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Segmenting three dimensional objects using properties of heat diffusion on meshes aim to produce salient results. The few existing algorithms based on heat diffusion do not use the full knowledge that can be gained from heat diffusion and are sensitive to varying kinds of perturbations. Our simple algorithm, Heat Walk, converts the implicit information in the heat kernel to explicit knowledge about the pathways for maximum heat flow capacity. We develop a two stage strategy for segmentation. In the first stage we quickly identify regions which are dominated by heat accumulators by employing a greedy algorithm. The second stage partitions out dissipative regions from the previously discovered accumulative regions by using a KL‐divergence based criterion. The resulting algorithm is both independent of human intervention and fast because of the globally aware directed walk along the maximal heat flow capacity. Extensive experimental evidence shows the method is robust to a variety of noise factors including topological short circuits, surface holes, pose variations, variations in tessellation, missing features, scaling, as well as normal and shot noise. Comparison with the Princeton Segmentation Benchmark (PSB) shows that our method is comparable with state of the art segmentation methods and has additional advantages of being robust and self contained. Based upon theoretical insight the convergence and stability of the Heat Walk is shown.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel approach for the reconstruction of animated meshes from a series of time‐deforming point clouds. Given a set of unordered point clouds that have been captured by a fast 3‐D scanner, our algorithm is able to compute coherent meshes which approximate the input data at arbitrary time instances. Our method is based on the computation of an implicit function in ?4 that approximates the time‐space surface of the time‐varying point cloud. We then use the four‐dimensional implicit function to reconstruct a polygonal model for the first time‐step. By sliding this template mesh along the time‐space surface in an as‐rigid‐as‐possible manner, we obtain reconstructions for further time‐steps which have the same connectivity as the previously extracted mesh while recovering rigid motion exactly. The resulting animated meshes allow accurate motion tracking of arbitrary points and are well suited for animation compression. We demonstrate the qualities of the proposed method by applying it to several data sets acquired by real‐time 3‐D scanners.  相似文献   

We present a sparse optimization framework for extracting sparse shape priors from a collection of 3D models. Shape priors are defined as point‐set neighborhoods sampled from shape surfaces which convey important information encompassing normals and local shape characterization. A 3D shape model can be considered to be formed with a set of 3D local shape priors, while most of them are likely to have similar geometry. Our key observation is that the local priors extracted from a family of 3D shapes lie in a very low‐dimensional manifold. Consequently, a compact and informative subset of priors can be learned to efficiently encode all shapes of the same family. A comprehensive library of local shape priors is first built with the given collection of 3D models of the same family. We then formulate a global, sparse optimization problem which enforces selecting representative priors while minimizing the reconstruction error. To solve the optimization problem, we design an efficient solver based on the Augmented Lagrangian Multipliers method (ALM). Extensive experiments exhibit the power of our data‐driven sparse priors in elegantly solving several high‐level shape analysis applications and geometry processing tasks, such as shape retrieval, style analysis and symmetry detection.  相似文献   

We propose a connectivity editing framework for quad‐dominant meshes. In our framework, the user can edit the mesh connectivity to control the location, type, and number of irregular vertices (with more or fewer than four neighbors) and irregular faces (non‐quads). We provide a theoretical analysis of the problem, discuss what edits are possible and impossible, and describe how to implement an editing framework that realizes all possible editing operations. In the results, we show example edits and illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of different strategies for quad‐dominant mesh design.  相似文献   

Data sets coming from simulations or sampling of real‐world phenomena often contain noise that hinders their processing and analysis. Automatic filtering and denoising can be challenging: when the nature of the noise is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between noise and actual data features; in addition, the filtering process itself may introduce “artificial” features into the data set that were not originally present. In this paper, we propose a smoothing method for 2D scalar fields that gives the user explicit control over the data features. We define features as critical points of the given scalar function, and the topological structure they induce (i.e., the Morse‐Smale complex). Feature significance is rated according to topological persistence. Our method allows filtering out spurious features that arise due to noise by means of topological simplification, providing the user with a simple interface that defines the significance threshold, coupled with immediate visual feedback of the remaining data features. In contrast to previous work, our smoothing method guarantees a C1‐continuous output scalar field with the exact specified features and topological structures.  相似文献   

