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ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and are active in the GTP-bound state and inactive with GDP bound. ARF-GTP has a critical role in vesicular transport in several cellular compartments. Conversion of ARF-GDP to ARF-GTP is promoted by a guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP). We earlier reported the isolation from bovine brain cytosol of a 700-kDa protein complex containing GEP activity that was inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA). Partial purification yielded an approximately 60-kDa BFA-insensitive GEP that enhanced binding of ARF1 and ARF3 to Golgi membranes. GEP has now been purified extensively from rat spleen cytosol in a BFA-insensitive, approximately 55-kDa form. It activated class I ARFs (ARFs 1 and 3) that were N-terminally myristoylated, but not nonmyristoylated ARFs from class-I, II, or III. GEP activity required MgCl2. In the presence of 0.6-0.8 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM EDTA, binding of guanosine 5'-[gamma[35S]thio]triphosphate ([35S]GTP gamma S) by ARF1 and ARF3 was equally high without and with GEP. At higher Mg2+ concentrations, binding without GEP was much lower; with 2-5 mM MgCl2, GEP-stimulated binding was maximal. The rate of GDP binding was much less than that of GTP gamma S with and without GEP. Phospholipids were necessary for GEP activity; phosphatidylinositol was more effective than phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid was less so. Other phospholipids tested were ineffective. Maximal effects required approximately 200 microM phospholipid, with half-maximal activation at 15-20 microM. Release of bound [35S]GTP gamma S from ARF3 required the presence of both GEP and unlabeled GTP or GTP gamma S; GDP was much less effective. This characterization of the striking effects of Mg2+ concentration and specific phospholipids on the purified BFA-insensitive ARF GEP should facilitate experiments to define its function in vesicular transport.  相似文献   

A number of low-molecular mass (12-13 kDa) Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor proteins have been purified from rat brain cytosol by gel filtration followed by FPLC fractionation on a Mono Q anion-exchange column. Eight peaks were obtained using 0.1 M NaCl eluent of which one peak was found to be the most potent inhibitor of Na+, K+-ATPase. The molcular mass of the inhibitor was about 13 kDa on 16.5% SDS/PAGE. The concentration at which 50% inhibition (I50) was found was in the nanomolar range. The inhibitor seems to bind to Na+, K+-ATPase at a site distal from the ATP-binding site. The binding to the ATPase is non-competitive. The CD analysis suggests an unordered secondary structural element. It also inhibits p-nitrophenyl phosphatase activity from rat brain with comparable I50 value to that for Na+, K+-ATPase. The protein does not contain any Trp as evident from Trp fluorescence and amino acid analysis. Amino acid analysis shows that glycine and serine, derivatives of tyrosine and phenylalanine are the predominant amino acids. The data suggests that it is a negatively charged protein in which the contribution of the hydrophobic part is 27%.  相似文献   

A variety of cytosolic thyroid-hormone-binding proteins with different characteristics have previously been reported. Here, we first describe the thyroid-hormone-binding characteristics of adult Xenopus liver cytosol, then a novel procedure for purifying cytosolic thyroid-hormone-binding protein (CTBP) from Xenopus liver (xCTBP). The procedure consists of combining preparative isoelectrofocusing, FPLC cation-exchange chromatography, HPLC hydrophobic-interaction chromatography and ultraviolet light cross-linking of 125I-labeled 3,3'5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3). The isolated xCTBP thus prepared retained all the characteristics of the major thyroid- hormone-(TH)-binding component of the unfractionated cytosol. It is a monomeric protein of approximately 59 kDa with an isoelectric point of 7.0 +/- 0.1, binds T3 with a higher affinity than its analogs with a Kd of approximately 9 nM, and is sensitive to sulfhydryl agents but not to NADPH. In several respects, xCTBP differs from most CTBP-like preparations from other sources described hitherto. Microsequencing of a 23-amino-acid peptide generated from xCTBP by cyanogen bromide digestion revealed 92-100% identity of a 23-amino-acid sequence of several mammalian (amino acids 236-258) and avian (amino acids 245-267) cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH); xCTBP also exhibited significant similarity of amino acid composition with rat ALDH. This novel finding of sequence identity between a CTBP and ALDH, and the diversity of CTBPs from different sources, suggest that a variety of cytosolic proteins, depending on the species and tissue, can function as thyroid-hormone-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) (2.5 micrograms/kg/min) was administered to 5-week-old male Sprague Dawley rats by subcutaneous osmotic mini pumps for 14 days to generate an in vivo cardiac hypertrophy model and the responses with respect to aging examined. In the model, ventricles were significantly hypertrophied without myocardial necrosis and without significant increases in heart rate or blood pressure; the beta adrenergic system was down-regulated. In 37-week-old rats receiving 1.0 microgram/kg/min NE, there was a tendency towards heart failure, and myocardial necrosis and interstitial fibrosis were revealed by histological examinations. The density of beta adrenergic receptors and adenylyl cyclase activity was lower in the older rats. The excess stimulation of adrenergic receptors caused severe cardiac injury in old rats regardless of down regulation of beta adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

