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莱钢自2000年启动学习型企业创建,用学习型组织理论改造企业管理,改善组织和员工的思维模式与行为方式,提升了组织学习力,增强了企业的创新力与持续成长力。  相似文献   

宋新艳 《中国冶金》2006,16(4):43-46
从实践的角度出发,以济钢检查站(JCZ)创建学习型组织的实践为素材,从创建构架、推进实践和效果反馈等方面进行了阐述,阐明了JCZ的构架、人才工程金字塔及检验和员工培训两条生产流程,探讨了激发式培训模式的理论与实践,旨在为致力于创建学习型组织的团体提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

杜械君 《冶金管理》2006,(8):34-36,52
近年来,邢台钢铁有限责任公司逐渐成为国内最大的线材专业化生产基地和重要的金属焊网、汽车零部件生产厂。为保持企业的高成长性,邢钢把盘活人力资本,打造高学习力、高智力支持、充满活力的现代员工团队,作为一项重要的战略目标,较早地开展了“创建学习型组织,争做知识型员工”活动,取得可喜的成效,2005年被评为河北省创建学习型组织示范单位。其下属单位炼钢厂的创建活动颇具创意,有一定特色。引入学习型组织理念,培育创建骨干队伍创建学习型组织活动是一项一把手工程,企业主要领导必须做学习型组织理念的先行者,同时需要一批训练有素的宣…  相似文献   

人力资源培训开发既是为改变员工的行为以达到提升绩效的目的,也是为发现和挖掘优秀人才,以及通过员工的成长助推组织目标的完成与战略的实现。随着企业人力资源管理理论与实践发展,招聘录用、工作分析、岗位配置、薪酬福利等专业管理逐渐成熟并以一定的模式固定下来,人力资源培训开发还在实践中不断探索与发展。文章结合企业人力资源管理实践,浅议关注员工绩效改善的人力资源培训开发管理。  相似文献   

浅谈企业学习问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对企业学习存在的问题进行了浅议,探讨了处理企业员工学习与企业学习以及企业学习与学习型组织之间的关系,以利于企业创建学习型组织,提升企业整体经营能力.  相似文献   

人力资源开发是现代企业规范化管理体系的一个核心,根据企业的实际情况,确定以创建学习型组织为平台,以企业人力资源规划、员工职业生涯发展规划为基础,塑建胜力模型,火力开展员工职业化培训,着力培养一支高素质的员工队伍,共同促进人力资源开发与管理水平的螺旋式上升,近几年,企业对人力资源开发进行了不懈的尝试和实践,取得了一定的成就,结果证明为稳定员工队伍、提高员工工作积极性、引优秀人才等起到了积极作用.  相似文献   

近日,河南金龙精密铜管股份有限公司出台的六大项、涉及岗位技能、质量管理、新知识、新工艺等50多个方面内容的员工2003年度整体培训考核计划,已将每个月份排得满满的,这是该公司为了强化员工素质,努力创建学习型企业所做的一项重大举措。据统计,去年该公司的年度培训工作累计进行了64项,823个课时,培训人员3556人次,相当于每位员工两个课时,2002年该公司实现销售收入10亿元,利税一亿多元。正如该公司董事长李长杰所说,是培训开阔了员工的思维,是培训推动了金龙生产效率的提高和经济效益的增长。河南金龙:强化员工培训 创建学习型企业@岳…  相似文献   

“让合适的员工参加合适的培训”,有助于提高员工培训的有效性、针对性.基于工作过程导向的模块课程理论,探讨了模块化培训项目课程的建构;通过介绍韶钢培训课程的开发与实践,阐述了建构模块化培训项目课程有利于组织有效的培训,实现员工和企业双赢的局面.  相似文献   

阐述了设备检修协力中心为创建学习型企业,打造高技能人员工队伍,探索解决高技能人才短缺的问题,努力建立和完善职工培训、鉴定、使用、待遇相结合的激励制度,构建适应企业发展要求的高技能人才培养机制,培养了一大批知识型员工。  相似文献   

欧联傅 《四川冶金》2003,25(1):45-46,27
随着知识经济时代的悄然走近,一种新的企业形式--学习型企业应运而生。它以人力资源开发作为企业克敌制胜的法宝,为员工提供充分、灵活、高效的教育培训活动,营造一个人人、时时、处处都在不断进行学习的良好氛围,最大限度地调动每个员工的积极性、能动性和创造性,推动企业人才创新和技术创新,为企业发展注入源源不断的动力。本文较具体地分析了“学习型企业”的特征,着重探讨如何构建与“学习型企业”本质要求相适应的培训机制。  相似文献   

