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It was previously reported that sunflower wax (SW) had high potential as an organogelator for soybean oil–based margarine and spread products. In this study, 12 other vegetable oils were evaluated in a margarine formulation to test feasibility of utilization of SW as an alternative to solid fats in margarine and spread products containing these oils. The minimum quantity of SW required to form a gel with these oils ranged from 0.3% to 1.0% (wt.). Organogels were prepared from the vegetable oils with 3%, 5% and 7% SW and were tested for firmness as well as melting behaviors using differential scanning calorimetry. These organogels were also incorporated into a margarine formulation. All of the vegetable oil organogels produced relatively firm margarines. The margarines prepared from organogels containing 3% (wt.) SW had greater firmness than commercial spreads, whereas margarines made from 7% SW were softer than commercial stick margarines. However, dropping points of the margarine samples were higher than those of commercial spread and margarine products. Margarine firmness was modestly inversely correlated with the amount of polar compounds in the oils and did not correlate with fatty acid compositions. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using a number of healthy vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids to make healthy margarine and spread products by utilizing SW as an organogelator.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of cookies in which the conventional margarine is replaced with an organogel of vegetable oil (VO) and natural wax. New cookies from VO organogels contain no trans fats and much less saturated fats than cookies made with a conventional margarine. To understand the effects of different kinds of waxes, organogels were prepared from 4 different waxes including sunflower wax (SW), rice bran wax (RBW), beeswax, and candelilla wax and properties of cookie dough and cookie were evaluated. To investigate the effects of different VOs on the properties of cookies, 3 VOs including olive oil, soybean oil and flaxseed oil representing oils rich in oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2), and linolenic acid (18:3), respectively, were used. Both the wax and VO significantly affected properties of organogel such as firmness and melting behavior shown in differential scanning calorimetry. The highest firmness of organogel was observed with SW and flaxseed oil. Properties of dough such as hardness and melting behavior were also significantly affected by wax and VO while trends were somewhat different from those for organogels. SW and RBW provided greatest hardnesses to cookie dough. However, hardness, spread factor, and fracturability of cookie containing the wax–VO organogel were not significantly affected by different waxes and VOs. Several cookies made with wax–VO organogels showed similar properties to cookies made with a commercial margarine. Therefore, this study shows the high feasibility of utilization of the organogel technology in real foods such as cookies rich in unsaturated fats.  相似文献   

In this study, organogels of cod liver oil (CLO) with beeswax (BW) and carnauba wax (CW) were prepared, and compared with a commercial margarine (CM). Oil binding capacities (OBC) of BW organogels were over 99%, while CW had a maximum OBC value of 91.28%. Crystal formation time of BW was shorter. Although the highest solid fat content (SFC) was in the 10% CW containing sample (8.69%), it was 28.99% in the CM sample at 20 °C. The peak melting temperature of CM was 43.70 °C, and BW organogel at 3% addition had the closest values (45.42 °C). Firmness and stickiness values of the organogels were lower than that of CM sample. No significant change in the texture parameters during storage was detected, indicating good stability. There was no hurdle against oxidation by organogelation during storage. This study has shown that CLO organogels can be suitable spreadable products.  相似文献   

