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惊世神品铁结晶釉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸿声 《山东陶瓷》2007,30(5):44-44
陶瓷艺术釉品种之中,铁结晶系列是个大家庭。我国汉代的黑瓷就属于铁系瓷釉。700多年前的宋代有了各种铁系结晶釉珍品传世,其中有天目釉、雨点釉、油滴釉、金星釉、鹧鸪斑、铁锈花、茶叶末釉等。釉不能独立存在,通称天目瓷。天目瓷之名源于宋代,日本僧人从浙江天目山带了多件黑瓷回国而得名。也与日本人以夜空的星星为天目的联想相关。不属于黑釉的棕红釉则被称为赤色天目。最为名贵的是曜变天目,黑瓷斑驳的晶花周围都有一圈耀眼的晕色光环,其厚度约为万分之一毫米。因它极薄,受光产生虹彩干涉色,从不同角度看,可见霓虹般的灿烂。当今存世仅…  相似文献   

木叶天目盏是南宋时期吉州窑陶瓷匠人们的智慧结晶,这种将植物与坯体相结合的特殊陶瓷装饰技法对于当代创作美学方面有着重要的影响,随着人们对木叶天目盏的装饰美学愈发喜爱,陶瓷匠人们则在木叶天目盏原有的创作技法上不断地探索与创新。  相似文献   

江西吉安永和镇的吉州窑是我国古代的名窑。产品品种甚多;有白瓷、青瓷、青白瓷、碎器瓷、绿釉瓷、彩绘瓷、青花瓷以及大量的天目瓷等。最著名的天目瓷是建盏,曾经有过许多研究。吉州天目瓷在众多的古代名瓷中,以其独特的斑纹天目釉的艺术风格和具有特色的工艺而享有盛名。 1980年初冬江西省博物馆发掘吉州窑各址,作者趁便搜集了许多典型的残片,它们全面代表了吉州窑的所有品种,图1是所搜集的部分残片。  相似文献   

浙江临安天目窑黑釉瓷的科学技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李家治 《陶瓷学报》1997,18(4):185-194
研究了近来在浙江临安天目山地区发现的窑址群中出土的质量很高的带有兔毫纹的黑釉盏瓷片胎、釉的化学组成、显微结构和烧制工艺。讨论了这些黑釉瓷的命名问题,胎、釉的特点及其与建阳窑、吉州窑黑釉瓷的区别和某些瓷片中兔毫纹的形成机理。  相似文献   

利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪和光学显微镜对吉州窑黑釉茶盏、白覆轮以及内白外黑双色瓷进行化学组成及宏观结构分析,以此探讨吉州窑同时期烧造的复合装饰瓷的制瓷工艺特征及其工艺关联性。结果表明:吉州窑黑釉茶盏、白覆轮与内白外黑双色瓷3种复合装饰产品在制瓷原料、配方、施釉工艺等方面既存在一致性,也存在差异性。除了原料与配方的合理选择,对釉层厚度的控制以及施釉过程中,口沿刮釉对坯体的轻微修整而形成的高度差,都是白覆轮黑与白对比鲜明且界线分明的关键。  相似文献   

吉州窑是我国古代烧造黑釉瓷的著名窑口之一,有着悠久的历史.作为一座综合性窑口,它擅长兼收并蓄,取其精华,大胆创新,它并没有像官窑那么精益求精,反而是充满了鲜明的地方特色和民族艺术特征.它创烧于唐末,极盛于南宋,衰于元末,有着1200多年的历史,创制了许多受人追捧的产品,其中不乏:木叶天目、剪纸贴花天目、玳瑁天目、虎皮天...  相似文献   

本文的第一部分讨论了木叶与釉之间的定位反应,叶与釉在高温下晶态的变化,以及呈色机制。实际是讨论了木叶纹样形成过程的主干。第二部分则讨论木叶纹样中呈色各异的一些晶体,得以形成的釉的组成范围和成核、生长的动力,而重点放在后一问题上。一、一些晶体得以形成的釉的组成范围,——木叶天目与吉州窑其他天目制品的关联  相似文献   

首次应用质子激发X荧光分析(PIXE)技术对古代建窑‘供御’和‘进盏’款天目瓷的主量、痕量化学组份进行测定,应用模式识别方法将测量结果与古代吉州天目瓷、耀州天目瓷作比较。同时对建窑天目瓷胎和釉的均匀性进行了分析。为恢复和重现古代建窑天目瓷的各类产品奠定了基础  相似文献   

