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1. The effects of adenosine receptor agonists upon both electrically-evoked and phenylephrine-induced contractile responses were investigated in the bisected vas deferens and the cauda epididymis of the guinea-pig. Electrical field-stimulation (10 s trains of pulses at 9 Hz, 0.1 ms duration, supramaximal voltage) elicited biphasic and monophasic contractile responses from preparations of bisected vas deferens and cauda epididymis, respectively; these responses were abolished by tetrodotoxin (300 nM). 2. In the prostatic half of the vas deferens the A1 selective adenosine receptor agonists, N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) and (2S)-N6-[2-endo-norbornyl]adenosine ((S)-ENBA) and the non-selective A1/A2 adenosine receptor agonist, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) inhibited electrically-evoked contractions (pIC50+/-s.e.mean values 6.15+/-0.24, 5.99+/-0.26 and 5.51+/-0.24, respectively). The responses to CPA were blocked by the A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, DPCPX (100 nM). 3. In the epididymal half of the vas deferens NECA potentiated (at < or = 100 nM) and inhibited (at > or = 1 microM) electrically-evoked contractions. In the presence of the non-selective alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine (3 microM), the alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin (100 nM), or at a reduced train length (3 s) NECA inhibited electrically-evoked contractions (pIC50 values 6.05+/-0.25, 5.97+/-0.29 and 5.71 +/-0.27, respectively). CPA (at 10 microM) also inhibited electrically-evoked contractions in this half of the vas deferens. In the presence of prazosin (100 nM), CPA also inhibited electrically-evoked contractions (pIC50 6.14+/-0.67); this effect was antagonized by DPCPX (30 nM, apparent pK(B) 8.26+/-0.88). In the presence of the P2 purinoceptor antagonist, suramin (300 microM), CPA (up to 1 microM) potentiated electrically-evoked contractions. 4. NECA, CPA and APNEA potentiated electrically-evoked contractions in preparations of cauda epididymis (pEC50 values 7.49+/-0.62, 7.65+/-0.74 and 5.84+/-0.86, respectively), the response to CPA was competitively antagonized by DPCPX (100 nM) with an apparent pK(B) value of 7.64+/-0.64. 5. The alpha1-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine elicited concentration-dependent contractile responses from preparations of bisected vas deferens and cauda epididymis. NECA (1 microM) potentiated responses to phenylephrine (< or = 1 microM) in the epididymal, but not in the prostatic half of the vas deferens. In preparations of epididymis NECA (1 microM) shifted phenylephrine concentration response curves to the left (4.6 fold). In the presence of a fixed concentration of phenylephrine (1 microM), NECA elicited concentration-dependent contractions of preparations of the epididymal half of the vas deferens and of the epididymis (pEC50 values 7.57+/-0.54 and 8.08+/-0.18, respectively). NECA did not potentiate responses to ATP in either the epididymal half of the vas deferens or the epididymis. 6. These studies are consistent with the action of stable adenosine analogues at prejunctional A1 and postjunctional A1-like adenosine receptors. The prejunctional A1 adenosine receptors only inhibit the electrically-evoked contractions of purinergic origin (an effect predominant in the prostatic half of the vas deferens). At the epididymis, where electrically-evoked contractions are entirely adrenergic, the predominant adenosine receptor agonist effect is a potentiation of alpha1-adrenoceptor-, but not of ATP-induced contractility.  相似文献   

