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Giuseppe Del Giudice Corrado Gisonni Giacomo Rasulo 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,136(10):837-841
Vortex drop shafts are used in urban drainage systems to connect two sewers located at considerably different elevations. After their introduction in 1947, these were studied with particular reference to subcritical approach flow. Vortex shafts for supercritical approach flow can also be used, but the intake structure may have relatively high cost due to the complex geometry. The present study includes experimental results of a specific investigation on the changes to be made in the supercritical approach channel if a subcritical vortex intake is used. The experimental investigation analyzes the effect of a hydraulic jump on the performance of vortex intake structure to define appropriate technical solutions, essentially consisting in a negative step to be located along the supercritical approach channel. Design criteria are finally presented for the evaluation of the step height and its distance from the vortex intake structure. 相似文献
A tangential vortex intake is a compact structure that can convey storm water efficiently as a swirling flow down a vortex dropshaft. It has been studied in physical models and successfully employed in urban drainage and hydroelectric plant applications, but a comprehensive account of the key flow characteristics has not been reported and a theoretical design guideline of a tangential intake is not available. In this study the hydraulics of tangential slot vortex intakes is investigated via extensive experiments. It is found that the flow in the tapering and downward sloping vortex inlet channel is strongly dependent on the geometry of the inlet and dropshaft. Under some conditions, hydraulic instability and overflow can occur, rendering the design ineffective. It is shown that the hydraulic stability depends on the discharge at which flow control shifts from upstream to downstream (Qc), as well as the free drainage discharge (Qf). A theoretical design criterion for stable flow is developed in terms of Qf and Qc as a function of the vortex inlet geometry. For a “stable” design, the flow in the tapering inlet evolves from supercritical flow to subcritical flow smoothly as the discharge increases. Fifteen different tangential vortex intake models are tested. The experimental observations are in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction. The present study provides a general guideline for designing a tangential vortex intake that can convey the flow smoothly without unstable fluctuating flow associated with a hydraulic jump. 相似文献
A diversion tunnel is planned for flood protection in the City of Lyss, Switzerland. This tunnel includes a junction, from which water from a side creek is added to the tunnel flow. The latter is sensitive to choking, so that the junction had to be optimized in a hydraulic laboratory investigation. Its setup finally consists of a drop shaft and an injector generating annular flow in the tunnel. Free surface tunnel flow then occurred for all relevant discharges. This setup is also of interest in sewer systems as well as in spillway and diversion tunnels, where similar problems may occur. The concept was optimized for a specific prototype. General recommendations may be derived for similar situations. 相似文献
G. Adriana Camino David Z. Zhu Nallamuthu Rajaratnam 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(8):537-552
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on flows inside stacked drop manholes (SDM). An SDM consists of two identical rectangular or square manhole chambers stacked together at an elevation difference. SDMs for different conditions were assessed on their ability to dissipate the energy of the approaching flow and their suitability to perform adequately under different flow conditions. Flow regimes were classified based on the inflow conditions and geometry of the structure in the first chamber and downstream outflows in the second chamber. An analysis based on the integral momentum equation was developed to estimate pool depths and energy losses under critical flow conditions. A fully surcharged stage with inflow and outflow pipes running full was also tested and velocity profiles were measured at a horizontal center plane to the opening connecting both shafts. Additionally, air flow rates were measured to assess the air demand into a large-height SDM. 相似文献
F. Granata G. de Marinis R. Gargano W. H. Hager 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(2):102-111
Circular drop manholes are widely employed in steep urban drainage systems. Drop manholes may lead to poor hydraulic conditions if their energy dissipation is inadequate. The dominant hydraulic features of drop manholes depend on the flow regimes, characterized in terms of the dimensionless impact parameter. Depending on the latter parameter, the energy dissipation can vary within large limits, affecting thereby the downstream flow features. Also, the water pool depth inside the manhole and the air entrainment have been studied in terms of both the hydraulic and geometric parameters. Moreover, the conditions for which a drop manhole generates flow choking at its inlet or outlet have been investigated. Empirical equations for practical manhole design are provided. The importance of suitable manhole aeration is highlighted. 相似文献
