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我国大城市的住房问题表现出明显的空间影响特征.通过分析发现:在城市空间扩张的过程中,政策与市场两者共同导致了住房市场的空间分割;促成市场分割结构的改进应当是住房政策的内在目标.提出在空间快速拓展的背景下,减少"住房市场分割"、提高整体住房资源利用效率,应该是缓解住房问题的重要途径.地方大城市的住房发展应当整合宏观住房政策与城市空间发展决策.  相似文献   

多中心城市的概念内涵与空间特征解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"多中心"是当前国内外大城市发展的一般特征和趋势。本研究通过对大量国内外多中心城市相关研究的分析,首先梳理了多中心城市研究的历史脉络,从理论推导和空间特征两个方面,总结提出了多中心城市的概念和内涵;其次,分别从空间形态特征、规模等级特征、功能体系特征、"互动流"特征、区域协同特征和空间演化的阶段性特征方面,详细解析了多中心城市在各表现维度上的特征;最后,提出了对于我国大城市空间发展的启示与借鉴,并针对当前大城市空间结构引导实践中的困惑,提出未来的研究展望。本研究旨在为新型城镇化过程中我国大城市空间可持续发展和科学引导提供基础依据。  相似文献   

<正>邹琳华扩大供地不能降低一线城市房价从历史和现实看,在大城市病和人口涌入压力面前,特大城市的有效供地能力极其有限,可能不足以对住房市场走势产生重大影响。只要人口城市化和大城市化的动力不发生根本性改变,高房价几乎就是现阶段我国特大城市的宿命。不扩大土地供应,中国特大城市住房市场必将逐步陷入"香港化",具体表现为超高房价和低居住水平。  相似文献   

我国大城市保障性住房建设的若干探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孙忆敏 《规划师》2008,24(4):17-20
我国住房保障制度的推行为缓解住房困难、维护社会的稳定与和谐发展发挥了积极的作用,但因政策制定方面的缺陷、执行中的漏洞及城市空间结构的低效等,我国大城市保障性住房建设工作仍存在诸多问题,可借鉴新加坡、美国等国家及香港等城市在住房保障工作方面的经验,强化政府职责,完善制度建设,优化空间结构,推进我国大城市保障性住房建设.  相似文献   

论城市住房市场的空间问题及政策整合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于住房市场空间属性,以厦门等城市为例,分析当前大城市住房市场的空间影响.在现实的空间结构下,住房市场存在较大程度的空间分割特征,导致了住房资源的低效分配,城市均衡蔓延的空间拓展,渐进的住房改革进程以及短期利益导向的城市开发模式,均在一定程度上决定了当前的市场格局.在我国城市住房发展中,除直接供给保障住房之外,要以空间结构的调整降低住房市场的空间分割,改进城市住房市场的结构,将提升城市整体住房资源的利用效率.  相似文献   

以国内代表性大城市为例,从供需视角分析大城市住房市场基本特征、住房困境,包括大城市住房利用率高、租赁市场发达、居民支付压力大等特征,面临住房供需关系紧张、供应结构与需求不匹配、教育资源不均衡加剧供需矛盾、新市民住房保障需求增多、房价上涨压力较大等困境.以满足住房消费需求为导向,提出因城制宜加大住宅用地供应规模、以住房可支付为准则完善住房供给体系、加强政策协同健全房地产市场调控机制、优化住房、产业和教育布局拓展居住空间等建议.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的繁荣、大城市的发展,城市人口聚集现象与经济、文化的中心作用日趋充分。住房紧张、环境污染、交通阻塞的矛盾亦日趋严重。改善城市环境,提高交通效率,已成为城市发展中的迫切任务。目前,北京、上海、广州等大城市已充分重视交通在城市发展与改善环境中的作用,把城市交通放在城市建设的首位。 一、大城市客运交通结构的发展方向  相似文献   

推动租赁住房发展是解决我国大城市住房难问题的重要途径.然而,相关设计配套标准的缺位,使得租赁住房开发建设及规划审批无据可依,遵循销售型住宅设计配套标准会带来建设成本高、空间利用效率低和租客满意度低等问题.本研究基于北京18个正式及非正式小区的问卷调查,分析租客的经济社会特征、行为特征及对住房空间和配套服务的需求偏好,由此得到最小户型、日照要求、室内基本功能空间等租赁住房设计要求的启示,以及停车位、服务设施等租赁住房配套标准的启示.  相似文献   

