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京西的玲珑公园里.湖滨塔影旁.坐落着一个青砖灰瓦幽静的院落.1-A-1工作室——“天地间”建筑工房就在这片宁静中成长壮大。每个来到工作室的人都会为这里的环境所吸引。宜人的工作环境能给建筑师带来良好的心情和愉悦的感受.而建筑师同样会将这种良好的心态传递到所设计的每一栋建筑之中。 1-A-1工作室是一个带有浓郁艺术气息的建筑工作室.为各类项目提供从前期策划到工地施工指导的全系列服务,工作室分为4个设计部门。  相似文献   

正该方案命名为"一英里观景塔(The Mile),这个一英里高的垂直公园与观景平台,是由Carlo Ratti Associati与德国工程师Schlaich Bergerman以及英国设计工作室Atmos联合设计。该方案的灵感来自于设计师的愿望,"一英里"不仅是人类永恒的追求垂直海拔高度,它还解决了我们人类需要从不同的角度去看世界。在一英里(1609米)高的高度上,建造一个游客可自由游览的观景平台,这个高度是目前世界最高建筑迪拜塔的两倍。一英里观景塔从建筑底部到顶部,将是一套完整的生态系统,该塔全身被植被覆盖,居住着上百种的动物,纵横交错的交通车道也会贯彻其中。"你可以想象一  相似文献   

<正>该方案命名为"一英里观景塔(The Mile),这个一英里高的垂直公园与观景平台,是由Carlo Ratti Associati与德国工程师Schlaich Bergerman以及英国设计工作室Atmos联合设计。该方案的灵感来自于设计师的愿望,"一英里"不仅是人类永恒的追求垂直海拔高度,它还解决了我们人类需要从不同的角度去看世界。在一英里(1609米)高的高度上,建造一个游客可自由游览的观景平台,这个高度是目前世界最高建筑迪拜塔的两倍。一英里观景塔从建筑底部到顶部,将是一套完整的生态系统,该塔全身被植被覆盖,居住着上百种的动物,纵横交错的交通车道也会贯彻其中。"你可以想象一  相似文献   

从深湾宅(DeepBayHouse)通往桥工作室的路径,从地图上看来很短。但考虑到地形,海岸线上一路壮美的岩石祀花岗岩上长满的苔藓,现实就会是另外一种情形。桥工作室给人的第一印象是其抽象的特质。  相似文献   

伯益 《建筑工人》2010,31(1):1-1
塔作为一种建筑形式,在中国出现较晚,约在东汉时期开始从印度随着佛教而传入。但当塔与中国的民族传统建筑特色结合后,就发展成为一种特殊的建筑形式而迅速成为中国建筑艺术中的一朵奇葩。如今,不论城市、农村,不论高山之巅、平原之上、江河湖海之滨,不论宗教信仰、地域、民族,神州大地到处都有塔。尽管塔的结构、材料、功能、造型和环境各有特点,但那挺拔的雄姿,总能在众多的建筑群中脱颖而出,引人注目。它是标志,是象征,是祝福,是祈许。  相似文献   

大地总是赋予我们一种挥之不去的情怀。建筑从一开始就存在于大地的滋养和羁绊之中,除地质学概念上的地球内力驱动之外,地貌性状日复一目的改变往往并非是其自身的主动行为,而是因于人的生存而产生的空间需求。我们的工作室取名”城市建筑工作室”(Urban Architecture Lab),但是工作室的师生成员并不沉浸于壮丽城市景观的魅惑,而是被当代中国城市建筑对曾经的大地景观状貌的急速且粗暴的改写而感到深深的困惑。我们试图寻找城市——建筑一大地之间温和相处的方式。  相似文献   

巴塞罗那拟建“岩石旅馆”一柱擎天 这个一柱擎天的岩石可不是风景名胜,它是一家青年旅馆,也是波兰UGO建筑设计工作室的最新创意,将参与一项国际设计比赛,主题是专为背包客设计的吉卜赛式青年旅馆。  相似文献   

马里奥·皮萨尼是一位著名建筑评论家,因一次偶然的机会与建筑工作室相识。在后来的深入接触中,作者深深地被建筑工作室的作品所打动,又为他们在法国没有得到应有的关注而不平,于是情不自禁地写下这篇热情洋溢的评论文章。  相似文献   