由轻工业部陶瓷研究所承担的“吉州窑木叶天目釉制备工艺的研究”和“曜变天目釉制备工艺的研究”项目,经过该所两年多的反复试验,终于研究成功,于85年10月7日至10日在吉州窑的故乡——江西吉安通过技术鉴定。鉴定会由国家轻工业部委托江西省轻工业厅主持,中央工艺美院叶喆民教  相似文献   

<正>敞口浅腹黑盏,静卧一片叶脉,看似突出,实则与盏底齐平。注入茶水,叶脉似小舟随茶汤飘荡,若沉若浮,幽玄清净。吉州窑木叶天目,果然"瓷中尤物"。在陶瓷界,提及江西,就会想到大名鼎鼎的景德镇。殊不知"江西窑器,唐在洪州,宋时出吉州""先有吉州,后有饶州(景德镇)"。千年以前,相比景德镇,吉州窑更为有名。而烧制吉州窑的吉安县永和镇,距离景德镇,不过400千米。只是,相比景德镇的热闹,永和镇却显得格外冷清。  相似文献   

吴瑞  吴隽  邓泽群  李家治  郭景坤 《中国陶瓷》2005,41(2):77-81,48
景德镇湖田窑窑址的南宋、元地层出土了类吉州窑、类建窑以及自具特色的黑釉瓷片。本文通过研究它们胎釉的化学组成,并与吉州窑和建窑黑釉瓷的胎釉化学组成进行对应分析,认为湖田窑宋、元时期也生产自己的黑釉瓷。其南宋、元堆积层出土的黑釉瓷中有吉州窑和建窑的产品,为当时各窑烧制工艺相互交流的佐证。湖田窑生产的部分黑釉瓷模仿了吉州窑的选料标准,应该是学习吸收吉州窑烧造黑釉瓷工艺的结果,这类黑釉瓷可能是南宋时期生产的。而另一部分黑釉瓷使用了质量较差的瓷土作为制胎原料,可能是元代时生产的。  相似文献   

在宋代的瓷窑中,吉州窑以烧制黑釉茶盏而闻名于世,黑釉茶盏的大量烧制与宋代斗茶的兴起密切相关。黑釉茶盏的装饰丰富多彩,有各种窑变釉装饰、剪纸贴花装饰、木叶纹装饰等,极富地方特色与民俗风情。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2021,47(23):32817-32827
Black glaze and brown glaze porcelains were an important part of ancient Chinese iron-based high temperature glazes. The excavation of black glaze and brown glaze porcelains from the Yuan and Ming dynasties at the Qingliang Temple kiln site in Baofeng, Henan, China, in 2014, enriched the firing history of this kiln site and history of Chinese ceramics. In this study, black glaze and brown glaze porcelain samples from the Qingliang Temple kiln site from the Yuan and Ming dynasties were selected and analysed via optical microscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy combined with EDS and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence to determine their microscopic morphology, microzone composition, microstructure and chemical composition. Moreover, the main wavelength range of the brown glaze porcelain samples were measured by UV–Vis–NIR spectrophotometer systems. The main conclusions of this study are as follows. The brown glaze porcelain from the Yuan and Ming dynasties at the Qingliang Temple kiln site has two different colour layers, with the surface is brown and the bottom is black. The presence of a glass phase and α-Fe2O3 phase in the black glaze porcelain samples, and a rare ε-Fe2O3 phase in the brown glaze porcelain samples. The brown colour was a result of ε-Fe2O3 precipitation, whilst the black base layer also enhanced the brown-colouring effect. Different glaze formulations were used for brown glazed porcelain, some of which were similar to those used for black glaze porcelain and derived from the transformation of black glaze porcelain through different firing atmospheres and cooling rates. Although the formula of the brown glaze porcelain samples exhibited differences, the main wavelength difference was not large, was within the 645–682 nm range and belonged to the visible red region.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(12):8636-8642
“Oil spot”, which is a famous decorating technique of black glazed porcelain in the Song Dynasty, is a representative handicraft of Jian bowls found in the Jian Kiln in southern China. An oil spot black glaze bowl was found in the Xiao Kiln in Anhui Province in a field investigation, which is the first time that this pattern of porcelain was found in this area. Various techniques were performed on this bowl and on another black glaze porcelain piece from the same archaeological layer, including optical microscopy, scan electron microscopy, XRF, Raman spectromicroscopy and XRD. The results show that its main chemical composition is similar to the black glazed porcelain from the Xiao kiln, and the chemical characteristics of the glaze are high Fe2O3 (5.14%) and CaO (7.26%) and low Al2O3 (11.85%) and the RO content is 0.83which is indicative of a calcium glaze and is close to the components of oil spot porcelains from Shanxi in northern China. The ferric oxide crystalline on the glaze surface indicates the phase transformation of γ-Fe2O3→ε-Fe2O3→α-Fe2O3 in the crystallization layer on the glaze surface and the anorthite crystalline at the junction between the body and the glaze. The vessel could be produced at a relatively high temperature in a specific oxidizing environment.  相似文献   