1. In smooth muscles isolated from the guinea-pig trachea, the effects of dihydropyridines, nifedipine and nicardipine on contractions produced by carbachol (Cch) were studied in normal (6 mM) and excess K+ concentration (60 mM). The tonic contraction produced by 1 microM Cch was highly dependent on the external Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]0) and was not significantly affected by cyclopiazonic acid or thapsigargin, Ca2+ uptake inhibitor. 2. [Ca2+]0-tension curves were steeper in the presence of 1 microM Cch (the Hill coefficient: 2.5) than in the presence of 60 mM K+ (Hill coefficient: 1.6) and their ED50 of Ca2+ was 0.16 and 0.39 mM, respectively. An increase of K+ to 60 mM in the presence of 1 microM Cch shifted the curve to the left roughly in parallel (ED50: 0.12 mM, Hill coefficient: 2.3). 3. [Ca2+]0-tension curve in the presence of 1 microM Cch was shifted to the right in parallel by nifedipine (1 microM). This was markedly potentiated by 60 mM K+ (the increase in ED50 of Ca2+ being 3 times at 6 mM and 15 times at 60 mM K+). No tension was evoked by Ca2+ up to 2.5 mM in 60 mM K+ solution containing 1 microM nifedipine but no Cch. 4. In the absence of nifedipine, Cch-induced contractions were potentiated by 60 mM K+, whereas in the presence of nifedipine, Cch-induced contractions were markedly inhibited by 60 mM K+. These mechanical changes were accompanied by an increase or a decrease in intracellular Ca2+. 5. A hypothesis is presented to explain the results which suggests that the kinetics of Ca2+ influx though a single type of pathway is modulated by membrane potential and receptor activation and that the susceptibility of the pathway to dihydropyridine blockade is closely related to the Ca2+ influx kinetics with receptor activation reducing and membrane depolarization increasing the susceptibility.  相似文献   

1. The effects of muscarinic antagonists on cationic current evoked by activating muscarinic receptors with the stable agonist carbachol were studied by use of patch-clamp recording techniques in guinea-pig single ileal smooth muscle cells. 2. Ascending concentrations of carbachol (3-300 microM) activated the cationic conductance in a concentration-dependent manner with conductance at a maximally effective carbachol concentration (Gmax) of 27.4+/-1.4 nS and a mean -log EC50 of 5.12+/-0.03 (mean+/-s.e.mean) (n=114). 3. Muscarinic antagonists with higher affinity for the M2 receptor, methoctramine, himbacine and tripitramine, produced a parallel shift of the carbachol concentration-effect curve to the right in a concentration-dependent manner with pA2 values of 8.1, 8.0 and 9.1, respectively. 4. All M3 selective muscarinic antagonists tested, 4-DAMP, p-F-HHSiD and zamifenacin, reduced the maximal response in a concentration-dependent and non-competitive manner. This effect could be observed even at concentrations which did not produce any increase in the EC50 for carbachol. At higher concentrations M3 antagonists shifted the agonist curve to the right, increasing the EC50, and depressed the maximum conductance response. Atropine, a non-selective antagonist, produced both reduction in Gmax (M3 effect) and significant increase in the EC50 (M2 effect) in the same concentration range. 5. The depression of the conductance by 4-DAMP, zamifenacin and atropine could not be explained by channel block as cationic current evoked by adding GTPgammaS to the pipette (without application of carbachol) was unaffected. 6. The results support the hypothesis that carbachol activates M2 muscarinic receptors so initiating the opening of cationic channels which cause depolarization; this effect is potentiated by an unknown mechanism when carbachol activates M3 receptors. As an increasing fraction of M3 receptors are blocked by an antagonist, the effects on cationic current of an increasing proportion of activated M2 receptors are disabled.  相似文献   

Nine non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs have been tested for their effect on contractions to serotonin of the guinea-pig isolated ileum. They exert a potent inhibition which is totally reversible by washing out the drugs. It is also well reversed by the addition of small amounts of PGE1 to the bath. It is concluded that prostaglandins exert a role in these contractions to serotonin which is probably specific as well as non specific.  相似文献   

The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) for the determination of drugs of abuse was explored. A commercial CE system was interfaced with a laboratory-built time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) which was equipped with a high-speed data acquisition system to provide accurate monitoring of efficient separations. Ionization of the CE eluent was achieved with an electrospray ionization source. Standard mixtures and seized samples were analyzed either by direct infusion of the analyte solutions or after separation by CE. Detection at the low femtomole level was obtained using CE-TOFMS.  相似文献   

