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运用制度经济学政府理论,解析中西方城市经营模式不同,从城市经营角度分析城中村的形成原因;从宅基地产权残缺性分析城中村村民租房行为;从城中村公共资源配置角度分析违章住房建设行为;对比中国与美国的住房管理机制、城中村与城市居住区的管理机制,借鉴城市居住区的管理机制,构建城中村住房管理制度。  相似文献   

实施"民心工程"是上海深入践行"人民城市人民建,人民城市为人民"重要理念的具体举措.记者日前从上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会了解到, 2021年,上海市住房和城乡建设领域的"民心工程"将围绕旧区改造、架空线入地、城中村改造等方面展开.  相似文献   

阮梅洪  楼倩  牛建农 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):110-115
宅基地安置模式下的新城中村建设,诱导村集体、村民,努力将其实现住房权益最大化,聚焦于对城中村改造建设用地规模与优势区位的争取,影响城市空间资源的高效配置。该文以宅基地地租为基础,通过定量计算、定性分析,建立新城中村影响城市空间绩效的模型,探析宅基地安置模式下被沉没的村民利益和城市效益,提出创新城中村改造模式的新理念和新方法:引导城中村改造主体,由对宅基地、住房等物质空间的过度关注,改为对宅基地、住房经济价值的追求,加快城村融合,提高城市空间绩效。  相似文献   

王鹏嵘 《城市建筑》2022,(22):32-34
经济的高速增长伴随着快速的城市化进程,中国承受了这些快速变化所带来的优点与弊病。城中村是中国快速城市化的一个独特结果,在城中村中,复杂交错的空间权力关系牵涉了广阔的利益共同体。本文基于城中村中的“空间权力”,并结合理查德·塞尼特开放城市中“边界”和“交界”视野,梳理了南头古城的两次改造对公共空间的激活作用,使得城中村从“边界”向“交界”转变。思考城中村中复杂的社会网络与空间权力结构,城中村在城市更新的过程中,不仅是可负担的住房保障体系,更成为关系密切且充满活力的社区,为城市向好发展提供动力。  相似文献   

二元规制环境中城中村发展及其意义的分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
张京祥  赵伟 《城市规划》2007,31(1):63-67
城中村是中国快速城市化过程中,由于二元规制环境作用而产生的一类独特的地域空间。本文对以往许多研究中将城中村简单地视为“毒瘤”并进行过多指责的认识进行了反思,分别从土地、住房、市政管理等各种城市制度环境的二元性方面进行了客观的分析,指出城中村形成与发展的原因与动力并不能全部归因于原住民主动、非法获取城市发展的“外溢效应”,而在相当程度上是由于地方城市政府现行政策的“趋利性”、“二元性”而造成的。城中村在支撑中国快速而“粗放”的城市化过程中承担了重要的作用,具有非常现实的意义。因此,相应对城中村的有效改造必须摈弃简单的“推土机”方式,而是要从制度层面上进行深刻变革,从根本上消除城市政府的“趋利性”和“二元政策”。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,城中村的更新改造仍然面临着诸多问题,极大限制了城市的发展。如何在城市有机更新的社会背景下,协调好城中村与城市的关系,一直是政府和社会关注的重点。在存量发展的时代背景下,广东省深圳市开创性地将城中村与租赁住房进行了结合发展。水围柠盟人才公寓作为深圳市城中村综合整治下的先期试点,成为深圳市首个由城中村改造而来的公共租赁住房项目。本文通过对水围柠盟人才公寓的分析和研究,记录其改造机制以及在居住单元层面、公共空间层面和城市层面的更新设计策略,结合对深圳市城中村现有问题的梳理,总结出在有机更新背景下深圳市城中村综合整治的进步性和局限性。  相似文献   

叶裕民  田光明  仝德 《规划师》2024,(3):152-159
在超大特大城市积极稳步推进城中村改造,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央站在中国式现代化战略全局作出的具有重大时代意义的工作部署。如何贯彻落实“以人民为中心”的城市治理理念,扬弃传统“排斥性”城中村改造模式,建构包容性城中村改造机制,积极稳步推动城中村改造和保障性租赁住房同步发展,增加区位合适、职住平衡的高品质有效住房供应,联动促进城中村区域空间品质提升、新市民住有所居、产业结构升级等多领域系统优化,是新时期城中村高质量更新改造面临的巨大挑战。为此,中国人民大学公共管理学院、广东省旧城镇旧厂房旧村庄改造协会、北京大学深圳研究生院、中国城市百人论坛、中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院联合举办了“中国城市百人论坛2023秋季论坛暨中国式现代化与超大特大城市城中村改造跨界研讨会”,目的在于为我国超大特大城市城中村“画像”,探索总结具有中国特色的城中村改造实践模式,努力建构具有中国特色的城中村改造理论。本期特此开设以“中国式现代化与超大特大城市城中村改造”为主题的沙龙栏目,邀请各领域的专家学者共同探讨,旨在促进对该议题的广泛交流和讨论。  相似文献   

