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The recently implemented General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has promising attributes for ensuring the protection of personal data collected and processed for clinical proteomic investigations. However, there exist ever increasing alarming concerns regarding its implications upon the future of clinical proteomics research both within and beyond the European Union. The main issues of concern regard GDPR legislative requirements for informed consent for study subjects’ data collection and processing, data anonymization, and data storage and/or sharing, particularly in research areas which readily utilize databanks and biobanks, such as clinical proteomics investigations. The potential impacts of the aforementioned issues upon on‐going and future clinical proteomics investigations are detailed, whilst recommendations for potentially resolving these emerging issues are proposed. Consensus between government, legislative, and research stakeholders, as well as impact assessments of final measures to be applied for medical research, is necessary so as to ensure the favorable perpetuation of clinical proteomics investigations and subsequent impact upon optimal patient health.  相似文献   

随着全球数字化进程逐渐加快,数据已经成为当今社会重要的生产要素.数据的流动为社会创造了无穷的价值,但也潜藏着巨大的隐私风险.随着欧盟通用数据保护条例(GDPR)的出台,个人数据安全成为了大数据时代下的敏感话题,也越来越受到研究人员的重视.首先,对数据隐私安全发展历程进行了回顾,介绍了欧盟数据保护条例GDPR及其应用领域和影响;其次归纳分析了近几年国内外相关研究文献,将GDPR合规问题划分为3个方面:GDPR违规行为分析、隐私政策分析、GDPR模型框架,并分析了这3个方面的研究现状.总结分析了基于GDPR的数据技术,并分别探讨了GDPR在区块链、物联网等具体领域的应用;最后,根据现有研究工作存在的不足与问题,指出了基于GDPR的数据隐私安全研究面临的主要挑战和机遇,并针对中国数据隐私保护提出了一些启示.  相似文献   

Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical technique that has been extensively applied to Boolean data in knowledge discovery, information retrieval, web mining, etc. applications. During the past years, the research on extending FCA theory to cope with imprecise and incomplete information made significant progress. In this paper, we give a systematic overview of the more than 120 papers published between 2003 and 2011 on FCA with fuzzy attributes and rough FCA. We applied traditional FCA as a text-mining instrument to 1072 papers mentioning FCA in the abstract. These papers were formatted in pdf files and using a thesaurus with terms referring to research topics, we transformed them into concept lattices. These lattices were used to analyze and explore the most prominent research topics within the FCA with fuzzy attributes and rough FCA research communities. FCA turned out to be an ideal metatechnique for representing large volumes of unstructured texts.  相似文献   

知网的形式概念分析及概念相似度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将知网的义项、义原及其关系映射到形式化概念分析的语境中,生成一个基于知网的形式概念格.一方面,提供了一种将知网中概念关系转换为概念格的表征方式,从格中任意一个节点出发,可以很方便地访问到与此相关的各种知识,从而为信息检索和知识推理提供很大方便;另一方面,也提出了一种通过对形式概念格进行分析来计算概念相似度的方法.实验证明该方法克服了以往计算方法的若干不足,并能有效地在相关应用领域如协作学习言论分析中加以应用.  相似文献   

We continue studying the connections between the Chu construction on the category ChuCors of formal contexts and Chu correspondences, and generalizations of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). All the required constructions like categorical product, tensor product, together with its bifunctor properties are introduced and proved. The final section focuses on how the second-order generalization of FCA can be built up in terms of the Chu construction.  相似文献   

基于形式概念分析与统计理论的本体构建模型*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解决目前本体建立技术严重依赖领域专家的参与、不够客观的现状,提出将形式概念分析与统计理论相结合的本体构建模型。通过利用统计算法对术语在文件中出现概率进行统计,根据设定的阈值对术语进行抽取,同时对术语出现的文件进行记录,进而将以上所得的知识组织成具有层次关系的概念格,最后将概念格映射为领域本体。实践证明,利用该模型建立的领域本体具有较好的客观性,同时能极大提高本体搜索的效率。  相似文献   

