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加强幼儿园与小学阶段的科学衔接已经成为当前国际学前教育发展的重要趋势。澳大利亚维多利亚州通过实施幼小衔接方案来促进幼儿园与小学阶段之间的有效衔接。该方案强调以制定系统的幼小衔接框架来加强幼儿园的衔接准备,以设计丰富的幼小衔接途径来提高幼儿的衔接准备,以撰写科学的幼小衔接学习与发展声明来促进小学的衔接准备,为我国做好幼小衔接工作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

作为墨尔本西北部重要的换乘车站,改建后的北墨尔本车站为乘客使用本地和市郊公交运输网设施提供了更为便利的途径,并使该车站能再次与更大范围的北墨尔本地区相连。事实上,北墨尔本车站的设计方针是将墨尔本的出行与公共活动集合在一起,它衔接了交通运输网与公众领域,使途经以至停留游览成为乘客旅途经历的一部分。改建后的北墨尔本车站,作为一处为大众而非仅为列车而设计的场所,展现出焕然一新的面貌。  相似文献   

叶:下午好,Budge先生。感谢您抽空接受我们编辑部的采访。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的伍兹·贝格建筑事务所(Woods Bagot)将设计位于维多利亚州本迪戈镇的“金龙博物馆”(Golden Dragon Museum)的扩建部分。  相似文献   

常松 《中国消防》2012,(14):52-54
澳大利亚政府为联邦制,共有6个州:新南威尔士州、维多利亚州、昆士兰州、南澳大利亚州、西澳大利亚州和塔斯马尼亚州;两个领地:澳大利亚首部领地和北部领地,有863个地方政府。  相似文献   

国外媒体2008年6月4日报道,澳大利亚维多利亚州大洋路上的Ingoldsby屋获得了2008年RAIA维多利亚建筑奖的提名。这座房屋看上去十分安静,似乎融入在海岸的植被中。  相似文献   

所有的法定规划体系(statutory planning system)都代表了某种解决方式(resolution),用来处理政府不同层级之间权力分配的困境。本文表述了关于维多利亚州法定规划体系中不同层级之间权力分配的研究结果。研究表明,该规划体系自相矛盾地将相当大的权力下放给个体(individuals),有限的权力以及大量的规划体系的行政负担转移给地方政府,而将绝大多数的权力留给中央机构。这种特殊的解决方式阻碍了大都市目标的充分实现,例如那些在“圣尔本2030”(Melbourne 2030)中制定的目标,同时也在地方层面引起相当大的冲突和分歧。  相似文献   

王靓 《规划师》2012,28(Z2)
在过去40年中,社区福祉指标已经逐渐成为衡量社区质量、居民生活水平等方面的一项重要指标.研究从建立社区福祉指标系统的背景入手,对澳大利亚维多利亚州社区指标系统的主要内容进行介绍,其中包括指标框架、数据来源和选择等.通过对城市规划与社区健康的关系及相互作用、公众参与对社区规划和福祉影响等方面的分析,研究指出城市规划对推动社区健康和福祉发展具有重要作用,在重新审视人类发展本质并将追求幸福作为社会发展主要目标的同时,城市规划对人类发展的意义和作用或将引发新一轮的思考.  相似文献   

据《太阳先驱报》近日报道,澳大利亚维多利亚州准备将2009年2月被山林大火烧毁的一个小镇——玛丽斯维尔作为森林大火的纪念地。  相似文献   

如果将雨、太阳和风都变成一栋建筑构成的元素,那么这栋建筑应该是什么样子呢?澳大利亚南海岸维多利亚州InverIoch附近,就有着这样一栋建筑。这里的地理位置刚好位于背风处,建筑的设计形式亦非常巧妙,设计师将该别墅空间与周边的海天景观完美融合在了一起。  相似文献   

This paper discusses market inspired changes to the delivery of public housing in Queensland, Australia during the late 1990s. These policy changes were implemented in an organisational environment dominated by managerialism. The theory and method of critical discourse analysis is used to examine how managerial subject positions were assimilated and/or creatively resisted by different actors within the public housing policy community. These themes are discussed using interview data with a range of policy actors, including policy managers, front-line housing staff and public housing tenants. The analysis suggests that policy actors who openly challenged the emerging policy and organisational direction were marginalised in changing power relations.  相似文献   