曾航 《中州建设》2010,(3):74-74
戴着红色旅游帽的游客挤在民族宫前,用好奇的眼光东张西望。 所有人都被不远处一栋即将封项的摩天大楼吸引住了——这是一座高达300多米的玻璃幕墙建筑,呈三足鼎立状,外形雄伟,直插云霄,周围的塔群顿时相形见绌。  相似文献   

一、古代建筑佛塔 《辞海》记载“塔”是由印度在公元一世纪随着佛教传人而出现的一种新的建筑类型,它并非我国所固有。从佛教经典记述中知道,“塔”就是保存或埋葬佛教创始人释迦牟尼的“舍利”用的建筑物,故又称佛塔。塔的梵文是坟冢的意思,古印度文称做“率堵坡”。  相似文献   

这栋两卧室的住宅位于伦敦东南部的德特福德,在一家老酒吧的院子里占据着很小的一块地,一堵原有的砖围墙将这块地与外边的街道相隔离。新建筑与这堵墙保持了一定的距离,因此产生出一系列非常狭小的空间。纵向排列的房间、高高的天花,还有看向远处教堂的景观都使得这所住宅似乎比实际上大一些。周围的砖墙将外面的城市隔离开,创造一片私人领域。  相似文献   

A two dimensional model of a geosynthetic tube sitting on a rigid horizontal foundation and filled with several separated liquids with different densities is proposed. The material from which the tube is made is a special synthetic fabric which is inextensible, perfectly flexible, and leakproof. Such a model is useful for modeling a consolidations process in the tube filled with a slurry. The equilibrium equations of the model are formulated. Unknown values like the pressure on the top and bottom of the tube, the tension in the geosynthetic fabric, the length of the contact zone between the tube and the rigid foundation are searched with respect to the given perimeter, the volumes and densities of liquids. Such a problem is solved by the Newton’s method. The initial approximation is obtained by solving a simplified problem with one liquid with the average density. The problem is implemented in a MATLAB code for geosynthetic tubes filled with two, three, and four liquids with different densities. The tubes filled with two different liquids are studied in more detail. The graphs of the relations are compared with the graphs for the tube filled with the single liquid whose density is the average of the densities of the liquids. The comparison enables to discuss the influence of the consolidation process on the height, the contact zone, the pressures and the tension of the tube. The results of the proposed model for a tube filled with a single liquid are compared with another model.  相似文献   

The daily site report (DSR)—a common tool, which contains a lot of valuable data— is normally used for litigation purposes, i.e. claims and dispute resolution. All these valuable data are rarely used for the management and control of the ongoing project. The purpose of the current research is to develop a tool that uses data taken from a computerized DSR to generate monitoring and control information. We have developed a progress monitoring model, which uses data from a computerized DSR to generate information regarding the actual progress and then transfer it to the scheduling software. The model was developed and implemented in a concept proving prototype using Excel and MS Project. The operation and the usefulness of the prototype are demonstrated with a case study, synthetic, project. The results indicate that the DSR is a useful data collection tool for progress monitoring. The cost of the information generated from these data is low because no additional manual operations are required in order to collect the data.  相似文献   

The construction industry has not traditionally been a favorable field for the application of robotic technologies. However, various motivations such as the shrinking labor population, the aging of skilled workers, and the safety issue of ironworkers have promoted the development of robotic construction systems. In this research, one of those trials, a project entitled “Robot-based construction automation system for high-rise building” is presented. Among diverse construction works, this project focused on a robotic automation of the steel beam assembly. The project is a cooperative effort between a robot research group and a construction automation group in South Korea. The main objective of this paper is to an introduction for the development of a robotic beam assembly system administered by the robot research group. The robotic beam assembly system consists of a robotic bolting device that performs the main function for the beam assembly work and a robotic transport mechanism that transports the robotic bolting device to target bolting positions around a building under construction. This paper presents the specific functions, structures, and mechanisms of the robotic bolting device and accounts for the application of the visual servo control technique to a bolting control system which is a software component. The robotic transport mechanism part is discussed in a companion paper [14]. The real prototype of the proposed system was manufactured and intensive field tests were conducted in a test bed. Moreover, this system was applied to a section of a real building, the Robot Convergence Building of Korea University, South Korea, which has one story below and seven above the ground, and obtained a feasibility of an application of the robotic beam assembly system to actual construction sites. The suggested system is expected to be a promising alternative to ironworkers in the steel beam assembly in terms of safety and time-efficiency.  相似文献   

