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虚拟企业细胞式治理体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实现虚拟企业的协同运作与资源优化配置,保障总体任务的完成,建立了细胞式治理体系结构,通过重构进化适应环境的复杂性和动态性.在该体系中,核心企业组成的细胞核系统是控制中心,成员企业构成的细胞质系统提供了不可或缺的功能单元,信息技术治理构成生物膜系统为虚拟企业治理活动提供了必需的信息技术支持.核心企业和成员企业根据各自所承担总体任务过程中的子任务价值系数,采用耦合程度不同的多元化治理结构安排.非正式社会机制是虚拟企业正式治理机制的有力补充.虚拟企业细胞式治理体系结构是一个虚拟企业治理的集成化通用理论分析和结构设计框架,可以为虚拟企业的结盟和治理提供理论指导.  相似文献   

介绍虚拟企业的基本概念和特征、实现工业虚拟企业的软件体系结构和关键技术、虚拟企业的抽象模型和全局模式,以及运行虚拟企业的系统协议。  相似文献   

虚拟企业工作流技术的研究对推进电子南务技术的应用男有重要的意义。本文研究了虚拟企业工作流实现的关键技术,包括协调机制、通信机制以及约束机制,提出通过引入电子合同来建立虚拟企业之间业务过程协调的约束机制。在此基础上,实现了虚拟企业工作流控制功能。  相似文献   

针对现有虚拟企业交互认证方案中存在的安全问题,提出了一个抗联盟攻击的广义虚拟企业交互信任方案.该方案通过赋予虚拟企业盟主关于私钥的一个决定因子,使得虚拟认证中心的私钥生成和证书颁发必须有盟主的参与,并保持了信任权限可灵活分配的优点,同时完善了虚拟企业信任交互方案的安全性.分析表明,该方案可以防范那些已退出联盟的恶意成员对系统的联盟攻击,适合复杂动态的虚拟企业环境.  相似文献   

虚拟企业中供应链管理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究虚拟企业和供应链管理的运作原理和技术 ,提出虚拟企业供应链管理运行的生产计划、采购、库存和销售管理模式 ,并分析一具体实例  相似文献   

In this paper, an agent-based approach with a mutual influencing, many-issue, one-to-many-party, strategic negotiation model is proposed. The model concentrates on solving the dynamic scheduling problem of a distributed project for non-cooperative and self-interested participants. In this model, the self-interested activity agents possess various negotiation tactics and strategies formed by their respective owner’s subjective preference, aim to find the contract of schedule adjustment mutually acceptable to respective participant’s acquaintance while encountering conflicts over rescheduling settlement. In order to find fitting negotiation tactics and strategies that are optimally adapted for each activity agent, an evolutionary computation approach which encodes the parameters of tactics and strategies of an agent as genes in GAs is also addressed. In the final, a prototype system with a case of a distributed project for dynamic scheduling discussed in researches is simulated to validate the feasibility and applicability of the approach, and some characteristics and future works are also addressed.  相似文献   

虚拟企业经营过程仿真的联邦建模框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为使虚拟企业的经营过程仿真建模能快速地响应虚拟企业的变化,提出了一个支持虚拟企业经营过程仿真模型重用、重构和规模扩展的联邦建模框架。该框架分为两个阶段,在成员企业经营过程仿真建模阶段,为了重用成员企业的经营过程仿真模型,成员企业的经营过程被分为外部触发过程、内部触发过程和混合触发过程,将每个外部触发过程仿真模型和混合触发过程仿真模型作为一个原子经营过程仿真模型来建立。在虚拟企业经营过程仿真建模阶段,通过组合成员企业的原子经营过程仿真模型,以经营过程仿真联邦的方式,建立虚拟企业经营过程的仿真模型。讨论了基于高层体系结构实现虚拟企业经营过程仿真联邦建模的关键技术。最后,结合某型号直升机旋翼虚拟设计过程,给出了建立虚拟企业经营过程仿真模型的实例。  相似文献   

