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Benthos of southern Green Bay, Lake Michigan have not been comprehensively examined since 1978. Since then, invasive species appeared, urbanization intensified, and restoration efforts were implemented, which likely altered the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Further, current benthos are subjected to dynamic factors including eutrophication, sedimentation, and periodic hypoxia. Understanding community responses to these anthropogenic stressors and natural habitat gradients is imperative to preserving biological integrity within Green Bay. Therefore, the objectives of this project were to describe the current macroinvertebrate community, examine changes since 1978, and assess the roles of productivity, substrate type, water depth, and hypoxia in structuring macroinvertebrate communities. Benthos were sampled at 197 stations, including 97 also sampled in 1978 by Markert (1982) and 100 that were added to increase spatial resolution. We collected 93 macroinvertebrate taxa in southern Green Bay with the community dominated by Chironomus and immature tubificid worms. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination distinguished present and historical communities. Although oligochaete worms and chironomids remained dominant over time, Chironomus abundance increased and characterized the present community, whereas benthos were historically more diverse. The magnitude of temporal change varied spatially among zones of Green Bay, with larger differences concentrated in the Middle Bay and the Inner Bay remaining comparable to 1978. Present-day assemblages were most associated with the trophic gradient driven by Green Bay’s southernmost tributary, the Fox River, but also differed with substrate type and had similar structures in areas subjected to frequent hypoxia. Routine monitoring should continue to track changes while accounting for spatial effects.  相似文献   

Developing an understanding of factors that influence the accumulation and magnification of heavy metals in fish of the Laurentian Great Lakes is central to managing ecosystem and human health. We measured muscle tissue concentrations of heavy metals in Lake Michigan prey fish that vary in habitat use, diet, and trophic position, including alewife, bloater, deepwater sculpin, round goby, rainbow smelt, and slimy sculpin. For each individual, we measured tissue concentrations of four metals (chromium [Cr], copper [Cu], manganese [Mn], and total mercury [THg]), stable isotope ratios for trophic position (δ15N and δ13C), and individual fish attributes (length, mass). Total mercury concentration was positively related to total length and δ15N. Of all species, round goby had among the greatest increases in mercury per unit growth and was most isotopically distinct from other species. Profundal species (bloater, deepwater sculpin, slimy sculpin) had similar high THg tissue concentrations, possibly due to slower growth due to cold temperatures, whereas other species (alewife, round goby, rainbow smelt) showed more variation in THg. In contrast, other metals (Cr, Cu, Mn) had either a negative or no relationship to total length and δ15N, suggesting no bioaccumulation or biomagnification. Potential incorporation of mercury by sportfish may thus be related to species, age, diet, trophic position, and habitat of prey fish. Our findings serve as a foundation for understanding how heavy metals accumulate in Lake Michigan food webs and highlight the continued need for management of metal input and cycling in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

We present water column thermal structure for two climatically different years: 2012, which experienced abnormally warm spring and summer air temperatures preceded by a relatively low ice winter and 2013, which experienced cooler than average spring and average summer air temperatures and preceded by average ice conditions. Mean bottom water temperatures for the season and during cold water intrusions were significantly warmer in 2012 than 2013 leading to a significantly reduced stratified season in 2012. Cold water intrusions were driven into southern Green Bay by southerly winds while intrusions were terminated when winds switched to persistent northerly winds. 2012 observed a significant increase in northerly winds relative to 2013, decreasing cold water intrusion presence and duration but winds did not fully explain the difference in thermal conditions for southern Green Bay. These cold bottom waters drive stratification in polymictic southern Green Bay while dimictic waters were found to have significantly warmer bottom temperatures during 2012 and a deeper mixed layer. Our observations suggest that relatively shallow (<20?m), seasonally stratified systems may not increase in stratification strength and duration under a warming climate; rather, changing wind climatology and surface heat flux can inform the degree to which the mixing regime can be expected to change and impact stratification and thermal structure of coastal systems. We discuss the biogeochemical implications of different thermal regimes, particularly within the context of multiple drivers of physical water column structure in eutrophic, stratified coastal systems.  相似文献   

