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Concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured in soil and vegetation samples collected from a small area with a long history of Hg-mining. Hg distributions were determined in stream-waters during two sampling periods. Total Hg concentrations in soil and vegetation samples were highly elevated ranging from 0.41 to 610 mg kg(-1) and from 0.02 to 55 mg kg(-1), respectively. MeHg concentrations varied from 0.41 to 8.8 microg kg(-1) in soil samples and from 0.65 to 5.5 microg kg(-1) in vegetations. The concentrations of total Hg in stream waters varied from 55.0 to 7020 ng L(-1) in the flood-flow regime and from 24.8 to 679 ng L(-1) in the base-flow regime, respectively. Average dissolved Hg concentration was 15.7 ng L(-1) in the wet season and 21.0 ng L(-1) in the dry season. However, particulate Hg was typically >70% of total Hg in the flood-flow regime. Higher concentrations of particulate Hg primarily originated from summer floods were the major pathway of Hg transportation, which were evidenced by the positive correlation between particulate Hg and total suspended solids (TSS). The contaminated soils and distribution patterns of Hg in the stream-waters may serve as an important source of Hg to the local environment in the study area.  相似文献   

The atmospheric deposition of mercury including total gas phase mercury (TGM), gas phase divalent mercury (Hg2+), and gas phase monomethyl mercury (MMHg) was investigated. Samples were collected from central cities and nature reserve areas across the province. Techniques and equipment including moss bags, KCl-coated denuder and GARDIS-1A portable mercury vapor analyzer were employed for sample collection and analysis. The reliability of techniques and analytical methods used for the project was evaluated. The deposition of atmospheric mercury was reported in species in this important mercury polluted province for the first time. The spatial and temporal variability of mercury emissions were investigated and reported. Contribution of coal mercury emissions to the atmosphere mercury deposition of the province was also investigated.  相似文献   

Dental amalgam is 50% metallic mercury (Hg) by weight and Hg vapour continuously evolves from in-place dental amalgam, causing increased Hg content with increasing amalgam load in urine, faeces, exhaled breath, saliva, blood, and various organs and tissues including the kidney, pituitary gland, liver, and brain. The Hg content also increases with maternal amalgam load in amniotic fluid, placenta, cord blood, meconium, various foetal tissues including liver, kidney and brain, in colostrum and breast milk.Based on 2001 to 2004 population statistics, 181.1 million Americans carry a grand total of 1.46 billion restored teeth. Children as young as 26 months were recorded as having restored teeth. Past dental practice and recently available data indicate that the majority of these restorations are composed of dental amalgam.Employing recent US population-based statistics on body weight and the frequency of dentally restored tooth surfaces, and recent research on the incremental increase in urinary Hg concentration per amalgam-filled tooth surface, estimates of Hg exposure from amalgam fillings were determined for 5 age groups of the US population.Three specific exposure scenarios were considered, each scenario incrementally reducing the number of tooth surfaces assumed to be restored with amalgam. Based on the least conservative of the scenarios evaluated, it was estimated that some 67.2 million Americans would exceed the Hg dose associated with the reference exposure level (REL) of 0.3 μg/m3 established by the US Environmental Protection Agency; and 122.3 million Americans would exceed the dose associated with the REL of 0.03 μg/m3 established by the California Environmental Protection Agency.Exposure estimates are consistent with previous estimates presented by Health Canada in 1995, and amount to 0.2 to 0.4 μg/day per amalgam-filled tooth surface, or 0.5 to 1 μg/day/amalgam-filled tooth, depending on age and other factors.  相似文献   