In single cells isolated from guinea-pig ileal smooth muscle, held under voltage clamp at -40 mV or -50 mV by patch pipette in the whole-cell recording mode, carbachol (CCh) evoked an oscillatory inward cationic current. The frequency of current oscillations increased with increasing CCh concentration. CCh-evoked current oscillations were followed very closely by oscillations in intracellular free Ca2+ estimated from the Indo-1 signal, and were abolished by inclusion of EGTA in the pipette solution. Ryanodine and heparin, but not nifedipine, blocked the generation of current oscillations. CCh-evoked current oscillations were abolished upon withdrawal of extracellular calcium and restored upon its reintroduction. Inclusion of GTP[gamma S] in the pipette solution caused the generation of an oscillatory inward current, which was blocked by ryanodine. The present results are consistent with the hypothesis that CCh-evoked cationic current is gated by activation of a G protein and is steeply dependent on [Ca2+]i, fluctuations in the release of Ca2+ from stores during carbachol's action produce oscillations in [Ca2+]i which cause similar oscillations in the cationic current.  相似文献   

With reference to the concept that contraction of a muscle can be inhibited by contraction of its antagonists, the excitability of a bifunctional muscle, the soleus (plantarflexor and adductor) was studied during voluntary isometric contractions of the abductors in man. For this purpose, the soleus monosynaptic stretch reflex (MSR) was solicited by means of quick-release dorsiflexion movements which also induce inactivation of the tibialis anterior (unloading reflex). When different initial torques of dorsiflexion were developed (reference conditions) the amplitude of the soleus MSR was found to be related linearly to the maximal value of angular acceleration. When an abduction torque was superimposed (combined efforts), the soleus response was always depressed, but no significant reinforcement of this inhibition was observed when the abduction torque increased. From present results, and from classical data concerning reciprocal inhibition between soleus and tibialis anterior, it is concluded that the MSR of a bifunctional muscle is depressed when the antagonists of either one of its functions are voluntarily activated.  相似文献   

AIMS: To clarify the significance of apoptosis in the progression of uterine cervical neoplasias, including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), microinvasive carcinoma (MIC), and invasive squamous cell carcinoma (ISCC) categories, in relation to cell proliferation and human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. METHODS: Forty six cases of CIN I/II, 75 of CIN III, 16 of MIC, and 44 of ISCC were examined using formalin fixed and paraffin wax embedded samples. The TdT mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL) method for detection of apoptotic cells was performed along with Ki-67 immunohistochemistry. Presence of HPV-DNA was confirmed by PCR-RFLP assay. RESULTS: Apoptotic labelling indices, calculated after counting positive nuclei among at least 2000 nuclei, showed significant positive correlation with histological malignant grading in CIN and tumour cell invasion into stroma. In contrast, similar Ki-67 labelling index values were found in CIN, MIC, and ISCC. Although HPV-DNA was detected in 35/46 CIN I/II (76.1%), 53/74CIN III (71.6%), 9/16 MIC (56.3%), and 36/44 ISCC (81.8%), there was no apparent relation with the apoptotic labelling indices. CONCLUSIONS: Apoptosis in cervical neoplasias may be closely related to tumour cell differentiation and progression. It also seems unlikely that HPV itself is directly related to pathways regulating apoptosis.  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed to determine whether the antisecretory (antidiarrhoeal) actions of difenoxin and loperamide are mediated by enteric neurones. An iso-osmotic perfusion solution was circulated around the lumen of the jejunum of anaesthetised rats. Vasoactive intestinal peptide was infused intra-arterially to induce net fluid secretion which was inhibited by difenoxin (ED50, 0.23 mg/kg) and loperamide (ED50, 0.5 mg/kg). However, neither were able to restore the fluid transport rate to the control level of absorption. The antisecretory effects of difenoxin (0.77 mg/kg) and loperamide (0.6 mg/kg) were blocked by the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone (2 mg/kg). Their effects were also abolished by pretreatment with the 5-HT synthesis inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA; 200 mg/kg; with desmethylimipramine given beforehand to protect noradrenergic nerves and enhance 5-HT depletion). The effect of difenoxin was blocked with methiothepin (1 mg/kg) and methysergide (30 micrograms/kg) but not ketanserin (30 micrograms/kg), ritanserin (30 mg/kg), ondansetron (10 micrograms/kg) or ICS 205-930 (3 mg/kg). None of the above 5-HT receptor antagonists modified the antisecretory effect of loperamide. The antisecretory effect of difenoxin but not loperamide was prevented by phentolamine (2 mg/kg) and by pretreatment with 6-hydroxy-dopamine (150 mg/kg total). It is concluded that both difenoxin and loperamide inhibit net fluid secretion by indirect mechanisms. It is proposed that the initial action is on enteric mu-opiate receptors and that this results in the release of 5-HT. In the case of difenoxin, the 5-HT may act on 5-HT1-like receptors to release noradrenaline.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The actions of caffeine and ryanodine on the spontaneous rhythmic activities in the guinea-pig colon were studied by mechanical tension recording. Caffeine reduced the amplitude of the spontaneous rhythmic activity at low concentration (0.3 mM-1 mM). At high concentration (3-10 mM), it induced a phasic transient contraction. The spontaneous rhythmic activity and a phasic contraction induced by caffeine, were blocked by verapamil (3 microM) or by removal of external Ca2+. Ryanodine affected neither resting tension nor frequency of spontaneous activity at 1 microM. However in the circular muscle strips pretreated with ryanodine, a sustained contraction was initiated after the removal of caffeine (10 mM). Continuous Ca2+ influx was necessary for spontaneous rhythmic activities and a phasic transient contraction, because it was abolished completely by the removal of external Ca2+, Verapamil (3 microM), a voltage gated L-type Ca2+ channels blocker, inhibited the spontaneous rhythmic activities and also inhibited phasic transit contraction followed by a sustained contraction induced by 10 mM caffeine. Our results suggest that caffeine may produce a sustained contraction by activating verapamil sensitive Ca2+ channel. In the muscle pretreated with both caffeine and ryanodine, continuous Ca2+ influx may occur also through verapamil sensitive pathway.  相似文献   