Defeaturing is a popular CAD/CAE simplification technique that suppresses ‘small or irrelevant features’ within a CAD model to speed-up downstream processes such as finite element analysis. Unfortunately, defeaturing inevitably leads to analysis errors that are not easily quantifiable within the current theoretical framework.In this paper, we provide a rigorous theory for swiftly computing such defeaturing-induced engineering analysis errors. In particular, we focus on problems where the features being suppressed are cutouts of arbitrary shape and size within the body. The proposed theory exploits the adjoint formulation of boundary value problems to arrive at strict bounds on defeaturing induced analysis errors. The theory is illustrated through numerical examples.  相似文献   

详细介绍了一种基于分页机制的嵌入式操作系统内存保护技术,主要对应用程序和操作系统内核的域进行保护,该设计简单,且具有通用性,能适用不同体系结构的CPU,也能在现有操作系统中使用,最后用示例简单介绍了移植方法。  相似文献   

The Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MCDC) test criterion is a mandatory requirement for the testing of avionics software as per the DO‐178B standard. This paper presents a formal analysis for the three different forms of MCDC. In addition, a recently proposed test criterion, Reinforced Condition Decision Coverage (RCDC), has also been investigated in comparison with MCDC. In contrast with the earlier analysis approaches that have been based on empirical and probabilistic models, the principles of Boolean ogic are used here to study the fault detection effectiveness of the MCDC and RCDC criteria. Based on the properties of Boolean specifications, the analysis identifies the detection conditions for six kinds of faults. The results allow the measurement of the effort required in testing and the effectiveness of generated test sets satisfying the MCDC and RCDC criteria. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在一个大的管理系统中,每一个子模块都需要有自己的权限管理,如何设计一个维护和操作都相对简单的通用权限系统,对于软件开发商来说是至关重要的。本文介绍了这样一种权限系统的开发及实现。  相似文献   

在一个大的管理系统中,每一个子模块都需要有自己的权限管理,如何设计一个维护和操作都相对简单的通用权限系统,对于软件开发商来说是至关重要的。本文介绍了这样一种权限系统的开发及实现。  相似文献   

This paper tries to provide a general and formal method for the program static analysis. For this purpose, a projecting model of directed graph is developed. The regularity of control flow and data flow as well as programs are defined. How to analyse the programs by means of projecting is discussed. The method proposed here is called “projecting technique”, which has been successfully used in a fine automated analysis system for FORTRAN programs. It appears more general, simpler and more flexiable than those methods proposed before.  相似文献   

The size of today’s programs continues to grow, as does the number of bugs they contain. Testing alone is rarely able to flush out all bugs, and many lurk in difficult-to-test corner cases. An important alternative is static analysis, in which correctness properties of a program are checked without running it. While it cannot catch all errors, static analysis can catch many subtle problems that testing would miss.We propose a new space of abstractions for pointer analysis—an important component of static analysis for C and similar languages. We identify two main components of any abstraction—how to model statement order and how to model conditionals, then present a new model of programs that enables us to explore different abstractions in this space. Our assign-fetch graph represents reads and writes to memory instead of traditional points-to relations and leads to concise function summaries that can be used in any context. Its flexibility supports many new analysis techniques with different trade-offs between precision and speed.We present the details of our abstraction space, explain where existing algorithms fit, describe a variety of new analysis algorithms based on our assign-fetch graphs, and finally present experimental results that show our flow-aware abstraction for statement ordering both runs faster and produces more precise results than traditional flow-insensitive analysis.  相似文献   

It has been long understood that increasing profits are a justification for accepting increased risks. However, the development and presentation of the relationships between sales, variable expenses, fixed expenses and net income have received rather cursory and inadequate treatment in the finance literature in that the risk factor, although both readily available and measurable, is typically ignored. What the decision maker requires is not a series of observations concerning only a simple relationships, but a systematic development and exploration of the factors that affect these relations. The decision maker needs is a dynamic framework to examine the interrelationships of sales, variable costs, fixed costs and risk so that return (profits) can be maximized at an acceptable level of risk.