The province of Guizhou in Southwestern China is currently one of the world's most important mercury production areas. Emissions of mercury from the province to the global atmosphere have been estimated to be approximately 12% of the world total anthropogenic emissions. The main objective of this study was to assess the level of contamination with Hg in two geographical areas of Guizhou province. Mercury pollution in the areas concerned originates from mercury mining and ore processing in the area of Wanshan, while in the area of Quingzhen mercury pollution originates from the chemical industry discharging Hg through wastewaters and emissions to the atmosphere due to coal burning for electricity production. The results of this study confirmed high contamination with Hg in soil, sediments and rice in the Hg mining area in Wanshan. High levels of Hg in soil and rice were also found in the vicinity of the chemical plant in Quingzhen. The concentrations of Hg decreased with distance from the main sources of pollution considerably. The general conclusion is that Hg contamination in Wanshan is geographically more widespread, due to deposition and scavenging of Hg from contaminated air and deposition on land. In Quingzhen Hg contamination of soil is very high close to the chemical plant but the levels reach background concentrations at a distance of several km. Even though the major source of Hg in both areas is inorganic Hg, it was observed that active transformation of inorganic Hg to organic Hg species (MeHg) takes place in water, sediments and soils. The concentration of Hg in rice grains can reach up to 569 microg/kg of total Hg of which 145 microg/kg was in MeHg form. The percentage of Hg as MeHg varied from 5 to 83%. The concentrations of selenium can reach up to 16 mg/kg in soil and up to 1 mg/g in rice. A correlation exists between the concentration of Se in soil and rice, indicating that a portion of Se is bioavailable to plants. No correlation between Hg and Se in rice was found. Exposure of the local population to Hg may occur due to inhalation of Hg present in air (in particular in Hg mining area) and consumption of Hg contaminated food (in particular rice and fish) and water. Comparison of intake through these different routes showed that the values of Hg considerably exceed the USA EPA Reference Concentration (RfC) for chronic Hg exposure (RfC is 0.0004 mg/m(3)) close to the emission sources. Intake of Hg through food consumption, particularly rice and fish, is also an important route of Hg exposure in study area. In general, it can be concluded that the population mostly at risk is located in the vicinity of smelting facilities, mining activities and close to the waste disposal sites in the wider area of Wanshan. In order to assess the real level of contamination in the local population, it is recommended that biomonitoring should be performed, including Hg and MeHg measurements in hair, blood and urine samples.  相似文献   

Mercury pollution in Guizhou, southwestern China - an overview   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant and poses a worldwide concern due to its high toxicity. Guizhou province is recognized as a heavily Hg-polluted area in China due to both the special geochemical background and human activities. Here an integrated overview of current knowledge on the behavior of Hg in environments, as well as human health risk with respect to Hg contaminations in Guizhou was presented. Two key anthropogenic Hg emission sources in Guizhou were coal combustion and metals smelting, which dominantly contributed to the high levels of Hg in local ecosystems and high fluxes of Hg deposition. The annual Hg emission from anthropogenic sources ranged between 22.6 and 55.5 t, which was about 6.3–10.3% of current total Hg emissions in China. Meanwhile, Hg Hg-enriched soil in the province serves an important natural Hg emission source to the ambient air. The local environment of Hg mining and zinc smelting areas are seriously contaminated with Hg. It is demonstrated that rice growing in Hg Hg-contaminated soil can accumulate methylmercury (MeHg) to a level to pose health threat to local inhabitants whose staple food is rice. Local inhabitants in Hg mining areas are exposed to Hg through inhalation of Hg vapor and consumption of rice with high level of MeHg. Rice intake is indeed the main MeHg exposure pathway to local inhabitants in Hg mining areas in Guizhou, which is contrary to the general point of view that fish and fish products are the main pathway of MeHg exposure to humans.  相似文献   

Antimony (Sb) has received increasing attention recently due to its toxicity and potential human carcinogenicity. In the present work, drinking water, fish and algae samples were collected from the Xikuangshan (XKS) Sb mine area in Hunan, China. Results show that serious Sb and moderate arsenic (As) contamination is present in the aquatic environment. The average Sb concentrations in water and fish were 53.6 ± 46.7 μg L− 1 and 218 ± 113 μg kg− 1 dry weight, respectively. The Sb concentration in drinking water exceeded both Chinese and WHO drinking water guidelines by 13 and 3 times, respectively. Antimony and As concentrations in water varied with seasons. Fish gills exhibited the highest Sb concentrations but the extent of accumulation varied with habitat. Antimony enrichment in fish was significantly lower than that of As and Hg.  相似文献   

