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AIDS in children is a multisystem disease. The various infections, degenerative, proliferative and vascular lesions can be classified into three categories based on the known, presumed or undetermined pathogenesis. The primary lesions are due to HIV infection. The associated lesions are related to direct or indirect sequelae of HIV infection or its treatment. The third category is of lesions of undetermined pathogenesis. The pediatric pathologist plays an important role in the study and management of AIDS by demonstrating new pathologic lesions, by making the etiologic diagnosis of infection in children with AIDS, and by providing clinicopathologic correlation which leads to better understanding of the disease process and its natural history. Diagnosis of neoplastic disorders is also made by the pathologist. There is a dearth of systematic pathologic study of AIDS in children in developing countries. Although no basic differences between pathologic lesions in pediatric AIDS in Western countries, and in developing countries is expected, such a study would lead to better understanding and better management of the disorder as it affects children from the developing countries.  相似文献   

A systematic study of congenital mitral valve malformations was undertaken on a surgical basis in an attempt to develop techniques of valvular reconstruction adapted to the various lesions. Forty-seven children between the ages of 4 months and 12 years (average 6 years, 4 months) have been operated upon between January, 1970, and March, 1976. Valvular lesions were classified into four group: Group I, mitral insufficiency owing to valvular lesions: Group II mitral insufficiency with subvalvular lesions; Group III, mitral insufficiency and stenosis; Group IV, stenosis. Associated lesions (ventricular or atrial septal defects, coarctation, or aortic valve stenosis) were present in 31 patients (65 per cent) and were corrected during the same operation. Valve reconsruction was possible in 38 patients whereas valve replacement was necessary in 9 patients. In the valve repair group there were three operative deaths (8 per cent), no late deaths, one reoperation for residual ventricular septal defect, and one myocardial infarction. In the valve replacement group of 9 patients, there were three operative deaths, three late deaths, and one case of repeated embolization. Thirty-one of 38 patients in the valve repair group were classified into Functional Class I after the operation (86 per cent), 2 were in Class II, and one in Class III. Minimal or moderate regurgitation and cardiomegaly persisted in the majority of the patients. Pulmonary artery pressure significantly decreased, however, as demonstrated by postoperative catheterization in 17 patients.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding the histology of hepatitis C virus infection in children. The aim of this study was to determine the histological pattern of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in children, and liver biopsy specimens from 109 pediatric patients with CHC were examined. Each biopsy specimen was evaluated based on a numerical scoring system for the stage of fibrosis (1-4), the grade of portal/periportal necroinflammation (0-4), the grade of lobular necroinflammation (0-4), and their sum (final grade). The histological lesions considered to be characteristic of chronic hepatitis were also evaluated. None of the children had liver cirrhosis, and 105 cases (97%) were stage 1 or 2. Only 4 children were stage 3. Two of these 4 cases showed hemosiderosis. A significant correlation was observed between the staging score and the final grade in the pediatric patients (r = .59; P < .0001). The histological characteristics of adult CHC, such as lymphoid aggregate, bile duct injury, and fatty changes, were also observed in the children. In conclusion, the majority of children with CHC presented with mild fibrosis, but a few showed CHC with lobular distortion and hemosiderosis. Frequent blood transfusion may aggravate hepatic lesions in pediatric CHC.  相似文献   

Comprehensive neurologic and ophthalmologic examinations of 100 patients with morphologically verified sarcoidosis showed the most frequent involvement of optic nerves and less incident lesions of the eye proper and its appendages. Vision disorders were detected in 39.0 patients, chiasmal disorders in 12.0%. Fundus oculi abnormalities were found in 27.0% of patients. A specific feature of vision disorders in sarcoidosis was that almost half of the patients did not feel them, which may be explained by a predominantly chronic latent pattern of these disorders and by the fact that, despite manifest disorders of peripheral vision, central vision with correction remained normal for a longer time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Schatzki ring is a well-known clinical and radiologic entity in adults, but is thought to be rare in childhood. Objective. To review the clinical presentations and radiologic findings of children and young adults with Schatzki rings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of all barium swallow examinations done between 1990 and 1996 revealed 20 patients with Schatzki rings. RESULTS: The most frequent presenting symptoms of these patients were progressive dysphagia with solid food and acute food impaction. Radiographic findings of Schatzki rings were typical in all cases. Twelve patients had endoscopy and all had evidence of esophagitis. CONCLUSION: Schatzki rings are not rare in childhood. The patients are symptomatic, presenting with either progressive dysphagia with solids or acute food impaction. A thorough evaluation of the distal esophagus should be performed in patients with a suggestive clinical history.  相似文献   