Responsiveness to various contractile and relaxant agonists was assessed in tracheal preparations from guinea-pigs that had been incubated in situ at 4-37 degrees C for 0-168 h post-mortem. The potencies of histamine and acetylcholine were increased up to 168 h at 4 degrees C post-mortem and up to 24 h post-mortem at 22 degrees C. Histamine potency also increased with increasing post-mortem time at 37 degrees C. After 48 h at 22 degrees C and 8 h at 37 degrees C, responses to all spasmogens were abolished. Increases in histamine and acetylcholine potencies were similarly observed in tracheal tissue that had been removed at death and then incubated at 4 degrees C in oxygenated Krebs-bicarbonate solution for 0-168 h. The increased potency of these drugs may be explained by epithelial damage and/or loss of an epithelium-derived inhibitory factor (EpDIF). Both basal and spasmogen-stimulated increases in intracellular phosphoinositides fell with increasing time and ambient temperature post-mortem, despite the fact that contraction in response to these agonists could still be evoked. This suggests the selective failure of this signal transduction pathway and the maintenance of responsiveness via other mechanisms. The potencies and maximum effects of relaxant agonists remained unaltered in tracheal tissue with increasing time post-mortem, suggesting little change in the function of the appropriate receptor-signal transduction processes. This study has therefore demonstrated that at 4 degrees C. contractile and relaxant responses were preserved for up to 168 h post-mortem, although the modulatory influence of the epithelium on histamine and acetylcholine responses was rapidly lost.  相似文献   