Total mercury content in the feathers of 95 stuffed, wild birds collected all over the shore of the Shiranui Sea (where Minamata disease occurred in many towns and villages in the 1960's) was measured. They were collected over 25 years, from 1955 to 1980. They showed relatively high mercury levels till the late 1970's, although drainage of waste water containing methylmercury from the Chisso Corporation's Minamata Factory was stopped in 1968. In addition, a strong correlation between feeding habits and mercury content was observed; thus the five groups in order of diminishing mercury content were: fish-eating sea birds (mean ± SD = 7.1 ± 3.7 ppm, N = 14), omnivorous water fowl (5.5 ± 5.6 ppm, N = 17), predatory birds (3.6 ± 2.9 ppm, N = 16), omnivorous terrestrial birds (1.5 ± 1.2 ppm, N = 31), and herbivorous water fowl (0.9 ± 0.4 ppm, N = 17). Mercury content of the feathers of omnivorous terrestrial birds in the Shiranui Sea was exceedingly high compared with those in China and Korea. The findings in the present study suggest that stuffed, wild birds may be a good index of past environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Total mercury, methyl mercury and selenium concentrations were determined in sediments and organisms from the Kaštela bay in the Central Adriatic, polluted with inorganic mercury by a chlor-alkali plant. Sediments and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) contained high total mercury concentrations, especially in the vicinity of the source of pollution. The percentage of mercury in the methyl form increased from surface sediments (up to 1.37%) to the edible parts of mussels (0.1–27%, negatively correlated with total mercury concentrations) and to the fish, in which methyl mercury accounted for most of the mercury in the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

Baihua Reservoir in Guizhou Province, China, experienced serious Hg contamination from Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant (GOCP) between 1971 and 1997. However, the biogeochemical cycling of Hg in this reservoir is not well studied. Sediment cores were collected in fall 2002, spring 2003 and in spring and fall 2004. THg and MeHg concentrations in all sediment profiles ranged from 0.26 to 38.9 mg/kg and from 0.5 to 27.5 μg/kg (d.w.), respectively. The distribution of THg in sediment cores was characterized by a few peaks, which may correspond to the Hg-containing wastewater discharge history of the GOCP. The average THg concentrations in sediments cores decreased from upstream to downstream due to the deposition of particulate Hg, which is the major form of Hg in water. THg and MeHg concentrations in pore water varied from 6.1 to 5860 ng/L and from 0.3 to 15.4 ng/L, respectively, which were significantly higher than levels in the overlying water column. Average diffusive flux from sediment to water is 1642 and 36 ng/m2/day for THg and MeHg. The spatial distribution of THg in pore water from upstream to downstream showed the same trend as the sediment, but MeHg in pore water did not show a declining pattern with distance from the GOCP. These results suggested that sediments experienced serious contamination of Hg, and the contaminated sediment is an important Hg contamination source to the overlying water.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury (HgT), methylmercury (MeHg), and its speciation in water samples as well as fish collected from abandoned Hg mines in Wanshan, Guizhou province, China, were measured to show regional dispersion of Hg contaminations that are not well known. High HgT and MeHgT (total methylmercury) concentrations obtained in waters from mining areas, ranged from 15 to 9300 ng/l and 0.31 to 25 ng/l, respectively. MeHgT were not correlated with HgT, whereas, peak values in both cases were in accord with high concentrations of particulate fraction, which appeared to be enhanced during high-flow regime with ratios reaching to 99%. Elevated Hg concentrations in the particulate form indicated that particles released from Hg mining tailings (calcines) might be an important pathway of Hg to the aquatic system. The concentrations of total Hg in fish muscle were elevated ranging from 0.061 to 0.68 mg/kg, but MeHg were generally low ranging from 0.024 to 0.098 mg/kg with a mean ratio of 28%. The concentrations and distribution patterns of Hg in aquatic systems suggested derivation from historic Hg mining sites in the Wanshan area.  相似文献   