The treatment of sewage at 15 degrees C was investigated in a one-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a UASB-Digester system. The latter consists of a UASB reactor complemented with a digester for mutual sewage treatment and sludge stabilisation. The UASB reactor was operated at a hydraulic retention time of 6h and a controlled temperature of 15 degrees C, the average sewage temperature during wintertime of some Middle East countries. The digester was operated at 35 degrees C. The UASB-Digester system provided significantly (significance level 5%) higher COD removal efficiencies than the one-stage UASB reactor. The achieved removal efficiencies in the UASB-Digester system and the one-stage UASB reactor for total, suspended, colloidal and dissolved COD were 66%, 87%, 44% and 30%, and 44%, 73%, 3% and 5% for both systems, respectively. The stability values of the wasted sludge from the one-stage UASB reactor and the UASB-Digester system were, respectively, 0.47 and 0.36g CH(4)-COD/g COD. Therefore, the anaerobic sewage treatment at low temperature in a UASB-Digester system is promising.  相似文献   

正隆德理工学院(Lund Institute of Technology,LTH)拥有一个朝向东侧的巨大缓坡绿地景观。这片土地曾经被用于耕作。自1961年成立以来,该大学便致力于在瑞典南部建设为一所涵盖建筑学在内的高等工科院校。如今,隆德理工学院已经为10 000名学生提供了高等教育。该学校的建筑师是兰卡斯特·安塞姆(Klas Anselm)。他在这块坡地上设计了十几座简单的红砖建筑,如今它们各自孤立地散布在斜  相似文献   

项目位于雷利亚郊区一个很高的位置上,可以俯瞰整个城市。建筑功能很普通:一栋住宅分成以卧室为代表的私密空间和以起居室为代表的社交空间。私密区域设计为位于街道标高,围绕中心庭院的几个房间向着私密天井开放,形成了一种具有私密性的环境。起居室位于一个孔洞旁边,那里有从上方洒下的光,并能看  相似文献   

斜拉桥结构健康监测系统的设计与实现(I):系统设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
结构智能健康监测愈来愈成为重大工程结构健康与安全的重要保障技术,也愈来愈成为重大工程结构损伤积累乃至灾害演变规律的重要研究手段。斜拉桥健康监测系统是由传感器子系统、数据采集与传输子系统、结构分析子系统和数据管理子系统组成的,不同系统的谐调运行需要通过系统集成技术来实现。首先从监测内容、等级和功能等方面研究健康监测系统的总体设计原则;然后,分局部监测变量和整体监测变量研究传感器的最优测点确定方法和原则,提出传感器的选型原则;提出数据采集系统的总线设计方法和方案,研究数据采集系统硬件和软件设计方法;提出数据传输系统的设计原则和方法;给出斜拉桥基于构件和基于结构体系的安全评定设计方法;提出斜拉桥施工监控、成桥试验、运营健康监测和养护管理四位一体系统的共享设计原则;提出系统集成技术的软件设计方法。  相似文献   

广安市明月渠江特大桥为预应力混凝土部分斜拉桥,主桥跨径布置为(110+210+110)m,采用墩梁塔固结体系。主梁为单箱三室截面,宽度为23m,根部截面高度为7.5m,跨中截面高度为1.6m,梁体设三向预应力钢筋,采用悬臂浇筑法施工。主塔为钢筋混凝土结构,采用矩形截面,塔高32.05 m。斜拉索为单索面双排索,全桥共设置56 对索。索鞍采用分丝管式索鞍,索鞍塔壁两侧设置双向抗滑键。本文研究结果可为后续类似工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The rheology of concrete is best measured with the use of a rheometer. The slump flow test gives a good indication of the flowability of the mixture and is therefore still used extensively to judge the workability of SCC mixtures. However, this test presents some defects. The objective of this paper is to develop a new methodology for measuring the workability of a SCC.In this article, we have proposed a correlation between the plastic viscosity of concrete, the time and the characteristics of the flow final profile from the V-funnel coupled to a Plexiglas horizontal channel. The proposed approach, verified by experimental results, represents a simple, economical and usable tool on building site, and it allows to characterize rheologically the SCC from its flow.The comparison between our approach and the experimental values of the plastic viscosity shows that, in a laboratory or on site, instead of using a rheometer we can use our approach to characterize the rheological behavior of a SCC.  相似文献   

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