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Potential racemization of L-amino acids (AA) in ready-to-eat (RTE) cooked ham after hygienization by electron-beam irradiation between 1 and 8 kGy was studied. An indirect chiral method based on the derivatization reaction of AA with o-phthaldialdehyde and N-acetyl-L-cysteine followed by reversed-phase HPLC and fluorimetric detection was applied to detect ten enantiomeric pairs of free AA (Asp, Ser, Thr, Ala, Tyr, Val, Trp, Phe and Leu). Five of the D-AA were not found in any of the samples analyzed; the other five remaining D-AA (D-Asp, D-Ser, D-Ala, D-Val and D-Leu) were detected both in irradiated and non-irradiated cooked ham samples, their content being in the range 1.25–13.79 μg/g. Although significant differences appeared for a few of the samples and doses, no positive correlation between the D-AA content and the irradiation doses was observed. Therefore, the electron-beam irradiation technique could be useful for sanitation of packed RTE cooked ham at doses allowed by WHO and EU, since it remains chemically safe to eat.  相似文献   

A study of the formation of 1cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) has been carried out in four 2ready-to-eat (RTE) foods (cooked ham, Spanish Serrano ham, minced beef, and soft cheese). The samples were previously treated with electron-beam irradiation between 1 and 8 kGy. Three COPs, 25-hydroxycholesterol, 7-ketocholesterol and 6-ketocholestanol, were extracted together with the lipid fraction using chloroform. Then, COPs were isolated by sample clean up using 3solid phase extraction (SPE) and were analyzed by 4high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). Method validation was established by precision and recovery studies. Results showed that non-irradiated cheese and cooked ham samples did not contain COPs. In general, an increase in COP content was observed in all cases when the irradiation dose increased, although this increase was not linear. The 6-keto COP was not detected in any of the RTE food samples studied regardless of the irradiation dose.

Industrial relevance

Nowadays, changes in dietary habits have produced an important increase in consumption of prepared foods thus increasing microbiological contamination risks; consequently, it is necessary to apply easy methods, able to be implanted in industrial production lines, and which eliminate potential contaminants and enhance shelf life. The application of E-beam irradiation to vacuum packed ready-to-eat (RTE) food of animal origin could be a useful technique for sanitization purposes; besides, it is a clean, rapid and environmentally friendly treatment. During this treatment cholesterol oxide products (COPs) may be formed. They have received considerable attention in recent years because of their biological activity which has been associated with human diseases, such as the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis, atherosclerosis, changes in membrane properties, cytotoxicity, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. Therefore, COP analysis in food samples of animal origin is of great interest.In this work, an increase in the 25-OH and 7-keto COP content has been detected after E-beam irradiation with doses from 1 to 8 kGy, which is in the upper accepted limit in other foods, but final COP concentrations found in the foodstuffs studied here were at least one order of magnitude lower than those which produce toxic effects in in vivo and in vitro experiments. Analysis was made by HPLC with UV detection; so, two COPs with absorption properties were used as targets.  相似文献   

The use of chitosan as an edible film was evaluated for its antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes (LM) on the surface of ready-to-eat (RTE) roast beef. L. monocytogenes, decimally diluted to give an initial inoculation of >6.50logCFU/g, was inoculated onto the surface of RTE roast beef cubes, and air-dried. The samples were dipped into chitosan (high or low molecular weights) solutions dissolved with acetic or lactic acid at 0.5% (w/v) or 1% (w/v) then bagged and refrigerated at 4 degrees C. The bacterial counts were determined on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. The samples were spread plated onto modified Oxford agar plates and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48h. An initial 6.50logCFU/g of L. monocytogenes inoculated onto the surface of the non-coated RTE roast beef increased too >10logCFU/g by day 28. On day 14, L. monocytogenes counts were significantly different for all the chitosan-coated samples from the control counts by 2-3logCFU/g and remained significantly different on day 28. Our results have shown that the acetic acid chitosan coating were more effective in reducing L. monocytogenes counts than the lactic acid chitosan coating. Our study indicated that chitosan coatings could be used to control L. monocytogenes on the surface of RTE roast beef.  相似文献   

