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In this paper, we investigate the adaptation of the greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) and variable neighborhood descent (VND) methodologies to the capacitated dispersion problem. Dispersion and diversity problems arise in the placement of undesirable facilities, workforce management, and social media, among others. Maximizing diversity deals with selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the distance among the selected elements is maximized. We target here a realistic variant with capacity constraints for which a heuristic with a performance guarantee was previously introduced. In particular, we propose a hybridization of GRASP and VND implementing within the strategic oscillation framework. To evaluate the performance of our heuristic, we perform extensive experimentation to first set key search parameters, and then compare the final method with the previous heuristic. Additionally, we propose a mathematical model to obtain optimal solutions for small‐sized instances, and compare our solutions with the well‐known LocalSolver software.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a discrete location problem, which we call the Single Source Modular Capacitated Location Problem (SS-MCLP). The problem consists of finding the location and capacity of the facilities, to serve a set of customers at a minimum total cost. The demand of each customer must be satisfied by one facility only and the capacities of the open facilities must be chosen from a finite and discrete set of allowable capacities. Because the SS-MCLP is a difficult problem, a lagrangean heuristic, enhanced by tabu search or local search was developed in order to obtain good feasible solutions. When needed, the lower bounds are used in order to evaluate the quality of the feasible solutions. Our method was tested computationally on randomly generated test problems some of which are with large dimensions considering the literature related to this type of problem. The computational results obtained were compared with those provided by the commercial software Cplex.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider a capacitated multiple allocation hub location problem with hose demand uncertainty. Since the routing cost is a function of demand and capacity constraints are imposed on hubs, demand uncertainty has an impact on both the total cost and the feasibility of the solutions. We present a mathematical formulation of the problem and devise two different Benders decomposition algorithms. We develop an algorithm to solve the dual subproblem using complementary slackness. In our computational experiments, we test the efficiency of our approaches and we analyze the effects of uncertainty. The results show that we obtain robust solutions with significant cost savings by incorporating uncertainty into our problem.  相似文献   

Solving the hub location problem with modular link capacities   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper deals with a capacitated hub location problem arising in the design of telecommunications networks. The problem is different from the classical hub location problem in two ways: the cost of using an edge is not linear but stepwise and the capacity of a hub restricts the amount of traffic transiting through the hub rather than the incoming traffic. In this paper both an exact and a heuristic method are presented. They are compared and combined in a heuristic concentration approach to investigate whether it is possible to improve the results within limited computational times.  相似文献   

The Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP) involves the routing of vehicles to service a set of arcs in a network. This NP-hard problem is extended to a multiperiod horizon, giving a new tactical problem called the Periodic CARP (PCARP). This problem actually occurs in municipal waste collection. Its objective is to assign arcs to periods and to compute the trips in each period, to minimize an overall cost on the horizon. An integer linear program, two insertion heuristics and a two-phase heuristic are developed. These very first algorithms for the PCARP are evaluated on PCARP instances derived from standard CARP benchmarks from literature: the insertion heuristics are very fast but the two-phase method yields better solution costs.  相似文献   

A key feature of hub-and-spoke networks is the consolidation of flows at hub facilities. The bundling of flows allows reduction in the transportation costs, which is frequently modeled using a constant discount factor that is applied to the flow cost associated with all interhub links. In this paper, we study the modular hub location problem, which explicitly models the flow-dependent transportation costs using modular arc costs. It neither assumes a full interconnection between hub nodes nor a particular topological structure, instead it considers link activation decisions as part of the design. We propose a branch-and-bound algorithm that uses a Lagrangean relaxation to obtain lower and upper bounds at the nodes of the enumeration tree. Numerical results are reported for benchmark instances with up to 75 nodes.  相似文献   

The Single Source Capacitated Multi-facility Weber Problem (SSCMWP) is concerned with locating I capacitated facilities in the plane to satisfy the demand of J customers with the minimum total transportation cost of a single commodity such that each customer satisfies all its demand from exactly one facility. The SSCMWP is a non-convex optimization problem and difficult to solve. In the SSCMWP, customer locations, customer demands and facility capacities are known a priori. The transportation costs are proportional to the distance between customers and facilities. We consider both the Euclidean and rectilinear distance cases of the SSCMWP. We first present an Alternate Location and Allocation type heuristic and its extension by embedding a Very Large Scale Neighborhood search procedure. Then we apply a Discrete Approximation approach and propose both lower and upper bounding procedures for the SSCWMP using a Lagrangean Relaxation scheme. The proposed heuristics are compared with the solution approaches from the literature. According to extensive computational experiments on standard and randomly generated test sets, we can say that they yield promising performance.  相似文献   