Demographic trends reveal the elderly to be the fastest growing segment of the population. Physicians can therefore anticipate encountering increasing numbers of older patients with alcohol-related problems. These problems include liver disease, dementia, confusion (masquerading as dementia), peripheral neuropathy, insomnia, late-onset seizure disorder, poor nutrition, incontinence, diarrhea, myopathy, inadequate self-care, macrocytosis, depression, fractures, and adverse reactions to medications. Despite the prevalence of alcohol use in older people, their risks and problems are often unrecognized. We reviewed published literature on the determinants and consequences of alcohol-related problems in persons aged 65 years and older and the usefulness of available screening measures. Thirteen of 25 eligible studies on determinants and consequences met quality criteria and were reviewed. Nine additional studies on screening tests were also evaluated. Determinants include history of alcohol use and abuse, social isolation, and reduced mobility; consequences consist of risks of hip fracture from falls, neoplasms, and psychiatric illness. Currently accessible screening tests focus on high levels of alcoholic beverage use and abuse and dependence. They are not useful in screening for hazardous consumption that may result from relatively low levels of alcohol use alone or in combination with medications, medical illness, or preexisting diminished physical, emotional, or social function. Research is needed on the consequences of lower levels of alcohol consumption on the physical and psychosocial health of older individuals and on methods for distinguishing alcohol-related from age-related problems. Existing screening tests should be expanded or new screening methods developed in anticipation of a growing public health problem.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The palatal aponeurosis is a controversial structure, both in terms of its anatomy and its function. This article points out a pathologic finding in the cleft palate condition that has not been previously described. DESIGN AND METHOD: By means of surgical dissections, this study demonstrates in detail that the palatal aponeurosis exists even in cleft palates, but it is disrupted, malpositioned, and folded in two layers. PATIENTS: This dissection method has been performed on more than 150 patients with cleft of the hard and soft palate, with or without cleft of the lip and alveolus. At the time of operation, the children were between 6 and 8 months of age. RESULTS: It is possible to dissect the two layers of the palatal aponeurosis, to unfold the aponeurosis, and to form a tough tendinous plane. CONCLUSION: For a functional physiologic reconstruction of the cleft palate, it is necessary not only to reconstruct the levator veli palatini and palatopharyngeus muscle slings, but also to approximate and suture the fibers of the palatal aponeurosis to the corresponding fibers of the opposite side after unfolding them in a medio-dorso-cranial direction. In this manner, a continuous palatal aponeurosis can be created, which subsequently can serve as a transmitter of the muscle forces.  相似文献   

The intrinsic muscles of the larynx were exposed in each of 54 normal larynges derived from the autopsy series of a general hospital and submitted to microscopic examination. Muscle fibre alterations were found in all the posterior cricocarytenoid muscles in patients from 13 years of age on wards. In about half of the patients these changes included necrosis of segments of muscle fibres and secondary cellular reactions to this. In two cases of chronic autonomic failure with multiple system atrophy the intrinsic laryngeal muscles were similarly examined. Both cases showed a marked gross and microscopic atrophy of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles; there were also microscopic changes similar to those found in the normal population. The significance of the changes in the routine post-mortem larynges, the changes in the cases of chronic autonomic failure with multiple system atrophy and the relationship between the two are discussed.  相似文献   

The fate of human tumor cells deposited in rat uteri was investigated by light microscopy of histological sections, immunohistochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy of microvascular corrosion casts. The human colonic tumor cell line LS 174 T was used as graft since it can be detected by CEA immunohistochemistry, and spayed nude rats (PVG rnu/rnu) were used as hosts, subjected to different hormonal regimens (no exogenous hormones, medroxyprogesterone acetate, 17-beta-estradiol, or the last two regimens in combination). Intrauterine deposition of a suspension of 2 x 10(6) tumor cells resulted in tumor take in 72% (21/29) of the nude rats. Endometrial growth was verified in only three animals (14%, 3/21). Extraendometrial growth, however, was found in all animals with tumor take. These observations suggest that the endometrium is comparatively resistant to growth of xenografted human colonic tumor cells. The tumor microcirculation consisted of new vessels, giving morphological evidence that tumor growth is dependent on angiogenesis and not on invasion of preexisting vessels.  相似文献   

