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Viscoelastic contact is a type of contact which includes, in addition to linear or nonlinear elastic response, time-dependent response due to relaxation or creep phenomena that govern the contact behavior. The characteristics of the time-dependent relaxation of such a viscoelastic contact are typically exponentially decaying functions, and exponentially growing functions for creep, respectively. Such contacts can be found in anthropomorphic robotic fingers, soft materials, viscoelastic skin with rigid core, and human fingers and feet. In this paper, the nature of viscoelastic contacts is investigated, and the evolution of their friction limit surfaces and of the pressure distributions at the contact interface are studied. Two cases commonly found in robotic grasping and manipulation are discussed. Based on the modeling formulation, it is found that the two important parameters of analysis and modeling for such contacts, i.e., the radius of contact area and the profile of pressure distribution, can be chosen using proposed coupling equations as the viscoelastic contact interface evolves with time. The new contribution of this paper includes a proposal of coupling equations between the two important parameters to describe the viscoelastic contact interface, and a study of the evolution of limit surfaces for viscoelastic contact interface due to temporal dependency, and the implication on grasp stability. It is found from the evolution of limit surfaces that when normal force is applied with typical viscoelastic contacts, grasp becomes more stable as time elapses. The modeling can be applied to the design of fingertips and the analysis of robotic grasping and manipulation involving viscoelastic fingers 相似文献
Verscheure D. Sharf I. Bruyninckx H. Swevers J. De Schutter J. 《Robotics, IEEE Transactions on》2009,25(2):240-252
This paper investigates and demonstrates the feasibility of identifying contact dynamics parameters for stiff robotic payloads using a robotic system. The contact dynamics model for stiff payloads is motivated, and theoretical parameter values and bounds are provided. Then, the effect of nonidealities such as surface roughness and plastic deformation on the theoretical values is demonstrated. A row-wise-scaled total least-squares parameter estimation algorithm is proposed and applied to experimental data measured using the special purpose dexterous manipulator task verification facility manipulator at the Canadian Space Agency. The experimental results are compared to a separate set of experiments with a material testing machine as well as finite-element modeling results. Finally, the experimental findings are generalized by providing guidelines for the maximum identifiable payload stiffness as a function of the position resolution, the maximum exertable force, and the structural stiffness of the robotic system. 相似文献
导电橡胶动态接触压力分布测量系统 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
叙述了应用新型导电橡胶材料的电阻-力特性研制的16×16点阵接触力传感及计算机测量系统.系统具有传感器薄,对接触面影响小,测量频率可达50次/秒等优点;由于采用直接与微机相连,软件采集的数据以三维图形显示出来而十分直观。 相似文献
This paper presents a planning methodology based on Stochastic Petri Nets (SPNs) and Neural nets for coordination of two robotic arms working in a space with constrained placement. The SPN planning method generates a global plan based on the states of the elements of the Universe of Discourse. The plan includes all the possible conflict-free planning paths to achieve the goals under constraints, such as specific locations on which objects have to be placed, order of placement, etc. An associated neural network is used to search the vectors of markings generated by the SPN reachability graph for the appropriate selection of plans. Moreover, it preserves all the interesting features of the SPN model, such as synchronization, parallelism, concurrency and timing of events. The coordination of two robotic arms is used as an illustrative example for the proposed planning method, in a UD space where the location of objects placement are restricted. 相似文献
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) use signals recorded from the brain to operate robotic or prosthetic devices. Both invasive and noninvasive approaches have proven effective. Achieving the speed, accuracy, and reliability necessary for real-world applications remains the major challenge for BCI-based robotic control. 相似文献
Dexterity in human hand is connected with the fingertip rolling ability. In this work we consider rolling motion of spherical robotic fingertips as one of the control objectives together with the set point position control and force trajectory tracking. The generation of a rolling motion trajectory is proposed and a control solution is designed which achieves prescribed transient and steady state tracking behavior. The proposed control law is structurally and computationally simple and does not utilize the dynamics of the robot model or its approximation. A simulation of a five degrees of freedom robot show excellent contact rolling performance even at cases of adverse friction conditions while alternative controllers lead to contact sliding. Experiments with a KUKA LWR4 + are performed to validate the proposed method. 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(13-14):1603-1625
