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研究了阈值阵列模型和超阈值随机共振现象.对该模型进行剖析,认为阈值阵列系统可以分解为单个阈值系统与集总平均器的级联.为了研究周期输入下的超阈值随机共振现象,理论分析了周期输入下的阈值阵列模型输出随机过程的统计特性,以输出信噪比增益作为随机共振的测度,固定输入信噪比,观测输出信噪比增益相对于阈值噪声方差的变化规律.证实当输入噪声为高斯噪声时,在阈值阵列系统中加入统计独立的高斯白噪声可使输出信噪比增益大于1,当输入噪声为非高斯噪声时,可获得更高的输出信噪比增益.  相似文献   

研究了外加周期信号作用下,相关高斯乘性和加性白噪声激励下周期势系统的随机共振.利用线性响应理论,计算了系统输出信号的功率谱密度、振幅、相位差.研究结果表明:当加性噪声强度和关联系数不变的情况下,通过调整乘性噪声强度可以出现随机共振;关联系数的正负以及大小对随机共振的影响较小.当乘性噪声强度较小时,输出信号的振幅和相位差曲线有一个单峰出现,即出现随机共振现象,能量从噪声向信号进行转化.随着噪声强度的增大,随机共振现象消失,噪声由增大系统的有序程度渐渐变为增大系统的无序程度.  相似文献   

针对冲击噪声背景下弱周期信号难以提取的问题,提出了以levy噪声作为背景噪声的级联随机共振方法。首先,在数值上分析了随机共振系统最佳参数区间与levy噪声参数的关系;其次,总结了系统输出的微弱信号频谱值跟随系统参数的变化规律;最后,利用级联系统对levy噪声背景下微弱信号的提取进行了研究。实验结果表明,随机共振参数的最佳区间不随噪声参数 α、β 的变化而变化;系统输出信号的频谱幅值会随噪声参数 α、β 的改变而改变,但浮动不大;在级联系统中,二级系统输出的待检测信号频谱值是一级系统的1.4倍。该系统对冲击环境中弱信号的提取具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

应用随机共振机制.通过噪声能量来加强语音信号,改善低信噪比语音的输出质量.对FitzHugh-Nagumo(FHN)神经元模型中存在的阈上非周期随机共振现象进行了分析,根据其阈值特性,此二维神经元模型可被等价为两状态的阈值跨越非线性动力学系统.因此对含噪语音信号添加噪声,产生阈值化后的二值输出,经迭代收敛进入阈上非周期随机共振状态.在一个非零添加噪声强度上,含噪语音输出的互相关系数将达到最大值.通过语音复原的结果表明,本文方法对噪声的变化有更好的鲁棒性,尤其在强背景噪声下,随机共振方法较其他传统方法有更佳的复原效果.  相似文献   

在对某些非线性动力学系统中,存在着随机共振现象,它不是通过消除噪声而是利用噪声来达到检测微弱信号的目的,随机共振是非线性动力系统中的普遍现象,它向人们展示了噪声在非线性体系中的积极作用.本文对纳米碳管气体放电气敏传感器中的随机共振现象进行了研究,利用纳米碳管电极作为气敏传感器阳极,在以空气为目标气体的传感器检测系统中观察到二重随机共振现象.提取放电周期脉冲信号,利用高斯白噪声调制放电周期脉冲信号,输出信噪比的仿真结果与实际观察到的二重随机共振现象一致.  相似文献   

基于FitzHugh-Nagumo可兴奋细胞耦合后形成的神经元网络模型,对生物神经系统的弱周期信号随机共振检测机制进行研究。以加和网络的双层FHN神经元模型为例,对周期随机共振现象分别进行研究,并应用信噪比、互信息率对比评价方法,结合输出神经元动作电位的发放频率和幅值,从多个角度进行了定量和定性的描述和比较。实验结果表明,双层FHN神经元网络的随机共振响应优于单神经元的FHN模型,且具有更好的稳定性,可以在一定的噪声强度范围内对输入信号进行有效地检测。  相似文献   

用同频色噪声驱动的双稳系统分离弱信号   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
设计了将线性滤波器与随机共振装置串联处理信号、噪声的装置.这一装置模拟了在周期信号与单色同频噪声作用下的随机共振系统.实验表明,这一设计十分有利于在强噪声弱信号输入下提高输出信噪比,是将弱信号从强噪声背景下分离出来的新的强有力的工具.对上述非线性系统产生随机共振的物理机制也进行了定性的说明.  相似文献   

讨论高斯混合噪声下多阈值系统中的随机共振现象.对于单峰噪声,当输入信号在阈上时,互信息随着噪声的增强单调递减,噪声总是不利于信息的传输;当信号在阈下时,互信息随着噪声的增强先递增然后再递减,适量的噪声能改善信息传输,随机共振现象存在.对于双峰噪声,信号在阈下或阈上,噪声有时能够改善信息的传输,随机共振和阈上随机共振存在.这些结果说明多阈值系统中噪声改善信息的传输依赖于噪声类型,拓广了随机共振和阈上随机共振在多元信息传输中的应用.  相似文献   

