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罗智勇  郭明利 《建筑技术》2005,36(4):280-282
广州薪白云国际机场航站楼主要由4部组成,即主楼,东、西连接楼,东、西连接桥和东、西指廊。其主楼、连接楼、指廊部分均为钢结构上盖,连接桥为3层全钢结构,总计结构用钢量为近2万t,其中东、西连接桥约为4000t。4座连接桥位于主楼和东、西连接楼之间,分别用于连接主楼和东、西连接楼,每座连接桥的宽度为13-16m,跨度54m,两端悬挑4.5-7.0m,屋面标高为20-40m,屋面为玻璃纤维张拉膜,  相似文献   

正绍兴位于钱塘江南岸,河道广布,水网交织。在"人家尽枕河"的绍兴,桥是人们生活的一部分。桥上行人,桥下过船,两岸经商。桥见证了这里人们世俗生活的生息起落。不到绍兴不识桥撑起一条乌篷船,徜徉在悠长的水道中,在一座座古桥下缓缓驶过,在摇橹声中沉醉于一圈圈涟漪中,那是梦里水乡——绍兴。不到绍兴,不识古桥。绍兴,这座已有2500多年建城史的古城有"万桥之乡"的美  相似文献   

这座景观桥开始于停车场,通过一片小树林,直通到下面瀑布边的观景平台。轮椅进入这座桥需要长度为75米。四个桥跨用"之"字形水平楼梯平台安装在一起,像吊桥一样悬挂着。主结构是由三根双重钢揽焊接在桥两端的柱子上并通往每个桥跨端头下方的基础上,  相似文献   

国水源市前市长沈载德花巨资精心建造了一座外形酷似马桶的巨宅,这座"马桶楼"于11月11日举行竣工典礼,目前,这座"别有风味"的工程已经到了收尾阶段.  相似文献   

<正>2009年是中国建筑市场极不平静的一年,若干起令人触目惊心的事件使得"楼倒倒"、"楼脆脆"、"桥糊糊"等成为了  相似文献   

二、青龙风雨桥建造在回澜风雨桥南下五百余米的黄沙河上,两桥是恰成阴阳相合的姊妹桥,又叫做"福济桥"和"阴阳桥",创建于明代末期,比回澜风雨桥略晚。清嘉庆初(1796年)进行重修。道光二十年(1840年),将楼阁增高一半至三层,形成三重檐、歇山顶;内造木板楼三层,  相似文献   

兰州是一个多桥的城市,有"桥都"之称。兰州握桥是我国古代伸臂木梁桥的代表作,从新建到多次重建再到最后拆除,历经500余年,其美景作为"兰州旧时八景"之一,拥有着及其丰富的历史价值、艺术价值、文化价值、精神价值,基于这些价值的考虑,提出新建一座握桥主题公园的现实构想。  相似文献   

步入北海公园东门,首先映入眼帘的就是一座四柱三间三楼黄色琉璃顶的木制牌楼。这座牌楼叫智珠牌楼,又叫陟山桥牌楼。相对通常的牌楼,它具有如下特点:智珠牌楼无匾额通常的牌楼在其下面或前后两面都会挂有匾额,然而智珠牌楼的正反面都没有匾额。因此,这就让人对  相似文献   

"西港码头"是一系列建筑的坐落之处,这一组建筑将众多办公楼和一个地上停车场别出心裁地组合在一起,它们所处的位置就是原美茵河法兰克福西港的仓库区。设计明显受到长而微弯的基地地形的工业背景的影响。它的东面,在原西港码头上建造了居住和办公新区,西面是承载着巨大铁路车流的美茵河  相似文献   

<正>"沪上·生态家"是上海本地的绿色建筑项目,其原型是闵行区的一座生态示范楼。"沪上·生态家"案例馆可谓展示"未来之家"的全方  相似文献   

河道淤泥的流动化处理技术就是利用淤泥的流动化性质及固化处理后淤泥的特性,考虑淤泥综合利用的目的将其作为一般土工材料加以利用,尤其在狭窄区域的施工、地下管沟或地下空洞的回灌等工程领域,将流动化处理的河道淤泥作为填充材料利用时,显示出良好的效果。在考虑将流动化处理的河道淤泥作为填充材料使用时,填充区域的填充效果是衡量其施工性能及工程质量的主要因素。本文主要以室内试验为基础,探讨影响处理土的填充性能的主要因素及其规律。  相似文献   

该项目可被比作是关于场所精神、人文主义和文脉主义在中国城市建设大潮之中所泛起的浪花。地处长江和嘉陵江交汇处的滨江之城——重庆市,在恒久的岁月长河中逐渐崭露头角,经历了快速的城市发展后,已成为极具潜力的城市。嘉陵江畔的礼嘉镇也伴随着两江新区的确立而兴起。如若没有大规模的城市建设,这里还是一块无名的江坡,但是城市发展让这块场地有了向世人展示其独特魅力的机会。该项目正是在这样的契机下孕育而生的。  相似文献   