阮梅洪  虞晓芳  牛建农 《规划师》2010,26(9):98-104
城中村改造既是政府的难题,又是业界讨论的热点。科学定量地界定城中村改造所涉及的相关利益群体,特别是城市与城中村居民的利益分配是解决城中村改造问题的关键。综合运用产权理论、地租理论、区位理论和报酬资本化理论,对宅基地产权权能的释放、城中村住房收益来源、城中村的住房价值等进行分析,结果表明,通过宅基地价值化,实现城中村居民的"高层公寓式安置",既有利于城市的可持续发展,也有利于增加城中村居民的利益,是一种实现城市与城中村居民利益双赢的办法。  相似文献   

马航 《南方建筑》2013,(2):67-71
深圳30年的快速发展至今,面临着城市转型的严峻挑战,其中居民住房和城中村问题是城市转型中需要解决的重要议题,因此通过对深圳非正规住房市场这个特殊的视角来研究深圳城中村居住形态特征和演化机制,认识深圳外来流动人口的居住形态和住房市场的相互关系,进而作为深圳城市转型、制定方针战略的重要参考。本文首先从深圳的历史发展来划分深圳非正规住房市场在发展中的几个阶段;对非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征进行总结和归纳,通过研究非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征以及演变过程,为深圳以及我国其他城市地区的城中村改造提供依据。  相似文献   

正近日,上海市召开住房城乡建设管理工作会议。会议上传出的信息显示,上海市将着力优化住房供应体系,加强房地产市场监管,完善促进房地产市场持续健康发展的政策机制;加强房地产经纪机构事中事后监管,进一步规范房地产经纪行为;大力推进旧区、城中村和旧住房综合改造,稳步推进保障性安居工程建设。  相似文献   

Urban fringe area is the most important space for city development. It includes several complicated elements, such as population, space, and management organization. On the basis of local population attributes in the city fringe area combined with people’s movement characteristics in time and space, this article reclassifies basic public service facilities and discusses the relationship between facility layout and housing, employment, and commuter transportation. Through a questionnaire survey in Qiaobei District of the urban fringe area in Nanjing and on the basis of comparative analysis, we discuss the impact factor on the choice of housing, urban services, and the tolerance of commuting time. Our findings indicate mutual promoting and restricting connections among living, employment, and services. Workers’ living situation determines their daily behavior, such as dining, shopping, and entertainment. Furthermore, different income levels have a great influence on residents’ choices with regard to places to live and develop their careers  相似文献   

随着中国城市人口老龄化程度的不断加深,城市建成居住环境适老化程度偏低的矛盾日益凸显。基于2012年针对上海市里弄、公房和商品房3大类既有住宅区进行的适老化更新改造居民访谈与调查,汇总、分析了各类既有住宅区老年居民对适老化改造的总体意愿和具体需求,旨在为城市更新与建设过程中提高老年人的居住生活质量提供建议。  相似文献   

住房以家庭为单位进行消费,确定住房市场发展方向需要进一步了解当前城镇家庭居住水平与住房现状。本文利用第五次人口普查和第六次人口普查长表数据,对京沪穗城镇家庭住房状况进行比较分析,指出一线城市经济发展背景下人口快速增长导致城市住房需求旺盛,这是造成城市住房价格不断上涨的重要原因。2000~2010年间,伴随房地产市场化进程,城镇家庭居住水平不断提高,京沪穗三地中广州市城镇家庭居住水平改善程度最高。当前一线城市家庭住房现状和消费偏好决定了住房需求还有进一步提升空间,住房市场调控要结合需求变动趋势来进行。未来随着一线城市住房租赁市场和存量住房交易市场规模日益扩大,住房市场结构亟待进一步规范。  相似文献   

Housing deprivation is central to economic deprivation. Identifying disadvantaged group(s) suffering from housing deprivation is a necessary step before the government can design effective housing assistance programmes. Using a nationwide micro-level data-set from the Chinese Family Panel Studies, we evidence the disadvantage that internal migrants face related to extreme overcrowding. We find that renters, whether natives or internal migrants, are more likely to suffer extreme overcrowding than homeowners, nationally and in most Chinese regions. However, both rural and urban migrants are less likely to be owner-occupiers than native residents. By comparing homeowners vs. renters, we further discover that migrant homeowners are less likely to suffer extreme overcrowding than the native residents of China’s cities. Conversely internal migrant renters face the highest odds to live in extremely overcrowded dwellings. Overall, findings suggest that the Chinese government needs pay special attention to improve internal migrant tenants’ living condition, particularly so for those renting.  相似文献   

