from agarose-embedded cells as a substrate and S-HeLa cell extracts as a source of enzymes. Rejoining of dsb in these assays is absolutely dependent on cell extract and it proceeds, under optimal reaction conditions, to an extent similar to that observed in intact cells. Results were confirmed in a plasmid-based assay for in vitro rejoining of dsb. RESULTS: It is shown that concentrations of wortmannin completely inhibiting DNA-PK activity profoundly affect the rejoining of dsb in vivo, but have no effect on dsb rejoining in vitro. Furthermore, fractionation of cell extracts using ammonium sulphate precipitation, generates protein fractions that are able to support dsb rejoining, despite the fact that they do not contain detectable amounts of either DNA-PKcs or Ku80. Efficient rejoining of dsb in vitro is also observed with extracts of MO59J cells that lack DNA-PK activity. Finally, rejoining of dsb remains unaffected by wortmannin in a plasmid-based assay, and is also detectable with extracts of MO59J cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are in contrast with genetic studies demonstrating a requirement for DNA-PK activity for efficient rejoining of dsb in vivo. The difference between in vitro and in vivo results may not be attributed to chromatin structure since wortmannin was without an effect when using nuclei as a substrate. It is speculated that the differences between in vivo and in vitro results can be explained either by assuming the operation of multiple pathways in dsb rejoining, some of which do not require DNA-PK, or by postulating a purely regulatory/damage-sensing role for DNA-PK in intact cells but no direct involvement in dsb rejoining.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is a major cause of human cancer at a variety of sites, although its carcinogenic mechanisms remains unestablished. Cigarette smoke can be divided into two phases, gas phase and particulate matter (tar). Both phases contain high concentrations of oxidants and free radicals, especially nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxides in the gas phase and quinone/hydroquinone complex in the tar. We have found that incubation of pBR322 plasmid DNA with aqueous extracts of cigarette tar and a NO-releasing compound (diethylamine NONOate) caused synergistic induction of DNA single-strand breakage, whereas either cigarette tar alone or NO alone induced much less strand breakage. This synergistic effect of cigarette tar and NO on DNA strand breakage was prevented by high concentrations of superoxide dismutase, carboxy-PTIO (an NO-trapping agent) or N-acetylcysteine, whereas hydroxyl radical scavengers such as dimethylsulfoxide, ethanol and D-mannitol did not show inhibitory effects. Possible mechanisms for this synergistic effect mediated by cigarette tar and NO are proposed, including involvement of peroxynitrite, which is a strong oxidant and nitrating agent formed rapidly by the reaction between NO and O2.-. NO is present in the gas phase of smoke and may be formed by a constitutive or inducible NO synthase in the lung, whereas O2.- is generated by auto-oxidation of polyhydroxyaromatic compounds such as catechol and 1,4-hydroquinone present in cigarette tar. Thus, potent reactive species including peroxynitrite formed by the interaction between cigarette tar and NO may play an important role in smoking-related diseases including lung cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Some countries have regulations against using a cellular telephone while driving. We used ecologic analysis to evaluate cellular telephone use and motor vehicle collisions in a city without such regulations. METHODS: We studied locations in Toronto, Ontario (n = 75) that were hazardous (total collisions = 3,234) and tested whether increases in collision rates from 1984 to 1993 correlated with increases in telephone usage over the same time interval. RESULTS: Locations with the largest increases in collision rates tended to have the smallest increases in estimated cellular telephone usage. Yet extreme assumptions about potential protective effects from cellular telephones failed to explain the magnitude observed. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of cellular telephones on driving ability are small relative to the biases in ecologic analysis. Claims from industry, which argue that cellular telephones are not dangerous based on ecologic analysis, can be misleading in the policy debate about whether to regulate cellular telephone use while driving.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The plasmid R100 encodes the TraI protein, which is required for conjugal DNA transfer. TraI has the activity of site- and strand-specific nicking of the supercoiled plasmid DNA. The molecular mechanism of this specific nicking, which is supposed to be the initiation reaction of DNA transfer, is not understood. RESULTS: We have demonstrated that TraI has the ability to cleave the single-stranded DNA at the same site as the nicking site (nic) in a region, which we here refer to as sbi. The product contained the TraI protein which was covalently linked to the newly generated 5' end of the nicking reaction. Both the cleaving and nicking reactions took place under almost the same conditions and required the presence of the sbi region. DNase I-footprinting analysis revealed that the TraI bound to the single-stranded DNA of the sbi region. TraI did not cleave the double-stranded DNA fragment, but it did cleave the double-stranded DNA with a single-stranded DNA portion in the sbi region. KMnO4 mapping analysis revealed that TraI can melt the sbi region in the supercoiled DNA to generate a single-stranded portion. We have also demonstrated that TraI was able to rejoin the cleaved products. The rejoining reaction required the 5' end of one cleaved product with the TraI covalently attached and the 3' end of the other product containing the sbi region. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that the nicking reaction-the initiation reaction of DNA transfer-is actually the cleaving reaction of the single-stranded DNA. TraI, which has both cleaving and rejoining activities, is thought to be involved in the termination of DNA transfer, to give a copy of the conjugative plasmid by joining the 5' end, which is generated by the initiation reaction, with the 3' end, which will be generated upon cleavage of the sbi region appearing after one round of the rolling circle replication of the plasmid.  相似文献   