Mercury content in soils near abandoned mine wastes in the mercury mining area of Mieres (Asturias, Spain) is highly elevated as a result of the long period of mining and abundant Hg production. In this work, an evaluation of Hg concentration, distribution, and mobility in three soil samples from the immediate vicinity of a chimney used for vapour evacuation during pyrometallurgical treatment of the ore was carried out. For that purpose, total Hg contents were determined for the original samples and their grain-size subsamples. The study of mercury mobility in the original samples and in the different particle-size subsamples was made by the application of a sequential extraction method. Results showed that Hg concentration in soils decreases directly with the distance from the chimney and the dispersion of Hg is not influenced by the topographic height of the site tested. The sample collected in the base of the chimney exhibited appreciable amounts of mobile Hg. In general, a higher Hg concentration was found for the finest particle-size subsamples. Hg mobility was found to be higher for quite developed soils. The sample collected downstream from the chimney showed a significant Hg mobile content as a result of a more intensive weathering. An increase of Hg mobility at decreasing particle size was found in all three analysed samples.  相似文献   

金井金矿区开采历史悠久,文章从该矿区脉金矿的地质特征着手,总结了成矿规律,提出了在该区寻找新矿体的思路,为今后找矿明确了方向。  相似文献   

Artisanal zinc smelting using indigenous method in Hezhang County, Guizhou, China has posed seriously environmental pollution to the local environment. Within less than 150 km2 area in Hezhang, a few metric tons of mercury were released into the atmosphere each year since 1989 due to artisanal zinc smelting, and the surface waters were seriously contaminated with mercury. For the first time, we investigated the mercury contamination to the local soil and crop compartments due to mercury emissions from artisanal zinc smelting activities in this area. Mercury distribution patterns in 5 soil profiles collected in artisanal zinc smelting area showed that the top soils were seriously contaminated with mercury. The soils from agriculture land close to the zinc smelting areas were also contaminated with mercury due to the deposition of mercury species that emitted from artisanal zinc smelting processes. Total mercury concentrations in top soils decrease exponentially with distance from the zinc smelting area. Corn plants that were cultivated in agriculture land close to the zinc smelting area were also contaminated with mercury. Mercury concentration in corn plant tissue increased in the order of grains相似文献   

