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Understanding the availability of wind turbines (WT) is vital to maximize WT energy production and minimize the capital payback period. Previous work on this subject concentrated on reliability and the location of WT failure modes rather than root causes. This paper concentrates on the influence of weather and WT location on failure rate and downtime, to try to understand root causes and the consequences of failure. The paper goes further than a previous study, which used Windstats data from the whole of Denmark, by considering a limited population of identical WTs at three locations on the German Nordzee, Ostzee and in western Germany, using data from WMEP and local weather stations. This new study focuses more precisely than the previous study by using more reliable data. The data were analysed to find the WT failures and weather conditions and then cross‐correlate them. To confirm their representativeness, the reliability characteristics of these smaller WT populations followed the average trends of the overall WMEP survey. However, clear differences were observed in the failure behaviour of the WTs at the three locations. Annual periodicity was seen in the weather data, as expected, but not in individual WT population failure data. However, clear cross‐correlations can be seen between WT failures and weather data, in particular wind speed, maximum temperature and humidity. These cross‐correlations were more convincing than those found in the earlier, larger Danish study, vindicating the more focused approach. It is also clear from the analysis that Operation & Maintenance also has an impact on WT failure rates. These factors will be important for the operation of offshore WTs with the work indicating how weather conditions may affect offshore WT failure rates. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Determining and understanding offshore wind turbine failure rates and resource requirement for repair are vital for modelling and reducing O&M costs and in turn reducing the cost of energy. While few offshore failure rates have been published in the past even less details on resource requirement for repair exist in the public domain. Based on ~350 offshore wind turbines throughout Europe this paper provides failure rates for the overall wind turbine and its sub‐assemblies. It also provides failure rates by year of operation, cost category and failure modes for the components/sub‐assemblies that are the highest contributor to the overall failure rate. Repair times, average repair costs and average number of technicians required for repair are also detailed in this paper. An onshore to offshore failure rate comparison is carried out for generators and converters based on this analysis and an analysis carried out in a past publication. The results of this paper will contribute to offshore wind O&M cost and resource modelling and aid in better decision making for O&M planners and managers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着我国风电行业的蓬勃发展,风电场不断增多,风电机组的数量也日益增加,运维后市场呈爆炸式发展,但这造成了运维后市场中有效资源的稀缺。为解决这一问题,介绍了2D和3D可视化技术在风电运维中的应用案例,涉及到风电运维体系中的各个方面。以期通过分析,助力可视化技术在风电运维工作中的深度开发与利用。  相似文献   

As many of the installed wind turbines (WTs) get older or approach their design life, there will be a drive to keep extending the lives of the main components especially the gearbox. The challenge of operations and maintenance will potentially be even more as there will be a need to keep the cost to a minimum. Similarly, as years of experience of operating WTs accumulate, knowledge about the behaviour and failure of subsystems is gained as well. Also with good documentation and repository of historical operational, performance and failure data, future decisions of operations and maintenance can be taken on the basis of insights from past experience. This paper presents an approach for implementing preventive maintenance (PM) by using historical failure data to determine the optimal PM interval required to maintain desired reliability of a typical module or subassembly. This paper builds upon previous research in the area of WT gearbox reliability analysis and prediction, taking it further by examining the relationships between the frequency of a PM task and the reliability, availability and maintenance costs. The approach presented demonstrates how historical in‐service failure data can be used in PM task selection based on the minimum maintenance cost and maximum availability. Available historical field failure data of the high speed module of a Vestas 2MW WT gearbox is used to validate the approach and show its practicality. The results of this study are then presented—indicating that choosing the right PM interval based on the minimum unit maintenance cost and maximum availability also improves WT gearbox reliability. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑综合风电场总体运行成本、风电机组可靠性及风电场发电量等多个维度,从风电场全生命周期视角出发,建立基于风电机组可靠性的风电场平准化成本模型,并通过算例分析得出,提升风电机组可靠性可降低风电机组的故障维护成本,提高风电场运行小时数,进而降低风电场平准化成本。在此基础上测算当前阶段风电实现平价上网需达到的利用小时数,最后给出促进风电发展的合理化建议。  相似文献   

