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Parameter uncertainty analysis of non-point source pollution from different land use types 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Zhen-yao Shen Qian Hong Hong Yu Jun-feng Niu 《The Science of the total environment》2010,408(8):1971-1978
Land use type is one of the most important factors that affect the uncertainty in non-point source (NPS) pollution simulation. In this study, seventeen sensitive parameters were screened from the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for parameter uncertainty analysis for different land use types in the Daning River Watershed of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. First-Order Error Analysis (FOEA) method was adopted to analyze the effect of parameter uncertainty on model outputs under three types of land use, namely, plantation, forest and grassland. The model outputs selected in this study consisted of runoff, sediment yield, organic nitrogen (N), and total phosphorus (TP). The results indicated that the uncertainty conferred by the parameters differed among the three land use types. In forest and grassland, the parameter uncertainty in NPS pollution was primarily associated with runoff processes, but in plantation, the main uncertain parameters were related to runoff process and soil properties. Taken together, the study suggested that adjusting the structure of land use and controlling fertilizer use are helpful methods to control the NPS pollution in the Daning River Watershed. 相似文献
本文根据三峡库区的实地调研与历史文献资料分析,从山地生态系统的特征入手,解读造成库区城镇生态环境敏感的主要因素及其对城镇建设的影响,归纳总结库区城镇在建设过程中对各类生态环境敏感区的建设性利用措施,以期对引导福建省山地城镇生态环境敏感区的合理保护与规划建设,维护山地城镇的生态化与可持续发展具有启示及借鉴意义。 相似文献
The water body is just like a quasi‐static fluid after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China to 175 m water level in late 2010. In this paper, fluid dynamic model and numerical method were presented to analyse its dynamic characteristic. Then, based on an oil spill model coupled with the hydrodynamic model, the oil fractions evolvement with time as well as the recovery process with emergency actions under oil spills were numerically simulated and illustrated in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Emergency actions were accordingly analysed based on the simulated pollution area and density, by which a decay parameter was additionally brought into the simulation to understand the recovery of polluted area. The simulated results could be an aid for better emergency response strategy in case of oil spill accidents in the Three Gorges Reservoir in China. 相似文献
基于极限平衡理论,针对三峡库区岩质边坡,分析了边坡的结构构造、破坏模式以及稳定性计算方法,并对该段边坡进行了稳定性计算。研究结果表明,该边坡为顺向坡,坡面与岩层面基本吻合,有可能沿岩层面发生顺层滑移,该高切坡的稳定性较低。通过对边坡采用锚杆加固、挂网喷射混凝土护坡的治理措施,可以增强边坡的整体稳定性。 相似文献
三峡库区首次175 m试验性蓄水过程中,三峡库区云阳县某滑坡出现了险情,受到地质勘测相关部门及社会各界的广泛关注。为了实时掌握该滑坡的变形动向,通过无线网络并结合Internet网络,利用无线远程数据传输系统,实现对数据的采集和无线传输,并通过信息处理中心建立起完整的监测系统,以实现对该滑坡的实时自动监测。一年来的运行结果显示,实时监测系统保证了监测数据的连续性,可以较好的反映出滑坡的变形特征及变形趋势,且该系统具有低功耗、低成本、高可靠性等特点,是一套比较理想的监测系统。 相似文献
邱强 《土木建筑与环境工程》2002,24(5):1-4
三峡库区正处于快速城镇化的关键时期,城镇规模急剧膨胀,城镇建设占用大量土地,土地资源短缺与人们生存需要的矛盾日益突出,这已严重影响到库区城镇的经济、社会、生态环境的可持续发展目标的实现。针对三库区城镇化进程中出现的土地利用问题,提出了优化土地利用结构,走内涵集约型土地利用的途径,以期协调城镇建设与土地资源保护的关系,并进一步分析了优化土地利用结构的动力机制及对策措施。 相似文献
