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集装箱码头资源(包括泊位、桥吊、堆场等)的高效利用已经被深入研究很多年了, 然而对于泊位分配中桥吊分配的研究大多停留在静态分配最大数量桥吊上。为了弥补静态分配桥吊的不足, 第一次研究了基于两船之间桥吊迁移的泊位分配问题, 通过桥吊迁移的决策方法, 最终设计出了一个新的泊位分配算法。实验证实设计的算法能更好地提高码头作业效率, 表明了桥吊迁移在港口作业中的有效性。  相似文献   

集装箱码头资源的高效利用已被研究多年,而多数是在预知所有船舶作业的相关信息(到港时间、船舶尺寸等)的离线情况下建模与计算.现实中,却因一些突发因素(如恶劣天气、设备故障等)使预知信息不可靠,以至原调度方案不可行,从而降低港口作业效率及资源浪费.故在桥吊可迁移的连续泊位分配模式下,首次结合在线算法思想,提出泊位与桥吊调度的模型,并设计相应的在线调度算法.利用平滑分析方法给出算法的平滑竞争比,实验证实算法可行性.  相似文献   

肖玲  胡志华 《计算机应用》2013,33(10):2969-2973
针对连续泊位与桥吊集成调度大规模求解困难的问题,提出一种基于滚动策略的优化方法。首先,建立了最小化船舶偏离偏好泊位的成本以及延迟靠泊、延迟离港的惩罚成本的基本的多目标优化模型;然后,采用滚动调度方法根据动态抵泊的船舶抵达顺序将调度过程分成连续的调度窗口,并设计窗口的平移策略、当前窗口对下一窗口的参数更新方式;对每个窗口内船舶进行调度优化,根据每个窗口内的优化结果,更新下一个窗口中数学模型的输入参数;通过选取以船舶数量表示的滚动计划窗口和冻结船舶的数量,持续滚动获得每个窗口的最优解,叠加后获得对所有船舶的靠泊计划。通过算例分析表明,滚动调度能够解决较大规模的调度问题,其效率受滚动窗口大小、冻结船舶数量及滚动次数影响  相似文献   

为了更高效地利用码头资源,同时考虑泊位资源和岸桥资源,建立了考虑泊位偏好和岸桥移动频数的泊位岸桥联合调度两阶段模型.第一阶段模型采用船舶到港时间可变的到港策略,建立了以船舶等待成本、泊位偏离成本、延迟离港成本之和最小为目标的混合整数规划模型.第二阶段模型考虑了岸桥的干扰约束,建立了以岸桥移动频数最小为目标的整数规划模型...  相似文献   

泊位分配(BA),岸桥配置(QCA)及岸桥调度(QCS)是三个基本的岸边决策问题。提出了一个基于混合整数线性规划的BA和QCA的集成模型,模型综合考虑了货轮优先权,理想泊位及处理时间三个方面的因素。在实际生产数据上的运行结果表明该模型具有决策支持的潜在能力。  相似文献   

为了制定合理高效的泊位岸桥联合分配方案,加快船舶周转,本文针对船舶动态到港的连续泊位建立了以船舶总在港时间最短为目标的泊位岸桥联合分配混合整数非线性模型.通过多目标约束处理策略将复杂约束的违反程度转化为另一个目标,从而将原单目标优化模型转化为双目标优化模型,并用基于快速非支配排序的多目标遗传算法(NSGA-II)对其进行求解.同时,针对问题特点,分别设计了基于调整、惩罚函数、可行解优先和综合约束处理策略的单目标遗传算法对原模型进行求解.通过多组不同规模的标准算例对本文的方法进行测试,验证了基于多目标约束处理策略的方法求解效果相较于单目标约束处理策略的方法更加高效和稳定.  相似文献   

针对传统串行环境下码头连续泊位分配算法在船数大于七条时,算法的执行效率明显降低、资源占用量显著增加.首次设计了基于分布式环境下连续泊位分配系统总体架构和软件架构;提出了基于Hadoop平台下连续泊位分配系统开发环境的搭建,分布式环境下码头泊位分配系统组件设计与部署以及分布式环境下基于MapReduce改进连续泊位分配算法的关键技术;最后实现了分布式环境下连续泊位分配系统.实验结果表明,该系统可以有效的提高连续泊位分配问题的执行效率.  相似文献   

为获得合理的集装箱码头泊位—岸桥分配方案,建立了以最小化船舶在港时间和码头生产成本为目标的优化模型。提出一种多目标遗传算法用于求解该模型,算法中采用染色体组的方式表示可行解,给出了多个约束条件下的交叉算子运算规则,个体的各目标值结合岸桥分配启发式算法求得,并应用Pareto分级方法进行适应度值评价;同时给出了最终实施方案的选择策略。试验算例表明,与单目标优化相比,提出的优化方法能获得使码头综合效益较大的满意解。  相似文献   

改进Memetic算法求解集装箱码头泊位岸桥调度问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对集装箱码头泊位岸桥调度这一NP难题,提出了一种改进的Memetic算法。算法中采用三层染色体结构表示个体,通过改进顺序交叉算子和基于领域搜索的变异算子以避免个体超出可行域,在交叉和变异后采用改进的模拟退火策略进行局部搜索。试验算例表明该算法收敛速度较快,且能获得较好的满意解。  相似文献   