This paper proposes for wind turbines (WTs) an analytical reliability method, used on other engineering systems, to compare the reliability of different turbine concepts. The main focus of the paper is to compare the reliability of geared generator and direct‐drive concept WTs. Modification methods are also recommended for improving the availability of WTs and geared generator concept incorporating doubly fed induction generator. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the background of numerous wind turbines phasing out of fixed feed‐in tariffs in the following years and an increasing share of negative electricity market prices on the spot market, the availability definitions of “time‐based” and “production‐based” availability are possibly no longer suitable for assessing the overall performance of a wind turbine. This paper introduces a novel definition: the “monetary‐based” availability. The differences between the established definitions and the “monetary‐based” availability are highlighted by comparing the measures on an empirical data set. Furthermore, results on the impact of scheduling planned downtimes towards a monetary‐based optimum show that revenues can be increased. By shifting only a small share of the annual downtime to an optimum to maximize the revenue from electricity, a strong increase in additional earnings and thereby an increasment of the monetary‐based availability can be achieved.  相似文献   

Offshore wind operations and maintenance (O&M) costs could reach up to one third of the overall project costs. In order to accelerate the deployment of offshore wind farms, costs need to come down. A key contributor to the O&M costs is the component failures and the downtime caused by them. Thus, an understanding is needed on the root cause of these failures. Previous research has indicated the relationship between wind turbine failures and environmental conditions. These studies are using work‐order data from onshore and offshore assets. A limitation of using work orders is that the time of the failure is not known and consequently, the exact environmental conditions cannot be identified. However, if turbine alarms are used to make this correlation, more accurate results can be derived. This paper quantifies this relationship and proposes a novel tool for predicting wind turbine fault alarms for a range of subassemblies, using wind speed statistics. A large variation of the failures between the different subassemblies against the wind speed are shown. The tool uses 5 years of operational data from an offshore wind farm to create a data‐driven predictive model. It is tested under low and high wind conditions, showing very promising results of more than 86% accuracy on seven different scenarios. This study is of interest to wind farm operators seeking to utilize the operational data of their assets to predict future faults, which will allow them to better plan their maintenance activities and have a more efficient spare part management system.  相似文献   

Severe winds from thunderstorm outflows pose a challenge to wind turbine arrays. They can cause significant power ramps and disruption in energy production. They can also cause extreme structural damage to turbines as was seen in the severe storm event over the Buffalo Ridge Wind Farm on July 1, 2011. At this southwestern Minnesota site, blades from multiple turbines broke away and a tower buckled in the intense winds. In this study, we attempt to characterize meteorological conditions over the Buffalo Ridge Wind Farm area during this event. The observational network included NEXRAD radars, automated surface observation stations and a wind profiler. Storm reports from the Storm Prediction Center and damage surveys provided additional insight to the in situ measurements. Even with these datasets, assessing wind speeds around turbine rotors is difficult. Thus, Weather Research and Forecasting model simulations of the event are carried out that consider current and anticipated future operational model setups. This work addresses model spatial resolution versus parameterization complexity. Parameterizations of the planetary boundary layer and microphysics processes are evaluated based on their impact on storm dynamics and the low‐level wind field. Results are also compared with the Wind Integration National Dataset, which utilizes data assimilation and an extensive continental domain. Enhanced horizontal resolution with simplistic parameterization helps increase resolved wind speeds and ramp intensity. Enhanced sophistication of microphysics parameterizations also helps increase resolved wind speeds, improve storm timing and structure and resolve higher values of turbulent kinetic energy in the lowest 1 km of the atmosphere. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When the installed capacity of wind power becomes high, the power generated by wind farms can no longer simply be that dictated by the wind speed. With sufficiently high penetration, it will be necessary for wind farms to provide assistance with supply‐demand matching. The work presented here introduces a wind farm controller that regulates the power generated by the wind farm to match the grid requirements by causing the power generated by each turbine to be adjusted. Further, benefits include fast response to reach the wind farm power demanded, flexibility, little fluctuation in the wind farm power output and provision of synthetic inertia. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chun Su  Zhaoyong Hu 《风能》2018,21(3):198-209
In this work, based on the field operating data of a Chinese domestic wind farm, which came from the supervisory control and data acquisition system, data mining techniques are applied to analyze the reliability characteristics of wind turbines and their components. The reliability indexes including time among failures, failure rate, and downtime are analyzed. On that basis, the key components that influence the wind turbines' reliability most seriously are determined. The internal relation between the failure rate and the environmental temperature is identified with correlation function, and time series approach is used to analyze the seasonal feature of the wind turbines' failure rate. The results show that compared with the wind turbines mentioned in the literatures, the failure rate of the current sample is higher. Among the components, the failure rates of electrical and control systems are the highest, while the corresponding repair time is relatively short; on the contrary, the failure rates of main shaft, gearbox, and generator are relatively low, while the average time for maintenance is comparably long. Furthermore, there is an obvious dependency between the failure rate and environmental temperature, and the failure rate has a clear seasonal feature.  相似文献   