将制造企业联合生产问题归结为一类资源结盟博弈问题,每个企业持有的资源,不足以满足其生产目标要求,而通过建立联盟则可相互合作,各自实现目标。从考察企业联盟稳定性入手,基于目标可行性及联盟相容性等概念,深入分析了联盟及其目标集之间的约束关系。采用评价函数来判断企业联盟的稳定性,设计了交叉修正算子、变异算子等启发式遗传算子,提出了求解稳定联盟的遗传算法。启发式遗传算子充分利用了资源结盟博弈领域知识,能够引导染色体避开不可行解,并快速向最优解方向进化,算法具有更好的搜索性能。  相似文献   

基于动态联盟的虚拟企业的库存控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现多企业多仓库的资源共享和库存控制,提出了基于动态联盟的虚拟企业的库存控制模式.企业间通过虚拟库存协调中心的协商,实现联合订货和仓库间的调拨.为了对不同库存控制策略进行仿真,提出了基于仿真的多企业库存调拨问题的优化方法,求解各仓库的订货点和期望的补货水平等参数.该方法由仿真模型和优化模块组成,通过多次迭代,获取最优的订货点和期望的补货水平方案.最后,以三个厂商七个仓库为例,验证了方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

本文论述了互换性标准在机械制造企业中的重要作用,技术特征、企业贯彻实施互换性标准的基本条件及实施中必须遵循的两项基本原则。  相似文献   

Ahp model for the selection of partner companies in virtual enterprises   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Rising product variety and complexity, shorter time frames to respond, and the continual need to gain new capabilities through innovativeness force the trend of outsourcing to be replaced by strategic alliances, where enterprises or individuals work together towards a common goal and share their responsibilities as well as their profits. Recent developments in information technology have enabled relatively inexpensive, reliable and fast networking to support such alliances in real time. In this context, the virtual enterprise (VE) represents an appropriate cooperation alternative and competitive advantage for the enterprises. VE is a temporary network of independent companies -- suppliers, customers, even rivals -- linked by information technology (IT) to share skills, costs and access to one another’s markets. In this emerging business model of virtual enterprise, the decision support functionality, which addresses issues such as partner company selection, is an important domain to be studied. In this paper, we propose an analytic hierarchy process model to contribute in the selection of the partner companies in the virtual enterprises. A case example is also covered to validate the feasibility of the adoption of the model in virtual enterprise situations.  相似文献   

选择对于虚拟企业战略具有重要影响力的两个因素,即技术创新能力和成员企业之间的信任程度作为矩阵的两个维度建立战略选择矩阵模型,分析了矩阵每个区域中虚拟企业的战略选择,讨论了虚拟企业技术创新能力及成员企业间信任程度的确定.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于可变权限集的广义虚拟企业信任交互方案,该方案能够根据虚拟企业的不同组织模式灵活设置成员权限集,并在成员结构发生变化时,对其进行动态调整.通过设计相应的虚拟认证中心来创建和颁发虚拟认证中心证书,在成员增减阶段变更参与方协议,有效解决了虚拟企业在各种组织模式下的信任交互问题.此外,该方案还实现了基于Pedersen可验证秘密共享技术的分布式密钥生成,既防止了密钥分发和更新过程中成员的不诚实行为,又克服了盟主单独行使密钥分发权利所带来的安全隐患.分析表明,该方案不但安全性大大增强,而且能够更好地适应虚拟企业复杂多变的动态环境.  相似文献   

In recent years, the competition among manufacturers to reduce the development time of new products has been quite fierce. At the same time, customers’ needs have become relatively diverse. Considering these facts, it is essential for manufacturers to build an assembly line in the shortest time possible. Because an assembly line for varied and complex products involves numerous workstations, assembly operations and resources, it is extremely difficult for assembly process planners to develop an efficient assembly sequence and position. Thus, in order to overcome such complications, the best alternative is for a number of process planners to develop a process plan synchronously . This paper introduces a new process planning method for assembly lines based on a collaborative system. In it we propose an agent-based collaborative process planning system, and to verify it, we implement the system in an Internet environment and apply it to some practical case studies.  相似文献   