利用蜂蜡、米糠蜡及其混合物作为凝胶剂,开发大豆油基凝胶油,并将制备的凝胶油与起酥油的物理性质进行比较。通过对2 种添加量下(5%、8%)蜂蜡和米糠蜡(蜂蜡与米糠蜡质量比10∶0、9∶1、8∶2、7∶3、6∶4、5∶5、3∶7、1∶9、0∶10)制备凝胶油的性质测定,结果发现随着米糠蜡比例的增加,凝胶油的硬度(11.9~140.4 g)呈先增加后减小再略有增加的趋势,当蜂蜡与米糠蜡比例为8∶2时,凝胶油的硬度最大,表明蜂蜡和米糠蜡混合后有协同作用;同时析油率采用离心的方法评价,结果发现米糠蜡比例较低(蜂蜡∶米糠蜡>5∶5)时,凝胶油稳定,析油率为0%,且添加量8%条件下凝胶油的析油率低于普通起酥油。同时固体脂肪曲线、差示扫描量热法结果显示,在10~40 ℃条件下凝胶油的固体脂肪质量分数(8.5%~4%)显著低于起酥油(65%~20%);融化峰值温度(50.2 ℃)高于起酥油(43.1 ℃);X射线衍射结果显示8%蜂蜡-米糠蜡(8∶2)凝胶油样品的晶体形态(β’)与起酥油接近,都是细小的结晶。应用发现,蜂蜡与米糠蜡比例为8∶2,添加比例为8%的凝胶油具有较好的烘焙效果,使最终产品的固体脂肪含量大大降低,或许能为消费者拥有更健康的产品提供一条可行途径。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The possible plasticizing effect of beeswax (viscoelastic wax) and carnauba wax (elastic wax) on tensile and water vapor permeability properties of whey protein isolate (WPI) films was studied. For the experiments, 3 groups of films with different WPI:glycerol ratios (1:1; 1.5:1; 2:1, 2.5:1, and 3:1) were prepared. The 1st group was made without the addition of wax, and the latter 2 groups were made with the addition of beeswax and carnauba wax, respectively, mixing 1 part of wax to 1 part of WPI. Lipid particle size, water vapor permeability, tensile properties, and thickness of films were analyzed and measured. The results show that the incorporation of beeswax produced a plasticizing effect in WPI:glycerol films, whereas carnauba wax produced an anti-plasticizing effect. The moisture barrier properties of WPI:glycerol films benefit from the addition of beeswax, by both increase of the hydrophobic character and decrease of the amount of hydrophilic plasticizer required in the film.  相似文献   

In this study, hazelnut oil oleogels prepared with sunflower wax and carnauba wax were analyzed and compared with a commercial shortening. Oil binding capacities of sunflower wax oleogels were higher than 99%, while carnauba wax had a maximum value of 97.6% for 10% addition level. At 3% addition level of carnauba wax, no gel developed. The crystal formation time of sunflower wax was shorter. Although the highest (8.5%) solid fat content was observed in the 10% carnauba wax containing oleogel (HC10) sample, it was 30.4% in the commercial shortening sample at 20°C. The peak melting temperature of commercial shortening was 52.3°C, and among all organogels, sunflower wax oleogel at 3% addition level had the closest value (58.4°C). The melting enthalpies of the oleogels ranged from 4.3 to 20.3 J/g, while it was 10.9 J/g for the commercial shortening sample. The firmness and stickiness values in the oleogel samples were lower than that of commercial shortening sample. On the other hand, there was no significant change of firmness and stickiness during storage, indicating good stability (p ≤ 0.001). Especially the sunflower wax oleogels were very homogenous and smooth in structure. The polarized light microscopy pictures revealed needle-like crystals for sunflower wax and aggregate-like crystals for carnauba wax oleogels. The x-ray diffraction measurements of the crystals showed the β´ types of the polymorphic structures. Furthermore, the oleogels were very stable against oxidation during the storage period. Hazelnut oil organogels prepared with sunflower wax can be good source material for shortening or margarine-like products.  相似文献   

利用硅胶固相萃取柱净化,四氯化碳洗脱,从橄榄油中分离出蜡质组分,内标法定量,气相色谱测定蜡含量,气相色谱-质谱联用分析蜡质组成。结果表明,加标回收率为79.95%~94.03%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.85%~1.70%。GC-MS分析得出蜡质主要成分为长碳链脂肪酸和长碳链脂肪醇组成的长碳链脂肪族蜡质,相同碳数及饱和程度的蜡质有多种组成,单不饱和蜡质主要由棕榈油酸(C16∶1)、油酸(C18∶1)与相应的长碳链脂肪醇(C20~C32)组成,含量高于饱和蜡质。  相似文献   

惠伯棣  宫平 《食品科学》2015,36(16):220-223
检测我国新疆(样品Ⅰ)和内蒙古(样品Ⅱ)地区油葵舌状花样品中的全反式叶黄素含量,以评价其作为叶黄素新资源的可能性,并为提高当地油葵产业的经济附加值提供相对含量测定的依据。结果表明:样品Ⅰ和Ⅱ全反式叶黄素含量(以样品干质量计算)分别为1.5‰和0.8‰。该油葵舌状花中的叶黄素可考虑作为叶黄素潜在的新资源。  相似文献   