The assembly of complex structures bearing the H determinant was examined by characterizing the specificities of a cloned blood group H gene-specified alpha 1,2-L-fucosyltransferase (FT) toward a variety of sulfated, sialylated, or fucosylated Gal beta 1,3/4GlcNAc beta- or Gal beta 1,3GalNAc alpha-based acceptor structures. (a) As compared to the basic type 2, Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc beta-(K(m) = 1.67 mM), the basic type 1 was 137% active (K(m) = 0.83 mM). (b) On C-6 sulfation of Gal, type 1 became 142.1% active and type 2 became 223.0% active (K(m) = 0.45 mM). (c) On C-6 sulfation of GlcNAc, type 2 showed 33.7% activity. (d) On C-3 or C-4 fucosylation of GlcNAc, both types 1 and 2 lost activity. (e) Type 1 showed 70.8% and 5.8% activity, respectively, on C-6 and C-4 O-methylation of GlcNAc. (f) Type 1 retained 18.8% activity on alpha 2,6-sialylation of GlcNAc. (g) Terminal type 1 or 2 of extended chain had lower activity. (h) With Gal in place of GlcNAc in type 1, the activity became 43.2%. (i) Compounds with terminal alpha 1,3-linked Gal were inactive. (j) Gal beta 1,3GalNAc alpha- (the T-hapten) was approximately 0.4-fold as active as Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc beta-. (k) C-6 sulfation of Gal on the T-hapten did not affect the acceptor activity. (l) C-6 sulfation of GalNAc decreased the activity to 70%, whereas on C-6 sulfation of both Gal and GalNAc the T-hapten lost the acceptor ability. (m) C-6 sialylation of GalNAc also led to inactivity. (n) beta 1,6 branching from GalNAc of the T-hapten by a GlcNAc residue or by units such as Gal beta 1, 4GlcNAc-, Gal beta 1,4(Fuc alpha 1,3)GlcNAc-, or 3-sulfoGal beta 1,4GlcNAc- resulted in 111.9%, 282.8%, 48.3%, and 75.3% activities, respectively. (o) The enhancement of enzyme affinity by a sulfo group on C-6 of Gal was demonstrated by an increase (approximately 5-fold) in the K(m) for Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc beta 1,6(Gal beta 1,3)GalNAc alpha-O-Bn in presence of 6-sulfoGal beta 1,- 4GlcNAc beta-O-Me (3.0 mM). (p) Among the two sites in Gal beta 1, 4GlcNAc beta 1,6(Gal beta 1,3) GalNAc alpha-O-Bn, the enzyme had a higher affinity ( > 3-fold) for the Gal linked to GlcNAc. (q) With respect to Gal beta 1,- 3GlcNAc beta-O-Bn (3.0 mM), fetuin triantennary asialo glycopeptide (2.4 mM), bovine IgG diantennary glycopeptide (2.8 mM), asialo Cowper's gland mucin (0.06 mM), and the acrylamide copolymers (0.125 mM each) containing Gal beta 1,3GlcNAc beta-, Gal beta 1,3(6-sulfo)GlcNAc beta-, Gal beta 1,3GalNAc alpha-, Gal beta 1,3Gal beta-, or Gal alpha 1,3Gal beta- units were 153.6%, 43.0%, 6.2%, 52.5%, 94.9%, 14.7%, 23.6%, and 15.6% active, respectively. (r) Fucosylation by alpha 1,2-L-FT of the galactosyl residue which occurs on the antennary structure of the bovine IgG glycopeptide was adversely affected by the presence of an alpha 1,6-L-fucosyl residue located on the distant glucosaminyl residue that is directly attached to the asparagine of the protein backbone. This became evident from the 4-fold activity of alpha 1,2-L-FT toward bovine IgG glycopeptide after approximately 5% removal of alpha 1,6-linked Fuo.  相似文献   

alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin, a member of the serpins, is the predominant plasma inhibitor of neutrophil cathepsin G. The aim of this study was to purify ostrich alpha 1-antichymotrypsin and to compare its biochemical properties with those of other species. Ostrich alpha 1-antichymotrypsin was purified from serum by ammonium sulphate fractionation, QAE-Sephadex C-50 and phenyl-Toyopearl chromatography. N-terminal sequence, amino acid composition, molecular mass, isoelectric point and reaction with cathepsin G, elastase and chymotrypsin were determined. SDS-PAGE revealed a M, of 55,000 for ostrich alpha 1-antichymotrypsin and pI values of 6.8 and 4.1-4.3 were obtained. The amino acid composition revealed 444 residues and the N-terminal sequence of the first 20 residues revealed a homology of 30% when compared with several other alpha 1-antichymotrypsin sequences. Total inhibition of cathepsin G by ostrich alpha 1-antichymotrypsin was found at a 4:1 molar ratio of inhibitor to enzyme which was similar to that found for commercial alpha 1-antichymotrypsin. Immunological studies highlighted the lack of cross-reactivity between ostrich and human alpha 1-antichymotrypsin. The study indicated that ostrich alpha 1-antichymotrypsin-like molecule exhibited similar properties to human alpha 1-antichymotrypsin although there were notable differences.  相似文献   

Inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) is present in most mammalian cells, although its intracellular function is as yet undefined. We find that the total protein fraction from bovine brain cytosol contains a significant level of specific binding for IP6 precipitable with 40% saturated ammonium sulfate. A protein complex has been isolated from this fraction that specifically binds IP6 and is purified about 500-fold over the cytosol. The IP6 binding protein (IP6BP) chromatographs as a single peak of binding activity on a gel exclusion column, with a Stokes radius equivalent to 266 +/- 14 kDa. The IP6BP is a heterooligomeric complex composed of a number of subunits with molecular weights varying from 23,000 to 60,000, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Scatchard analyses of IP6 binding of both the crude ammonium sulfate fraction and the purified complex show the presence of a similar high-affinity binding site (Kd approximately 6.0 nM). Bmax for the purified fraction is 1.8 nmol of IP6/mg of protein or 0.48 mol of IP6 bound/mol of complex. Other inositol polyphosphates, such as inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate, inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, are poor competitors for IP6 binding to the purified complex. The purification scheme, when applied to a rat liver cytosol fraction, yields a similar IP6BP. This complex has an apparent size of 512,000 using gel exclusion chromatography and contains an additional protein band with M(r) = 97,000 by SDS-PAGE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) storage proteins fold and assemble into complexes that are linked by intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds, but it is not yet clear whether these processes are spontaneous or require the assistance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident enzymes and molecular chaperones. Aiming to unravel these processes, we have purified and characterized the enzyme protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) from wheat endosperm, as well as studied its developmental expression and intracellular localization. This ER-resident enzyme was previously shown to be involved in the formation of disulfide bonds in secretory proteins. Wheat PDI appears as a 60-kD glycoprotein and is among the most abundant proteins within the ER of developing grains. PDI is notably upregulated in developing endosperm in comparison to embryos, leaves, and roots. In addition, the increase in PDI expression in grains appears at relatively early stages of development, preceding the onset of storage protein accumulation by several days. Subcellular localization analysis and immunogold labeling of electron micrographs showed that PDI is not only present in the lumen of the ER but is also co-localized with the storage proteins in the dense protein bodies. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that PDI is involved in the assembly of wheat storage proteins within the ER.  相似文献   

A NAD-dependent, oxygen-labile alcohol dehydrogenase was purified from Desulfovibrio gigas. It was decameric, with subunits of M(r) 43,000. The best substrates were ethanol (Km, 0.15 mM) and 1-propanol (Km, 0.28 mM). N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis showed that the enzyme belongs to the same family of alcohol dehydrogenases as Zymomonas mobilis ADH2 and Bacillus methanolicus MDH.  相似文献   