孙静 《陶瓷研究》2020,(1):116-117
釉下彩是瓷器釉彩装饰的一种,又称"窑彩"。釉下颜料本是陶瓷器的一种主要绘画颜料,但本文改变它惯有的装饰手法,与浮雕艺术瓷结合,高温一次烧成。烧成后的图案被一层透明的釉膜覆盖在下边,表面光亮柔和、平滑不凸出,还可再釉上加彩。在制作过程中,从装饰技法、工艺流程和技术上创新,替代大部分颜色釉的不稳定性和流动性等不良弊端,更好地呈现浮雕瓷的空间和艺术效果。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2019,45(10):12880-12887
Nanhai I shipwreck, a fully loaded merchant ship of the Southern Song Dynasty, once heading for the Southeast Asia, represents the prosperous international ceramic trades during that time. Recent excavation provides us with the great opportunity to investigate the export porcelain on this ship. Black Porcelain and green porcelain of Cizao kiln, white porcelain of Dehua kiln, bluish white porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln, celadon of Longquan kiln, and white porcelain of Minqing Yi kiln were analyzed chemically and morphologically by polarizing microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. The chemical and microstructural features of each kind of porcelain, evidently different from each other, are discussed in detail in this paper. Among them, the Dehua white porcelain and the Jingdezhen bluish white porcelain may represent the best manufacture techniques for their purest glazes and bodies. Also, anorthite crystals are common in the calcium glazes of the Longquan celadon and the Jingdezhen bluish white porcelain. The most interesting structure among the samples observed is the structure of crystals and MgFe rich phase separation in the black glaze of Cizao porcelain, which is also different from other black glazes studied in previous research.  相似文献   

陈国典 《江苏陶瓷》2011,44(3):3-5,8
吉州窑天目釉的独特性主要通过它独特的制作工艺体现出来,它是由不同化学组成及其不同制作工艺决定的,分别有玳瑁、虎皮、油滴等天日釉种,尤其是釉中着色剂和草木灰的化学组成独特,这在同一时期、同一高温釉种类中是很少见的.因此,吉州窑天目釉在传统上具有独一无二的工艺价值.  相似文献   

Mi-se porcelain provided a step change in the history of Chinese porcelain making and influenced kiln production of later generations as well as the aesthetic orientation of society. This work compares the microstructure of ordinary Yue celadon and Mi-se porcelain. The Mi-se porcelain glaze was found to be simpler and more uniform than ordinary Yue celadon, with only some bubbles existing in the glaze. Compared with ordinary Yue celadon, the residual quartz and pores in the Mi-se porcelain body were smaller. Mi-se porcelain production is more standardized than ordinary Yue celadon. The presence of calcium phosphate in the glaze indicates that grass wood ash was used in the Yue kiln. Our research confirms that Mi-se porcelain was not the best porcelain as selected from the Yue kiln products, but it is a type of celadon that was specially fired using fine raw material processing and certain firing techniques.  相似文献   

七十年代末发现的旬邑安仁古瓷窑,属耀州窑系的以烧制民间日用瓷为主的民窑。它丰富多彩的造型与纹饰为研究耀州窑系古瓷提供了新素材。研究结果表明旬邑窑黑釉与酱色釉也是一种析晶-分相釉,分相形成机理与著名建盏的金、灰、黄兔毫相似。  相似文献   

利用能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪,对广州沙边窑出土的窑具、青釉、酱釉瓷进行成分分析.结果显示,样品的胎都使用了含铝较高的原料,窑具中杂质较多,而瓷胎中还含有一定量的钾.瓷釉中的钙和钾含量相近,同为主要助熔剂,所以瓷釉多为钙碱釉.通过与西村窑同类型瓷器样品成分的比较,发现二者虽具有相似的制瓷工艺,但西村窑产品的胎、釉具有明显...  相似文献   

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