为实现利用低场核磁共振(LF-NMR)技术快速检测葵花籽油过氧化值是否超标,收集了乐惠(LH)、金龙鱼(JLY)、福临门(FLM)、日清(RQ)、海狮(HS)、葵王(KW)、多力(DL)和融氏(RS)8品牌,共计162个不同氧化程度的葵花籽油LF-NMR弛豫特性(T21、S21、T22、S22、T23、S23、T2W),其中过氧化值超标样品数为74,并结合判别分析建立了葵花籽油过氧化值是否超标的定性判别模型。结果表明,葵花籽油LF-NMR弛豫信号随氧化时间变化存在一定的规律性,借助于判别分析进一步提取有效信息,发现模型总体判别准确率可达85.8%,其中RQ和RS葵花籽油判别准确率均达到90%以上,除HS仅为77.27%外,其余品牌判别准确率均在80%以上,判别效果良好。说明可以利用葵花籽油的LF-NMR弛豫特性对其过氧化值进行快速有效的定性分析,省时省力,具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

论文应用1H-NMR研究了葵花籽油65℃贮藏过程中氧化产物(共轭烯、醛类、氧化物、芳香烃、游离酸相对含量)的变化规律,并与低场核磁共振(LF-NMR)弛豫特性中的S21的变化进行了相关性分析。1H-NMR结果表明,在65℃贮藏过程中,油样的初级氧化产物随贮藏时间的延长呈先增加后减小的趋势,与氢过氧化物相比,氢过氧化物-共轭二烯优先降解;次级氧化产物及水解产物如醛、环氧化物、游离脂肪酸等随贮藏时间呈良好指数关系(R20.96),芳香烃则随贮藏时间呈先增加后减小的趋势。而LF-NMR检测所得到的油样的S21随贮藏时间延长呈良好的指数增加趋势(R2=0.99)。相关性分析表明,氧化物、游离脂肪酸与S21的相关性最高,模型验证合理可靠。该结果可为研究S21特征峰的表征物质、提高LF-NMR油脂品质判别率提供研究参考及有益思路。  相似文献   

Abstract: The glass transition temperature of model food systems prepared with several glucose/fructose/sucrose mass fractions was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A distance‐based experimental design for mixtures of 3 components was used to establish the proportion of sugars of the model systems. Thus, 32 compositions including individual sugars and sugar mixtures, both binary and ternary were prepared and analyzed. Thermograms showing the complete process of heating–cooling–reheating were used to determine the precise glass transition temperature during cooling () or reheating () in amorphous sugars. The Scheffe cubic model was applied to experimental results to determine the influence of sugar composition on the glass transition temperature (P < 0.05). The final model proved to be appropriate (R2 > 0.97, CV < 9%, model significance <0.0001) to predict the Tg values of any dry mixture of amorphous fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Practical Application: The experimental values of Tg and the mathematical model proposed in this work may be of great use for making available Tg data that involves the mixture of more than 2 sugars and thus could be used as a tool for predicting the storage stability and quality of dehydrated products such as fruit powders.  相似文献   

The chemical, physicochemical and rheological characteristics of Oxalis tuberosa starch were investigated. Oxalis starch presented an apparent amylose content of 33%, similar to maize starch used as control, with a granule size between 25–50 μm with oval and elliptical shapes and A‐type X‐ray diffraction pattern. The gelatinization temperature of oxalis starch was 64.0°C, that was lower than the one determined in maize starch (73.0°C), with an enthalpy value of 12.2 J/g, which was similar to that of maize starch. Both oxalis and maize starch pastes behaved as weak viscoelastic systems with the elastic character (G′) predominating over the viscous character (G′′). An increase in the level of solids in the pastes increased the values of the moduli. The results suggest that heating the systems (gelatinization), causes a more pronounced enhancement in the structure of the maize starch pastes than in that of oxalis starch pastes. Overall, it was concluded that due to its physicochemical, functional and rheological properties, Oxalis starch could be suitable for testing its use in the cosmetic and in the food industry.  相似文献   