We have identified a gene (iadA) in Escherichia coli encoding a 41-kDa polypeptide that catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of L-isoaspartyl, or L-beta-aspartyl, dipeptides. We demonstrate at least a 3000-fold purification of the enzyme to homogeneity from crude cytosol. From the amino-terminal amino acid sequence obtained from this preparation, we designed an oligonucleotide that allowed us to map the gene to the 98-min region of the chromosome and to clone and obtain the DNA sequence of the gene. Examination of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed no similarities to other peptidases or proteases, while a marked similarity was found with several dihydroorotases and imidases, reflecting the similarity in the structures of the substrates for these enzymes. Using an E. coli strain containing a plasmid overexpressing this gene, we were able to purify sufficient amounts of the dipeptidase to characterize its substrate specificity. We also examined the phenotype of two E. coli strains where this isoaspartyl dipeptidase gene was deleted. We inserted a chloramphenicol cassette into the disrupted coding region of iadA in both a parent strain (MC1000) and a derivative strain (CL1010) lacking pcm, the gene encoding the L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase involved in the repair of isomerized proteins. We found that the iadA deletion does not result in reduced stationary phase or heat shock survival. Analysis of isoaspartyl dipeptidase activity in the deletion strain revealed a second activity of lower native molecular weight that accounts for approximately 31% of the total activity in the parent strain MC1000. The presence of this second activity may account for the absence of an observable phenotype in the iadA mutant cells.  相似文献   

An extracellular elastase, termed Myxococcus xanthus alkaline protease 1 (MAP1), has been purified from M. xanthus DK1622 culture supernatants by a combination of ion-exchange and affinity chromatographies. It consists of a single peptide chain of 39 kDa. The elastolytic activity was totally suppressed by 10 mM 1,10-phenanthroline and the enzyme may then be classified as a metalloprotease. Its pH optimum was estimated to be 8.2 with both elastin-orcein and succinyl-Ala3 p-nitroanilide as substrates. Despite its low pI (5.2), MAP1 was adsorbed on elastin at 80%, a result which privileges hydrophobic interactions between MAP1 and elastin rather than salt bridges, as for known basic elastases. About 80% of the original amidasic and elastolytic activities were conserved after a 30-min prior incubation of the enzyme at 40 degrees C; however, 70% of the amidasic activity is measured, instead of 15% for the elastolytic activity, after 30 min at 50 degrees C. Thermal denaturation at this temperature may prevent adsorption of the enzyme on elastin without any important change of the elastase structure. MAP1 readily hydrolyzes the Gly23-Phe24 bond in the oxidized insulin B chain; the peptide bonds Ala14-Leu15, Leu15-Tyr16, Phe24-Phe25, Phe25-Tyr26 are also cleaved, suggesting a primary specificity of the enzyme for hydrophobic or aromatic residues at the first amino acid towards the C-terminus from the cleavage site (P'1 position) [Schechter, I. & Berger, A. (1967) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 27, 157-162]. This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that Ala2-Phe-Ala and Ala3-Phe-Ala are hydrolyzed even though tri-alanine to hexa-alanine oligomers are not. The evidence of an elastase with the same molecular mass and pI as MAP1 is given during fruiting body development in submerged culture of M. xanthus. The fact that aromatic amino acids have been found to be the most representative of A-signal [Kuspa, A., Plamann, L. & Kaiser, D. (1992) J. Bacteriol. 174, 3319-3326] is consistent with the hypothesis that, regarding its specificity, MAP1 is likely to play a role in development of myxobacteria.  相似文献   

Ceramide has emerged as a potential regulator of diverse cellular functions, and a few direct targets have been identified for its action including protein kinases and phosphatases. In this study, we have purified the predominant ceramide-activated protein phosphatase (CAPP) from rat brain. Utilizing a novel chromatographic approach, CAPP was purified to near homogeneity using hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl Sepharose followed by anion-exchange chromatography on MonoQ. The purified protein was composed of three major bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis which comigrated with the three subunits of heterotrimeric PP2A. Immunologic studies further identified CAPP to be composed predominantly of heterotrimeric AB'C and ABalphaC as well as heterodimeric PP2A (AC), where C is the catalytic subunit, and A and B are regulatory subunits. These results were also supported by the coelution of CAPP with trimeric and dimeric PP2A on size-exclusion chromatography. These studies provide a convenient and efficient method for the isolation of trimeric and dimeric PP2A, and they allow the biochemical investigation of CAPP.  相似文献   