This technical note is an experimental contribution to the study of the supercritical flow at drops. The experimental setup is arranged to measure flow characteristics, which include velocity profiles and several lengths. Because of the similarity of the supercritical flow to the subcritical flow, a basis for the analysis of data is also established. It is found that for a specific discharge increasing the Froude number decreases the relative energy loss, the downstream depth, and the pool depth. For any given value of the Froude number, with increasing discharge the energy loss decreases, but the downstream depth and the pool depth increase. The predictions of flow parameters differ from the measured ones, probably due to the assumptions made in the proposed method, which neglect the entrainment of air at the downstream section and the bed shear stress. An empirical equation is derived to estimate the relative energy loss for supercritical flow. Since the proposed method can be run for any Froude number, it can also be used to predict flow parameters of the subcritical flow with good accuracy. 相似文献
For the last three decades, research focused on steep stepped chutes. Few studies considered flat-slope stepped geometries such as stepped storm waterways or culverts. In this study, experiments were conducted in a large, flat stepped chute (θ=3.4°) based upon a Froude similitude. Three basic flow regimes were observed: nappe flow without hydraulic jump, transition flow, and skimming flow. Detailed air–water flow measurements were conducted. The results allow a complete characterization of the air concentration and bubble count rate distributions, as well as an accurate estimate of the rate of energy dissipation. The flow resistance, expressed in terms of a modified friction slope, was found to be about 2.5 times greater than in smooth-chute flow. A comparison between smooth- and stepped-invert flows shows that greater aeration and larger residence times take place in the latter geometry. The result confirms the air–water mass transfer potential of stepped cascades, even for flat slopes (θ<5°). 相似文献
Wei-Jung Lin Chang Lin Shih-Chun Hsieh Chien-Chuan Li Rajkumar V. Raikar 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(12):1452-1466
The characteristics of shear layer structure between the sliding jet and the pool for skimming flows over a vertical drop pool were investigated experimentally, using flow visualization technique and high speed particle image velocimetry. Four series of experiments having different end sill ratios (h/H = 0.12, 0.43, 0.71 and 1.0, where h=end sill height and H=drop height) with various approaching flow discharges were performed to measure the detailed quantitative velocity fields of the shear layer. The mean velocities and turbulence properties were obtained by ensemble averaging the repeated measurements. From the velocity profiles, it is found that the growth of the shear layer in the downward direction as the jet slides down the pool represents the momentum exchange. Analyzing the distribution of measured velocity, the similarity profile of the mean velocity at different cross sections along the shear layer was obtained. The proposed characteristic scales provided unique similarity profiles having promising regression coefficient. The selection of these characteristic scales is also discussed. Further, the spatial variations of mean velocity profiles, turbulence intensities, in-plane turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds shear stress were also elucidated in detail. The imperative observation is that the Reynolds shear stress dominates the major part along the shear layer as compared to the viscous shear stress. The study also provides an insight into the flow phenomena through the velocity and turbulent characteristics. 相似文献
The effects of the blockage of a rectangular intake duct and impervious flow boundaries on the critical submergence of a rectangular intake are presented. The potential solution, based on the Rankine stagnation point, is determined to be another approximate method for the prediction of the critical submergence of this kind of intake. It is found that a critical cylindrical sink surface capped with two critical hemispherical sink surfaces at both ends with a radius equal to the radial distance of the stagnation point (which is 2/π times the critical submergence of the rectangular intake) can also be used to predict critical submergence. Theoretical results and available experimental data are compared. The theory presented in this study acceptably (by about 1–20%) estimates the critical submergence for the cases where the distance (clearances) of the impervious solid boundaries are larger than 1/2 of the small inner dimension of the intake. On the other hand, the theory overestimates the critical submergence by about 80% for the cases where the distances of the solid boundaries (especially those cutting the free surface such as the dead-end wall) become zero. 相似文献
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of a Noncontact Handling Device Using Air-Swirling Flow 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Xin Li Shouichiro Iio Kenji Kawashima Toshiharu Kagawa 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(6):400-409