Simple graphical techniques can be utilized to investigate the performance of individual assessors and to detect individual differences among assessors in a sensory panel. By visualizing different type of information in a set of various plots the panel leader can extract relevant information without the need of extensive knowledge in statistics. The joint information content gained from the plots can then be used as a basis for selective training in order to improve performance of single assessors and the panel as a whole.  相似文献   

The effect of trisodium phosphate (TSP) solutions treatments on the sensory evaluation of poultry meat has been explored since TSP was recently approved by USDA for its usage in poultry processing to eliminate Salmonella contamination. In the present study, fresh chicken thighs were dipped in water (control sample) and in 8, 10 and 12% TSP solutions (treated samples) for 15 min. Raw samples' color, smell and overall acceptability and cooked thighs' color, smell, flavor, texture and overall acceptability were evaluated by consumer panelists. The evaluation of raw pieces after treatment or after 7 days storage at 2°C revealed that, with the exception of 12% TSP solutions treatment, sensory quality was not adversely affected by TSP. The color, smell and overall acceptability hedonic scores for the boiled thigh meat were not different between the treated samples and the control ones. Only the color, flavor and overall acceptability of thighs dipped in 12% TSP were rated significantly lower than the control sample. These results suggested that TSP solutions have good potential as dips to sanitize chickens carcasses  相似文献   

Utilization of Fusarium-infected barley for malting may lead to mycotoxin production during malting and decreased malt quality. Electron-beam irradiation may prevent safety and quality defects and allow use of otherwise good quality barley. We evaluated electron-beam irradiation for preventing Fusarium growth and mycotoxin production while maintaining barley-malt quality characteristics. Four barley lots with varying deoxynivalenol (DON) concentrations were irradiated at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 kGy. Treated barley was malted in a pilot-scale malting unit. Barley and malt were analyzed for Fusarium infection (FI), germinative energy (GE), aerobic plate counts (APC), mold and yeast counts (MYC), and DON. Malt quality parameters included malt extract, soluble protein, wort color, wort viscosity, free amino nitrogen, alpha-amylase, and diastatic power. FI, APC, and MYC decreased in barley with an increase in dosage. The APC and MYC for malts from barley exposed to 8–10 kGy were slightly higher than in other malted samples indicating that irradiation-resistant microflora could flourish during malting. Barley GE significantly decreased (3–15%) at 8–10 kGy. Although irradiation had no effect on DON in raw barley, DON decreased significantly (60–100%) in finished malts prepared from treated barley (6–10 kGy). Malt quality parameters were slightly affected by electron-beam radiation. The results suggest 6–8 kGy may be effective for reducing FI in barley and DON in malt with minimal effects on malt quality.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of defined odour attributes for the sensory evaluation of bulk fish oil and reconstituted microencapsulated fish oil as well as the active modification of the sensory profile during storage. Common attributes previously described for bulk fish oil (fishy, metallic, pungent, green notes) proved to be suitable for the sensory evaluation of reconstituted microencapsulated fish oil. Additional attributes were identified in dependence on the bulk fish oil processing (sweet/biscuit-like) and of constituents of the microcapsule carrier matrix (seasoning-like). Reconstituted sodium caseinate-based microcapsules exhibited a lower fishy odour during storage than did n-octenylsuccinate-derivatised starch-based microcapsules, probably due to the oxidative status. Flavour binding of caseinate may be of minor importance in reconstituted microencapsulated fish oil. Improvement of the sensory profile was achieved by the addition of an odour-masking compound (β-cyclodextrin) or flavouring (vanillin and apple flavour).  相似文献   