Fas Ag is a cell surface molecule that transduces the signal for apoptosis. Since mesangial cells (MC) play important roles in regulating glomerulonephritis, we investigated regulatory mechanisms of Fas system in MC. Fas Ag was expressed on MC from normal mice. This Fas Ag expression was down-regulated by inducing proliferation with platelet-derived growth factor or 18% fetal bovine serum, but was reversed when cycloheximide was added to the culture. Anti-Fas Ab alone did not induce apoptosis in MC, but MC became susceptible to apoptosis induced by anti-Fas Ab is actinomycin D or cycloheximide was added. Noteworthy findings are that mRNA of Fas ligand was expressed in MC. Taken together, MC appears to control the proliferation by regulating Fas system-mediated apoptosis, at least in part, through an autoregulatory mechanism with Fas Ag Fas ligand expressed on their own MC.  相似文献   

The previously detected Rieske iron-sulfur protein from the membranes of the thermoacidophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius [Anemüller, S., et al. (1993) FEBS Lett. 318, 61-64] was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and the N-terminal amino acids determined. The apparent molecular weight was estimated to be 32 kDa. The reduced protein displays a rhombic EPR spectrum with gxyz = 1.768, 1.895, 2.035. The average g-value of 1.902 is typical for nitrogen ligand-containing clusters. EPR spin quantification and the iron content indicate the presence of one [2Fe-2S] cluster. The purified protein displays ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase activity. The pH optimum of this reaction is temperature dependent and was determined to be pH 7 at 56 degrees C. The results presented in this study clearly prove that the Sulfolobus Rieske protein belongs to the family of the true Rieske iron-sulfur proteins.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the presence of a novel perchloric acid soluble protein in rat liver (PSP1) that inhibits cell-free protein synthesis in a rabbit reticulocyte system. While studying the perchloric acid soluble proteins from different tissues of rats, we found that the kidney protein cross-reacted with antibody against the PSP1. In this investigation, we have purified a perchloric acid soluble protein from the rat kidney and studied its characterization and expression. The protein extracted from the postmitochondrial supernatant fraction with 5% perchloric acid was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and CM-Sephadex chromatography. By immunoscreening with the rabbit antisera against the PSP1, we detected a cDNA that contained an open reading frame of 411 bp, encoding a 137 amino-acid protein with a molecular mass of 14,149 daltons. The deduced amino acid sequence was completely identical with that of PSP1 from rat liver. The perchloric acid soluble protein from rat kidney (K-PSP1) also inhibited cell-free protein synthesis in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system in a different manner than RNase A. Immunohistochemistry showed that the expression of K-PSP1 increased from fetal 17th day to postnatal 4th week, and it remained almost the same until the 7th week of postnatal age. Furthermore, the expression of K-PSP1 in the kidney of the nephrotic rat model was shown to be differentiation dependent. On the other hand, the expression of K-PSP1 in renal tumor cells was downregulated as compared with intact tissue. These results suggest that the expression of K-PSP1 is regulated in a differentiation-dependent manner in the kidney.  相似文献   

A 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate decarboxylase (EC from Clostridium hydroxybenzoicum JW/Z-1T was purified and partially characterized. The estimated molecular mass of the enzyme was 270 kDa. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave a single band of 57 kDa, suggesting that the enzyme consists of five identical subunits. The temperature and pH optima were 50 degrees C and pH 7.0, respectively. The Arrhenius energy for decarboxylation of 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate was 32.5 kJ . mol(-1) for the temperature range from 22 to 50 degrees C. The Km and kcat for 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate were 0.6 mM and 5.4 x 10(3) min(-1), respectively, at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. The enzyme optimally catalyzed the reverse reaction, that is, the carboxylation of catechol to 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, at pH 7.0. The enzyme did not decarboxylate 2-hydroxybenzoate, 3-hydroxybenzoate, 4-hydroxybenzoate, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoate, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate, 2,3,4-trihydroxybenzoate, 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate, 3-F-4-hydroxybenzoate, or vanillate. The decarboxylase activity was inhibited by 25 and 20%, respectively, by 2,3,4- and 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate. Thiamine PPi and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate did not stimulate and hydroxylamine and sodium borohydride did not inhibit the enzyme activity, indicating that the 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate decarboxylase is not a thiamine PPi-, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-, or pyruvoyl-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

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