客雯 《节能》2012,31(6):70-72
通过热力试验确定机组在给定负荷下的运行特性,计算机组大修前后的热耗率等技术指标;对机组主辅机和热力系统的运行经济性能进行大修前后的节能诊断;分析大修前效率低、煤耗高的原因,并进行相应的技术和设备改造,保证大修后机组安全经济运行。  相似文献   

提出一种基于故障物理的风力机叶片可靠性仿真分析方法,通过绘制任务剖面和载荷剖面图,将叶片材料、结构、环境条件和使用方式等参数加载到数值计算模型中,进行瞬态热力学、振动应力和多应力耦合分析。结果表明,最大应力和热集中主要发生在叶片根部,变形主要发生在叶片中部到叶尖这段区间。从故障原因和机理出发研究叶片的故障规律,运用FMECA(故障模式、影响和危害性分析)处理收集到的故障信息。将定性评价指标予以定量化,以此建立叶片危害性矩阵和FMECA表格,在失效模式下对高危性故障数据进行可靠性评估,为工程实际提供必要的理论支持。该方法相较于传统基于手册的可靠性分析方法精度更高,与研制、生产、维修和管理并行,通过不断更新迭代,以保证产品可靠性要求的实现,为风力机叶片的可靠性分析提供了新的思路和实施方法。  相似文献   

Wind turbine (WT) reliability has come to the forefront of research due to the rapid growth of wind energy in recent years. Reliability information can help understand failure causes and focus maintenance and prevention efforts on the most critical components, reducing costs and increasing profits. This paper offers new insights into WT reliability after analysing the data provided by the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system collected from seven onshore WTs located in central Spain from January 2014 to September 2021. To this end, we propose a method to link SCADA data to failure and maintenance records based on checking whether each 10-min average time sample was collected when any failure or maintenance action had been reported. These records have been manually mapped to the WT taxonomy based on the standard Reference Designation System for Power Plants (RDS-PP®) with minor changes. We present three different results: (i) The capacity factor and time-based availability of each WT; (ii) the subsystem failure rate and downtime to identify the most critical ones; and (iii) each WT power curve with the 10-min time samples labelled as healthy, under maintenance, or failure states, along with a ranking of the subsystems causing the most failures in each part of the power curves. It is the first time that time samples are linked to failure and maintenance records to visualise their distribution on the power curves. These results can help research point in the right direction to improve reliability and increase electricity production worldwide.  相似文献   

