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纪爱丽  平轶君 《微波学报》2012,28(S1):131-133
设计了一种工作频带范围为22-30GHz 的圆锥波纹喇叭。通过电磁场仿真软件HFSS 对该天线进行仿真,计算了天线的驻波系数、交叉极化、增益方向图、相位中心等参数。计算结果表明,该波纹喇叭方向图对称性好、交叉极化低,可用作高性能反射面天线馈源。  相似文献   

一种Ka频段超低交叉极化宽频带波纹喇叭天线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
波纹喇叭天线是一种结构紧凑、具有良好辐射性能的馈源天线,特别是轴向槽波纹喇叭天线可以在宽频段内实现极低的交叉极化,对扩展工作频段、实现极化复用有重要的价值。文章对轴向槽波纹喇叭天线的设计方法进行了研究,利用模式匹配法和全波算法软件设计了一种Ka频段超低交叉极化宽频带轴向槽波纹喇叭天线。实测数据表明,该喇叭天线工作频段可覆盖整个Ka频段(26.5~40 GHz),在频段内回波损耗小于-20 dB、交叉极化小于-45 dB,同时天线具备良好的方向图对称性和相位中心稳定性,在卫星通信领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

宽频带多波段波纹喇叭设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

将轴槽和直槽相结合,设计了一种工作于Ka波段的新型双槽波纹喇叭天线,模变换段采用轴槽设计,辐射段采用直槽设计,通过仿真试验,获得了波纹喇叭天线轴槽和直槽的最佳数目,并在此基础上,优化了槽宽、槽深及光滑圆波导的长度,得到了辐射性能最佳的天线结构。将所设计的双槽波纹喇叭与传统的单槽波纹喇叭作为馈源,分别应用到卡塞格伦天线中进行了仿真试验。仿真结果表明,所设计的双槽波纹喇叭具有性能更优的辐射特性和驻波特性,作为馈源使用时,卡塞格伦天线在主极化方向上性能良好。  相似文献   

本文提出的多模波纹喇叭设计方法,将波纹喇叭设计中“有害模”(EH12模)的抑制问题转化为“有害模”的利用问题,从而为宽频带(或多频段)波纹喇叭提供一种产析的设计方法,按此方法设计的用于某工程波纹喇叭在3.4~6.65GHz频带内具有良好的辐射特性,其交叉极化最大值在整个频段内低于-30dB。  相似文献   

阐述一种采用脊方圆过渡进行馈电的变张角圆锥波纹喇叭天线的设计和测试结果。这种天线在2.25的整个倍频程内具有良好的驻波特性,同时也具有良好的E面、H面的旋转对称、恒波束特性和较低的交叉极化。该天线可以用于EW系统作为定向天线。也可作为大功率的发射天线(连续波可达到350W)。目前该天线已经用于实践作为大功率发射器。  相似文献   

通过对波纹喇叭基本理论的分析,描述了波纹喇叭特殊参数(低频截止点、快慢波分界线、平衡混合条件、高频截止条件、短路条件)的表达式及特征。通过对波纹喇叭内差模临界截止点的分析,找到电流或者电压的波腹点,更准确地选定开耦合口的位置。为了使差模信号反射小,主要考虑了波纹喇叭的HE21模式与矩形波导的TE10模式匹配、耦合孔与矩形波导的匹配,以此为依据,选择矩形波导尺寸和耦合孔的尺寸。利用Ansoft软件建立一个C波段波纹喇叭差模耦合模型,仿真计算结果与理论分析吻合,实物测试结果也与理论分析一致,证明了这种设计理论在工程应用中是可行的。  相似文献   


The growing interest in higher capacity communications satellite necessitates the development of compact and lightweight other antennas (such as beacon horn antenna) at Earth-viewing deck due to crowded accommodation and weight limitation. In this article, we describe an innovative and compact high-gain composite horn antenna for space-borne beacon application. We have designed, manufactured and measured beacon horn antenna operating from 10.7 GHz to 12.5 GHz. The beacon horn antenna is devised by combining stepped section at input, axial corrugated in mid and finally radial corrugated sections. This engineered multiple sections provide extra flexibility of optimisation, leading to high edge of coverage (EoC) gain for Indian mainland, Lakshadweep Islands and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The radial corrugated section is specially profiled using multi-profile subsections. The mode-matching technique (MMT)-based software CHAMP and ‘minimax optimiser’ have been used to analyse and optimise the Beacon horn antenna. Manufacturing of the horn using a turning machine over aluminium alloy helps to reduce its cost. Characterisation of the beacon antenna confirm predicted electrical results (return loss> 17 dB, cross-polarisation discrimination < ?40 dB, EoC gain > 24 dB). The Accommodation of the Ku-Beacon antenna on spacecraft is discussed with help of its near field from the scattering point of view and its tilt.  相似文献   