进入新世纪,我国房地产经济迅猛发展,价格飙升,房地产市场中的商品房市场和保障性住房市场差距被进一步拉大,相对而言,商品房往往位于区位更佳、交通更便利、环境更优美的区域,而保障性住房分布却较为偏远,公共服务设施不足,职住平衡较差。随着我国保障性住房建设由重"量"转为重"质",其建设类型更为多样,建设模式由大规模集聚式转向小规模分散式,空间分布由远郊向中心区转移,居住和经济空间环境均发生了重大变化。本文通过采集网络开放数据,运用GIS将保障性住房空间分布和商品房房价(房租)空间分布相结合,基于房产视角分析保障性住房现状经济空间环境,一方面定量展现不同类型保障性住房所处的经济环境差异化特征,另一方面反映城市中心区小规模分散式的保障性住房建设对中心区房价(房租)的影响。研究发现,公共租赁房和定向安置房所处空间的房价(房租)极高,经济空间环境最佳,经济适用房和安居商品房则位于经济空间洼地,小规模分散内迁式保障性住房建设并未对区域经济环境造成影响。  相似文献   

大城市绿色控制带的结构与生态功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿化控制带是指在城市周围建设的绿色植被带,是国际上一些大城市为了控制城市无序护展、改善城市生态环境而规划与建设的一类城市公共绿地系统。其功能主要有控制城市建成区的无序扩张、保障城市合理格局的形成;改善城市环境,增强城市的生态服务功能:增加城市居民休闲娱乐的绿色空间等。不同城市根据自身的自然环境条件与城市历史文化特点,规划与建设了环型绿带、楔型环城绿带、廊道型环城绿带、环城卫星绿地、缓冲绿带、中心绿地等6种类型的城市绿化控制带。从国际上特大城市绿化控制带的效果来看,城市绿带对控制城市格局,改善城市环境,提高城市居民生活质量具有显著作用。随着经济的高速发展,我国城市化进程加快,在今后30年内,我国城市人口将占总人口的50%。我国城市化进程加快的一个显著特征是大城市的建成区面积迅速扩大。城市向周边扩展失去有效的控制、城市热岛效应加剧、城市环境恶化、城市绿地生态服务功能低已成为我国大城市发展所面临的难题。借鉴国际上大城市规划与建设城市绿化控制带的经验,加强我国大城市绿化控制带的建设,是我国大城市有效控制城市无序扩大和改善城市生态环境的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

Since 1990 there has been extensive exploration of the meaning of housing affordability by members of the academic, professional and advocacy communities in Britain. These debates have revealed weaknesses in the traditional ratio standard of affordability and led to arguments in support of an alternative, residual income concept of affordability. However, so far there has been only limited success in operationalising and applying the residual income approach in the UK. In the US, by contrast, arguments in support of a residual income approach to housing affordability emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, culminating in the formulation of operational standards utilising normative family budgets. This paper draws upon the US experience to formulate a residual income housing affordability standard for the UK that utilises the non-shelter components of the Family Budget Unit (FBU) ‘Low Cost but Acceptable’ budgets as the normative standard for minimum adequate residual income. The paper concludes by suggesting how use of such a ‘shelter’ poverty standard to assess housing affordability problems and needs in the UK might yield results that differ from those based on the ratio standard.  相似文献   

Energy costs have been rising as well as rents, both in the Netherlands and elsewhere, leading to situations commonly described as ‘housing poverty’ and ‘fuel or energy poverty’. A dwelling may be unaffordable on at least two counts: rents or energy costs that are ‘too high’ in relation to income (excluding cases of ‘too low’ income). This paper measures comprehensively for the first time housing affordability of tenants in the Netherlands with respect to rent and fuel in order to gain insight in the ways this ongoing budgetary commitment can be calculated. Starting point is the expenditure-to-income ratio, which is usually used in the Netherlands to represent the affordability of housing consumption. For 2012 its components—incomes, rents and fuel costs—are separated out. The absence of a socially acceptable benchmark for ‘affordable’ versus ‘unaffordable’ housing and the fact that lower-income households pay relatively more on rent and energy than those with a higher income (Engel’s Law) call for an alternative method to measure affordability. The residual income approach is shown to be useful in identifying households with housing and energy affordability problems, once social norms have been established for the relationship between income, rent and energy expenses. It is concluded that even energy expenses by themselves can push households over the affordability threshold, in the situation where rents are considered as affordable.  相似文献   

