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许伟光 《门窗》2010,(11):39-41
热弯夹层玻璃作为安全玻璃的一种重要的形式,应用领域非常广泛,这种产品由两层或多层的热弯玻璃经PVB胶片粘结而成,具有很高的强度和韧性,抗碰撞能力强,安全可靠,透明度高,另外一旦破碎,夹层玻璃承受高速冲击的强度高于钢化玻璃,玻璃破碎后无碎片飞溅,玻璃的碎片仍能粘接在PVB片上。鉴于此特点,热弯夹层玻璃几乎应用于所有汽车玻璃的前风挡领域,同时也广泛的应于建筑门窗幕墙、博物馆、陈列厅等相关领域。  相似文献   

许伟光 《门窗》2011,(2):54-57
叠片热弯玻璃是指两片或两片以上的玻璃叠放在一起,然后共同通过热弯烧制过程,使多片玻璃达到一致的弧度或曲率半径.叠片玻璃的热弯工艺是制造弯夹层玻璃最关键的技术,没有高质量的多层热弯工艺,将无法保证弯夹层玻璃的质量.本文主要对叠片热弯玻璃的生产设备、加热工艺及生产模具的制作进行了探讨.  相似文献   

双曲面夹层风挡玻璃叠片热弯技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对小批量生产双曲面夹层风挡玻璃的叠片热弯技术进行了研究,通过选择并设计热弯电炉,确定热弯工艺,探讨叠片热弯的影响因素,使热弯的风挡玻璃质量完全达到国家标准要求。  相似文献   

随着我国建筑业的蓬勃发展,建筑物外墙墙体也日新月异,由砖墙发展到轻体的幕墙,又由有框铝合金玻璃幕墙,隐框玻璃幕墙,发展到铝板幕墙、陶瓷板、石材、单元式幕墙,国外已发展到铝合金隔热保温多功能玻璃幕墙。不论什么形式幕墙和各种类型的窗都离不开玻璃,由于镀膜玻璃具有优良的性能和诱人的镜面装饰效果,特别引起设计师及用户的青睐。  相似文献   

通过对芬兰Lamino公司制造的G5-2-2型热弯炉用热管模具进行全面的结构改进,设计了一种一新的结构的、适用于小批量生产汽车风挡弯夹层玻璃的可调节分体结构热弯模具。阐述了这种新模具的设计思路和机械工艺制造过程。  相似文献   

玻璃熔窑从烟囱向大气排放的废气在烟囱根部的温度大约在250~280℃,离心法玻璃棉制品的固化炉需要的热风温度在230℃左右;用引风机将排空的废气引入固化炉的热风系统,大大节省了固化炉的热能消耗,不但降低了生产成本,而且避免了固化炉加热系统可能发生的火警概率,并改善了向大气排放的废气粉尘污染。  相似文献   

南京市煤气厂80门2083mm伍德炉自1987年9月18日投产,已运行十一年,因砌筑、烘炉及生产运行中的磨损、外力、应力作用,导至炉墙磨薄、洞穿、炉体开裂、变形等,直接影响到生产安全,我厂针对缺损的具体情况,分别采取换砖、重彻、喷补、抹补、挤浆、炉内...  相似文献   

为准确地评价玻璃真空管内的传热性能,减小其它未知参数的影响,本文提出了单根真空集热管的热性能评价方法。首先分析了集热管效率与集热器效率的差别;其次从传热效率和火用效率的角度对U型管式真空管进行了热性能分析;最后通过试验研究了单根玻璃真空管与集热器的热性能。结果表明:采用单根玻璃真空管进行热性能评价能更好地反映真空管的传热性能,与采用相同集热管的集热器相比,其集热效率提高了8%。  相似文献   

陈鑫 《广东建材》2023,(12):114-117
玻璃窑炉小炉喷火口是窑内受火焰冲击烧损最严重的部位,而喷火口的挂钩砖是保护胸墙托板的作用,根据生产实践中的相关情况,本文就喷火口的挂钩砖烧损因素进行了分析,并对喷火口挂钩砖的热态更换操作进行探讨。热态更换喷火口挂钩砖,是一项近年来才发展起来的窑炉热态维护作业,热修过程需要严密的组织,从材料及工器具准备、砖材预热烘烤、操作更换、过程托板保护、收尾密封等步骤,每一环节都需要分工明确,特别强调安全操作。热态更换喷火口挂钩砖,可以有效延长窑炉的使用寿命,具有非常好的安全和经济意义。  相似文献   

针对玻璃窑炉烟气温度高、成分复杂等特点,提出了玻璃窑炉烟气综合治理技术——喷雾干燥脱硫、三电极管极式电除尘、选择性催化还原脱硝。工业应用表明,该技术指标均达到国家环境排放标准,并高于国外相关排放标准。  相似文献   