在具有单脉冲跟踪能力的超宽带双槽深波纹喇叭的研究中,通过对双槽深波纹喇叭内的差模临界截止点和电压波腹点的研究和分析,提出了在双槽深波纹喇叭内耦合出差模信号的思路,并据此设计了在L频段具备单脉冲跟踪能力的L/S/C 三频段共用双槽深波纹喇叭. 通过理论计算、仿真和测试,该设计在L/S/C 三频段具有良好匹配特性,辐射方向图对称,耦合出的L频段差模信号实现了单脉冲跟踪能力,天线性能达到了预定目标,验证了设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

On the space harmonics technique general formulas are derived of the characteristic equation and the equivalent wall admittance of corrugated horns withN-slot structure(each period hasN slots whose shape and depth may be the same or different). As an example, the calculated radiation patterns for a corrugated horn having dual-depth corrugations show good agreement with the measured ones.  相似文献   

Nowadays, an increasing number of applications need stable radiation patterns with low sidelobes and low crosspolar levels in a very wide bandwidth. Gaussian profiled horn antennas (GPRAs) have demonstrated their feasibility as one of the best solutions. A corrugated Gaussian horn antenna design with more than 40% bandwidth is proposed. The measured radiated far field patterns are in good agreement with the simulated ones. The measured results show a Gaussian antenna with extremely wide bandwidth, low sidelobes, and low crosspolar levels  相似文献   

刘熠志  陈阳  官正涛 《电讯技术》2019,59(8):976-980
对多模单脉冲喇叭馈源的理论和设计方法进行了研究。针对高次模的模比计算和控制难点,提供了一种准确的分析理论,给出了高次模的产生规律和模比的计算方法。在此基础上分析设计了一个毫米波多模单脉冲喇叭馈源并加工了实物,其实测结果表明,该馈源具有带宽宽(>5%)、驻波比小(<1.2)、和差矛盾小(<1.5 dB)、方位和俯仰面方向图对称性好的特点,与理论分析结果、仿真设计结果非常吻合,达到了预期的设计效果。  相似文献   

介质杆天线的时域特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超宽带技术在通信、雷达等众多领域获得广泛应用,时域天线是其关键技术。对介质杆天线用作时域天线的可行性进行了分析,并给出选择介质杆参数的依据。同时还使用FD-TD(时域有限差分法)数值计算方法分析了在超宽带情况下介质杆的直径、激励方式及终端渐变方式对天线的传播特性及辐射特性的影响。分析表明这种天线适宜用作时域天线。  相似文献   

基于航空电子系统射频综合实验室的需求,应用圆锥喇叭天线的传输原理和宽频带波导的匹配特性,研制了一种宽带双极化四脊圆喇叭天线。对其工作原理、性能及电气结构进行了分析与设计,实际制作了一批宽带双极化四脊圆喇叭天线并对其进行了调试,电性能参数优良,实测结果与设计基本一致:此天线在C,X,Ku波段内具有大于3倍频程的宽带匹配特性,相当高的交叉极化隔离度(B>22 dB)和高的增益(10 dB~20 dB)。结果表明该方法是正确和有效的。  相似文献   

介绍了一种双频段圆锥喇叭天线的设计.作为星载阵列天线单元的圆锥喇叭天线需要满足20/30 GHz双频段工作的需要.此处采用在光壁圆锥喇叭内加载一个外形渐变的金属柱体来改变天线的输入阻抗,调节金属柱体的尺寸,包括两端的口径和长度,可以在要求的频段得到理想的输入阻抗.仿真分析和实验测试结果说明该天线具有满意的频带特性和方向图特性.  相似文献   


A simple technique to design stable gain and low back lobe substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) horn antenna is proposed. Matching is achieved by placing a metallised via in a specific distance from the aperture of the horn. The proposed design method is based on the analytical equivalent circuit that derived for the impedance of the antenna aperture and the matching metallic via in SIW. The aperture impedance and metallic via in SIW are studied and design curves are extracted for a specified substrate. Also, to reach a directive pattern and reduce the back lobe of the antenna, some chokes are used on the aperture of the horn. The effect of chokes on some parameters such as power flow and radiation pattern, the front to back ratio (FBR), side lobe level (SLL) and increasing directivity of the antenna is reported. The measurement results confirm simulation, appropriately. The proposed structure has high compactness due to the matching technique and design. The proposed SIW horn has compact dimensions as 18.7 * 23.34*7.62 mm (0.93 * 1.16 * 0.37 λ0) and the measured gain of the horn is about 5.5 dB at 15 GHz and bandwidth of six percent.  相似文献   

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