In northern Tanzania large numbers of small scale miners use mercury in the gold extraction process causing contamination of the environment and risks to human health. Human exposure to Hg was assessed in populations in and around small scale gold mining camps by means of human hair and urine surveys. We also determined Hg concentration in fish in aquatic bodies close to these camps. Urinary Hg testing in three communities showed that 36% of the gold miners working with amalgam exceeded the WHO guideline concentration of 50 microg Hg/g creatinine. Data from a hair survey of fishermen and farmers confirm that at present, the fish-eating population close to the southern tip of Lake Victoria is at low risk with regard to Hg exposure. Concentrations in fish were low and > 90% of the hair samples from the fish-eating population were below 2 microg/g T-Hg. Highest Hg concentrations in fish caught along the southern shores of Lake Victoria and in rivers draining from gold processing sites were detected in lungfish species (Protopterus aethiopicus), and lowest Hg concentrations in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia zilii).  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of mercury concentrations in two abiotic compartments (river water and suspended particles) and two biotic compartments (fish and human hair) from the upper Madeira rivers of the Bolivian Amazon basin are presented. Because of the local hydrological regimes and a high deposition rate in the plain, due to the presence of a subsidence zone at the bottom of the Andean piedmont, in the dry season, the highest mercury concentrations and fluxes were not found in rivers where mining activities took place (2.25–6.99 ng l−1; and 1.07–8.67 mg Hg d−1 km−2), but at the outlet of the Andean basins exploited for their alluvial gold (7.22–8.22 ng l−1; and 9.47–9.52 mg Hg d−1 km−2). The total mercury concentrations measured in surface waters of the upper Beni basin varied during the dry season, from 2.24 to 2.57 ng l−1 in the glacial waters of the Zongo river, to 7.00 ng l−1 in the Madeira River at Porto Velho and 9.49–10.86 ng l−1 at its confluence with the Amazon. The results obtained from fish indicate, on one hand, that 86% of the piscivorous fishes collected in the Beni river were contaminated, and, on the other hand, their high mercury concentrations could exceed by almost four times the WHO (1976) safety limit. In the Beni River, the mercury concentrations found in omnivorous and mud-feeding fish ranged from 0.02 to 0.19 μg g−1 (wet wt.), and in piscivorous fish, from 0.33 to 2.30 μg Hg g−1 (wet wt.). The mercury accumulated by carnivorous fishes was mainly present in its organic form; methylmercury represented 73–98% of the total mercury analysed. Eighty persons were studied in the entire Bolivian Amazonian basin. Unlike the gold miners, who are more affected by tropical diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, the indigenous people living on the banks of the Beni river, present elevated levels of mercury (9.81 μg g−1 on average). We observed an increase in contamination in young children still being breast-fed, confirming that hair mercury concentration in babies was significantly affected by maternal mercury contamination during pregnancy. These results show that the major health impacts caused by mercury affect people who are not working directly in gold mining activities but who have a regular fish diet.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous pollutant that negatively affects fetal and child neurodevelopment at accidental high-dose exposure. Some studies indicate that Mediterranean populations could be at risk of prenatal exposure to mercury through fish consumption. OBJECTIVES: To assess the prenatal exposure to total mercury (T-Hg), both inorganic and organic, in newborns by analyzing the T-Hg concentration in cord blood, and to evaluate the role of maternal fish consumption in this exposure. METHODS: In the context of a multi-center project (INMA project), a prospective birth cohort was set up in Valencia, Spain, from 2005 to 2006. A total of 253 newborns were included in this study. We compared cord blood T-Hg concentration by levels of fish intake assessed by a food frequency questionnaire completed at 28-32 weeks of gestation. Maternal covariates were obtained through a questionnaire. RESULTS: The geometric mean of T-Hg at birth was 9.9 microg/L (95% CI: 9.0, 10.8). Seventy five percent of cord blood samples were above the estimated level assumed to be without appreciable harm (5.8 microg/L). Women who consumed a portion of large oily fish, lean fish, or mixed fried fish two or more times per week had mean cord blood levels 1.6, 1.4 and 1.3 times higher, respectively, than those who rarely or never consumed fish. Other factors such as the mother's age, country of origin, smoking and season of delivery were also significantly and independently associated with cord blood T-Hg concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Newborns from a Mediterranean area presented elevated levels of T-Hg in cord blood. Higher concentrations of T-Hg were related to maternal fish intake, particularly in the case of large oily fish species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect the selenium level in the environment and the population of Zhoukoudian area, Beijing, and to discuss the influence of various factors on serum selenium level. The soil, drinking water, and foodstuff samples and venous blood samples of 401 individuals were obtained to determine the selenium level by gas chromatograph equipped with a (63)Ni electron capture detector (ECD). The selenium level was 0.210+/-0.013 microg/g in soil, 0.017 microg/L+/-0.002 in drinking water, 0.034+/-0.002 microg/g in rice, and 0.034+/-0.012 microg/g in wheat flour. This index showed that the Zhoukoudian area of Beijing was a moderate or marginal level selenium ecological landscape. The mean serum selenium level of the population was 75.01+/-28.35 microg/L, ranging between 35.2 and 160.4 microg/L. A total of 279 (69.6%) individuals exhibited serum selenium level below 80 microg/L, which is the lowest threshold for the activity of glutathione peroxidases (GPx) in vivo. A total of 35 (8.5%) individuals exhibited serum selenium level below 45 microg/L. It is widely recommended that below this value (45 microg/L) there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that serum selenium level was positively associated with body mass index (beta=0.137; P=0.011), serum total cholesterol TC (beta=0.785; P=0.000), however, negatively associated with systolic blood pressure (beta=-0.172; P=0.023), serum triglyceride (beta=-0.170; P=0.007), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (beta=-0.121; P=0.027), and low high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (beta=-0.568; P=0.027).  相似文献   

