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利用数值模拟的方法,研究了地面试车间内喷管-引射器流动规律。改变引射器直径及引射器与喷管距离,得到16种尺寸组合的几何模型并分别计算了相应的压力场及引射流量,分析尺寸变化对推力测量及引射流量比的影响,对引射器直径及引射器与喷管距离的匹配关系给出了建议。仿真结果表明,最佳匹配的与成非线性关系,引射流量比与引射器直径近似成线性关系。  相似文献   

针对串联式空化腔室的空化强度和效率存在的问题,展开了对其影响较大的后锥角β值的数值研究,为今后的空化腔室设计提供理论依据。采用Mixture多相流模型,以及k-?两方程湍流模型,在Fluent软件中仿真模拟后锥角β值连续变化的多种串联空化腔室流体域模型,抽取分析计算结果中的压力,速度及空泡体积分数的云图,进而研究后锥形角β值对空化流场的影响。研究结果表明:在后锥形角β值取15?附近能够获得强度相对较高的空化现象;产生空泡体积的大小、负压力的区域大小以及沿中轴线维持恒定速度的能力三者成正相关关系;后锥角β值直接影响着空化流场的分布情况,决定着最终喷射到工件表面的作用范围。  相似文献   

Among other applications, Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are used as drug carriers for guided drug delivery purposes. The aim of the current study is to numerically investigate the effect of non-uniform magnetic field on the blood flow and MNPs concentration inside a vessel. The coupled governing equations under the influence of non-uniform magnetic field are utilized and non-dimensionalized. Two dimensionless parameters, Magnetic force number (MFN) and Magnetic drift number (MDN), are introduced and their effects on the blood flow velocity and the MNPs concentration are studied. The results show for the same magnetic force number, the MNPs concentration on the vessel wall increases as the magnetic drift number increases. While under the same magnetic drift number, magnetic nanoparticles decreases as magnetic force number increases. This implies that the MNPs concentration at the entrance is low while MNPs radius is large. In addition, the greater the magnetic force and the magnetic drift numbers is the higher the deformation of streamlines becomes.  相似文献   


The effects of wind shear and the tower shadow contribute to periodic fluctuations in the wind speed and aerodynamic torque, which cause several problems. This study develops an equivalent wind speed model for large-scale, n-bladed wind turbines that includes the wind shear and the tower shadow effects. The comprehensive model is used to derive the disturbance components of wind speed caused by wind shear, the tower shadow, their synthesis, and the equivalent wind speed and to delineate their spatial distributions in the rotor disk area. Simulation results reveal that the effects of wind shear, the tower shadow, and the equivalent wind speed on the disturbance components fluctuate periodically and are closely related to the wind turbine correlation parameters, such as the rotor radius, hub center height, tower radius, distance from the tower midline to the blade, wind shear exponent, and blade number.


At present, nanotechnology and nanomaterials are being emerged very quickly and gained the attention of researchers due to their frequent application history, especially their antibacterial effects against certain bacterial isolates. Therefore, the present study was aimed to check the antibacterial influence and toxic effects of the market available (Chemical Fabricated) silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). For this purpose, the AgNPs were obtained from the local market and used against fish pathogenic bacterial species. The highest zone of inhibition was observed against Aeromonas hydrophila (27.53 ± 0.69). Moreover, the AgNPs were exposed to the common carp fish for toxicity and toxic effects. The highest mortality was seen at the highest concentration (0.09 mg/L) of AgNPs. Finally, the AgNPs mainly were accumulated in the liver, followed by the intestine, gills, and muscles. The intestine absorbed the nanomaterials; therefore, it is critical to check the influence of these AgNPs on the fish intestinal bacterial community via MiSeq Illumina Sequencing.  相似文献   