Formation of dynamic virtual enterprises and enterprise networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper addresses the preparation and set up of virtual enterprises and enterprise networks. A virtual enterprise (VE) can be perceived as a customer solution delivery system created by a temporary and re-configurable information and communications technology (ICT) enabled aggregation of competencies. The main achievements of the research include: (1) Clarification and definition of the concept for virtual enterprises and enterprise networks including preparation of these. (2) Development of a framework and a reference architecture for virtual enterprises named as Structured Methodology and ICT Reference Architecture respectively. Structured methodology structures the body of knowledge related to preparation, setup, and operation of virtual enterprises and enterprise networks. ICT reference architecture consists of three levels with seven layers to portray in a diagrammatic fashion how different enterprises may exchange and use information between their respective organizations’ specific proprietary systems and a central server. (3) Development of a methodology for virtual enterprise named as virtual enterprise methodology (VEM). VEM consists of a set of guidelines, which systematically describes activities that enterprises should consider in relation to set up and preparation of own enterprise networks with the aim to set up virtual enterprises. (4) Testing and validation of the developed VEM with the realization of a virtual case study. Virtual case study demonstrates and validates the application of the developed VE methodology with the illustration of the key activities related to setting up breeding environment, setting up and operating VE and dissolution of VE.  相似文献   

In order to use high-fidelity analysis and design tools at the design stage, designers need to communicate with domain experts and their tools, which may be geographically dispersed over heterogeneous computing platforms. However, technical difficulties and ontological issues such as distributed computing, application integration, and distributed product information sharing impede the collaborative product development. This paper presents a distributed product development architecture for engineering collaborations across ubiquitous virtual enterprises. It provides an integrated framework for product development services to effectively communicate to realize true engineering application integration. The focus of this paper is to address three key issues. One is concerned with product information sharing and synchronization across virtual enterprises. Another is concerned with federations of product development services over the collaborative process. The third is related to the engineering context management using semantic web for providing more human-oriented collaborations services. A case study for developing a mobile phone is shown to validate the implementation of the proposed approach, which gives a great deal of possibilities for supporting a rich set of product development scenarios in ubiquitous environments.  相似文献   

具有项目投标价格和完工时间因素的带工期约束的伙伴选择问题是企业动态联盟的基本问题,证明了该问题是NP完全问题。为设计求解该问题的分支定界算法,建立了非线性整数规划模型。证明了模型中目标函数和约束函数的单调性,并利用单调性给出了判断问题无解和问题最优解已知的条件,构造了收缩求解区域的二分法。实验表明,基于这些结果所构造的分支定界算法是有效的。  相似文献   

现有的虚拟企业信任交互方案,均不能抵抗盟主与盟员及盟员与盟员间的合谋攻击,也不具备盟员间出现信任纠纷时的身份追查功能.为此,提出了一个身份可追查的抗合谋攻击广义虚拟企业信任交互方案.新方案通过在证书签发过程中引入签名成员的固有公私钥信息实现抗合谋攻击,通过构建身份跟踪数据库和y值吊销列表实现责任追查,通过部分签名验证实现错误定位.分析表明,新方案不仅具备已有方案的安会特性,还具备抗合谋攻击和身份可追查功能,且能灵活适应虚拟企业的不同组织模式,为虚拟企业盟员间的信任交互提供了安全可行的解决方案.  相似文献   

分析了现有虚拟企业伙伴选择的局限性;提出了Web Service环境下,利用移动Agent按照盟主企业制定的旅行图和移动策略进行虚拟企业伙伴选择的方法和过程,并对移动策略和返回结果策略等关键技术进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于OpenGL的机械零件虚拟装配方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
林建 《机械工程师》2001,(10):37-39
在机械零件及机械系统的设计中,装配是重要的一步,以往在个人计算机上实现三维机械零件的装配比较困难,现在,在OpenLG图形库的支持下可以仿真具有真实感效果的三维机械零件实体,文中对虚拟装配的方法及坐标系和光照效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

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