This paper presents the approach used to simulate the temperature distribution/progression of a ring with a rectangular cross-section during the ring rolling process. The previously existing 2-D FEM program Finel was used and modifications were made to consider the metal flow in the out-of-plane direction. Simulations were performed for the austenitic steel X6CrNiNb18-10 and the aluminium alloy AA-2219. Each simulation was a combination of multiple, alternating thermal/mechanical and thermal calculations, representing the time the cross-section is in the roll gap and the time it is between the roll gaps. The results from the simulation were compared to preliminary measured values.  相似文献   

This review focuses on infertility-related anatomical (ligneous cervicitis and postsurgical stenosis) and functional (abnormal mucus production, local cervical isoimmunity, and incompetence) disorders of the cervix, congenital anomalies, and underperfusion of the uterine corpus, myometrial lesions, endometrial failure, tubal obstruction, polycystic ovary syndrome, and endometriosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the repeatability of the program-usage in everyday listening situations. A blind field test was used. The Widex Quattro (WQ) system served as a model for multiple memory hearing aids (linear amplification) Eleven experienced WQ wearers (41-73 years) with mild to moderate, recruiting, cochlear hearing losses participated. Eight of them regularly used all four available programs (all used at least three programs). The participants stated in duplicate the best hearing aid program in 15 real-world listening situations. The percentage of subjects who selected identical programs (repeatability) surpassed the level corresponding to pure guess under almost all listening conditions (14). Maximum repeatability (100%) was achieved by the five subjects who visited an industrial environment twice. Interestingly, the repeatability exceeded 70% in demanding listening situations such as: party, conversation in group, etc. Support for this high repeatability was given by a distinct improvement in the mean aided speech-to-noise threshold (3.7 dB, p < 0.005).  相似文献   

The morphological substrate of Menière's disease is the endolymphatic hydrops. That can be idiopathic or secondary as a sequence of a labyrinthine disease of another cause. It is possible to coordinate function loss of the sensory end-organs and pathohistological findings, but not all failures are light-microscopically explainable. The reason for the hydrops is certainly a disturbance in the endolymph physiology. For the pathogenesis are important, besides the biochemistry of the inner ear-fluids, problems of the membranes and pathological changes on ductus and saccus endolymphaticus and perimacular areals and plana semilunata. The perilymphatic space, documentated on the example of the secondary hydrops, is certainly not only passively enrolled in the procedure. All observations bring the initiation and periodicity of attacks to another point of view. A complete solution has not been possible so far, especially in the case of the etiology in idiopathic hydrops.  相似文献   

Reviews psychosocial interventions for child and adolescent conduct problems, including oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, to identify empirically supported treatments. Eighty-two controlled research studies were evaluated using the criteria developed by the Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures. The 82 studies were also examined for specific participant, treatment, and methodological characteristics to describe the treatment literature for child and adolescent conduct problems. Two interventions were identified that met the stringent criteria for well-established treatments: videotape modeling parent training program (Spaccarelli, Cotler, & Penman, 1992; Webster-Stratton, 1984, 1994) and parent-training programs based on Patterson and Gullion's (1968) manual Living With Children (Alexander & Parsons, 1973; Bernal, Klinnert, & Schultz, 1980; Wiltz & Patterson, 1974). Twenty of the 82 studies were identified as supporting the efficacy of probably efficacious treatments.  相似文献   

The poor survival rate for patients with regional lymph node metastases of malignant melanoma reflects the strong association between lymph node and subsequent visceral metastases. The authors discuss clinical considerations, pathologic risk factors, selective lymphadenectomy, examination of lymph node dissections, difficulties of diagnosis, and prognosis.  相似文献   

The colonization of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori (H.p.) is a special form of chronic bacterial infection characterized by long term persistence of microbes because cause of an inefficiency of local immune responses. The resulting chronic gastritis causes decisive transformations of gastric mucosa. They comprise the acquisition of an active mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue as well as the development of glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia in the stomach. Both transformations change normal gastric functions, and create abnormal microenvironments with an increased risk for gastric cancer and lymphoma. Own recent investigations indicate, that the distribution and severity of chronic gastritis might be decisively influenced by a rise of antigastric autoimmune reactivity during the H.p. infection. The histologic examination of gastric biopsy samples is essential for an exact diagnosis of the complex pathogenic processes in chronic gastritis. In the future special emphasis of histologic analyses has to be put on the subtypes of gastritis, which are prone for complications and on the evaluation of gastritis remission after H.p. eradication.  相似文献   

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