The vortex gripper is a recently developed pneumatic noncontact handling device that takes advantage of air-swirling flow to cause upward lifting force and that thereby can pick up and hold a work piece placed underneath without any contact. It is applicable where, e.g., in the semiconductor wafer manufacturing process, contact should be avoided during handling and moving in order to minimize damage to a work piece. For the purpose of a full understanding of the mechanism of the vortex gripper, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study was conducted in this paper, and at the same time, experimental work was carried out to measure the pressure distribution on the upper surface of the work piece. First, three turbulence models were used for simulation and verified by comparison with the experimental pressure distribution. It is known that the Reynolds stress transport model (RSTM) can reproduce the real distribution better. Then, on the basis of the experimental and numerical result of RSTM, an insight into the vortex gripper and its flow phenomena, including flow structure, spatial velocity, and pressure distributions, and an investigation into the influence of clearance variation was given. 相似文献
Mean Flow and Turbulence Structure in Vertical Slot Fishways 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the mean and turbulence structures of flow in a vertical slot fishway with slopes of 5.06 and 10.52%. Two flow patterns existed in the fishway and for each one, two flow regions were formed in the pools: a jet flow region and a recirculating flow region. The mean kinetic energy decays rapidly in the jet region and the dissipation rate in most of the areas in the pool is less than 200?W/m3. For the jet flow, the nondimensional mean velocity profile across the jet agrees very well with that of a plane turbulent jet in the central part of the jet with some scatter near its boundaries. Its maximum velocity decays faster compared to a plane turbulent jet in a large stagnant ambient. The jet presents different turbulence structure for the two flow patterns and for each pattern, the turbulence characteristics appear different between the left and right halves of the jet. However, the turbulence characteristics show some similarity for each case. The normalized energy dissipation rate shows some similarity and has a maximum value on the center of the jet. The results are believed to provide useful insight on the turbulence characteristics of flow in vertical slot fishways and can be used to verify numerical models and also for guidance in the design of fishways in the future. 相似文献
Flow Characteristics of Skimming Flows in Stepped Channels 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Skimming flows in stepped channels are systematically investigated under a wide range of channel slopes (5.7°?θ?55°). The flow conditions of skimming flows are classified into two flow regimes, and the hydraulic conditions required to form a quasi-uniform flow are determined. An aerated flow depth of a skimming flow is estimated from the assumption that the residual energy at the end of a stepped channel coincides with the energy at the toe of the jump formed immediately downstream of the stepped channel. In a quasi-uniform flow region, the friction factor of skimming flows is represented by the relative step height and the channel slope. The friction factor for the channel slope of θ=19° appears to have a maximum. The residual energy of skimming flows is formulated for both nonuniform and quasi-uniform flow regions. Further, a hydraulic-design chart for a stepped channel is presented. 相似文献
Experimental results on scour below a high vertical drop (drop height/critical depth >1) in uniform sands and gravels are presented. The experimental results are used to describe the effects of important parameters, identified from the dimensional analysis, on equilibrium scour depth. The important observations are that the equilibrium scour depth increases with increase in densimetric Froude number, whereas the scour depth decreases with increase in sediment size and tailwater depth. The time scale of scour depth that follows an exponential law is determined. The nondimensional time scale decreases with increase in densimetric Froude number. 相似文献
Vortex formation at intakes can cause damage, clogging, reduced flow efficiency, and even loss of life. For practical prediction of vortex risk, engineers often compare expected design parameters with published data by using parameter proximity to evaluate the relative risk of vortex formation. Unfortunately, this procedure is ill-defined, and the resulting risk estimates are highly subjective. In response, a formal equivalent of the data proximity procedure was developed by implementing the nearest neighbors algorithm on available experimental and field data. This database was partitioned and the machine learning parameters adjusted to obtain a stochastic model with maximum predictive accuracy. Unlike the flow parameters and submergence, the approach geometry was not found to be a significant factor in the model, although this may be attributable to data noise and range of tested values. The final model, which excluded the channel approach geometry, fit all vertical intake vortex formation data to within 0.1% error and perfectly fit the horizontal intake data. Probability charts generated from the model show regions of vortex formation and problems more numerous and larger on average than regions of low vortex probability, thus validating consideration of potential vortex formation risk for conservative intake design. 相似文献
Shaft Capacity of Open-Ended Piles in Sand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
David John Paul Igoe Kenneth George Gavin Brendan C. O’Kelly 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(10):903-913
