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This paper presents the utility of multipolarization Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data for surface feature delineation and forest vegetation characterization. Three channels of ratioed data (VV/HH, VH/HH, and VH/VV) are generated from the HH, VV, and VH polarization data (V = vertical, H = horizontal). The ratioed data are linearly stretched to yield a digital number within a range of 0 to 255. The techniques for reducing SAR speckle noise and for measuring the degree of separation are discussed. For surface feature delineation, the results indicate that cross polarization as well as cross polarization ratioed data better delineate those surface features that are difficult to separate by like polarization data. The results suggest using a median value filtering technique to reduce within-plot data fluctuation to increase the separability measure. For forest vegetation characterization, the results indicate that multipolarization SAR data may be used to estimate forest properties such as total-tree biomass, basal area, and tree height. 相似文献
讨论了多极化SAR系统的极化误差及其对多极化SAR图像极化匹配目标分类性能的影响,并给出了计算结果。分析表明,多极化SAR系统的极化通道幅度不平衡误差对目标极化匹配结果的影响最大,交叉极化干扰项对此也有较大的影响。 相似文献
星载SAR多普勒质心估计的改进方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文基于星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)多普勒质心估计的原理,提出估计多普勒质心的能量均衡逼近法,它改进了杂波锁定法的算法结构,减小了估计的运算量;同时还提出距离向加权拟合法,有效地改善了估计精度;最后利用星载SEASAT-ASAR原始数据,证明了这两种新方法的优越性。 相似文献
Evans D.L. Farr T.G. Ford J.P. Thompson T.W. Werner C.L. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1986,(2):246-257
The NASA/JPL airborne synthetic aperture radar system produces radar image data simultaneously in four linear polarizations (HH, VV, VH, HV) at 24.6-cm wavelength (L-band), with 10-m resolution, across a swath width of approximately 10 km. The signal data are recorded optically and digitally and annotated in each of the channels to facilitate a completely automated digital correlation. Both standard amplitude, and also phase difference images are produced in the correlation process. Individual polarization and range-dependent gain functions improve the effective dynamic range, but as yet do not permit absolute quantitative measurements of the scattering coefficients. However, comparison of the relative intensities of the different polarizations in individual black-and-white and color composite images provides discriminatory mapping information. In the Death Valley, California, area, rough surfaces of young alluvial deposits produce strong responses at all polarizations. Smoother surfaces of older alluvial deposits show significantly lower responses. Evaporite deposits of different types and moisture contents have distinct polarization signatures. In the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, sedimentary rock units show polarization responses that relate to differences in weathering. Local intensity variations in like-polarization images result from topographic effects; strong cross-polarization responses denote the effects of vegetation cover and, in some cases, possible scattering from the subsurface. In the Savannah River Plant, South Carolina, forest cover characteristics are discriminated by polarization responses that reflect the density and structure of the canopy, and the presence or absence of standing water beneath the canopy. 相似文献
