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WDM局域网的数据传送算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对单跳波分复用(WDM,Wavelength Division Multiplexing)访问控制协议中的两大难点:可调光器件的调谐时延比较大,以及网络的传播时延相对于单位分组的传输时延比较大,本文提出了几种数据传送算法,这些算法都是以信息最早地无接收碰撞传送为基本目标,本文对这些数据传送算法的基本特性进行了分析,并用大量的计算机模拟结果对算法的性能进行了比较和分析  相似文献   

Ma  M.  Hamidzadeh  B.  Hamdi  M. 《Photonic Network Communications》1999,1(2):161-178
One of the important issues in the design of future generation high-speed networks is the provision of real-time services to different types of traffic with various time constraints. In this paper we study the problem of providing real-time service to hard and soft real-time messages in Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. We propose a set of scheduling algorithms which prioritize and manage message transmissions in single-hop WDM passive star networks based on specific message time constraints. In particular, we develop time-based priority schemes for scheduling message transmissions in order to increase the real-time performance of a WDM network topology. We formulated an analytical model and conducted extensive discrete-event simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. We compared their performances with that of the state-of-the-art WDM scheduling algorithms which typically do not consider the time constraint of the transmitted messages. This study suggests that when scheduling real-time messages in WDM networks, one has to consider not only the problem of resources allocation in the network but also the problem of sequencing messages based on their time constraints.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a predictor-based scheduling algorithm for optical wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks. WDM technology provides multiple, simultaneous and independent gigabit-per-second channels on a single fiber. A reservation-based multiple access control (MAC) protocol is considered here for a local area WDM network based on the passive star topology. The MAC protocol schedules reservation requests from the network nodes on the multiple channels. In previous work, we have presented an on-line scheduling algorithm for such a network. We have shown earlier that schedule computation time can significantly affect performance and the scheduling algorithms should be simple for better performance. In this work, we further improve system performance by using a hidden Markov chain based prediction algorithm. The objective here is to reduce the amount of time spent in computing the schedule by predicting traffic requests. Performance analysis based on discrete-event simulation, varying parameters such as number of nodes and channels is presented. The results show that the error of prediction is reasonable for most cases: more than 70% of the time, the error between actual request and predicted request is less than 20%. Network throughput is higher with the proposed prediction algorithm due to pipelining of schedule computation.  相似文献   

The problem of minimizing the number of transmissions for a multicast transmission under the condition that the packet delay is minimum in single-hop wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks is studied in this paper. This problem is proved to be NP-complete. A heuristic multicast scheduling algorithm is proposed for this problem. Extensive simulations are performed to compare the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm with two other multicast scheduling algorithms, namely, the greedy and no-partition scheduling algorithms. The greedy algorithm schedules as many destination nodes as possible in the earliest data slot. The no-partition algorithm schedules the destination nodes of a multicast packet to receive the packet in the same data slot without partitioning the multicast transmission into multiple unicast or multicast transmissions. Our simulation results show that (i) an algorithm which partitions a multicast transmission into multiple unicast or multicast transmissions may not always produce lower mean packet delay than the no-partition algorithm when the number of data channels in the system is limited and (ii) the proposed heuristic algorithm always produces lower mean packet delay than the greedy and the no-partition algorithms because this algorithm not only partitions a multicast transmission into multiple unicast or multicast transmissions to keep the packet delay low but also reduces the number of transmissions to conserve resources.  相似文献   

WDM城域环网在升级时,信道数可能是不变的.本文基于此设计了一种新颖的节点结构,它由固定发射器和一组固定接收器组成.基于该结构,文中给出了支持可变长分组的时隙结构及MAC协议.由于实现MAC协议毋需专用波长信道,提高了资源利用率.理论分析和仿真结果证明了本文设计方法可以充分利用空间重用能力,获得很好的网络流量,分组排队时延及分组丢弃率.对于信道数较多,或者网络在升级时信道数也可能变化的情况,本文建议采用固定发射器,一组"准"调谐的接收器结构.该方案可在实现复杂度,网络性能及成本间取得折衷.  相似文献   

本文研究无源生形波分复用网络中数据传送的变化。在传统策略的基础上,本文提出了两各优化方案;最早发送时间数据传送策略和最小发送间隙数据传送策略,计算机模拟结果表明现任中优化部有力地改进了网络性能,既能显著地提高网络吞吐量,又极大地减小分组时延。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种可调信道访问光波网以及适合于该网的介质访问控制协议M-DQCA,利用波分复用技术将双总线光波网分成多个并行信道,用一个信道专门传输等时业务和请求信息,使网络管理得到简化;利用时隙重用技术,提高了网络的吞吐量;拥塞控制方法与多跳网相比简单得多,各用户只需根据本站缓存的情况来控制输入业务的流量。计算机仿真表明,M-DQCA光波网具有很好的性能。  相似文献   

