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高浓啤酒的生产技术已经非常成熟了,我厂根据今年生产计划和设备现状,决定在旺季期间进行高浓酿造,以缓解生产能力不足的局面。由于高浓酿造必然对原料利用率、啤酒质量带来影响。因此,我们对此次的高浓酿造进行了跟踪分析。  相似文献   

概述了啤酒高浓酿造技术的特点及存在的问题,对啤酒高浓酿造中涉及到的菌种选育、麦汁制备过程、啤酒发酵过程及啤酒风味、泡沫稳定性等方面的研究进展进行了详细阐述.  相似文献   

本文在对酿造单宁的有关性质及啤酒生产中应用研究的基础上,对酿造单宁在高浓酿造中的作用、钙离子及多酚的影响和风味评价进行了研究。研究发现,在一定范围内啤酒中 Ca~(2+)增加,对酿造单宁的作用效果有一定的影响;应用酿造单宁后啤酒中的总多酚含量没有变化。应用酿造单宁,经风味评价,啤酒的主要风味物质无差别。  相似文献   

本论文主要是阐述在发酵过程中高浓酿造对酵母蛋白酶活力的影响,对来自麦汁的疏水多肽损失的影响以及对贮藏啤酒泡沫稳定性的影响。在整个发酵期间低度麦汁(10°P)中疏水多肽的含量显示出平稳下降,但对于20°P 麦汁在发酵的前8天显示出快速的下降,剩下的时间变化不明显。高浓酿造疏水多肽下降程度较大,发酵过程中蛋白酶 A 增长,发酵结束时达到最高水平。从发酵的第3天到第11天高浓发酵酵母蛋白酶水平至少是低度发酵的两倍。高浓酿造的啤酒中所含的蛋白酶 A 活力比低度酿造的啤酒中高出很多。FERMCAP~(TM)包含物,一种消泡物质,在高浓麦汁中既不影响疏水多肽的水平也不影响最终啤酒的泡沫稳定性。这表明蛋白酶 A 必定是高浓酿造啤酒泡沫稳定性差的主要因素,而不是由于发酵罐中的起泡造成的。对瓶装的高浓及低度酿造的啤酒进行泡持性的测量,周期为五个月,结果表明两种啤酒的泡沫稳定性都平稳下降。灭菌后的高浓和低度啤酒不会出现泡持力下降的趋势。  相似文献   

高浓酿造是采用高浓麦汁发酵,之后进行稀释的啤酒酿造技术,该方法可显著提高生产效率,被广泛应用于啤酒生产中。虽然高浓酿造技术基本发展成熟,但仍存在发酵周期长以及后稀释造成风味不平衡的问题。由于高浓麦汁的特性,会导致发酵不彻底、发酵缓慢以至于延长发酵周期。该文分别从原料、发酵条件、菌株质量方面对高浓酿造啤酒发酵周期影响因素作了综合阐述,并对解决发酵周期长这一问题进行了讨论,提供可行思路。  相似文献   

贺昇 《啤酒科技》2007,(4):41-42
泡沫是啤酒的一项重要感官指标,泡沫性能主要包括啤酒的起泡性、泡沫的持久性及泡沫附着力。合格的啤酒倒入杯中应有明显的泡沫升起,洁白、细腻、持久、挂杯。这在正常低浓酿造情况下是没有问题的,但用高浓酿造生产的啤酒泡沫却表现得极不稳定。  相似文献   

结合糖化工艺探讨了高浓酿造在啤酒生产中的应用。应用 SME888麦芽糖浆进行了18°P 高浓酿造试验,双乙酰还原正常,真正发酵度略低,啤酒酯类物质含量偏高。选用酶制剂进行了非发芽大麦糖浆的中试试验,结果可发酵糖成分与麦汁非常接近,最终发酵度达70%。  相似文献   