与陆上风电场相比,海上风电场建设和运行维护成本较高,在总结海上风电机组主要部件故障的基础上,对比了定期维护、停机维护和状态监N3种维护方案的优缺点,介绍了国内外海上风电场运行维护管理的现状,并分析了影响海上风电场运行维护成本的主要因素,最后对这一领域的发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Structural reliability is a key factor in the design of wind turbine rotor blades. However, the use of composite materials in the blade structure and the many stochastic variables that are thus involved in the analysis makes the available probabilistic methods unattractive for integration in the design procedure. To overcome this, a numerical tool is developed for the probabilistic strength analysis of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) rotor blades. The stochastic nature of the anisotropic material properties is considered for the reliability estimation of the laminate and in turn the information is included in a pre‐ and post‐processor of current aero‐elastic codes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Focused on offshore wind energy operation and maintenance applications, this work presents a detailed accessibility analysis of the North Sea. After a review of existing normative dedicated to inspection and access of offshore wind turbines, a rigorous mathematical formulation of relevant accessibility parameters is given by means of the set theory. Long‐term and high‐resolution metocean data are extracted from reanalysis databases and used to evaluate spatial and temporal variability of such parameters. Respectively restricted by significant wave height and mean wind speed, access by workboat and helicopter is evaluated. Being affected by both wave height and wind speed. Access by offshore crane is also analyzed. It resulted that the UK coast and the southern region of the North Sea are highly accessible, while the coast of Denmark and Norway undergoes more severe metocean conditions. This is, however, balanced by a higher wind resource. Moreover, a strong seasonality is ascertained, together with a drastic reduction of accessibility during daytime in a vast part of the basin. Accessibility during daytime in winter and autumn is very difficult for the whole North Sea. Among the studied farms, Dogger Bank is by far the one with the highest resource and lowest accessibility, while Thorntonbank III the one with the lowest resource and highest accessibility. In addition, accessibility is non‐linearly related to wind speed and wave height limits chosen for the access strategies covered. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new tip correction for use in performance codes based on the blade element momentum (BEM) or the lifting‐line technique is presented. The correction modifies the circulation by taking into account the additional influence of the induction of the vortices in the wake, using the so‐called decambering effect and thin‐airfoil theory. A limitation of the standard Prandtl tip correction is that it represents the surface loading by a line distribution that does not take into account the actual shape of the rotor blade. Thus, the chord distribution does not appear as a parameter in the model, and the loading in the proximity of the tip is generally found to be overestimated. The new tip correction is implemented as an additional correction in order to represent the surface loading by a line distribution. Comparing computations using the new model with standard BEM results and computations using a 3D panel code show that the inclusion of the correction greatly improves the results. The new model also explains some of the discrepancies that earlier on have been observed when using a BEM technique based alone upon standard tip corrections. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reliability is critical to the design, operation, maintenance, and performance assessment and improvement of wind turbines (WTs). This paper systematically reviews publicly available reliability data for both onshore and offshore WTs and investigates the impacts of reliability on the cost of energy. WT failure rates and downtimes, broken down by subassembly, are collated from 18 publicly available databases including over 18 000 WTs, corresponding to over 90 000 turbine‐years. The data are classified based on the types of data collected (failure rate and stop rate) and by onshore and offshore populations. A comprehensive analysis is performed to investigate WT subassembly reliability data variations, identify critical subassemblies, compare onshore and offshore WT reliability, and understand possible sources of uncertainty. Large variations in both failure rates and downtimes are observed, and the skew in failure rate distribution implies that large databases with low failure rates, despite their diverse populations, are less uncertain than more targeted surveys, which are easily skewed by WT type failures. A model is presented to evaluate the levelised cost of energy as a function of WT failure rates and downtimes. A numerical study proves a strong and nonlinear relationship between WT reliability and operation and maintenance expenditure as well as annual energy production. Together with the cost analysis model, the findings can help WT operators identify the optimal degree of reliability improvement to minimise the levelised cost of energy.  相似文献   

提出可靠性技术应用与汽轮机状态检修的方法,旨在准确识别故障以提高汽轮机的可靠性。文中给出了可靠性技术应用于汽轮机状态检修的数学模型和应用实例。基于可靠性技术的状态检修技术具有以下特点:物理意义明确,数学公式简单,诊断结果可靠,便于现场工作人员掌握。可靠性技术在汽轮机状态检修中的应用,为汽轮机状态检修又提供了一种适用而有效的新途径。  相似文献   

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