Acute housing poverty and low housing affordability among low-to-medium-income households have become challenges in the pursuit of a harmonious society in China. Promoting housing subsidies and stimulating investment on affordable housing have been at the center of China’s housing policy. This paper analyzes the correlation of affordable housing program in Beijing with household affordability of adequate housing and accessibility to public services, which include elementary and middle schools, hospitals and public transportation. Economic and Comfortable Housing is studied based on unique database of eligible household and affordable housing projects. We find that the program fails to make housing affordable and accessible for eligible households. The implications of housing policy design in the context of the economic and social well-being of targeted households are highlighted in the study.  相似文献   


There is growing concern about a crisis in housing affordability in the UK, renewing longstanding debates about what constitutes ‘affordable’ housing. The growing use of the private rented sector by low income households has also led to increased interest in understanding the impact of housing costs on living standards. This paper builds on existing work on ‘residual income’ measures of housing affordability, accepting that what households can afford to pay for housing is related to their ability to cover other costs, and so not directly proportional to income. It proposes a new approach to defining and measuring housing affordability, based on the Minimum Income Standard (MIS). The paper then uses data from the Family Resources Survey (2008/09 to 2015/16) to examine housing affordability within the rented sector across the UK, exploring the value of this measure both in revealing the scale of the ‘problem’ and assessing the likely impact of suggested interventions.  相似文献   

While critical work has focused on revealing underpinning motives of affordable housing strategy, there has been lesser attention given to how factors beyond affordability undergird affordable housing definition. The cultural embeddedness of affordable housing in Israel enables the concept to exist without formal definition, thus, laying bare the agendas and causal narratives and providing an effective laboratory to explore affordable housing’s varied interpretations. This research is based on 60 interviews, analysis of legislation, policy documents and newspaper articles. We use the framework of problem definition and social construction to explain how affordable housing can be manipulated by various institutions and actors to promote interests or agendas that may have little to do with affordability. The findings reveal that Israel’s affordable housing definition, or lack thereof, reflect both various demographic, fiscal, social and political interests and a perpetuation of an ideological shift from the social welfare state to a neoliberal regime.  相似文献   

不同地区住房市场发展日趋差异化,“因城施策”成为住房市场调控的主导原则。如何科学制定住房供给政策,合理确定住房供给结构中保障性住房与商品房的比例大小,一直是各方研究的难点与重点。针对这一问题,从居民可支付能力和政府可负担性两个方面,通过住房支付能力、房价收入比和地方财政收入的可负担性3 个指标,以江苏省部分城市包括南京市、苏州市、镇江市为例进行实证分析,分别得出3 个城市住房市场供给结构。实证结果可为相关决策部门合理制定住房供给策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对完善重庆市公租房管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公租房作为补充完善住房保障体系、解决“夹心层”住房问题的有力手段得到中央以及各地政府的肯定.重庆市更是提出了建设4000万m2公租房的宏大目标.而公租房的管理是否科学、合理.有序,将直接决定其保障效率的高低.作为保障性住房的新形式,公租房的管理在全国尚没有一套成熟的办法.重庆市虽然进行了积极探索,也还存在一些问题.本文...  相似文献   

The recession has created significant challenges for the government with regard to providing affordable housing. Even during the UK’s housing boom the supply of housing failed to keep pace with demand. Therefore, increasing housing supply and improving affordability in a recessionary period will require the government to innovatively utilise their limited resources. Following the Comprehensive Spending Review in 2010 severe cuts to the housing budget were made and radical reforms to housing and planning policy have been proposed by the coalition government. The paper briefly discusses the UK housing market and affordable housing policy and practice recently employed in England. Subsequently a discussion of the coalition government’s recent reforms to housing and planning policy, concerning affordable housing, is presented.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors affecting affordability in the mortgage housing sector in Kenya. Housing affordability is a major problem experienced by urban households in Africa. According to the African Development Bank (The middle of the pyramid: Dynamics of the middle class in Africa, market brief, 2011), only three per cent of the entire African population can afford a mortgage. In Kenya, the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa has estimated that only eleven per cent of urban households earn enough to support a mortgage. Attempts were made in this study to develop an empirical model to reveal the underlying factors affecting housing affordability in Kenya. Applying a multiple regression approach, the model identified that affordability of mortgage housing in Kenya is significantly driven by clusters of factors related to the households’ social-economic factors, property attributes, loan characteristics and the macroeconomic environment. Specifically, the interest on mortgage, number of households’ dependents, loan-to-value ratio, type of mortgage instrument, number of income earners in a household, real gross domestic product per capita and size of household are the critical factors affecting affordability with the greatest contribution to the affordability problems of households in the mortgage housing sector in Kenya.  相似文献   

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