以朱衣河二道河湾回水区网箱养鱼水质的现场监测结果为基础,采用综合营养状态指数法对网箱养鱼水域的现状进行了营养状态评价,并用污染物浓度等值线法进行了网箱养鱼对周围水质的影响分析.结果表明:网箱养鱼及其影响区的水体综合营养状态均为轻度富营养,水质污染程度为轻度污染,其综合营养状态变化总趋势为网箱养鱼区大于网箱影响区;网箱养鱼影响区的Chla浓度明显高于网箱核心区,其余污染物浓度的平面分布总趋势是由网箱核心区向网箱影响区由高向低变化;若以超河流背景断面浓度5%作为划定超背景污染带的标准,则朱衣河二道河湾网箱养鱼引起CODMnNH3-N、TN、TP和Chla超背景的污染面积分别为35 000、22 500、23 760、54 000和16 000 m3,分别是网箱养鱼区面积(3 900 m2)的9、5.8、6.1、13.8和4.1倍. 相似文献
Chen Yonggui et.al 《工程勘察》2008,(6)
对三峡库区某高切坡的稳定性进行定量分析计算,并对该高切坡的加固与防护措施进行了施工图设计。首先,根据高切坡的特点将其分为3个区段,分析了高切坡变形的地质条件和边坡滑移模式,针对不同的滑移破坏类型提出相应的稳定性计算方法。然后,对该高切坡多个典型地质剖面,在天然状态和暴雨工况下分别进行稳定性计算,得到其安全系数为0.939~1.268,表明该高切坡在暴雨工况下的稳定性较低。最后,在定量评价边坡稳定性的基础上,对高切坡的3个区段,分别采取清除危岩体、锚杆加固、挡土墙固脚与挂网喷射混凝土护坡等综合治理措施,以增强边坡的整体稳定性。实践证明,这些措施可以消除高切坡滑移的安全隐患,工程治理效果良好。 相似文献
长江三峡库区丰富的自然与人文旅游资源,狭长的地形与复杂的山地环境特征,决定了支线航空有广阔的前景。支线航空运输具有建设投资省、方便快捷、服务半径大等优点,是三峡库区发展旅游的重要基础条件。分析了长江三峡库区航空运输的现状及存在问题,结合区域城镇体系建设及综合交通发展,提出了支线航空交通的前景与发展对策。 相似文献
The Three Gorges region in China was basically a geohazard-prone area prior to construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR).After construction of the TGR,the water level was raised from 70 m to 175 m above sea level(ASL).and annual reservoir regulation has caused a 30-m water level difference after impoundment of the TGR since September 2008.This paper first presents the spatiotemporal distribution of landslides in six periods of 175 m ASL trial impoundments from 2008 to 2014.The results show that the number of landslides sharply decreased from 273 at the initial stage to less than ten at the second stage of impoundment.Based on this,the reservoir-induced landslides in the TGR region can be roughly classified into five failure patterns,i.e.accumulation landslide,dip-slope landslide,reversed bedding landslide,rockfall,and karst breccia landslide.The accumulation landslides and dip-slope landslides account for more than 90%.Taking the Shuping accumulation landslide(a sliding mass volume of 20.7 × 10~6 m~3) in Zigui County and the Outang dip-slope landslide(a sliding mass volume of about 90 × 10~6 m~3) in Fengjie County as two typical cases,the mechanisms of reactivation of the two landslides are analyzed.The monitoring data and factor of safety(FOS) calculation show that the accumulation landslide is dominated by water level variation in the reservoir as most part of the mass body is under 175 m ASL,and the dip-slope landslide is controlled by the coupling effect of reservoir water level variation and precipitation as an extensive recharge area of rainfall from the rear and the front mass is below 175 m ASL.The characteristics of landslide-induced impulsive wave hazards after and before reservoir impoundment are studied,and the probability of occurrence of a landslide-induced impulsive wave hazard has increased in the reservoir region.Simulation results of the Ganjingzi landslide in Wushan County indicate the strong relationship between landslide-induced surge and water variation with high potential risk to shipping and residential areas.Regarding reservoir regulation in TGR when using a single index,i.e.1-d water level variation,water resources are not well utilized,and there is also potential risk of disasters since 2008.In addition,various indices such as 1-d.5-d,and 10-d water level variations are proposed for reservoir regulation.Finally,taking reservoir-induced landslides in June2015 for example,the feasibility of the optimizing indices of water level variations is verified. 相似文献
概述了住宅小区非点源污染的定义、特点及其原因,针对小区非点源污染的危害,对小区非点源污染的防治方法进行了详细探讨,并介绍了国内外雨水利用的现状,以期为我国城市小区非点源污染控制和决策提供参考和借鉴. 相似文献