This work deals with a multi-period capacitated location problem inspired by telecommunication access network planning problems, where demands and costs vary from one period to another. On each concentrator site, several capacitated concentrators can be installed at each period. Similarly, several capacitated modules can be installed at each period between each terminal and concentrator sites. We assume that equipments can never be removed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and lost sales. Because of lost sales, demands can be partially or totally lost. To find a good lower bound, we use a Lagrangian relaxation of the capacity constraints, when single-item uncapacitated lot-sizing problems with lost sales have to be solved. Each subproblem is solved using an adaptation of the O(T2)O(T2) dynamic programming algorithm of Aksen et al. [5]. To find feasible solutions, we propose a non-myopic heuristic based on a probing strategy and a refining procedure. We also propose a metaheuristic based on the adaptive large neighborhood search principle to improve solutions. Some computational experiments showing the effectiveness and limitation of each approach are presented.  相似文献   

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence - In this paper, we address the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) in which the assignment of facilities to customers must ensure enough...  相似文献   

It is only recently that good formulations and properties for the basic versions of the hub location problem have become available. Now, versions closer to reality can be tackled with greater guarantees of success. This article deals with the case in which the capacity of the hubs is limited. The focus is on the following interpretation of this capacity: there is, for each hub, an upper bound on the total flow coming directly from the origins. Our problem has the so-called multiple allocation possibility, i.e., there is no hub associated to each node; on the contrary, flows with, say, the same origin but different destinations, can be sent through different routes. Moreover, it is assumed that the flow between a given origin–destination pair can be split into several routes; if this is not the case, the problem becomes quite different and cannot be approached by means of the techniques used in this paper.Tight integer linear programming formulations for the problem are presented, along with some useful properties of the optimal solutions which can be used to speed up the resolution.The computational experience shows that instances of medium size can be solved very efficiently using the new method, which outperforms other methods given in the literature.  相似文献   

The location routing problem (LRP) is a relatively new research direction within location analysis that takes into account vehicle routing aspects. The goal of LRP is to solve a facility location problem and a vehicle routing problem simultaneously. We propose a simulated annealing (SA) based heuristic for solving the LRP. The proposed SALRP heuristic is tested on three sets of well-known benchmark instances and the results are compared with other heuristics in the literature. The computational study indicates that the proposed SALRP heuristic is competitive with other well-known algorithms.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a hybrid optimization method, consisting of an evolutionary algorithm (EA) and a branch-and-bound method (BnB) for solving the capacitated single allocation hub location problem (CSAHLP). The EA is designed to explore the solution space and to select promising configurations of hubs (the location part of the problem). Hub configurations produced by the EA are further passed to the BnB search, which works with fixed hubs and allocates the non-hub nodes to located hubs (the allocation part of the problem). The BnB method is implemented using parallelization techniques, which results in short running times. The proposed hybrid algorithm, named EA-BnB, has been tested on the standard Australia Post (AP) hub data sets with up to 300 nodes. The results demonstrate the superiority of our hybrid approach over existing heuristic approaches from the existing literature. The EA-BnB method has reached all the known optimal solutions for AP hub data set and found new, significantly better, solutions on three AP instances with 100 and 200 nodes. Furthermore, the extreme efficiency of the implementation of this hybrid algorithm resulted in short running times, even for the largest AP test instances.  相似文献   

We study the hub location and routing problem where we decide on the location of hubs, the allocation of nodes to hubs, and the routing among the nodes allocated to the same hubs, with the aim of minimizing the total transportation cost. Each hub has one vehicle that visits all the nodes assigned to it on a cycle. We propose a mixed integer programming formulation for this problem and strengthen it with valid inequalities. We devise separation routines for these inequalities and develop a branch-and-cut algorithm which is tested on CAB and AP instances from the literature. The results show that the formulation is strong and the branch-and-cut algorithm is able to solve instances with up to 50 nodes.  相似文献   