Decisions about invasive species control and eradication can be difficult because of uncertainty in population demographics, movement ecology, and effectiveness of potential response actions. These decisions often include multiple stakeholders and management entities with potentially different objectives, management priorities, and jurisdictional authority. We provide a case study of using multi-party, collaborative decision analysis to aid decision makers in determining objectives and control actions for invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in Lake Erie. Creating this process required binational (Canada-United States) and multi-state/provincial collaboration to craft a shared problem statement, establish objectives related to ecological, economic, and social concerns, determine potential response actions, and evaluate consequences and tradeoffs of these actions. We used participatory modeling and expert elicitation to evaluate the effectiveness of control scenarios that varied in action type (i.e., removal efforts and spawning barriers) and the temporal and spatial application of these actions. Using a matrix population model parameterized for western Lake Erie grass carp, we found that removal efforts concentrated in areas of high catchability, when paired with a spawning barrier on the Sandusky River, Ohio, USA, could effectively control grass carp in Lake Erie, if all assumptions are met. We determined a set of key uncertainties regarding gear catchability and current population size that have led to the transition to an adaptive management process. In addition, our work formed the basis for grass carp management plans for the states of Michigan and Ohio and has provided a means for collaboration among agencies for effective application of control efforts.  相似文献   

A preliminary risk assessment was undertaken on the Kenyan part of Lake Victoria to identify the major causes of degradation of water quality. Urban, industrial and agricultural loads were quantified and related to geographical and climatic conditions. A few analyses of persistent contaminants were carried out on fish. Monthly limnological investigations were conducted together with river water quality analyses. Phosphorus loads and consequent eutrophication were identified as the major causes of water quality degradation.  相似文献   

以江苏常熟市南湖荡为例,对当地主要的农业面源、水产养殖面源、畜禽养殖面源、居民生活面源的污染物排放量及南湖荡水体的TN、TP允许纳污量进行估算,并对南湖荡水体的富营养化现状进行评价。结果表明:南湖荡的TN、TP排放量分别为113.8 t/a和18.3 t/a,水体的TN、TP允许纳污量分别为134.4 t/a和6.4 t/a。TN排放量已经十分接近水体TN允许纳污量的上限值,TP排放量已经远远超出水体TP允许纳污量。因此,南湖荡水质已经处在从Ⅲ类水向Ⅳ类水过渡阶段。依据计算得到的富营养化参数,可认为南湖荡处于中度富营养化状态。研究结果可为南湖荡的污染控制和管理提供依据,研究思路和方法可为同类湖泊治理与保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

To understand the temporal and spatial variability of thermal refuges, this study focused on modeling potential thermal refuge area (PTRA) at a sub-daily time-step in two tributary confluences of the Sainte-Marguerite River (Canada) during the summers of 2020 and 2021. Aquatic ectotherm species, such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), seek these refuges to avoid heat stress during high summer river temperatures. To investigate the temporal variability of these PTRA, we employed inverse weighted distance interpolation to delineate the hourly area available at both confluences. We then analyzed the impact of the atypical low flow conditions of summer 2021 on the diel cycle of PTRA extremes using the coefficient of variation and the generalized additive model (GAM). Finally, we used four supervised machine-learning regression models and three to five hydrometeorological predictors to estimate hourly PTRA availability: multivariate adaptive splines regression (MARS), GAM, support vector machine regression (SVM), and random forest regression (RF). The results showed that tree-based and kernel-based regression models, RF and SVM, outperformed GAM and MARS. RF had the highest accuracy at both sites, with a relative root mean square error and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (Nash) of 13% and 93%, respectively. Our study discovered that under warm conditions in August 2021, small perennial tributary inflows in combination with low mainstem discharge could create high and constant PTRA at confluences, potentially providing vital thermal refuges for cold-water taxa. These refuges may be especially important at the local level, within a specific stretch or section of the river. Given the decreasing availability of thermal refuges for salmonids, it is crucial to monitor stream temperatures at small spatial and temporal scales using data-driven techniques in order to understand stream temperature heterogeneity at tributary confluences.  相似文献   

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