The new Progressive Conservative (PC) government in Ontario is planning to sell the 84,500 units (using the UK model) of public housing that it owns. This paper presents an evaluation of the programs to sell off public housing in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. After a comparative evaluation, the author makes several recommendations for the Ontario government. The author argues that Canadian public-housing tenant characteristics are different from those in the UK. Ontario's public-housing tenants are too poor to purchase these units. They would be unable to maintain the unit and carry the costs (property tax, insurance, and utilities) even if the units were given to them free. The author concurs that the sale of public housing units in the USA and the UK may have generated some revenue and saved some costs. However, he points out that in the long run, the modest financial gains will be offset by higher operating costs. The sale of the best units and those that are easy to maintain, along with the loss of higher-income tenants, will no doubt result in higher average operating costs for the remaining Units. Such unintended consequences of the sale should be avoided by the Ontario government. The author recommends that the province develop a comprehensive and multi-purpose plan covering an array of programs (including the sale of some units) rather than concentrate exclusively on the sale.  相似文献   


The extent of social disadvantage in local neighbourhoods has come to the fore in recent years, partly as a result of the problems that State Housing Authorities have faced in managing the concentrations of socially marginalised populations on larger public housing estates. However, a wider understanding of the processes at play in these neighbourhoods is needed to inform policy development. We consider the evolution of local renewal policy in New South Wales at the present time and suggest potential policy options for the future.  相似文献   

Community renewal and large public housing estates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The extent of social disadvantage in local neighbourhoods has come to the fore in recent years, partly as a result of the problems that State Housing Authorities have faced in managing the concentrations of socially marginalised populations on larger public housing estates. However, a wider understanding of the processes at play in these neighbourhoods is needed to inform policy development. We consider the evolution of local renewal policy in New South Wales at the present time and suggest potential policy options for the future.  相似文献   

The market reigns supreme in the housing system of the United States. Its prominence has led to the efficient provision of housing of ever-rising standards for most Americans. At the same time, the poor continue to live in appalling conditions. The majority of them have to secure their housing without public support. In spite of the long history of government intervention in the housing system, the effect of that support has been marginal at best. Although the large cities contain substantial numbers of assisted housing, the public housing program has failed to provide the poor with the “decent housing and the suitable living environment” promised to every American family in the 1949 Housing Act. Even the direct support of households through housing vouchers and certificates has not broken up the concentrations of poverty. Many households remain trapped in substandard housing in crime-infested urban areas. The articles in this issue evaluate the (possible) outcomes of the latest round of reforms of the American public housing program, which are geared to more private-sector involvement. Jan van Weesep is Professor of Urban Geography and Urban Policy at Utrecht University (The Netherlands). His publications cover a range of housing and urban issues in various countries. He has studied and worked in the United States. Hugo Priemus holds the chair in housing at Delft University of Technology and he is managing director of OTB Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies.  相似文献   

In 1981 SABO (The Swedish Association of Municipal Housing Companies), which is the interest organization for housing companies in the public housing sector in Sweden, launched a new policy for organization and working methods in housing management. The core of the new ideas was decentralisation and reduced distance between the management of housing companies and tenants. However, SABO companies decide on their own internal affairs. This paper examines organizational developments in the sector in the early eighties. The research problem is to study whether any structural changes have taken place in accordance with the new policy. The material consists of a questionnaire to the companies. The analysis shows that major structural changes have taken place. In addition an explorative study is made of various factors which may have contributed to the process. The authors suggest an interpretation of the development in a motive‐means perspective in which the exposed position of the sector and the evident shortcomings of earlier working methods were the companies’ motives for change and in which new knowledge and new ideas were their chief means.  相似文献   

Acute housing poverty and low housing affordability among low-to-medium-income households have become challenges in the pursuit of a harmonious society in China. Promoting housing subsidies and stimulating investment on affordable housing have been at the center of China’s housing policy. This paper analyzes the correlation of affordable housing program in Beijing with household affordability of adequate housing and accessibility to public services, which include elementary and middle schools, hospitals and public transportation. Economic and Comfortable Housing is studied based on unique database of eligible household and affordable housing projects. We find that the program fails to make housing affordable and accessible for eligible households. The implications of housing policy design in the context of the economic and social well-being of targeted households are highlighted in the study.  相似文献   

The conversion of the Alexandra Park public housing project into the Atkinson Housing Co-operative took place from 1992 to 2003. The new co-operative represents an attempt to increase resident participation in the management of their housing community. Although there have been other efforts to increase resident participation, this is the first conversion of its kind in Canada, and as a result a new housing model has been created. This paper discusses this new model, referred to as a hybrid structure that contains elements of the co-operative and public housing models.  相似文献   

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