方宏辉 《河南建材》2003,208(1):14-17
本文介绍烧结法矿渣微晶玻璃装饰材料的研制。配制原料以矿渣为主,掺入玻璃工业用普通原料以及玻璃析晶时产生矿物所需的成分,经混匀熔化成玻璃后,进行热处理成为均匀微晶结构的玻璃结晶材料。对半工业性试验产品进行了微观结构、外观微孔质量及产品性能分析,并与天然石材的主要性能指标进行了对比。  相似文献   

为实现玻璃梁延性化破坏的目标,借鉴钢筋混凝土结构的思路,通过在玻璃梁底部受拉区配置不锈钢的方式制成加筋增强玻璃梁.玻璃开裂后通过不锈钢传递拉力,以形成开裂后承载机制.文章对加筋增强玻璃梁的受弯性能展开试验研究,通过试验,研究试件受弯的受力行为,识别不同破坏形态;通过对试验现象、荷载位移曲线、荷载应变曲线和裂缝发展过程的...  相似文献   

浅谈我国水平玻璃钢化炉的生产现状与问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了水平玻璃钢化机组的构成及工作原理,阐述普通玻璃通过钢化炉处理后,变成钢化玻璃的生产过程,重点分析了水平钢化炉在使用中经常出现的一些质量问题的成因,提出了相应问题的解决办法。  相似文献   

我国出口的第一台膨胀玻化微珠生产设备产品可应用于建筑保温领域,具有优异性能对我国珍珠岩行业的发展进步具有重大的推动意义2007年2月16日,我国自行研制并出口的第一台膨胀玻化微珠生产设备验收及签约仪式在北京市平谷区举行。该设备专利持有者、北京华  相似文献   

In this paper the linear elastic shell theory problem of the three-point bending of a curved pipe is considered. Such a loading arises in the industrial pipe ram bending process. Summaries are given for solutions to this problem based on the Mushtari-Vlasov-Donnel (MVD) and Sanders linear shell theories. Numerical results for displacements and stresses are obtained using the two shell theories, and these are compared with results from the finite element method (FEM). The present study gives practical information about the behavior of curved pipes subjected to ram bending. As well it provides information about the solution characteristics of thin-shell theories in toroidal coordinates.  相似文献   

玻璃行业是能耗大户,而玻璃熔窑又是玻璃厂的主要耗能设备。玻璃熔窑散热面积大,外层表面温度高,散热量约为总支出热量的1/3。熔窑进行全保温,不仅可以提高火焰温度,增加熔化能力,改  相似文献   

This work presents the first ever analytical solutions for bending of a rectangular, thin plate supported only at its four corners. This breakthrough analysis employs a new symplectic elasticity approach that extends beyond the limitation of the classical plate bending methods such as Timoshenko's method, Navier method, Levy method and the polynomial approximation analysis of Lee and Ballesteros (Int J Mech Sci 1960;2:206). The classical methods are, in fact, special cases of this symplectic approach in the real eigenvalue regime for wavenumber with at least one pair of opposite sides of plates simply supported. For plate problems that do not fall into this category, the classical methods fail to yield any analytical solutions, but the symplectic approach does because in these cases the plate bending problems enter the complex eigenvalue regime for wavenumber. Another distinctive feature of this new approach is its necessity to pose an eigenvalue problem even for plate bending. In short, this innovative approach establishes the relationship between eigenvalue problem and bending. The novelty of this approach lies in the use of the Hamiltonian principle in a symplectic geometry space to derive a Hamiltonian system and a full state vector. The free boundaries with corner supports are dealt with using the variational principle. Analytical bending modes are then derived by expansion of eigenfunctions. The solutions are compared with other known (approximate) results and numerical finite element solutions but some of the results are not in agreement. Because the analytical bending moment and shear force solutions thus derived fulfill all natural and geometric boundary conditions, it leaves ample room for authentication of the benchmarks in the future. In addition, the twisting moment at the corners satisfies the condition for static bending equilibrium, in which the finite element solutions fail.  相似文献   

Blast furnace slags as sorbents of phosphate from water solutions   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The paper is focused on the sorption of phosphorus from aqueous solutions by crystalline and amorphous blast furnace slags. Slag sorption kinetics were measured, adsorption tests were carried out and the effect of acidification on the sorption properties of slags was studied. The kinetic measurements confirmed that the sorption of phosphorus on crystalline as well as amorphous slags can be described by a model involving pseudo-second-order reactions. For all slag types, phosphorus sorption follows the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The acid neutralizing capacities of crystalline and amorphous slags were determined. In the case of the crystalline slags, buffering intervals were found to exist during which the slag minerals dissolve in the sequence bredigite-gehlenite-diaspor. There is a high correlation (R2=0.9989) between ANC3.8 and the saturation capacities of crystalline and amorphous slags.  相似文献   

浮法玻璃熔窑冷却部压力调节技术,可延长熔窑寿命、提高玻璃质量。具体措施是在浮法玻璃熔窑冷却部设置一对调压烟囱,烟囱出口设气帘装置,气帘装置与可调节的气路连接。通过改变气路的气体流量可以实现对冷却部压力进行精确调节的功能。  相似文献   

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