Effects of various gastrointestinal peptides on gastric somatostatin release from the isolated perfused rat stomach were studied. After isolation of the stomach in a fasted rat by the method of Lefébvre and preperfusion with 4.6% dextran-Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing 5.5 mM glucose, each peptide was infused into the left gastric artery at a constant rate for 15 min. Secretin and bombesin caused a significant increase of gastric somatostatin release in a dose-related manner (10(-8)-10(-6) M). Gastric somatostatin release was also stimulated after the administration of pentagastrin (10(-8)-10(-6) M). In contrast, both methionine-enkephalin and substance P decreased gastric somatostatin release in a dose-related manner (10(-8)-10(-6) M), whereas neurotensin (10(-8)-10(-6) M) failed to change it significantly. The present results suggest that these various gastrointestinal peptides may regulate gastric somatostatin secretion.  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of action by which droperidol exerts a negative chronotropic effect, 3 series of experiments were performed: a) on isolated right atria of rabbits, b) on the isolated vas deferens of guinea-pigs and c) by injecting the drug directly into the sinus node artery of anesthetized dogs. Isolated tissue results include: lack of cholinergic action or beta-adrenergic antagonism: a calcium ion flux interference could not be demonstrated. Alpha adrenergic antagonism of the drug (pA2) was ascertained in the vas deferens. Injections of droperidol in the sinus node artery caused a negative chrontropic effect proportional to the dose and arrest ensued with the largest dose followed by His escape rhythm. Droperidol could not inhibit isoproterenol or dopamine-induced tachycardia and showed similar negative chronotropism in vagotomized and atropinized dogs. Negative chronotropic effects of the drug appear to be caused by an exit blockade of sinus impulses.  相似文献   

1. The effect of cannabinoid drugs has been investigated on cholinergic and non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) contractile responses to the circular smooth muscle of guinea-pig ileum elicited by electrical field stimulation (EFS). 2. The cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2 (1-1000 nM) and the putative endogenous ligand anandamide (0.1-100 microM) both produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of the cholinergic (9-57% and 1-51% inhibition) and NANC (9 55% and 2-57% inhibition) contractile responses. WIN 55,212-2 and anandamide did not modify the contractions produced by exogenous acetylcholine or substance P. 3. Apamin (30 nM), a blocker of Ca2+-activated K+ channels, reduced the inhibitory effect of WIN 55,212-2 on cholinergic, but not NANC, contractile response. NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (100 microM), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, or naloxone (1 microM), an opioid receptors antagonist, did not modify the inhibitory effect of WIN 55,212-2 on both cholinergic and NANC contractions. 4. The inhibitory effects of WIN 55,212-2 and anandamide on both cholinergic and NANC contractile response was competitively antagonized by the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist SR 141716A (10-1000 nM). 5. In absence of other drugs, SR 141716A (1-1000 nM) enhanced cholinergic (1-45% increase) and NANC (2-38% increase) contractile responses elicited by electrical stimulation, but did not modify the contractions produced by acetylcholine or substance P. 6. It is concluded that activation of prejunctional cannabinoid CB1 receptors produces inhibition of cholinergic and NANC excitatory responses in the guinea-pig circular muscle. The inhibition of cholinergic (but not NANC) transmission involves activation of apamin-sensitive K+ channels. In addition, an endogenous cannabinoid ligand could inhibit cholinergic and NANC transmission in the guinea-pig ileal circular muscle.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells isolated from the caecal circular smooth muscle layers of the guinea pig were used to determine whether adrenomedullin and guanylin can inhibit the contractile response produced by 10(-9) M cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8). In addition, to elucidate each intracellular mechanisms, we examined the effects of an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, an inhibitor of particulate guanylate cyclase, and an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase on the adrenomedullin- or guanylin-induced relaxation of the caecal circular smooth muscle cells. Both adrenomedullin and guanylin inhibited the contractile response produced by CCK-8 in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 values of 0.12 nM and 2.4 pM, respectively. An inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase significantly inhibited the relaxation produced by adrenomedullin. In contrast, an inhibitor of particulate guanylate cyclase and an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase did not have any significant effect on the relaxation produced by adrenomedullin. On the other hand, an inhibitor of particulate guanylate cyclase significantly inhibited the guanylin-induced relaxation, although an inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase did not have any significant effect on the guanylin-induced relaxation. In this study, we first demonstrated the direct inhibitory effects of adrenomedullin via cAMP system and guanylin via particulate guanylate cyclase system on the isolated caecal circular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