刘松平 《山西建筑》2012,38(6):149-150
通过对河砂填料采用填筑压实工艺试验,统计出该种填料施工最佳含水量、最大干密度、压实工艺和对路基施工现场控制的影响,从而得出合理的控制参数,以用于指导施工。  相似文献   

The Welbeck reclamation and landfill project (near Wakefield) is reclaiming over 1.5 km2 of former aggregate and colliery workings through the creation of a new landform. This is to incorporate millions of tonnes of colliery spoil and controlled (i.e. household, trade) wastes, and to avoid the need for disposal on less suitable sites elsewhere.
The scheme is already under way, but the proposed diversion of the River Calder to one side of the site would more than double its capacity for landfill. In environmental terms, the project has been seen as the creation of a new river corridor, rather than simply the diversion of a river channel.
The paper outlines the engineering of the river diversion, which is routed for about 2 km through varied and difficult ground conditions, and gives a number of examples of the priority attached to landscape and after-use factors, and their intrinsic importance in design.  相似文献   

王小玲 《世界建筑》2006,(10):50-53
竞赛:2000年,一等奖建筑设计和总体规划:莱策尔-弗赖弗格尔建筑事务所,哈雷(德)设计小组:纳贾·莱策尔,加博尔·弗赖弗格尔,京特·海布,约尔格·韦茨克,罗伯特·布莱斯赫特,扬·沃特曼结构设计:伯林格 格罗曼工程事务所,法兰克福(德)建筑维护:M MAG计划组,南姆堡(德)客户:MMZGmbH总部地址:曼斯费尔德街56,D-06108,哈雷摄影:伯特伦·科伯,PUNCTUM(莱比锡)多媒体中心这个项目教导我们在一个高度复杂的背景下工作。这种复杂性主要来源于两个方面——现状,即城市中的文脉,和多种用途的功能。首先,设计的主要问题是联系历史,尤其是联系城…  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the evolution of river-bank erosion management and the developing role of geomorphology in this field. The location and design of a traditional solution to erosion on the River Brock, Forest of Bowland is considered, and its failure under moderate flood conditions is analysed. The geomorphological processes at work at the site are identified and assessed, and conclusions for the ongoing management of the site are presented. The future role of geomorphology in river managment is also considered.  相似文献   

In rivers, sediments are frequently accumulating persistent chemicals, especially for those that are more contaminated as a consequence of pressure related to environmental pollution and human activity. The Seine river basin (France) is heavily polluted from nearby industrial activities, and the urban expansion of Paris and its suburbs within the Ile de France region and the sediments present in the Seine river basin are contaminated. To ensure safe, navigable waters, rivers and waterways must be dredged. In this paper, the quality of the sediment dredged in 1996, 1999 and 2000 is discussed. Physico-chemical characteristics of the sediment itself and of the pore-water are presented. Seine basin sediments show very diverse compositions depending on the sampling site. Nevertheless, a geographic distribution study illustrated that the Paris impact is far from being the only explanation to this diversity, the quality of this sediment is also of great concern. The sediment once dredged is transported via barges to a wet disposal site, where the dredged material is mixed with Seine water in order to be pumped into the receiving site. This sort of dumping might be responsible for the potential release of contaminants to the overlying water from the significantly contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

改善高校图书馆建筑热舒适环境是提高学生学习条件的重要方面。基于对现场实测和调查问卷的方法,对成都地区某高校图书馆室内温度、相对湿度、辐射温度、风速进行了现场测试,同时,对室内人体热舒适性主观评价进行了调研,然后对不同楼层及不同区域实测数据与TSV的投票结果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,热舒适性随楼层升高而降低,同楼层内由中心区域向窗户处递减,而临湖面区域又较背湖面区域热舒适高。此外,给出了改善图书馆建筑热舒适性的建议。  相似文献   

项目对于基地的地理优势和沿河景观给予了特殊的关注,所有塔楼均以椭圆为形式母题,规划的目标在于实现开敞的视野,并通过步行绿化平台,下沉式商业街和企业办公别墅的设置,提升了河岸土地的使用价值。  相似文献   

The present study explains the application of a numerical simulation to investigate the thermal environment of a new riverside residential development in summer. The case study area consists of more than one hundred two-story detached houses built next to a river near Tokyo, Japan. According to the meteorological data, prevailing wind directions are at an angle to the northbound river flow affecting the microclimate of the study area in terms of surface temperature of land and buildings, air temperature and wind distribution at pedestrian height. These factors have been estimated using the stepwise CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation of radiation, conduction and convection. This method leads to an improvement of outdoor thermal environment by manipulating the site design and layout planning scenarios. The effect of river, permeable pavements and green space on thermal environment is examined by the site design options. Likewise, the impact of building arrangement is evaluated using alternative layout planning scenarios. In total, five scenarios have been simulated for the proposed sustainable development as explained in the paper. Above simulations provided an insight into the mitigation effects of each countermeasure. It is also shown that the management of inflow paths and the creation of wind paths for the interior of the site have the potentials to improve the outdoor thermal environment of riverside residential development.  相似文献   

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