Given a 3D solid model S represented by a tetrahedral mesh, we describe a novel algorithm to compute a hierarchy of convex polyhedra that tightly enclose S. The hierarchy can be browsed at interactive speed on a modern PC and it is useful for implementing an intuitive feature selection paradigm for 3D editing environments. Convex parts often coincide with perceptually relevant shape components and, for their identification, existing methods rely on the boundary surface only. In contrast, we show that the notion of part concavity can be expressed and implemented more intuitively and efficiently by exploiting a tetrahedrization of the shape volume. The method proposed is completely automatic, and generates a tree of convex polyhedra in which the root is the convex hull of the whole shape, and the leaves are the tetrahedra of the input mesh. The algorithm proceeds bottom‐up by hierarchically clustering tetrahedra into nearly convex aggregations, and the whole process is significantly fast. We prove that, in the average case, for a mesh of n tetrahedra O(n log2 n) operations are sufficient to compute the whole tree.  相似文献   

Widely used for morphing between objects with arbitrary topology, distance field interpolation (DFI) handles topological transition naturally without the need for correspondence or remeshing, unlike surface‐based interpolation approaches. However, lack of correspondence in DFI also leads to ineffective control over the morphing process. In particular, unless the user specifies a dense set of landmarks, it is not even possible to measure the distortion of intermediate shapes during interpolation, let alone control it. To remedy such issues, we introduce an approach for establishing correspondence between the interior of two arbitrary objects, formulated as an optimal mass transport problem with a sparse set of landmarks. This correspondence enables us to compute non‐rigid warping functions that better align the source and target objects as well as to incorporate local rigidity constraints to perform as‐rigid‐aspossible DFI. We demonstrate how our approach helps achieve flexible morphing results with a small number of landmarks.  相似文献   

We introduce a unified optimization framework for geometry processing based on shape constraints. These constraints preserve or prescribe the shape of subsets of the points of a geometric data set, such as polygons, one‐ring cells, volume elements, or feature curves. Our method is based on two key concepts: a shape proximity function and shape projection operators. The proximity function encodes the distance of a desired least‐squares fitted elementary target shape to the corresponding vertices of the 3D model. Projection operators are employed to minimize the proximity function by relocating vertices in a minimal way to match the imposed shape constraints. We demonstrate that this approach leads to a simple, robust, and efficient algorithm that allows implementing a variety of geometry processing applications, simply by combining suitable projection operators. We show examples for computing planar and circular meshes, shape space exploration, mesh quality improvement, shape‐preserving deformation, and conformal parametrization. Our optimization framework provides a systematic way of building new solvers for geometry processing and produces similar or better results than state‐of‐the‐art methods.  相似文献   

While animation using barycentric coordinates or other automatic weight assignment methods has become a popular method for shape deformation, the global nature of the weights limits their use for real‐time applications. We present a method that reduces the number of control points influencing a vertex to a user‐specified number such that the deformations created by the reduced weight set resemble that of the original deformation. To do so we show how to set up a Poisson minimization problem to solve for a reduced weight set and illustrate its advantages over other weight reduction methods. Not only does weight reduction lower the amount of storage space necessary to deform these models but also allows GPU acceleration of the resulting deformations. Our experiments show that we can achieve a factor of 100 increase in speed over CPU deformations using the full weight set, which makes real‐time deformations of large models possible.  相似文献   