泊位是船舶进出港调度中的重要组成部分。集装箱港口的泊位分配问题(BAP)是为到达集装箱港口的船舶安排最佳停靠位置和时间。考虑船舶动态到达的情况以及码头装卸效率对船舶在港作业时间的影响。以船舶的总在港时间最短为目标,包括船舶的等待时间和作业时间,建立了连续型泊位分配问题的求解策略。根据“先来先服务”的原则,构建了混合整数规划模型,并采用改进的遗传算法对其进行求解。经过算例结果的验证,该模型和算法被证明具有正确性和有效性,可以找到更符合实际情况的泊位分配策略。  相似文献   

在集装箱码头系统中,对船舶进行有效的岸桥配置有助于缓解岸边资源紧张的现状,提高码头的运营效率。针对连续泊位下动态到港船舶的泊位分配和岸桥配置的集成优化问题,对船舶的岸桥配置进行基于船时效率的动态调整,以最小化包括船舶延迟靠泊成本、偏离偏好泊位成本、延迟离港成本和岸桥重新配置成本在内的总成本为目标建立模型,并根据基于船时效率的岸桥配置的调整规则设计了启发式算法,结合遗传算法(GA)对问题进行求解。最终通过算例分析,验证了提出的模型和算法在解决实际港口中泊位分配和岸桥配置问题上的有效性,并通过与未考虑岸桥配置进一步调整的传统GA计算的结果进行比较,证实了提出算法的优化效果。  相似文献   

Port operations usually suffer from uncertainties, such as vessels’ arrival time and handling time and unscheduled vessels. To address this, this study presents a dynamic berth allocation and crane assignment specific problem (BACASP) when unscheduled vessels arrive at the port, which is branded the berth allocation and quay crane assignment specific problem with unscheduled vessels (UBACASP). A rolling-horizon based method is proposed to decompose the UBACASP into a multi-stage static decision BACASP, wherein a rescheduling margin-based hybrid rolling-horizon optimization method is developed by incorporating the event-driven and periodical rolling-horizon strategies as the urgency of dynamic events is evaluated. In each rolling horizon, a mixed integer linear programming model (MILP) is presented for the BACASP to minimize the total port stay time of vessels and the penalties of delays associated with the spatial and temporal constraints, such as the length of continuous berth, number of quay cranes (QCs) and non-crossing of QCs. A discretization strategy is designed to divide the continuous berth into discrete segments, and convert the BACASP to a discrete combinatorial optimization problem, which is efficiently solved by the proposed adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm (ALNS). Case studies with different problem characteristics are conducted to prove the effectiveness of the solution methods proposed in this study. Moreover, the performances of the ALNS and the existing methods for solving the BACASP are compared, and the advantages and disadvantages of different rolling strategies under different degrees of uncertainties are deeply analyzed.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, Chinese ports throughput grew rapidly, and more and more concerns were shown on the operational efficiency and effectiveness. Many studies have been made for scheduling berth and quay cranes, which are the critical resources in container terminals. In this paper, a two-phase model for berth allocation and quay crane assignment is proposed. In the first phase, according to the relationships of time and space between vessels, a new continuous berth allocation model is established, in which not only the common restricts but the coverage area of quay crane are considered. Then in the quay crane assignment phase, a multi-objective programming model is proposed, in which the first objective is to minimize the range of maximum and minimum quay cranes used for resources saving, and the second one is to minimize the movements of quay cranes so as to improve the efficiency. A particle swarm optimization algorithm for BAP was developed. The results of numerical experiments show that the proposed approach can improve the essential operations in container terminal.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an effective approach to solve the issue of berth allocation and quay crane assignment in a multi-user container terminal. First of all, the studied coupling problem is formulated with the interactions between berth allocation and quay crane assignment considered. Then, an evolutionary algorithm with nested loops was developed to obtain optimal solutions. The algorithm is well structured, where two inner loops are used to solve sub-problems of berth allocation and quay crane assignment respectively; an outer loop is then utilized to find an approximate solution based on the results of the two inner loops. The results of numerical experiments show that the proposed approach can improve the essential operations in container terminals.  相似文献   

Due to high labour costs and difference of QC driver’s handling efficiency existing between day and night, factors concerning QC drivers can significantly impact the schedule of berth allocation and quay crane assignment. This paper tackles the berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem considering QC driver cost, difference of the operating efficiency and performance-related pay between day and night. How QC driver-related factors affect the schedules is analyzed, and the objective composition including QC driver cost is given. A mixed integer programming model with model acceleration algorithms is developed for the proposed problem, and a meta-heuristic framework including a three-stage algorithm is proposed for solving the problem. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model and performance of the meta-heuristic approach, leading to a multitude of managerial insights.  相似文献   

在集装箱码头操作系统中,有效的泊位岸桥调度计划有助于提高码头的运营效率和客户满意度。针对船舶到港时间和装卸作业时间随机的泊位岸桥联合调度问题,综合考虑了连续泊位下船舶偏离偏好泊位产生的惩罚时间,并通过添加延缓时间的方法来吸收不确定性因素带来的影响。为了体现调度计划的鲁棒性,将延缓时间添加在目标函数中,建立了以船舶在港总时间、偏离偏好泊位的惩罚时间、客户满意度和延缓时间之和最小化为目标的混合整数规划模型,提出一种自改变遗传算法和启发式靠泊相结合的改进遗传算法对模型进行求解;通过算例分析,证明了提出的改进遗传算法在计算不确定环境下的泊位岸桥联合调度问题的有效性。  相似文献   

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