Viability of Listeriamonocytogenes was monitored on frankfurters formulated with or without potassium lactate and sodium diacetate at a ratio of ca. 7:1 and treated with lauric arginate (LAE; 22 or 44 ppm) using the Sprayed Lethality in Container (SLIC®) delivery method. Without antimicrobials, pathogen numbers remained relatively constant at ca. 3.3 log CFU/package for ca. 30 d, but then increased to ca. 8.4 log CFU/package over 120 d. Regardless of whether or not lactate and diacetate were included, when treated with LAE, pathogen numbers decreased from ca. 3.3 log CFU/package to ca. 1.5 log CFU/package within 2 h, but then increased to 7.3 and 6.7 log CFU/package, respectively, after 120 d. When frankfurters were formulated with lactate and diacetate and treated with LAE, pathogen numbers decreased by ca. 2.0 log CFU/package within 2 h and remained relatively unchanged over the 120 d. These data confirm that LAE provides an initial lethality towards L. monocytogenes and when used in combination with reduced levels/ratio of lactate and diacetate as an ingredient for frankfurters provides inhibition throughout shelf life.  相似文献   

The effects of electron-beam or gamma irradiation (doses of 1.5 kGy and 2.5 kGy of either one) on the microbial populations, respiratory activity and sensory characteristics of Tuber melanosporum packaged under modified atmospheres were monitored immediately after treatment, and subsequently every seven days during 35 days of storage at 4 °C. Treatments with 1.5 and 2.5 kGy reduced the total mesophilic aerobes counts respectively by 4.3 and 5.6 log cfu/g for electron-beam treatment, and by 6.4 and 6.6 log cfu/g for gamma irradiation. Other microbial groups studied (Pseudomonas genus, Enterobacteriaceae family, lactic acid bacteria, mesophilic aerobic spores, molds and yeasts) were not detected after the treatments. A decrease in the respiratory activity was detected in all the irradiated batches, indicating that the carbon dioxide levels were lower and the oxygen levels higher than those of the non-irradiated ones. Two species of yeasts, Candida sake and Candida membranifaciens var. santamariae, survived the irradiation treatments and became the dominant microbial populations with counts of up to 7.0 log cfu/g. The growth of these microorganisms was visible on the surface of irradiated truffles from day 21 onwards, affecting the flavor and the general acceptability of the ascocarps. Moreover, a watery exudate was detected in the treated truffles from the third week onwards, so the application of irradiation treatments in doses equal to or above 1.5 kGy did not preserve the quality characteristics of T. melanosporum truffles beyond 28 days.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC/TOF-MS) was used to analyze hydrophilic low molecular weight components, including amino acids, fatty acids, amines, organic acids, and saccharides, in cheese, and the sensometric application for practical metabolomic studies in the food industry is described. Derivatization of target analytes was conducted prior to the GC/TOF-MS analysis. Data on 13 cheeses, six Cheddar cheeses, six Gouda cheeses and one Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, were analyzed by multivariate analysis. The uniqueness of the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese metabolome was revealed. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed no grouping of the Cheddar cheeses and Gouda cheeses according to production method or country of origin. The PCA loading plot confirms that many amino acids contribute positively to PC1, suggesting that PC1 is closely related to degradation of proteins, and that lactic acid contributed positively to PC2, whereas glycerol contributed negatively to PC2, suggesting that factors regarding degradation of carbohydrates and fats were expressed in PC2. Partial least squares (PLS) regression models were constructed to predict the relationship between the metabolite profile and two sensory attributes, "Rich flavor" and "Sour flavor", which were related to maturation. The compounds that play an important role in constructing each sensory prediction model were identified as 12 amino acids and lactose for "Rich flavor", and 4-aminobutyric acid, ornithine, succinic acid, lactic acid, proline and lactose for "Sour flavor". The present study revealed that metabolomics-based component profiling, focusing on hydrophilic low molecular weight components, was able to predict the sensory characteristics related to ripening.  相似文献   