将酿造单宁应用于高浓酿造啤酒生产中,研究发现,酿造单宁能明显提高啤酒质量,改善啤酒风味,提高其稳定性和抗老化能力,延长保鲜期,缩短生产周期,改善成品啤酒的感官特征等。应用酿造单宁后,啤酒中的总多酚含量变化不大,经风味评价,啤酒的主要风味物质无明显变化。啤酒中Ca2+含量在适宜范围内(30~85mg/L),酿造单宁不会对啤酒酿造产生影响;但若Ca2+含量超出合理范围,则会对啤酒的浊度产生一定的影响。异α-酸含量在一定范围内,尚未发现对酿造单宁应用效果产生影响。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了啤酒风味物质、风味类型,在此基础上对当前啤酒界普遍采用的高浓酿造技术进行了总结和阐述,并分析了此工艺对啤酒风味物质组成及感官品评特性的影响。  相似文献   

胡鹏刚  李静  罗志军 《酿酒科技》2005,(8):65-66,68
在高浓啤酒酿造中加入国产(吉隆)单宁,最佳使用量为30mg/L。可有效吸附麦汁中高分子敏感蛋白质、啤酒中的杂质、金属离子和促进啤酒中不溶性蛋白质沉淀,加速啤酒中悬浮物沉降,提高啤酒的非生物稳定性和风味稳定性。(孙悟)  相似文献   

Although hop technology has been a substantial part of brewing science for the last 130 years, we are still far from claiming to know everything about hops. As hops are considered primarily as a flavour ingredient for beer, with the added benefit of having anti‐microbial effects, hop research is focused on hops as a bittering agent, as an aroma contributor and as a preservative. Newer fields in hop research are directed toward the relevance of hops in flavour stability, brewing process utilisation, the technological benefits of hops in brewing as well as hops as a source of various substances with many health benefits. However the more we find out about the so‐called “spirit of beer” the more questions emerge that demand answers. While hop research was only an ancillary research field for decades, during the last ten years more universities and breweries have determined that hops must play a meaningful role in their research efforts. This article gives an overview of the up‐to‐date knowledge on hop aroma, hop derived bitterness, and the role of hops in flavour stability as well as light stability. Hop research is a wide field, therefore in this review only selected topics are reviewed. Other research areas such as hops utilisation, the antifoam potential of hops, or the advances in knowledge pertaining to the physiological valuable substances of hops go beyond the scope of this article.  相似文献   

<正> 一直居高不下的外国啤麦价格,近来开始下挫,目前国内各主要港口堆积了约45万吨的进口大麦。 从产业链条来看,大麦生产麦芽,麦芽生产啤酒,啤麦是啤酒生产的主要原料。世界上啤麦的供应国主要有4个:澳大利亚、加拿大、法国和丹麦。由于澳大利亚和加拿大气候异常,全球大麦市场供应吃紧,减产引发大麦价格上涨。 从理论上来讲,今年价格会持续上涨,一直持续年底,但SARS给它来个休  相似文献   

Horace Brown spent fifty years conducting brewing research in Burton‐on‐Trent, Dublin and London. His contributions were remarkable and his focus was to solve practical brewing problems by employing and developing fundamental scientific principles. He studied all aspects of the brewing process including raw materials, wort preparation, fermentation, yeast and beer stability. As a number of previous presenters of the Horace Brown Lecture have discussed Brown's achievements in detail, the focus of this paper is a review of the brewing research that has been conducted by the author and his colleagues during the past forty years. Similar to Horace Brown, fundamental research has been employed to solve brewing problems. Research studies that are discussed in this review paper include reasons for premature flocculation of ale strains resulting in wort underattenuation including mechanisms of co‐flocculation and pure strain flocculation, storage procedures for yeast cultures prior to propagation, studies on the genetic manipulation of brewer's yeast strains with an emphasis on the FLO1 gene, spheroplast fusion and the respiratory deficient (petite) mutation, the uptake and metabolism of wort sugars and amino acids, the influence of wort density on fermentation characteristics and beer flavour and stability, and finally, the contribution that high gravity brewing has on brewing capacity, fermentation efficiency and beer quality and stability.  相似文献   