提倡团体学习,加强企业学习的制度化建设,建立和完善员工自主管理机制、激励机制和培训机制。从而提升企业的核心竞争力,促进企业和整个社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

员工绩效考核是企业绩效考核体系的核心,也是进行组织绩效考核的基础,员工绩效考核的好坏直接关系到员工的工作行为、工作状态、工作效果,决定了组织绩效考核能否健康发展。因此,增强"以人为本"理念,对于改善企业员工绩效考核与激励员工的积极性至关重要。文中阐述了矿业企业绩效考核的现状及存在问题,提出了改善矿业企业员工绩效考核与激励的建议。  相似文献   

分析了赣南钨矿采选成本高居不下的主要原因是其矿体普遍呈细脉或网脉状,开采先天条件差,采矿方法不适应矿脉的变化,生产技术管理不到位,职工专业素质欠缺导致采矿过程中矿石的贫化率太高,促使运输、提升、破碎和预选丢废成本增大.提出根据矿脉厚度大小采用不同的采矿方法,对采矿方法进行优选与改进,加强回采施工与组织管理,做好专业技术人才引进和职工专业技能培训等针对性极强的减贫措施,使企业的采矿贫化率由67.7%降至11.87%,采选生产成本急剧降低,企业的经济效益得到显著地提高.  相似文献   

Describes a telephone consultation service for parents with questions about their children's developmental, behavioral, and learning problems. First-year graduate students participate as staff after having completed an intensive 10-wk training program that provides a knowledge and skill base in assessment, empathic responding, child development, parenting techniques, and change theory. Staff members learn to propose interventions that include providing information, developing individualized management programs, or offering referral assistance. Community utilization of the program as well as the impact of this practicum training experience on graduate students' professional development are discussed. (6 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Present the purpose, tasks, methods and programs of a comprehensive study of medical personnel organization and management. The activities of staff departments are proposed to be singled out as a specific service. Some findings of the study are presented, as are the results attained with the introduction into practice of a model of staff service in number of regions and the experience gained with training of specialists for personnel departments.  相似文献   

Describes an employment training program applying the principles of reinforcement, modeling, role playing and programed learning. The program was instituted by psychologists working with a local affiliate of The Opportunities Industrialization Center, an organization administered by blacks and focusing on unemployed ghetto residents. 6 men representing the hard core unemployed, were trained for jobs as child care aides to fill positions at a local state-operated mental health center. All 5 who completed the 12 1-hr sessions passed civil service examination, and 4 were hired. Procedures for avoiding delay of gratification problems and recruiting difficulties are discussed in light of current social learning theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

王灵芝  胡凯 《中国钼业》2004,28(3):44-47
学习型组织这一当今世界上前沿的管理理论,西方国家已经进行了大量研究和应用,同时也引起我国管理界尤其是企业界的高度重视。在此对学习型组织的内涵、创建学习型组织的原则及创建学习型组织的对策问题进行了探讨,希望对中国学习型企业的创建起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

The Ann Arbor Conference on postdoctoral training (held in October 1992) was the 1st national conference to focus on the articulation of standards for postdoctoral education and training in professional psychology. Experts in education, practice, and credentialing drafted a policy document addressing the purposes of postdoctural training; entrance requirements; program content, structure, and organization; supervision; faculty–staff; evaluation mechanisms; and recommendations for the promotion of excellence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article describes the implementation of mental health intervention programs for children, adolescents,and their families exposed to natural disaster and violence. Recommendations are made regarding needed levels of organization, methods of screening and triage, training and supervision of mental health staff, design and implementation of treatment approaches, and longitudinal monitoring of course of recovery and intervention outcome.  相似文献   

Engineering is largely a knowledge-based profession; value comes increasingly from what an organization or individual knows rather than possesses. Continuing training is the principal means by which engineers maintain and expand knowledge once in the profession. Within civil engineering, the rapid pace of technological change and the increased retirement of experienced personnel have placed increased pressure on training to provide more content, timelier delivery, and more flexibility for the same or less money. These pressures necessitate a training market shift from an employer-centered model, which is inherently inefficient and slow, to an employee-centered model, which is more efficient, individualized, and timely. Typical abilities and strengths of engineers indicate an approach to employee-centered training called self-managed learning could be successful. In order to increase the chances of success for such an approach, the array of training options available to civil engineers must be broadened to include more quality online self-directed learning options. This addition would better enable civil engineers to select training options that closely match their needs, schedule, and learning style preferences.  相似文献   

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