In telecommunication and transportation systems, the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem (UMAHLP) arises when we must flow commodities or information between several origin–destination pairs. Instead of establishing a direct node to node connection from an origin to its destination, the flows are concentrated with others at facilities called hubs. These flows are transported on links established between hubs, being then splitted and delivered to its final destination. Systems with this sort of topology are named hub-and-spoke (HS) systems or hub-and-spoke networks. They are designed to exploit the scale economies attainable through the shared use of high capacity links between hubs. Therefore, the problem is to find the least expensive HS network, selecting hubs and assigning traffic to them, given the demands between each origin–destination pair and the respective transportation costs. In the present paper, we present efficient Benders decomposition algorithms based on a well known formulation to tackle the UMAHLP. We have been able to solve some large instances, considered ‘out of reach’ of other exact methods in reasonable time.  相似文献   

在Median-based模型的基础上,建立了带容量约束的配送中心选址模型,并给出求解算法。为避免算法早熟,提出一种异质多群体粒子群算法,将种群划分为主群和若干异质拓扑结构子群,平衡算法的开发与探索能力。设计了二进制与浮点数混合并行编码,将改进算法用于求解带容量约束的配送中心选址模型。仿真实验结果表明,此改进算法提高了最优解的求解精度与收敛速度。  相似文献   

We consider a continuous multi-facility location allocation problem where the demanding entities are regions in the plane instead of points. The problem can be stated as follows: given m (closed, convex) polygonal demand regions in the plane, find the locations of q facilities and allocate each region to exactly one facility so as to minimize a weighted sum of squares of the maximum Euclidean distances between the demand regions and the facilities they are assigned to.We propose mathematical programming formulations of the single and multiple facility versions of the problem considered. The single facility location problem is formulated as a second order cone programming (SOCP) problem, and hence is solvable in polynomial time. The multiple facility location problem is NP-hard in general and can be formulated as a mixed integer SOCP problem. This formulation is weak and does not even solve medium-size instances. To solve larger instances of the problem we propose three heuristics. When all the demand regions are rectangular regions with their sides parallel to the standard coordinate axes, a faster special heuristic is developed. We compare our heuristics in terms of both solution quality and computational time.  相似文献   


In this paper, the capacitated location-routing problem (CLRP) is studied. CLRP is composed of two hard optimisation problems: the facility location problem and the vehicle routing problem. The objective of CLRP is to determine the best location of multiple depots with their vehicle routes such that the total cost of the solution is minimal. To solve this problem, we propose a greedy randomised adaptive search procedure. The proposed method is based on a new heuristic to construct a feasible CLRP solution, and then a local search-based simulated annealing is used as improvement phase. We have used a new technique to construct the clusters around the depots. To prove the effectiveness of our algorithm, several LRP instances are used. The results found are very encouraging.  相似文献   

The location routing problem (LRP) involves the three key decision levels in supply chain design, that is, strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It deals with the simultaneous decisions of (a) locating facilities (e.g., depots or warehouses), (b) assigning customers to facilities, and (c) defining routes of vehicles departing from and finishing at each facility to serve the associated customers’ demands. In this paper, a two‐phase metaheuristic procedure is proposed to deal with the capacitated version of the LRP (CLRP). Here, decisions must be made taking into account limited capacities of both facilities and vehicles. In the first phase (selection of promising solutions), we determine the depots to be opened, perform a fast allocation of customers to open depots, and generate a complete CLRP solution using a fast routing heuristic. This phase is executed several times in order to keep the most promising solutions. In the second phase (solution refinement), for each of the selected solutions we apply a perturbation procedure to the customer allocation followed by a more intensive routing heuristic. Computational experiments are carried out using well‐known instances from the literature. Results show that our approach is quite competitive since it offers average gaps below 0.4% with respect to the best‐known solutions (BKSs) for all tested sets in short computational times.  相似文献   

Hub location problems are widely studied in the area of location theory, where they involve locating the hub facilities and designing the hub networks. In this paper, we present a new and robust solution based on a genetic search framework for the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (USAHLP). To present its effectiveness, we compare the solutions of our GA-based method with the best solutions presented in the literature by considering various problem sizes of the CAB data set and the AP data set. The experimental work demonstrates that even for larger problems the results of our method significantly surpass those of the related work with respect to both solution quality and the CPU time to obtain a solution. Specifically, the results from our method match the optimal solutions found in the literature for all test cases generated from the CAB data set with significantly less running time than the related work. For the AP data set, our solutions match the best solutions of the reference study with an average of 8 times less running time than the reference study. Its performance, robustness and substantially low computational effort justify the potential of our method for solving larger problem sizes.  相似文献   

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