This note extends the work in the paper [1] and presents a precise method without simplifications of the receiver collision analysis for the synchronous transmission protocols in the well known Passive Star WDM topology.  相似文献   

CS-POSA: A High Performance Scheduling Algorithm for WDM Star Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a new packet scheduling algorithm for WDM star networks is introduced. The protocol adopted is pre-transmission coordination-based and packet collisions have been eliminated due to predetermination of the timeslots each node transmits in a demand matrix. The requests of the transmitted packets are predicted through Markov chains in order to reduce the calculation time of the final scheduling matrix. This is accomplished by pipelining the schedule computation. The innovation that this algorithm introduces is to modify the service sequence of the node. The proposed algorithm is studied via extensive simulation results and it is proved that changing the sequence that nodes transmit, from the node with the largest number of requests to the node with the fewest requests, that there is an increase in the throughput of the network, with a minimum (almost zero) cost in mean time delay and in delay variance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of various strategies for scheduling a combined load of unicast and multicast traffic in a broadcast WDM network. The performance measure of interest is schedule length, which directly affects both aggregate network throughput and average packet delay. Three different scheduling strategies are presented, namely: separate scheduling of unicast and multicast traffic, treating multicast traffic as a number of unicast messages, and treating unicast traffic as multicasts of size one. A lower bound on the schedule length for each strategy is first obtained. Subsequently, the strategies are compared against each other using extensive simulation experiments in order to establish the regions of operation, in terms of a number of relevant system parameters, for which each strategy performs best. Our main conclusions are as follows. Multicast traffic can be treated as unicast traffic, by replicating all multicast packets, under very limited circumstances. On the other hand, treating unicast traffic as a special case of multicast traffic with a group of size 1, produces short schedules in most cases. Alternatively, scheduling and transmitting each traffic component separately is also a good choice.  相似文献   

In a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical network, in which the traffic changes dynamically, the virtual topology designed for an old traffic set needs to be reconfigured for a new demand set in order to route more connections. Though reconfiguration increases the throughput, the resulting disruption in traffic is a cause for concern. We present a simple and flexible framework to evaluate the gain achieved by reconfiguration, based on the two conflicting objectives of increasing throughput and reducing disruption. We present adaptive reconfiguration algorithms which determine the change in the virtual topology with a corresponding change in the demand set. These algorithms incrementally add lightpaths to a given virtual topology and delete a minimum number of lightpaths to facilitate their addition. One of the algorithms improves throughput by making changes to the existing virtual topology and another one reduces disruption by making changes to the virtual topology suited for the new demand set. However, in order to reduce the gap in bandwidths between what a wavelength channel can provide and what an individual connection requires, several low-speed connections need to be groomed onto a single wavelength. As our algorithms aim at increasing the throughput with as few lightpath changes as possible, more connections will be accepted without considerable increase in number of lightpaths. This means, more connections are groomed onto the lightpaths. One nice feature of our approach is that it fits not only for groomed networks where traffic demands are at the sub wavelength level, but also for networks where connection demands are at the wavelength level. The extensive simulation studies, wherein we compared the performance of our algorithms with that of two other possible schemes, demonstrated their flexibility and robustness. This work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India.  相似文献   

介绍了用于WDM(波分复用)光网的两种组播调度算法,持续重传的随机选择和退避重传的随机选择,以及一种在同时到达的多个信息中进行选择的接收算法,并为它们建立了不同的数学模型,分析和比较了它们的性能。  相似文献   

可调激光器是DWDM光网络系统的理想光源,同时可以用作光分组交换网络结构器件、接入网波长路由器等。本文介绍了可调激光器的技术特点及在光网络中的一些应用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and analyze a bandwidth guaranteed medium access control protocol for broadcast-and-select WDM local networks with a star topology. The proposed protocol is based on a combination of contention and dedicated reservation mechanisms for time slotted WDM networks. Every node accesses the data channel by transmitting request packets in minislots on a separate control channel. There are two types of minislots; dedicated minislots and contention minislots. Nodes requiring bandwidth guarantees, called guaranteed nodes, use dedicated minislots that are assigned by the centralized control node. The remaining nodes, called random-access nodes, share contention minislots using a distributed random access mechanism. The dedicated minislots can guarantee a minimum bandwidth for the guaranteed nodes. The contention minislots enable on-demand services at the optical layer and achieve good fairness for the remaining bandwidth. Here, the data channels are dynamically assigned to the minislots successfully returned on a first-come-first-served (FCFS) basis. This protocol can combine the best of centralized and distributed access protocols such as simplicity, efficiency, and flexibility. We analyze the maximum throughput and verify the results by simulation.  相似文献   