Type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase (deiodinase 1) is a selenoenzyme that converts the prohormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3 by outer ring deiodination or to the inactive metabolite rT3 by inner ring deiodination. Although selenocysteine has been demonstrated to be essential for the biochemical profile of deiodinase 1, the role of a highly conserved, active site cysteine (C124 in rat deiodinase 1) has not been defined. The present studies examined the effects of a Cys124Ala mutation on rat deiodinase 1 enzymatic function and substrate affinity. At a constant 10-mM concentration of dithiothreitol (DTT), the C124A mutant demonstrated a 2-fold lower apparent maximal velocity (Vmax) and Km for rT3 (KmrT3) than the wild type for outer ring deiodination, whereas the Vmax/Km ratio was unchanged. Similarly, the apparent Vmax and KmT3 sulfate for inner ring deiodination were 2-fold lower in the C124A mutant relative to those in the wild type, with no change in the Vmax/Km ratio. The C124A mutant exhibited ping-pong kinetics in the presence of DTT, and substitution of the active site cysteine increased the KmDTT by 14-fold relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, with no significant effects on KmrT3 or Vmax. The C124A mutant was inhibited by propylthiouracil in an uncompetitive fashion and exhibited a 2-fold increase in K(i)propylthiouracil compared with that of the wild type. KmrT3 was also reduced for the C124A mutant when 5 mM reduced glutathione, a potential physiological monothiol cosubstrate, was used in outer ring deiodination assays. These results demonstrate that thiol cosubstrate interactions with C124 in type 1 deiodinase play an important role in enhancing catalytic efficiency for both outer and inner ring deiodination.  相似文献   

(TTAGGG)n sequence repeats in human telomeres and in Chinese hamster interstitial centromeric areas were digested in situ with exonuclease III (ExoIII) and exonuclease Bal 31. Incubation with AluI was performed beforehand to increase DNA breaks near telomere sequence areas. DNA removal at these specific regions was quantified by digital image analysis of the fluorescence in situ hybridization signal produced by a telomeric probe. Exonuclease III was 2.6 times more active in interstitial than in terminal telomeric sequence areas. Exonuclease Bal 31 was 2.3 times more effective in terminal than in interstitial telomeric sequence regions. These results support the hypothesis that chromatin is differentially organized in both telomeric sequence areas, despite their similar DNA composition.  相似文献   

The substitution of thymine mucleotides (pT) in oligodeoxynucleotides by bromouracil nucleotides (pBU) changes the properties of the oligonucleotides in two ways: (1) It alters their mobility during DEAE-Cellulose homochromatography1. (2) It substantially enhances their sensitivity to high temperature hydrolysis under mildly alkaline conditions (pH 8.9). The resultant breaks occur adjacent to pBU residues and leave terminal phosphates on the breakage products. With more extreme conditions some loss of terminal phosphates can occur. Heating at 100 degrees for 16 hr at pH 8.9 produces cleavage at about half of the pBU residues with minimal loss of terminal phosphates. The properties described here may explain the thermal sensitivity of bacteria grown in 5BU2 and may have a use in DNA sequencing technology.  相似文献   

One candidate for a mesoderm-inducing factor in early amphibian development is activin, a member of the TGF beta family. Overexpression of a truncated form of an activin receptor Type IIB abolishes activin responsiveness and mesoderm formation in vivo. The Xenopus Type IIA activin receptor XSTK9 differs from the Type IIB receptor by 43 and 25% in extracellular and intracellular domains respectively, suggesting the possibility of different functions in vivo. In this paper, we compare the Type IIA receptor with the Type IIB to test such a possibility. Simple overexpression of the wild-type receptors reveals minimal differences, but experiments with dominant negative mutants of each receptor show qualitatively distinct effects. We show that while truncated (kinase domain-deleted) Type IIB receptors cause axial defects as previously described, truncated type IIA receptors cause formation of secondary axes, similar to those seen by overexpression of truncated receptors for BMP-4, another TGF beta family member. Furthermore, in animal cap assays, truncated type IIB receptors inhibit induction of all mesodermal markers tested, while truncated type IIA receptors suppress induction only of ventral markers; the anterior/dorsal marker goosecoid is virtually unaffected. The suppression of ventral development by the type IIA truncated receptor suggests either that the truncated Type IIA receptor interferes with ventral BMP pathways, or that activin signaling through the Type IIA receptor is necessary for ventral patterning.  相似文献   