基于FLUENT液压集成块管内数值仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对工程中的液压集成块,应用前处理软件Gambit建立其内部流场的三维模型,采用FLUENT软件提供的k-ε湍流模型对不同结构管道流场进行了数值模拟.通过大量的仿真,分析了偏心距,工艺孔直径,和流向等参数对管道流场的影响.非正交方式连通时,必须根据输出输入管道直径关系选择合适的偏心距离,一般来说,r<(0.8min(d1,d2);工艺孔直径应当大于最小输入输出管道直径;在布局布孔条件允许的情况下,进油主流道应尽可能使用液流方向与刀尖角相对的结构形式进行两相交管路的连通,以减少刀尖角区域对下游流动所造成的能耗损失.依据仿真的结果对液压集成块进行了进一步的优化,优化后的集成块在实际工程应用中有很好的效果.  相似文献   

天津是一个干旱且极易发生暴雨内涝的直辖市。通过介绍与暴雨关系密切的天津市概况,选用天津市境内及其周边66个雨量站的观测资料,在统计计算10min,0.5h,1h,3h,6h,12h,24h,3d和7d这9个时段的年最大暴雨量均值和极值的基础上,研究了9个时段年最大暴雨量均值和极值在天津市境内的空间分布规律。对于认识天津市暴雨特性,指导暴雨观测和防灾减灾具有重要意义。  相似文献   

LED光源光强空间分布特性的快速测试   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍一种LED光源光强空间分布特性的快速测试方法及装置,具有测试速度快,精度高,信息量丰富,更具有实时性和直观性的显著优点。采用31个光度探测器的多路同步测试方法,取代1个光度探测器多点测试,同时基于PC和LabVIEW开发测试软件,进行LED光源的二维光强空间分布特性的快速测试,测试时间小于0.2s,通过增加LED光源相对旋转机构,也可快速获取LED光源三维光强空间分布立体图。  相似文献   

基于Fluent的液压滑阀内部流场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高小瑞 《机械管理开发》2009,24(5):49-50,53
利用FLUENT软件对滑阀内部流场进行模拟,得出阀芯壁面压力分布情况;并据仿真结果对进口节流式滑阀的流量系数和阀芯所受的稳态液动力进行了分析研究,为滑阀的设计和性能优化提供了依据.  相似文献   

给出了海底沉积物静水压力驱动取样器驱动单元的基本结构.建立了取样器驱动单元内部流道的流动实体,并对其进行了网格划分.利用CFD软件对驱动单元内部流场进行了数值模拟计算,得到了该内部流场的速度和压力分布.研究结果表明取样器驱动单元排水口的形状对取样器排水流鼍的影响较大,通过改变排水口形状,可以提高取样器取样效率.模拟计算...  相似文献   

Although in recent years there has been intensification in the use of nanoparticles (NPs) for the production of many commercial products, few studies have been carried out to assess the risks associated with its use. Among the most used NPs, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have a preponderant position as they have various applications. In this study, 40 adult zebrafish were exposed to increasing concentrations of AgNPs (8, 45, and 70 μg/L) for 30 days to evaluate the effects on eyes after chronic exposure to AgNPs with an average diameter of 50 nm. From the morphological and ultrastructural analysis performed, no alteration or lesions of the corneal epithelium were detected.  相似文献   

The effect of the localized surface plasmon resonance (SPR) on optical absorption and photoluminescence of Sm3+-doped sodium borosilicate glass containing reduced silver nanoparticles (NPs) is reported (Ag+  Ag0). The interaction of ultraviolet light by metallic NPs and its effect on the optical properties of samarium in proposed glass were investigated by absorption and photoluminescence spectra analysis. The existence of the NPs was pursued by transmission electron microscopy technique, revealing the existence of Ag NPs with average size of ∼8–14 nm. The largest enhancement was achieved for emission at 561 nm. Such improvements were attributed and discussed by enhanced electric field around metallic NPs and energy transfer (ET) between Sm3+ ions and silver NPs.  相似文献   

离心通风机蜗壳内的流动特征及节能改造试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用FLUENT软件对G4-73No.8D型离心式风机以及分别加装圆筒型、圆锥筒型防涡圈后的风机内部三维流场进行数值模拟,结果表明,加装防涡圈后的风机蜗壳内部流场流动明显得以改善。对风机在加装防涡圈前后进行的性能试验表明,风机加装圆筒型和圆锥筒型防涡圈后,当相对流量 时,效率平均提高了3.1%和3.48%,验证数值模拟的正确性。理论和试验研究还表明圆锥筒型防涡圈节能效果优于圆筒型防涡圈。  相似文献   