It has been shown that operating leverage is a good measure of operating risk. Specifically Lev (1) showed both at the analytical and empirical levels that as operating leverage increases (decreases), so does the overall and systematic volatility of the return on the firms stock. Using degree of operating leverage (DOL) as a surrogate for risk, this study sytematically explores and develops the impact the DOL on the break-even analysis and in turn evaluates the corollary role played by break-even analysis is influencing DOL.

The study establishes these relationships in a microcomputer and spreadsheet framework and develops a series of tabular and graphical tools for the decisions maker. The use of these tools clearly illustrates the effect of the risk factor on the break-even relationship and demonstrates that these relations are dramatically even though the investigation was simplified by assuming linear break-even analysis. The greatly increased sensitivity (in nonlinear terms) of profits to changes in the model clearly illustrate the necessity of including risk in an effort to optimize decisions. Although the decision maker may know intuitively that a business entity with increased operating leverage is far more vulnerable in learn years, the desire and/or necessity to increase profits through debt is always present. The model developed provides a framework that enables the decision maker to maximize profits at a given level of risk.

The study utilizes a series of numerical examples and illustrates results in both a tabular and graphical format. The analysis is performed within a spreadsheet format. A listing of the model is available.  相似文献   

A framework for formal modeling and analysis of organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new, formal, role-based, framework for modeling and analyzing both real world and artificial organizations is introduced. It exploits static and dynamic properties of the organizational model and includes the (frequently ignored) environment. The transition is described from a generic framework of an organization to its deployed model and to the actual agent allocation. For verification and validation of the proposed model, a set of dedicated techniques is introduced. Moreover, where most computational models can handle only two or three layered organizational structures, our framework can handle any arbitrary number of organizational layers. Henceforth, real-world organizations can be modeled and analyzed, as illustrated by a case study, within the DEAL project line  相似文献   

Agent based computing is generally intended for modeling and implementation of distributed complex problems. Despite the existence of many applications, the problem of rational engineering of multi-agent systems remains complex and difficult. The purpose of this paper can be summarized within two claims. First, we aim at providing an approach that gives some guidelines for specifying and designing multi-agent systems. Secondly, we focus on the formalisms as a language for describing the models produced in each development process phases. These seem to be straightforward, while the development of multi-agent systems is still done, in most cases, without using methods and formal modeling such as those generally used in object oriented software. We illustrate this approach by specifying an example based upon a specific agent architecture.  相似文献   

Objective: Information Retrieval (IR) is strongly rooted in experimentation where new and better ways to measure and interpret the behavior of a system are key to scientific advancement. This paper presents an innovative visualization environment: Visual Information Retrieval Tool for Upfront Evaluation (VIRTUE), which eases and makes more effective the experimental evaluation process.Methods: VIRTUE supports and improves performance analysis and failure analysis.Performance analysis: VIRTUE offers interactive visualizations based on well-known IR metrics allowing us to explore system performances and to easily grasp the main problems of the system.Failure analysis: VIRTUE develops visual features and interaction, allowing researchers and developers to easily spot critical regions of a ranking and grasp possible causes of a failure.Results: VIRTUE was validated through a user study involving IR experts. The study reports on (a) the scientific relevance and innovation and (b) the comprehensibility and efficacy of the visualizations.Conclusion: VIRTUE eases the interaction with experimental results, supports users in the evaluation process and reduces the user effort.Practice: VIRTUE will be used by IR analysts to analyze and understand experimental results.Implications: VIRTUE improves the state-of-the-art in the evaluation practice and integrates visualization and IR research fields in an innovative way.  相似文献   

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