We present a novel hierarchical grid based method for fast collision detection (CD) for deformable models on GPU architecture. A two‐level grid is employed to accommodate the non‐uniform distribution of practical scene geometry. A bottom‐to‐top method is implemented to assign the triangles into the hierarchical grid without any iteration while a deferred scheme is introduced to efficiently update the data structure. To address the issue of load balancing, which greatly influences the performance in SIMD parallelism, a propagation scheme which utilizes a parallel scan and a segmented scan is presented, distributing workloads evenly across all concurrent threads. The proposed method supports both discrete collision detection (DCD) and continuous collision detection (CCD) with self‐collision. Some typical benchmarks are tested to verify the effectiveness of our method. The results highlight our speedups over prior algorithms on different commodity GPUs.  相似文献   

Visual fidelity and interactivity are the main goals in Computer Graphics research, but recently also audio is assuming an important role. Binaural rendering can provide extremely pleasing and realistic three‐dimensional sound, but to achieve best results it's necessary either to measure or to estimate individual Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF). This function is strictly related to the peculiar features of ears and face of the listener. Recent sound scattering simulation techniques can calculate HRTF starting from an accurate 3D model of a human head. Hence, the use of binaural rendering on large scale (i.e. video games, entertainment) could depend on the possibility to produce a sufficiently accurate 3D model of a human head, starting from the smallest possible input. In this paper we present a completely automatic system, which produces a 3D model of a head starting from simple input data (five photos and some key‐points indicated by user). The geometry is generated by extracting information from images and accordingly deforming a 3D dummy to reproduce user head features. The system proves to be fast, automatic, robust and reliable: geometric validation and preliminary assessments show that it can be accurate enough for HRTF calculation.  相似文献   

We present a part‐type segmentation method for articulated voxel‐shapes based on curve skeletons. Shapes are considered to consist of several simpler, intersecting shapes. Our method is based on the junction rule: the observation that two intersecting shapes generate an additional junction in their joined curve‐skeleton near the place of intersection. For each curve‐skeleton point, we construct a piecewise‐geodesic loop on the shape surface. Starting from the junctions, we search along the curve skeleton for points whose associated loops make for suitable part cuts. The segmentations are robust to noise and discretization artifacts, because the curve skeletonization incorporates a single user‐parameter to filter spurious curve‐skeleton branches. Furthermore, segment borders are smooth and minimally twisting by construction. We demonstrate our method on several real‐world examples and compare it to existing part‐type segmentation methods.  相似文献   

Recently, automatic 3D caricature generation has attracted much attention from both the research community and the game industry. Machine learning has been proven effective in the automatic generation of caricatures. However, the lack of 3D caricature samples makes it challenging to train a good model. This paper addresses this problem by two steps. First, the training set is enlarged by reconstructing 3D caricatures. We reconstruct 3D caricatures based on some 2D caricature samples with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)‐based method. Secondly, between the 2D real faces and the enlarged 3D caricatures, a regressive model is learnt by the semi‐supervised manifold regularization (MR) method. We then predict 3D caricatures for 2D real faces with the learnt model. The experiments show that our novel approach synthesizes the 3D caricature more effectively than traditional methods. Moreover, our system has been applied successfully in a massive multi‐user educational game to provide human‐like avatars.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method for deformable 3D shape registration is proposed. The algorithm computes shape transitions based on local similarity transforms which allows to model not only as‐rigid‐as‐possible deformations but also local and global scale. We formulate an ordinary differential equation (ODE) which describes the transition of a source shape towards a target shape. We assume that both shapes are roughly pre‐aligned (e.g., frames of a motion sequence). The ODE consists of two terms. The first one causes the deformation by pulling the source shape points towards corresponding points on the target shape. Initial correspondences are estimated by closest‐point search and then refined by an efficient smoothing scheme. The second term regularizes the deformation by drawing the points towards locally defined rest positions. These are given by the optimal similarity transform which matches the initial (undeformed) neighborhood of a source point to its current (deformed) neighborhood. The proposed ODE allows for a very efficient explicit numerical integration. This avoids the repeated solution of large linear systems usually done when solving the registration problem within general‐purpose non‐linear optimization frameworks. We experimentally validate the proposed method on a variety of real data and perform a comparison with several state‐of‐the‐art approaches.  相似文献   