The effects of two doses of electron-beam irradiation (1.5 kGy and 2.5 kGy) on the microbial populations (total mesophilic aerobes, Pseudomonas genus, Enterobacteriaceae family, molds and yeasts) and sensory characteristics of Tuber aestivum packaged under modified atmospheres were monitored immediately after treatment, and weekly during 42 days of storage at 4 °C. Treatment with 1.5 and 2.5 kGy reduced the pseudomonads populations by 4.3 and 5.5 logs, respectively. Enterobacteriaceae counts decreased by 5.4 logs with the 1.5 kGy dose and counts below the detection limit (<1.0 log cfu/g) were obtained with the 2.5 kGy dose. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts were less affected by the ionizing radiation treatments and they became the dominant microbial populations throughout storage with microbial counts up to 7.1 log cfu/g. The carbon dioxide levels inside the packages containing irradiated truffles were lower than those of the non-irradiated ones, suggesting a decrease in the respiration rate of the treated ascocarps. The treatments with 1.5 and 2.5 kGy e-beam did not negatively affect the sensory characteristics of truffles, but a visible superficial yeast growth was detected in truffles irradiated with 1.5 kGy at the end of their shelf life (day 28). Treatment with 2.5 kGy e-beam has prolonged the shelf life to 42 days, compared with 21 days for the untreated samples.  相似文献   

Beef production under different local husbandry systems might have meat sensory quality implications for the marketing of these products abroad. In order to assess the effect of finishing diet systems on beef quality, a trained sensory taste panel assessed meat aged for 20 days from 80 Uruguayan Hereford steers that were finished on one of the following diets: T1 = Pasture [4% of animal live weight (LW)], T2 = Pasture [3% LW plus concentrate (0.6% LW)], T3 = Pasture [3% LW plus concentrate (1.2% LW)], or T4 = Concentrate plus hay ad libitum. Beef odour and flavour intensities decreased with an increase in the energy content of the diet. The meat from T2 had the lowest acid flavour and strange odours intensities. In general, steers fed only concentrate plus hay (T4) produced meat that had an inferior sensory quality because they had more pronounced off-flavours and was tougher.  相似文献   

Bluejack mackerel caught off the Portuguese coast were irradiated with pasteurising doses of 1, 2 and 3 kGy using a 60Co gamma source; they were compared with a non-irradiated control sample for external appearance in the raw fish and for texture, flavour, odour, humidity and colour in the cooked muscle, by a group of experienced panellists. Differences were found between the control and the irradiated samples but not among them. An extension of two to three times the shelf-life was obtained.  相似文献   

因子分析法在卷烟感官评吸中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究消费者的消费心理及其对卷烟产品在感官质量方面的需求差异,为新产品开发和老产品改造提供依据,选取10个牌号的国产烤烟型名优卷烟产品,对符合调研要求的22名消费者进行了感官评吸测试,并利用因子分析法对经过甄别的评吸结果进行了分析。结果表明,利用因子分析法可将原来的12个感官质量属性表达为4个有明确意义的新属性——口感及飘逸性因子、杂气/刺激性因子、香气类型及香气量因子和香气丰富性因子。不同卷烟产品的因子得分大小,能够反映其在该属性方面的特点;因子总得分的大小,能够反映出该卷烟产品的综合感官质量。  相似文献   

A compensatory finishing strategy was evaluated to improve the quality of meat from dairy cows. The experiment included ten pairs of Holstein Friesian dairy cows. Each pair was the progeny of the same sire, in the same parity, and approximately at the same number of days in lactation before entering the experiment. Within each pair, one cow was allocated to a compensatory finishing strategy, dried off for 4 days, and further restricted in energy intake for another 17 days followed by 6 weeks of ad libitum feeding. The strategy improved the sensory texture and flavour of both M. longissimus dorsi (LD) and M. semimembranosus (SM). This was supported by lower shear force in both muscles (P < 0.02). The effect can be ascribed to various factors; in LD an increased amount of IMF plays a significant role, whereas in SM an increased protein turnover is suggested to be the dominating factor.  相似文献   

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