Classical microbiological methods in association with molecular methods (DNA amplification, Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TGGE) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) were used. These methods, developed to rapidly analyze microbial communities on the basis of sequence‐specific separation of DNA amplicons, allowed the detection of DNA differences in the amplicons tested and the identification of the strains analyzed by the comparison of unknown sequences with sequences of known species. TGGE allowed the comparison of the different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains used in brewing while DGGE allowed the identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in beer. These methods are a reliable tool for fast comparison of strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae collected from different craft breweries where they were used as starters to check the presence of possible yeast contaminants in the brewing process and for rapid LAB identification.  相似文献   

高浓酿造技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高浓酿造技术的主要优点通过有效降低糖化的用水,仅利用现有糖化、发酵和储存设备即可大幅度提高啤酒产量,缺点包括:降低糖化锅原料及煮锅酒花利用率,泡沫稳定性下降,酸洗效应,降低酵母存活率,酵母回用代数下降以及需要及时调整麦汁中二阶离子的浓度。  相似文献   

The brewing of beer, which has been carried out in the United Kingdom for about 2,000 years, has been under some kind of legal restrictions for about the last 500 years. Initially this was because of the nutritional importance of beer in the daily diet, but for the last 300 years for revenue-raising purposes. These restrictions have influenced the raw materials and techniques used in British breweries and also the strength of the beer. For the last 90 years U.K. brewers have been free to use the raw materials of their choice, subject only to restrictions guarding public health and the revenue from the Beer Tax. The techniques used in brewing are briefly surveyed and contrasted with those used by the maize wet-milling industry. The nature of the carbohydrate raw materials other than malt used by brewers in the United Kingdom is discussed.  相似文献   

Research reports on extracts, proteins, total nitrogen and free amino nitrogen content of sorghum malt and worts obtained from mashes indicate that sorghum is potentially an alternative substrate for conventional beer brewing in the tropics. Remarkable variations in biochemical characteristics among different sorghum cultivars affect their optimal malting conditions. Factors such as temperature and time of steeping and germinating of grains with their intrinsic enzymic activities, and kilning temperature determine the quality of malt. Further works on mashing, viscosity and fermentability of worts as well as the character of the resulting beers, such as alcoholic content, colour, taste and specific gravity tend to confirm the status of sorghum as a credible substitute for barley in beer brewing. This review reports on progress made in the use of sorghum for brewing beer.  相似文献   

The changes in the proton efflux rate (PER) during fermentation of normal gravity (NG), high gravity (HG) and very high gravity (VHG) wort by a lager yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus) were monitored using an optimized PER test method. The values of the proton efflux rate in S. pastorianus decreased with increasing initial wort gravity. Moreover, the difference in the proton efflux rate values at the beginning of the fermentation was lower than at the end of fermentation from normal gravity to very high gravity brewing. These results demonstrated that the proton efflux rate in S. pastorianus was inhibited in the later stages of high gravity and very high gravity brewing. Furthermore, the changes of the proton efflux rate in S. pastorianus under the high ethanol concentration conditions appeared to depend on the concentration of ethanol in the fermentation liquid. A better negative correlation (P > 0.001, r = ?0.95) between the ethanol concentration at >4% (w/v) and the proton efflux rate was found. The changes of the proton efflux rate in the cells treated with exogenous ethanol confirmed that higher concentrations of ethanol could significantly inhibit proton efflux in S. pastorianus. This study offers a possible way to monitor and explain the performance of yeast in the complex environment of high gravity and very high gravity brewing.  相似文献   

本实验研究了酿造单宁在啤酒生产中的使用效果,结果显示酿造单宁选择性地沉淀蛋白,但不影响泡沫,明显延长啤酒保质期和保鲜期,是提高啤酒非生物稳定的好材料.  相似文献   

酿造水对低度啤酒质量的影响——诠释红石梁的酿造用水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱保方 《酿酒》2006,33(4):57-60
近来低浓度啤酒在中国较受欢迎,尤其在南方地区更为突出。但是随着原麦汁浓度的降低,啤酒的各种异杂味易露头,因此酿造用水的质量对低度啤酒的口感起着非常重要的作用。通过对酿造水的改良,可以解决低度啤酒质量中遇到的口感酸涩、非生物稳定性差等一些技术难题,提高啤酒质量。  相似文献   

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