This paper presents the results from an experimental investigation designed to examine the effect of soil-core development and cyclic loading on the shaft resistance developed by open-ended piles in sand. An instrumented open-ended model pile was installed either by driving or jacking into an artificially-created loose sand deposit in Blessington, Ireland. The tests provided continuous measurements of the soil-core development and the radial effective stresses during installation and subsequent load tests. The equalized radial effective stresses developed at the pile-soil interface were seen to be dependent on the degree of soil displacement (plugging) experienced during installation, the distance from the pile toe, and the number of load cycles experienced by a soil element adjacent to the pile shaft. A new design method for estimating the shaft capacity of piles in sand is proposed and compared with measurements made on prototype field-scale piles. 相似文献
J. Legrand 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,128(11):1027-1031
Experimental data of pressure drop in flow through crushed rocks are reanalyzed with the capillary model in comparison with a model based on the square root of permeability as characteristic length. The capillary model is described by two parameters: the pore diameter and the tortuosity. The comparison leads to relationships between the structural parameters, Reynolds number, and friction factor of each model. The interest of the capillary model is that a single equation can predict all the experimental data expressed in terms of a pore friction factor as a function of pore Reynolds number. The equation, which is the sum of a viscous term and an inertial one, is valid for the whole Reynolds number domain. The equation can be used for the determination of the limits of the Darcy and turbulent flow regimes. According to the criterion used to neglect the viscous or the inertial term, the flow regimes limits can be expressed by a simple numerical value. 相似文献
Shaft Capacity of Continuous Flight Auger Piles in Sand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper presents the results of a series of field experiments performed to study the development of shaft resistance on continuous flight auger piles installed in sand. The test piles were instrumented in order to separate the shaft and base resistance, and to allow the determination of the distribution of shaft resistance along the pile shaft. The tests highlighted the importance of accurate calculation of the shaft resistance for nondisplacement piles. At a typical maximum allowable pile head settlement of 25?mm, more than 71% of the pile resistance was provided by shaft friction. Conventional methods of estimating shaft resistance were assessed. It was found that methods which incorporated parameters directly interpreted from in situ test results provided the most consistent estimates. In the final section, differences between the shaft resistances mobilized on displacement and nondisplacement piles are considered. 相似文献
The convection velocity of vortex structures in the near wake of a circular cylinder was experimentally investigated over the region 1.6–2.5 ? x/D ? 12.0 for R = 160–12,000. Dye injection technique of flow visualization and two completely noninvasive laser Doppler velocimeters were employed for R ? 320 and ?400, respectively. The convection velocity, Uc, is defined as the mean traveling velocity of vortex cores passing a streamwise separation during a mean elapsed time. For R ? 320, Uc was determined directly from the motion of dye-marked vortex cores filmed by a video camera. In the cases of R ≥ 400, the positions of peak vorticity and half of the half-velocity-defect width at each downstream section were first used to identify the mean path of vortex cores (i.e., the most probable trajectory of the vortex structures), along which spatial correlation measurements were then performed to determine the mean elapsed time corresponding to the maximum cross correlation. The present results show that, in laminar and transitional wakes, the ratio Uc/Uo increases from 0.53 to 0.84 over a region of 1.6 ? x/D ? 6.0 and then tends to be a constant of 0.84 for x/D ≥ 6.0. In a turbulent wake, Uc/Uo also increases from a certain value at a point downstream from the position of vortex formation to a mean value of about 0.86 at x/D ≥ 5.0–6.0, and then changes little with the increase of x/D. In addition, it is found that the dependence of Uc/Uo on R almost disappears for x/D ≥ 5.0. 相似文献
Tamer Bagatur 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(3):176-184
Hydraulic structures, such as stepped cascades and weirs, involve air entrainment (aeration) and oxygen transfer. Therefore, they can increase dissolved oxygen levels. Weir aeration occurs in rivers, fish hatcheries, and wastewater treatment plants. A stepped cascade aerator is another type of aeration structure. A stepped cascade consists of a series of steps or drops, built into the face of the chute. Often, the hydraulic head is naturally available and incurs no operating cost. For the preaeration process, weir and stepped cascade structures can be previously designed for clarifiers where weirs can be used as an aid to aeration process of treatment plants. Therefore, this paper aims to review the design considerations of circular clarifiers with combined weir and stepped cascade structures as a new approach and alternative preaeration system without energy requirement before aeration tank units. The detailed example for preaeration in circular clarifiers with combined weir and stepped cascade structures is presented. Thus, the circular clarifiers with weir and stepped cascade structures as effluent and preaeration strucures can be effectively redesigned with given new design considerations. 相似文献