刘军 《传感技术学报》2006,19(3):854-857
研究了具有阈值特性的传感器阵列中的随机共振现象.使用相关系统数被来衡量输入随机信号和输出响应之间的非线性匹配程度.这一测度反映了输出与输入之间的信息转换率,因此可被用来考察阈值系统中的随机共振现象.文中从单个阈值单元模型出发,通过对输出信号进行估计,得出了噪声作用下输出随机变量与输入随机变量之间的相关系数.仿真结果表明在该类系统中,不但存在有阈值下的随机共振现象,而且也存在阈值上随机共振现象.  相似文献   

涡街流量计在工业现场使用时,输出信号中会叠加噪声信号。涡街信号容易被噪声淹没,使小流量测量受限。近年来,基于非线性理论的随机共振(SR)方法为微弱信号检测提供了新途径。非线性系统设计及参数确定是其成功应用的关键。提出了一种基于遗传算法的耦合随机共振系统优化控制方法。对耦合系数、控制系统参数以及变换尺度3个参数进行并行优化,提高了输出信号的功率谱幅值,增强了对微弱信号的检测能力。理论分析和数值仿真结果表明:该方法能够自适应地对不同频率周期信号进行处理,快速搜索到参数最优值。将该方法用于小流量涡街信号分析,能够在信号微弱、噪声强的情况下有效提取涡街信号的特征频率,并获取流量值。该研究成果适用于其他涉及强噪声中微弱信号检测领域,对拓宽随机共振应用范围、解决工程实际问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Noise can improve how memoryless neurons process signals and maximize their throughput information. Such favorable use of noise is the so-called "stochastic resonance" or SR effect at the level of threshold neurons and continuous neurons. This work presents theoretical and simulation evidence that 1) lone noisy threshold and continuous neurons exhibit the SR effect in terms of the mutual information between random input and output sequences, 2) a new statistically robust learning law can find this entropy-optimal noise level, and 3) the adaptive SR effect is robust against highly impulsive noise with infinite variance. Histograms estimate the relevant probability density functions at each learning iteration. A theorem shows that almost all noise probability density functions produce some SR effect in threshold neurons even if the noise is impulsive and has infinite variance. The optimal noise level in threshold neurons also behaves nonlinearly as the input signal amplitude increases. Simulations further show that the SR effect persists for several sigmoidal neurons and for Gaussian radial-basis-function neurons.  相似文献   

讨论一阶自回归模型中三种典型噪声改善信号的相关性问题。当输入信号在阈下或部分在阈下时,随着噪声强度的增加,输出信号与输入信号的相关系数先递增后递减,适量的噪声改善了信号的相关性,随机谐振现象存在。随着阈值的增加,随机谐振功效降低、最佳噪声值变大;随着噪声密度函数在零均值周边脉冲值变大和拖尾变厚,随机谐振功效也降低。存在一个噪声范围,其间输入信号与输出信号相关系数大于输入信号与噪声信号相关系数,一阶自回归模型中输出信号比噪声信号与输入信号更相关。这些结果说明在离散时间系统中噪声改善信号的相关性,随机谐振现象存在,且随机谐振对噪声具有鲁棒性。这些结果也拓广了随机谐振在数字信号处理中的应用。  相似文献   

讨论了极大并联阈值网络中噪声改善信号相关性问题。当输入噪声为单峰高斯噪声时,输入信号在阈下时噪声才能改善信号的相关性,即随机谐振现象存在。而当输入噪声为双峰高斯混合噪声时,不仅输入信号在阈下时随机谐振现象有时存在,而且输入信号在阈上时噪声往往也能改善信号的相关性,即阈上随机谐振现象存在。噪声改善信号相关性随着网络中单元数的调整而改善。这些结果进一步说明了随机谐振或阈上随机谐振对噪声分布的依赖性,同时也拓广了随机谐振或阈上随机谐振在数字信号处理方面的应用。  相似文献   

Cortical neurons in vivo undergo a continuous bombardment due to synaptic activity, which acts as a major source of noise. Here, we investigate the effects of the noise filtering by synapses with various levels of realism on integrate-and-fire neuron dynamics. The noise input is modeled by white (for instantaneous synapses) or colored (for synapses with a finite relaxation time) noise. Analytical results for the modulation of firing probability in response to an oscillatory input current are obtained by expanding a Fokker-Planck equation for small parameters of the problem - when both the amplitude of the modulation is small compared to the background firing rate and the synaptic time constant is small compared to the membrane time constant. We report here the detailed calculations showing that if a synaptic decay time constant is included in the synaptic current model, the firing-rate modulation of the neuron due to an oscillatory input remains finite in the high-frequency limit with no phase lag. In addition, we characterize the low-frequency behavior and the behavior of the high-frequency limit for intermediate decay times. We also characterize the effects of introducing a rise time to the synaptic currents and the presence of several synaptic receptors with different kinetics. In both cases, we determine, using numerical simulations, an effective decay time constant that describes the neuronal response completely.  相似文献   