在GALILEO/SAR系统中,FOA参数的估计精度直接决定着系统的定位精度。对GALILEO/SAR信号的特点进行了分析,在对FFT方法进行阐述的基础上,对Rife和相位差校正法2种频率估计算法进行了分析和仿真,并在此基础上提出了一种综合频率估计算法。该算法结合了上述2种算法的优点,在接收到达信号各频率区间和不同信噪比条件下,都可以满足到达信号频率检测的精度要求。 相似文献
讨论了SAR的基本信号模型,针对这一模型提出了应用匹配傅里叶变换估计SAR多普勒参数的新方法。文中给出了理论分析和仿真,并用机载SAR回波实际数据进行了多普勒参数估计,根据估计的多普勒参数给出了成像结果,表明了该方法可对SAR数据进行盲处理估计出多普勒参数,且精度高。 相似文献
星载合成孔径雷达多普勒调频率估计精度分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
该文分析了星载合成孔径雷达成像处理中多普勒调频率估计与系统参数及图像特性的关系,给 出了利用轨道数据或回波信号数据估计多普勒调频率的精度与图像分辨率、雷达系统参数、轨道数据精度和 地物散射特性之间的关系。这些结论对系统的设计,以及数据处理方法的选择具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
Estimation of the Minimum Number of Tracks for SAR Tomography 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,47(2):531-543
穿墙合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像中,图像的质量和可靠性由墙体参数决定。墙体参数估计误差会造成图像散焦和目标位置的偏移。分析了墙体参数估计误差对成像的影响,提出采用乘积型高阶模糊度函数(Product High-order Ambiguity Function, PHAF)算法来估计墙体参数的新方法。仿真结果表明,该方法能获得聚焦的SAR图像和较准确的墙体参数估计值。 相似文献
文中主要分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像的多普勒模糊及其估计.首先推导了SAR斜视角和距离-多普勒(RD)域线性距离徙动斜率间的关系,通过在RD域而不是在距离-脉冲时域(RA域)来估计回波轨迹.讨论了基于Radon变换的RD域估计多普勒模糊数的方法.仿真实验和星载RADARSAT实测数据验证了估计算法的正确性与合理性. 相似文献
通过对不同角度子孔径相干累加,多角度观测SAR可以提供高分辨率影像及多角度散射特征.然而,现有的累加成像方法存在非各向同性散射中心混叠问题.混叠将造成极化特征参数估计无法反映实际的目标物理特征,从而难以支撑分类及变化检测应用.为了去除不同散射中心间的相互干扰并利用不同类型的信息,该文提出了一种多角度极化SAR图像中的非各向同性散射估计与消除方法.该方法给出了基于两类目标假设的最大似然比检验统计量,分析了相干斑影响以及非各向同性散射消除机理,证明了恒虚警判决函数的单调性.通过机载P波段极化SAR进行了360观测试验,分析了非各向同性散射消除前后极化熵的变化,验证了算法的有效性并揭示出在目标特征提取方面的应用潜力. 相似文献
We consider characterization of building interior structure from two-pass interferometric circular synthetic aperture radar data. We model returns from complex building structures as the sum of the responses from scattering primitives-plates, dihedrals, and trihedrals-observed through transfer functions that characterize both the transmission through and reflection from dielectric surfaces. Maximum-likelihood estimates for the location of primitive features and wall propagation/reflection parameters are obtained through a two-stage detection-and-estimation algorithm. We employ a sparse reconstruction algorithm to detect primitive signatures in the presence of wall effects and refine our estimates using a nonlinear minimization of local cost functions. We show that using simplified wall and primitive models, we can extract geometrically relevant features which can be combined to reveal 3-D floorplan estimates of buildings. Examples illustrate the effectiveness of the feature extraction approach. 相似文献
本文针对星载方位多通道高分辨宽测绘带(HRWS)合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统,提出了两种通道相位误差估计方法:信号子空间比较法和天线方向图法.信号子空间比较法基于信号特征向量张成的空间(即信号子空间)与真实导向矢量张成的空间相同这一特性,得到各通道间的相对相位误差,该方法适用范围广,估计精度高,对系统要求低,且运算量小.天线方向图法结合天线方向图,直接估计通道相位误差,无须特征分解,无须矩阵求逆,运算量小,主要适用于均匀分布的场景.最后利用实测地基数据验证了两种方法的有效性. 相似文献
星载合成孔径雷达多普勒参数估计 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
本文给出了一种综合的星载合成孔径SAR雷达多普勒参数估计方法,该方法可以从雷达回波数据本身提取多普勒进行成像处理,甚至可以不依赖卫星历数据和姿态数据作为初始估计。该方法是基于对多普勒参数及其误差的性质的研究而提出的。最后,利用SEASAT-A海洋卫星的SAR原始数据的多普勒参数估计结果和采用该参数进行成像处理的结果,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
本文提出使用Widrow-HoffLMS自适应算法对二维随机场SAR模型参数进行快速估计并报导了使用SAR模型的自适应估计参数进行有监督纹理分类及纹理分割的实验结果,实验结果表明,SAR模型的自适应快速估计参数能够比较有效地进行纹理识别。 相似文献