上海市住房保障体系建设概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东 《时代建筑》2011,(4):16-19
目前,上海已基本构建起廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。廉租住房、经济适用住房分别解决城镇户籍低收入和中低收入家庭的住房困难;公共租赁住房主要解决城镇户籍青年职工、来沪务工人员和引进人才等常住人口的阶段性居住困难;动迁安置住房主要解决城市改造区域动迁居民的住房改善问题。各项基本制度和配套政策已在推行实施,并将不断优化完善。"十二五"规划期间,上海居民的住房困难将得到明显改善。  相似文献   

Possessing different land rights and distinct landscapes, and separated from the rest of the city by invisible institutional boundaries, China's urban villages are unusual enclaves for landless farmers, rural migrants and other urban hukou (citizenship rights) holders in a period of rapid urbanization. Although urban villages are well known for their disorder and unruliness, they provide temporary livelihood for indigenous villagers and inexpensive shelter for migrants and other urban residents. Urban villages are typically perceived as homogeneous low-income neighbourhoods characterized by low quality and high density housing. In fact, housing differentiation has emerged in urban villages among residents who possess different quantities and types of capital, rights/entitlements, skills and other assets. This paper aims to understand the social groups and the housing differentiation among them in the Chinese urban villages from an institutional perspective. It is based on a large-scale household survey in 11 urban villages in six Chinese cities. Empirical data show evidence of significant housing differentiation within these enclaves: indigenous villagers have become a petty rentier class; rural migrants pay the highest rents while enduring the lowest housing conditions; and housing conditions for urban hukou holders lie between those of the other two groups. Regression analysis suggests that urban villages share similar dynamics of housing differentiation as wider urban spaces, i.e. the combination of strong institutional constraints and emerging market influences leads to housing differentiation and inequality. Residents in urban villages are also highly mobile. The inflows and outflows of population form an important part of the urban socio-spatial restructuring process.  相似文献   

Fulong Wu 《Housing Studies》2016,31(7):852-870
While it is widely acknowledged that Chinese urban villages provide an important source of rental housing for low-income populations, the composition of their dwellers, housing conditions and rental contracts has not been adequately studied. Drawing from surveys of sixty urban villages in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, this study finds that housing in urban villages is more family oriented; that over half of dwellers work in the tertiary sector; and that although they have relatively stable jobs, few have job security with contracts. In predominantly rental housing, the housing unit is small. Tight control by the city government over housing development has led to quite expensive rentals measured by unit space as well as poorer housing conditions. Tenancy informality in terms of the absence of formal contracts is widespread and most severe in Shanghai. The lack of formal contracts is largely independent of the status of dwellers or their job status but is rather dependent upon the rent value.  相似文献   

During the period beginning with the Korean War ceasefire in 1953 until the end of the 1960s, the North Korean regime attempted to socialise the countryside, creating model villages to transform rural space. An analysis of the model villages and housing reveals that rural policy in North Korea passed through three major changes. First, the North Korean regime finished implementing land nationalisation and cooperativisation by 1958, which led to an enormous change in the rural landscape. Second, after a visit to Chongsan-Ri in 1960, Kim Il-Sung suggested a new model that mixed urban housing and service networks with rural living spaces. Finally, in 1964, Kim Il-Sung announced the Rural Theses, which emphasised the role of the ‘county’ (gun) in rural transformation, positioning the county seat as the model of urbanised countryside society. However, North Korea’s continuous efforts to urbanise the countryside were frustrated by reality, except for certain model village cases. As a result, North Korea’s actual rural living spaces stood in stark contrast to these ideal models.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, Singapore has continually built high-rise buildings to house its growing population. While many other developing cities are faced with a housing shortage, the greater proportion of the Singapore resident population is living in and owning accommodation in high-rise buildings. Drawing on interviews conducted with public housing families in their homes, this paper seeks to discuss and provide a perspective of the Singapore residents’ attitude to high-rise living. Although the discussion is focused on the Singapore resident perspective, high-rise living experience is not unique to Singapore. If international building and urbanization trends are any indication, more and more urban residents will have the opportunity to live in high-rise housing. A widening number of cities, including London, are building 50-story housing as the latest answer to their country’s housing shortages. Given the extensive high-rise living in Singapore, the findings of this paper stand to offer important implications to cities considering high-rise housing.  相似文献   

魏立华  闫小培 《城市规划》2005,29(7):9-13,56
分析了“城中村”的浅层涵义及其本质,认为“城中村”已经演化为“为城市流动人口提供廉租房的低收入社区”,仅考虑村民的改造措施是不妥当的。通过“城中村”和贫民窟的比较研究发现,“城中村”是有序的、自组织的“类单位制”的社会经济运行系统,这不同于以非法、无序、暂时性、社会职能缺失为基本特征的贫民窟,因而不能够采取类似于处理贫民窟的改造模式。城市政府主导的“城中村”改造的目的应当是不谋“城中村”的区位利益,只为身为弱势群体的低收入流动人口的居住质量谋福利。在此基础上,“自我原位塑造”,即“在原有区位上由村民或村集体改造自身(但以留存乃至扩大出租屋经济为前提)”是目前的可行性模式。  相似文献   

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