The authors studied the activity of cholesterol esters transport (CET), concentrations of apolipoprotein E in the blood and high density lipoproteins (HDLP) in parallel with other parameters of lipoprotein metabolism in 79 males and 62 females. 122 of them had ischemic heart disease (IHD) and primary hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP). 19 healthy controls were normolipidemic. Activation of CET and relative lowering of apoE content in HDLP with relevant increase in lipoproteins containing apoB were seen only in type IIB HLP. CET activity in controls was related to a significant positive correlation with concentrations of both cholesterol (CS) and CS esters (CSE) in HDLP and HDLP3 and negative correlation with the proportion free CS/CSE in HDLP. Opposite to normolipidemic subjects, in type IIB HLP there was a negative relationship between CET activity and HDLP3 CS level and positive--between free CS/CSE in HDLP but not with concentration of CSE and total CS in HDLP. In type IIA HLP patients no relationships were registered between CET activity and HDLP content of total CS and CSE as well as with HDLP3 CS level. In type IIB HLP a significant correlation was found between level of HDLP CS and CET activity. Concentration of apoE in HDLP correlated with apoB level in the serum but not with quantity of HDLP CS. Patients with type IIA HLP exhibited a significant negative correlation between CET activity and HDLP apoE. These patients had no dependence of CET activity on HDLP CS but had positive correlation between HDLP apoE and HDLP CS in the serum. Thus, defects of reverse CS transport may be induced not only by changes in CET activity but also by apoE distribution among lipoproteins of different classes.  相似文献   

1. The effects of three different NO donors on tert-butylhydroperoxide (tB-OOH)-induced DNA cleavage and toxicity were investigated in U937 cells. 2. Treatment with S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP, 1-30 microM), while not in itself DNA-damaging, potentiated the DNA strand scission induced by 200 microM tB-OOH in a concentration-dependent fashion. The enhancing effects of SNAP were observed with two different techniques for the assessment of DNA damage. Decomposed SNAP was inactive. S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO, 300 microM) and (Z)-1-[(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl) amino]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (DETA-NO, 1 mM) also increased DNA cleavage generated by tB-OOH and these responses, as well as that mediated by SNAP, were prevented by the NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazolin-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO). 3. SNAP neither inhibited catalase activity nor increased the formation of DNA lesions in cells exposed to H2O2. Furthermore, SNAP did not affect the rate of rejoining of the DNA single strand breaks generated by tB-OOH. 4. Under the conditions utilized in the DNA damage experiments, treatment with tB-OOH alone or associated with SNAP did not cause cell death. However, SNAP as well as GSNO markedly reduced the lethal response promoted by millimolar concentrations of tB-OOH and these effects were abolished by PTIO. Decomposed SNAP was inactive. 5. It is concluded that low levels of NO donors, which probably release physiological concentrations of NO, enhance the accumulation of DNA single strand breaks in U937 cells exposed to tB-OOH. This NO-mediated effect appears to (a) not depend on inhibition of either DNA repair (which would increase the net accumulation of DNA lesions by preventing DNA single strand break removal) or catalase activity (which would also enhance the net accumulation of DNA lesions since H2O2 is one of the species mediating the tB-OOH-induced DNA cleavage) and (b) be caused by enforced formation of tB-OOH-derived DNA-damaging species. In contrast to these results, similar concentrations of NO prevented cell death caused by millimolar concentrations of tB-OOH. Hence, DNA single strand breakage generated by tB-OOH in the absence or presence of NO does not represent a lethal event.  相似文献   

Cationic porphyrins, known to have a high affinity for DNA, are useful tools with which to probe a variety of interactions with DNA. In this study we have examined both DNA strand scission and oxidative DNA base damage, measured by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) formation, using a photoactivated cis-dicationic porphyrin. The data demonstrated a dose-dependent formation for each type of DNA damage. Inhibition of strand scission and 8-OHdG formation with the singlet oxygen scavenger 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran and with MgCl2 and no apparent effect by D2O suggests that a singlet oxygen mechanism generated in close proximity to the DNA may be responsible for the damage. However, a nearly complete inhibition of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine formation in 75% D2O and the substantial enhancement of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine formation in a helium atmosphere by photoactivated porphyrin rules out singlet oxygen as a primary mechanism for this process. These data indicate that distinct mechanisms lead to 8-OHdG formation and strand scission activity.  相似文献   

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