Waxy wheats possess unique starch functional properties that may be useful in specific end‐uses. To assess the physicochemical, thermal, and pasting properties, starches from seven waxy genotypes originating from two wheat classes, tetraploid durum and hexaploid hard red spring (HRS), were evaluated and compared with their counterpart non‐waxy wild types. The amylose content ranged from 2.3% to 2.6% in waxy durum lines, compared to 29.2% in normal durum control, and 2.1% to 2.4% in waxy HRS, compared with 26.0% in normal HRS control. Significant differences in the degree of crystallinity were observed between the waxy and control starches, despite similar A‐type X‐ray patterns, although differences between the two wheat classes were non‐significant. Both, control and waxy starches displayed an X‐ray peak corresponding to the amylose‐lipid complex, but the intensity of the peak was markedly lower in the waxy starches. The waxy durum starches exhibited the highest transition temperatures as measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), whereas, the enthalpy of gelatinization of most waxy genotypes was statistically higher than that of the controls. All waxy starches displayed high peak viscosity, high breakdown, and low setback profile as measured by the Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). Texture analysis of RVA gels revealed significant differences between waxy and non‐waxy wheats, as well as between waxy tetraploid and hexaploid wheats, confirming that the nature and class of wheat starch would play a significant role when using waxy wheat blends in different wheat‐based products.  相似文献   

Sago starch was modified by osmotic‐pressure treatment (OPT) and heat‐moisture treatment (HMT) and physicochemical characteristics were compared. In OPT, sago starch was suspended in saturated sodium sulfate solution and heated for 1 h at 100, 110 and 120°C, corresponding to a calculated osmotic pressure of 32,728, 33,640 and 34,552 kPa (assuming sodium sulfate dissociates completely), respectively, and in HMT, sago starch with 20% moisture content was used. Change of X‐ray diffraction pattern from C‐type to A‐type was obtained for OPT and HMT starch at 110°C and 120 °C, respectively. RVA viscograms of both OPT and HMT starch exhibited a decrease of peak and breakdown viscosity but increase of final viscosity and pasting temperature. Onset (To), peak (Tp), and conclusion temperature (Tc) of gelatinization of both OPT and HMT starch increased significantly with increase of treatment temperature. Biphasic broadening of Tp was observed for HMT starch indicating an inhomogeneous heat transfer during HMT. The observed narrow peaks of DSC curves indicated better homogeneity of OPT. These properties suggest that OPT starch is more suitable for large‐scale production.  相似文献   

The chemical changes of three types of cheese, yoghurt and kefir were evaluated during storage in packages containing TiO2 with two different compositions of the mixed anatase–rutile phase. The influence of TiO2 packaging during storage on titratable acidity and fat content and on the external aspect was investigated. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses were performed to establish whether the TiO2 penetrated the food during storage. The results showed that the TiO2 nanoparticles deposited on polyethylene surface significantly decreased acidity and fat content of the investigated cheese and yoghurt types. During storage in TiO2 nanopackages, the change in chemical parameters is accentuated as the content of rutile grows from 2.8% to 6.9%. The sensory evaluation revealed that the dairy products stored for 11 days in TiO2 nanopackages present similar colour, texture and flavour with that of the references; the samples stored in polyethylene film were found to be unacceptable.  相似文献   

Chemical and physical properties of starch granules isolated from five grain tef (Eragrostis tef) varieties were characterised and compared with those of maize starch. Endogenous starch lipids extracted with hot water‐saturated n‐butanol and total starch lipids extracted with n‐hexane after HCl hydrolysis were 7.8 mg/g (mean) and 8.9 mg/g (mean), respectively, slightly lower than in the maize starch granules. The starch phosphorus content (0.65 mg/g) was higher than that of maize starch but virtually the same as reported for rice starch. The starch granule‐swelling factor was lower than that of maize starch and extent of amylose leaching was higher. The starch X‐ray diffraction pattern was characteristic of A type starch with a mean crystallinity of 37%, apparently lower than the crystallinity of maize starch and more similar to that reported for rice and sorghum starches. The starch DSC gelatinisation temperature was high, like for other tropical cereals; To, Tp, Tc and ΔH were in the range 63.8—65.4, 70.2—71.3, 81.3—81.5 °C and 2.28—7.22 J/g, respectively. The lower swelling, apparently lower percentage crystallinity and lower DSC gelatinisation endotherms than maize starch suggest that the proportion of long amylopectin A chains in tef starch is smaller than in maize starch.  相似文献   

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