We analyzed the vapor-phase distribution and behavior of each component in multi-component fuel (MCF). Evaporation characteristic of MCF was researched by laser-induced fluorescent (LIF) method. A pulsed Nd-YAG laser was used as incident light, and an experiment was performed in a constant-volume vessel so that optical measurement could be possible. MCF was injected through electronically controlled common rail injector into the vessel. I-octane (C8H18), n-dodecane (C12H26) and n-hexadecane (C16H34) were selected to be low boiling point (LO-B.P.), mid boiling point (MI-B.P.) and high boiling point (HI-B.P.) components, respectively, and Fuel A, Fuel B and Fuel C, made by compounding those components at different mass fractions, were used as MCF. Experimentation was performed under the conditions that injection pressures were 42MPa, 72MPa and 112MPa, respectively, ambient gas density was 15kg/m3 and ambient gas temperature was 700K. The spatial vapor-phase distribution, dispersion process of mixture, and vaporphase homogeneity were researched. It was ascertained that the vapor-phase of MCF showed stratified distribution and the dispersion of mixture was improved in proportion to the mass fraction of the LO-B.P. component.  相似文献   

利用非Hertz滚动接触理论,应用数值方法CONTACT,分别计算了我国列车常用的两种车轮踏面(磨耗型和锥形)在列车静态接触情况下曲线半径、横移量和轮对摇头角对接触斑总面积和粘/滑区占接触斑总面积比重的影响.经过计算分析表明:在各种工况下,锥形踏面的接触斑总面积都大于相应磨耗型的,随着钢轨曲线半径的增大,接触斑面积无变化,粘着系数增大,接触斑中粘着区所占面积比重减小;当横移量增大到10 mm时,接触斑面积骤减,粘着占总面积比重亦骤减,进入全滑动区,出现爬轨;随着轮对摇头角的变化,接触斑面积几乎无变化,当轮对摇头角大于0.4°时,接触斑处于全滑动状态,粘着占总面积比重骤减.  相似文献   

针对沿海地区配电线路抵御强台风能力不足的问题,对10k V配电线路抗台风的能力进行了数值研究,讨论了地基土与防风拉线对电杆防风能力的影响。采用ABAQUS/CAE建立了10k V单回路配电线路一个标准段的有限元模型,模型中包括导线、混凝土电杆、横担、拉线和地基土等;利用等效惯性加速度模拟线路所受风荷载,然后对模型在不同等级风速下进行了变形分析,通过数值解与理论解的对比,验证了数值模型的正确性。研究了3类线路的弯矩、扰度和应力等问题的变化规律,包括:考虑地基土作用、考虑拉线加固处理以及两者都没考虑的3类模型。研究结果表明,土体变形对电杆的扰度变化有叠加效应,安装拉线加固后电杆最大弯矩明显降低。  相似文献   

Mixing characteristics in a rectangular chamber are investigated using experimental and numerical methods. A mixing chamber with an axial inlet (representing fuel inlet) and a side inlet (representing air inlet) is designed. Two jets with different momentum ratios through the two inlets are mixed in the chamber. Computational fluid dynamic simulation is validated by experimental data of particle image velocimetry that measures flow velocity distribution. The momentum ratios of the two jets and the height of the axial inlet significantly influence the penetration depth of axial jet into the mixing chamber and the pressure drops at recirculation zones.  相似文献   

徐博伟 《光学仪器》2020,42(6):54-58
为了明确太赫兹能量空间分布的影响因素,研究了激光拉丝形状对太赫兹能量空间分布的影响。采用柱面透镜替代传统球面透镜聚焦激光的方法改变激光拉丝的形状,产生一个片状的激光拉丝体,并采集该片状激光拉丝产生的太赫兹能量空间分布。研究结果表明,激光拉丝形状的改变不仅会引起太赫兹能量空间分布的改变,而且还会引起泵浦光偏振方向改变时使太赫兹能量空间分布发生改变。  相似文献   

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