The number of stations attached to a single optical passive star is limited by current state of the art in optical technology. Also, the wavelength range of tunable optical transceivers is limited by current technology. Many high performance computing applications require the use of large size regular topologies for communication between computing nodes. Scalability of passive star networks built with these two limitations becomes an important issue for building larger networks. This is the subject of our study in this paper. In a previous related work we explored the design issues for networks built on a single passive star employing transceivers of a limited tuning range. Here we extend that study by considering the problem of connecting several optical passive stars, each embedded with a given virtual topology, to create larger aggregate networks. The design issues are analyzed and a number of design rules are proposed for building such aggregate networks. We study the scalability of embedded optical passive stars by considering the most commonly employed virtual topologies—complete graph, mesh and hypercube.  相似文献   

WDM star networks using fixed lasers and tunable optical filters are favored by the current state-of-the-art in technology over the other WDM star architectural forms. However, networks of this architectural form suffer from low efficiency when the offered traffic is bursty. Under bursty traffic conditions, it is probable that some wavelengths are idle, while some other wavelengths are overloaded. Therefore, the overall network performance is degraded. In this paper, a new MAC protocol which is capable of operating efficiently under bursty traffic conditions is introduced. According to the proposed protocol an array of tunable wavelength converters is placed at the network hub in order to uniformly distribute the incoming packets to the available wavelengths. In this way, the load is balanced between the wavelengths and consequently, the network performance is improved. The performance of the proposed protocol is studied via analytical and simulation results which indicate that a WDM Star network operating under this protocol achieves a high throughput-delay performance under both bursty and non-bursty traffic conditions.  相似文献   

Distributed Priority Scheduling and Medium Access in Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Providing Quality-of-Service in random access multi-hop wireless networks requires support from both medium access and packet scheduling algorithms. However, due to the distributed nature of ad hoc networks, nodes may not be able to determine the next packet that would be transmitted in a (hypothetical) centralized and ideal dynamic priority scheduler. In this paper, we develop two mechanisms for QoS communication in multi-hop wireless networks. First, we devise distributed priority scheduling, a technique that piggybacks the priority tag of a node's head-of-line packet onto handshake and data packets; e.g., RTS/DATA packets in IEEE 802.11. By monitoring transmitted packets, each node maintains a scheduling table which is used to assess the node's priority level relative to other nodes. We then incorporate this scheduling table into existing IEEE 802.11 priority backoff schemes to approximate the idealized schedule. Second, we observe that congestion, link errors, and the random nature of medium access prohibit an exact realization of the ideal schedule. Consequently, we devise a scheduling scheme termed multi-hop coordination so that downstream nodes can increase a packet's relative priority to make up for excessive delays incurred upstream. We next develop a simple analytical model to quantitatively explore these two mechanisms. In the former case, we study the impact of the probability of overhearing another packet's priority index on the scheme's ability to achieve the ideal schedule. In the latter case, we explore the role of multi-hop coordination in increasing the probability that a packet satisfies its end-to-end QoS target. Finally, we perform a set of ns-2 simulations to study the scheme's performance under more realistic conditions.  相似文献   

Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is emerging as a viable solution to reduce the electronic processing bottleneck in very high-speed optical networks. A set of parallel and independent channels are created on a single fiber using this technique. Parallel communication utilizing the WDM channels may be accomplished in two ways: (i) bit serial, where each source-destination pair communicates using one wavelength and data are sent serially on this wavelength; and (ii) bit parallel, where each source-destination pair communicates using a subset of channels and data are sent in multiple-bit words. Three architectures are studied in the paper: single-hop bit-serial star, single-hop bit-parallel star, and multi-hop bit-parallel shufflenet. The objective of this paper is to evaluate these architectures with respect to average packet delay, network utilization, and link throughput. It is shown that the Shufflenet offers the lowest latency but suffers from high cost and low link throughput. The star topology with bit-parallel access offers lower latency than the bit-serial star, but is more expensive to implement.  相似文献   

A high-performance Efficient Message Prioritization and Scheduling (EMPS) protocol, for intelligent message scheduling in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) star networks is introduced. The performance of the well-known EATS and MSL schemes is noticeably degraded in practical networks with non-uniform destinations and non-negligible transceiver tuning latencies. Under these realistic conditions, it is common that two or more messages with the same destination have to be scheduled consecutively or at close times. In most cases, this brings about some performance penalty, owing to the delayed availability of the destination’s receiver for the second (and beyond) of the consecutive messages. As the frequency of such occurrences increases, the performance degradation of the existing schemes becomes more prominent. EMPS is proposed to deal with this problem. It simultaneously considers multiple messages from different transmitting nodes and gives priority to messages intended for the least used destinations each time. By balancing the offered load in this way, EMPS minimizes the probability of having to schedule two or more messages with the same destination consecutively or at close times. Additionally, by incorporating the Minimum Scheduling Latency algorithm for channel selection, the protocol also minimizes the actual performance penalty incurred, when scheduling of consecutive messages with the same destination cannot be avoided. Extensive simulations are carried out in order to study the performance of EMPS and compare it to other efficient schemes under various conditions. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol always brings about a significant performance improvement.  相似文献   

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