Dynamic manipulation of an active object is introduced as a general model of hopping and juggling tasks. In this setting, juggling and hopping are two extreme cases of this general model. Behavioral resemblance of these two tasks is afterwards extended to a detailed mathematical analogy between them. Then the analogy is exploited to develop a unified and abstract planning framework for juggling and hopping. To this end, dynamic manipulation of an active object is decomposed into three distinct phases and two transitions: Carry I, Free flight and Carry II phases. These phases are analogous to Lift off, Free flight and Touch down in hopping. In the next step, a mathematical model for each phase is developed. It is shown that dynamic grasp (in Carry phases of juggling) and foot stability (in Support phases of hopping) conditions share similar sets of dynamic equations. Accordingly, Lift off/Release and Touch down/Catch conditions in hopping/juggling are derived. It is shown that analogous strategies can be developed for Lift off and Release. The analogy is held for Touch down and Catch conditions as well. It is discussed that in the planning framework the initial and the goal configurations of the three phases are set in a model-based and forward manner. To do so, Touch down/Landing time, Free flight duration and robot/object maneuvers during Free flight are used as free parameters for planning in order to ensure foot stability in hopping and dynamic grasp in juggling along with other constraints. 相似文献
在岩土力学与工程领域,随着对土压力荷载大小与分布研究的深入,新型土压力传感器的研发愈显重要.本文利用导电敏感复合材料研制了一种新型薄膜式土压力分布传感器,其总厚度小于0.2 mm.首先介绍了传感器的设计原理及结构,初步测试结果表明,双层结构传感器的灵敏度相对更高.然后,通过大型模型试验实测检验了研发的双层结构土压力分布传感器的基本性能.新型传感器具有测点面积小(可实现大密度测试)、T/D小(对土体扰动小)、引线方便以及弯曲挠度大(适合弯曲表面压力测试)等特点.综合来看,它用于土压力分布测试初步是可行的,具有进一步深入研究的价值. 相似文献
Gurkan Kucukyildiz Hasan Ocak Suat Karakaya Omer Sayli 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2017,87(2):247-263
In this study, design and implementation of a multi sensor based brain computer interface for disabled and/or elderly people is proposed. Developed system consists of a wheelchair, a high-power motor controller card, a Kinect camera, electromyogram (EMG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors and a computer. The Kinect sensor is installed on the system to provide safe navigation for the system. Depth frames, captured by the Kinect’s infra-red (IR) camera, are processed with a custom image processing algorithm in order to detect obstacles around the wheelchair. A Consumer grade EMG device (Thalmic Labs) was used to obtain eight channels of EMG data. Four different hand movements: Fist, release, waving hand left and right are used for EMG based control of the robotic wheelchair. EMG data is first classified using artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machines and random forest schemes. The class is then decided by a rule-based scheme constructed on the individual outputs of the three classifiers. EEG based control is adopted as an alternative controller for the developed robotic wheelchair. A wireless 14-channels EEG sensor (Emotiv Epoch) is used to acquire real time EEG data. Three different cognitive tasks: Relaxing, math problem solving, text reading are defined for the EEG based control of the system. Subjects were asked to accomplish the relative cognitive task in order to control the wheelchair. During experiments, all subjects were able to control the robotic wheelchair by hand movements and track a pre-determined route with a reasonable accuracy. The results for the EEG based control of the robotic wheelchair are promising though vary depending on user experience. 相似文献
Soft robotics is important in the next generation of robots because of the rapidly increasing need for robotics in biomedical applications and the advantages of providing a soft interface for interaction with the physical environment in service robots and other applications. It is indispensable to understand the fundamental behavior of such contact interface, typically viscoelastic, in order to accurately predict the actual elastic and temporal responses of the contact and to successfully control it. Viscoelasticity is a phenomenon of time-dependent strain and/or stress in soft materials. It is therefore important to model such behavior and to study the effects of such time-dependent strain and stress on stability and behavior at the contact interface. The contribution of this paper is the introduction of a novel latency model, which is a nonlinear model with differential equations that govern viscoelastic materials. Latency model describes various features of viscoelastic materials, such as stress relaxation and strain creep. The theoretical modeling was supported by experimental results in which we found two types of relaxation. Type I relaxation is well documented in existing literature but Type II relaxation has not been elaborated previously with the physical insights provided in this paper. The proposed theory can unify both types of time-dependent relaxation responses for modeling, sensing, and interpretation of viscoelastic contact interface. 相似文献
The over 100 million landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) are buried in disaster-affected countries.Although significant efforts have been made at addressing this problem, few have resulted in practical removal tools, especially in the hazardous, yet essential, LV-3 survey. 相似文献
论文介绍了一个机器人导航系统,该系统将机器人的地图路径生成、机器人移动、机器人避障功能加以分离,当传感器发现规划路径不能继续时,可以对路径进行动态调整。仿真实验表明该系统结构能够完成基本的导航任务。 相似文献
针对目前国内某些油田中油水分离的检测技术仍较为落后的现状,提出一种采用MSC1210单片机为核心的油水界面仪的设计;系统使用高精度的压力变送器进行压力侧量,通过MSC1210的高精度A/D转换器对数据进行采集,使用软件对现场参数进行修正,完成油田开采中对油水界面高度的侧量和显示,指示或控制排放废水或排放油品的时间;应用结果表明,该检测系统在工业现场环境下运行稳定,检测精度高,具有一定的实用和推广价值. 相似文献
表面接触角对霜晶的形成起着至关重要的作用。为了得到表面接触角的大小,文中分别使用体式显微镜与卧式显微镜同时对不同材料表面上的水珠进行垂直方向与水平方向的图像采集,每台显微镜都通过CCD图像传感器将采集结果传送到计算机中。然后用Rising View软件将采集结果作二值化处理并测量出表面接触角的数值,同时利用几何关系式求出理论计算值;实验发现,水珠在水平表面上呈椭球冠状型,随着试片倾角的增大,水珠会出现向下倾斜的趋势,表面接触角会出现前面大后面小的现象,且两者的差值等于试片倾角。当倾角超过临界倾角时,水珠会出现滑落,不再附着在金属表面。 相似文献
《Robotics, IEEE Transactions on》2008,24(5):1157-1167
此文章除了讨论传统建筑中模糊性空间的形式、功能,还强调了人的使用和人的感受。指出物质与人的协调、历史与现代的共存对现代人居环境的意义。 相似文献