Although considerable attention in recent years has been given to the problem of symmetry detection in general shapes, few methods have been developed that aim to detect and quantify the intrinsic symmetry of a shape rather than its extrinsic, or pose‐dependent symmetry. In this paper, we present a novel approach for efficiently computing symmetries of a shape which are invariant up to isometry preserving transformations. We show that the intrinsic symmetries of a shape are transformed into the Euclidean symmetries in the signature space defined by the eigenfunctions of the Laplace‐Beltrami operator. Based on this observation, we devise an algorithm which detects and computes the isometric mappings from the shape onto itself. We show that our approach is both computationally efficient and robust with respect to small non‐isometric deformations, even if they include topological changes.  相似文献   

We propose a novel method to synthesize geometric models from a given class of context‐aware structured shapes such as buildings and other man‐made objects. The central idea is to leverage powerful machine learning methods from the area of natural language processing for this task. To this end, we propose a technique that maps shapes to strings and vice versa, through an intermediate shape graph representation. We then convert procedurally generated shape repositories into text databases that, in turn, can be used to train a variational autoencoder. The autoencoder enables higher level shape manipulation and synthesis like, for example, interpolation and sampling via its continuous latent space. We provide project code and pre‐trained models.  相似文献   

Functions that optimize Laplacian‐based energies have become popular in geometry processing, e.g. for shape deformation, smoothing, multiscale kernel construction and interpolation. Minimizers of Dirichlet energies, or solutions of Laplace equations, are harmonic functions that enjoy the maximum principle, ensuring no spurious local extrema in the interior of the solved domain occur. However, these functions are only C0 at the constrained points, which often causes smoothness problems. For this reason, many applications optimize higher‐order Laplacian energies such as biharmonic or triharmonic. Their minimizers exhibit increasing orders of continuity but lose the maximum principle and show oscillations. In this work, we identify characteristic artifacts caused by spurious local extrema, and provide a framework for minimizing quadratic energies on manifolds while constraining the solution to obey the maximum principle in the solved region. Our framework allows the user to specify locations and values of desired local maxima and minima, while preventing any other local extrema. We demonstrate our method on the smoothness energies corresponding to popular polyharmonic functions and show its usefulness for fast handle‐based shape deformation, controllable color diffusion, and topologically‐constrained data smoothing.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised algorithm for aligning a pair of shapes in the presence of significant articulated motion and missing data, while assuming no knowledge of a template, user‐placed markers, segmentation, or the skeletal structure of the shape. We explicitly sample the motion, which gives a priori the set of possible rigid transformations between parts of the shapes. This transforms the problem into a discrete labeling problem, where the goal is to find an optimal assignment of transformations for aligning the shapes. We then apply graph cuts to optimize a novel cost function, which encodes a preference for a consistent motion assignment from both source to target and target to source. We demonstrate the robustness of our method by aligning several synthetic and real‐world datasets.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the reconstruction of 2‐dimensional geometric shapes from unorganized 1‐dimensional cross‐sections. We study the problem in its full generality following the approach of Boissonnat and Memari [ [BM07] ] for the analogous 3D problem. We propose a new variant of this method and provide sampling conditions to guarantee that the output of the algorithm has the same topology as the original object and is close to it (for the Hausdorff distance).  相似文献   

Updating a Delaunay triangulation when data points are slightly moved is the bottleneck of computation time in variational methods for mesh generation and remeshing. Utilizing the connectivity coherence between two consecutive Delaunay triangulations for computation speedup is the key to solving this problem. Our contribution is an effective filtering technique that confirms most bi‐cells whose Delaunay connectivities remain unchanged after the points are perturbed. Based on bi‐cell flipping, we present an efficient algorithm for updating two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional Delaunay triangulations of dynamic point sets. Experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms previous methods.  相似文献   

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