1. Dantrolene (10(-5)-10(-4) M) inhibited carbachol- or histamine-induced tonic response according to the decrease in Ca2+ uptake as determined by La method more than the phasic response in ileal muscle. However, dantrolene further reduced the second phasic response to sequential application of carbachol or histamine. 2. After saponin-treatment of the fibres, which leaves the Ca2+ storage sites intact, dantrolene had no effect on the IP3-induced contraction. 3. The results suggest that dantrolene inhibited the carbachol- or histamine-induced tonic response mainly by inhibiting Ca2+ influx through receptor operated Ca2+ channels in ileum with only slight effect on the intracellular Ca2+ release from the storage sites. However, when dantrolene was continuously present, dantrolene might reduce a part of the Ca2+ supply into the Ca2+ storage sites.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that postjunctional supersensitivity of the vas deferens is due in part to altered electrophysiological properties, the sensitivity of the muscle being increased to any agonist which initiates contraction by means of depolarizing the cell membrane. Results of the present study indicate that altered electrical properties are not the only postjunctional changes which can account for the enhanced response. Dose-response curves for stimulant agonists were obtained in isolated vasa deferentia which were depolarized by a K-rich, Na-free solution. Chronic denervation resulted in a 2- to 3-fold displacement of the dose-response curve for norepinephrine to the left of control. Cocaine (10-(5)M) did not potentiate the response to norepinephrine of the innervated, depolarized smooth muscle. Supporting the contention that the supersensitivity of the depolarized tissue is postjunctional in nature was the finding that the denervated vas deferens was supersensitive to methoxamine, an agent which is not taken up by the neuronal amine transport system. Pretreatment of rats with reserpine (1.0 mg/kg/day for 5-7 days) also produced supersensitivity of the depolarized vas deferens. The increased maximal response to drugs of the denervated rat vas deferens which is observed in normally polarized tissues is absent in depolarized tissues suggesting that the phenomenon of increased maximum requires the existence of a membrane potential in order to be manifest. The denervated vas deferens, but not the vas deferens from reserpine-pretreated animals, exhibits an increase in the duration of drug-induced contractions. This effect occurs in both normal and depolarizing salt solutions suggesting that the change which leads to this phenomenon differs from those alterations which lead to postjunctional supersensitivity and to the enhanced maximal response.  相似文献   

1. Simultaneous recordings of both the transmembrane action potential and the contractions were made in isolated electrically driven papillary muscles of the guinea pig in order to compare the effects of 6-methoxyindole (6-MOI), 3-methylindole (3-MI) and 5-methylindole (5-MI) with those of noradrenaline (1.2 - 10(-6) M), nicotine (2 - 10(-5) M), and tyramine (5.8 - 10(-6) M). 2. Noradrenaline, nicotine, tyramine and 6-MOI (5.4 - 10(-4) M) enhanced the contractility whilst 3-MI (3.8 and 7.8 - 10(-4) M) and 5-MI (1.9 and 3.8 - 10(-4) M) had only irregular effects. The active compounds shortened and time-to-peak tension and increased the rate of relaxation. 3. The duration of the action potential was prolonged by noradrenaline, nicotine, and tyramine, but shortened by 3-MI, 5-MI, and 6-MOI. 4. The results showed that the effect of drugs on the action potential are not necessarily linked to those on contractility.  相似文献   

The present work describes the interaction of phenylguanidine and cyclohexylguanidine with receptor structures of the isolated guinea-pig ileum. It is suggested that phenylguanidine in the range of 0.2-2 mM, acts in a way similar to histamine. At lower concentrations in the bath, phenylguanidine and cyclohexylguanidine, behave as competitive antagonists of histamine, with Ki values close to 0.1 mM and 0.4 mM, respectively. At higher concentrations phenylguanidine acts as agonist with a Kn near 0.3 mM; the Kn for histamine was found to be 0.127 muM, in agreement with previous data from the literature. The agonistic action of phenylguanidine is inhibited by promethazine and atropine, which have Ki values of 0.342 muM and 0.575 muM, respectively. Cyclohexylguanidine is devoid of spasmogenic activity, and this was attributed to the lack of aromatic character and to the bulkiness of the cyclohexyl side chain.  相似文献   

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