Manwani A  Koch C 《Neural computation》1999,11(8):1831-1873
This is the second in a series of articles that seek to recast classical single-neuron biophysics in information-theoretical terms. Classical cable theory focuses on analyzing the voltage or current attenuation of a synaptic signal as it propagates from its dendritic input location to the spike initiation zone. On the other hand, we are interested in analyzing the amount of information lost about the signal in this process due to the presence of various noise sources distributed throughout the neuronal membrane. We use a stochastic version of the linear one-dimensional cable equation to derive closed-form expressions for the second-order moments of the fluctuations of the membrane potential associated with different membrane current noise sources: thermal noise, noise due to the random opening and closing of sodium and potassium channels, and noise due to the presence of "spontaneous" synaptic input. We consider two different scenarios. In the signal estimation paradigm, the time course of the membrane potential at a location on the cable is used to reconstruct the detailed time course of a random, band-limited current injected some distance away. Estimation performance is characterized in terms of the coding fraction and the mutual information. In the signal detection paradigm, the membrane potential is used to determine whether a distant synaptic event occurred within a given observation interval. In the light of our analytical results, we speculate that the length of weakly active apical dendrites might be limited by the information loss due to the accumulated noise between distal synaptic input sites and the soma and that the presence of dendritic nonlinearities probably serves to increase dendritic information transfer.  相似文献   

王友国  董洪程  刘健 《计算机应用》2016,36(8):2192-2196
针对数字通信系统中噪声影响码元传输的问题,为提高系统的可靠性,降低接收信号的误码率(BER),提出一种基于最佳匹配方法和并行阵列理论的随机共振(SR)系统。首先,利用并行阵列理论来增强单个双稳态系统的随机共振效果;其次,将最佳匹配随机共振微弱信号的检测方法运用到阵列系统中;最后,推导出最佳匹配阵列随机共振系统的信噪比(SNR)增益表达式,并分析阵列单元数对误码率的影响。理论分析和实验仿真表明,最佳匹配阵列随机共振系统相比单个随机共振系统在强噪声背景下对微弱数字信号的检测性能得到提升,系统输出信噪比增益显著大于1,误码率也得到明显降低;且随着阵列单元数增加,阵列系统的随机共振效果越好。实验结果表明,最佳匹配阵列随机共振系统在实际工程中能够有效提高数字通信系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

由于车内噪声的存在,使语音的检测率降低得非常明显,这给智能汽车的语音控制带来了困难。提出了一种基于HHT谱矩阵的检测方法。该方法通过分析HHT的特点,以及噪声、语音信号的幅度分布特点,以帧为单位对输入信号HHT的时、频、幅矩阵进行处理,构建幅值-时间曲线,通过对前端噪声段的估计,自动设定阈值对整个信号的语音段进行检测。实验结果表明,该方法在车内噪声较强的情况下仍能有效检测语音段。  相似文献   

Microcontrollers with embedded counters offer a simple, compact interface for quasi-digital sensors whose output period depends on the measurand. However, as opposed to bench-top universal counters, manufacturers of microcontrollers do not specify the uncertainty inherent to measurements performed with embedded time-counters.

This paper analyses the effects of input signal slew rate, signal-to-noise ratio and power supply noise on the uncertainty of periods measured with a PIC16F873 microcontroller. That uncertainty is evaluated by the standard deviation and histogram of the measured time periods. Two noise parameters have been considered: bandwidth (for Gaussian noise) or frequency (for sinusoidal interference), and intensity (rms amplitude).

Trigger uncertainty increases for slow signal slew rate, and it is slightly larger when Gaussian noise or sine wave interference are added to the input signal than when they are added to the power supply. Interference whose frequency is close (but not equal) to that of the input signal yields larger trigger uncertainty than interference whose frequency is apart from that of the input signal. Trigger uncertainty resulting from Gaussian noise of a given rms power increases for reduced noise bandwidth.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统由我国自主研发,其研制目的是为了在日益严峻的世界环境下巩固我国的军事实力。北斗射频接收芯片是北斗卫星导航系统中整个地面端设备的核心,因此,关于射频接收机芯片的研发工作具有十分重要且实际的意义。文中在基于窄带低噪声放大器理论的基础上,采用TSMC0.18μmCMOS工艺设计了一种应用于北斗通信系统中的低噪声放大器。放大器采用改进的单转双电路结构,并通过缓冲级电路对差分信号的幅度和相位偏差进行了有效的校正。实验结果表明该电路在2.45GHz-2.55GHz频带内输入回波损耗小于-28dB,噪声系数小于1.1dB,功率增益大于15dB,电压增益高于32dB。  相似文献   

设计并制作一套微弱信号检测装置,用以检测在强噪声背景下的频率500Hz~2kHz、幅度值20mV~2V的微弱正弦波信号的幅度值,并通过单片机显示出来该幅度值.当把微弱信号和噪声组成的混合信号输入由MAX262组成的可编程开关电容滤波器时,通过单片机控制该滤波器的中心频率和Q值,从而使该系统适合不同频率的信号输入.通过窄带滤波后可基本恢复原信号,把该信号经过检波和信号调理后输入A/D转换器进行采样,之后将其在LCD 1602上进行显示.  相似文献   

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