Small-scale gold mining in Portovelo-Zaruma, Southern Equador, performed by mercury amalgamation and cyanidation, yields 9-10 t of gold/annum, resulting in annual releases of around 0.65 t of inorganic mercury and 6000 t of sodium cyanide in the local river system. The release of sediments, cyanide, mercury, and other metals present in the ore such as lead, manganese and arsenic significantly reduces biodiversity downstream the processing plants and enriches metals in bottom sediments and biota. However, methylmercury concentrations in sediments downstream the mining area were recently found to be one order of magnitude lower than upstream or in small tributaries. In this study we investigated cyanide, bacterial activity in water and sediment and mercury methylation potentials in sediments along the Puyango river watershed, measured respectively by in-situ spectrophotometry and incubation with 3H-leucine and 203Hg2+.Free cyanide was undetectable (< 1 μg·L− 1) upstream mining activities, reached 280 μg·L− 1 a few km downstream the processing plants area and was still detectable about 100 km downstream. At stations with detectable free cyanide in unfiltered water, 50% of it was dissolved and 50% associated to suspended particles. Bacterial activity and mercury methylation in sediment showed a similar spatial pattern, inverse to the one found for free cyanide in water, i.e. with significant values in pristine upstream sampling points (respectively 6.4 to 22 μgC·mg wet weight− 1·h− 1 and 1.2 to 19% of total 203Hg·g dry weight− 1·day− 1) and undetectable downstream the processing plants, returning to upstream values only in the most distant downstream stations. The data suggest that free cyanide oxidation was slower than would be expected from the high water turbulence, resulting in a long-range inhibition of bacterial activity and hence mercury methylation. The important mercury fluxes resultant from mining activities raise concerns about its biomethylation in coastal areas where many mangrove areas have been converted to shrimp farming.  相似文献   

陈兴龙  龚和强 《矿产勘查》2010,1(4):344-348
黔北务正道地区铝土矿主要分布在务川县、正安县、道真县三县相邻区,是贵州唯一尚未开采的铝土矿带,目前尚未提供可供矿山设计利用的基础储量,以往小而散的勘查模式,已成为制约本区实现重大找矿突破的重要因素。作者通过总结本区的自然地理和铝土矿地质矿产特征,在尊重客观地质规律的基础上,论述了整装勘查是实现黔北铝土矿勘查开发效益最大化的勘查模式。  相似文献   

Rice paddy fields in the Naboc area, near Monkayo on the island of Mindanao, Philippines, have been irrigated four times a year over the last decade using Naboc River water contaminated with mercury (Hg) by artisanal gold mining in the Diwalwal area. Silt containing up to at least 90 mg Hg/kg (d.w.) has been deposited in rice paddy fields during the 1990s and this has been repeatedly mixed into the rice root zone through ploughing. Hg in the rice paddy field soils averages 24 mg Hg/kg and generally exceeds the UK and Canadian soil quality thresholds for agricultural soils as well as the proposed Dutch Intervention value and the USEPA soil ingestion Soil Screening Level (SSL) for inorganic Hg. Much lower Hg concentrations (0.05-0.99 mg/kg) within the range expected for uncontaminated soils, characterise soils on which corn and bananas are cultivated, largely because these are not irrigated with Hg-contaminated water from the Naboc River. The estimated total weekly MeHg intake for a person living in the Naboc area related to the weekly consumption of 2.1 kg of rice grown on Hg-contaminated soils (15 microg MeHg) in conjunction with 1 kg of fish (220 microg MeHg) and 100 g of mussels (50 microg MeHg) from the Naboc River, would total 285 microg MeHg (equivalent to 4.75 microg/kg bw for a 60 kg adult), which is nearly three times the JECFA PTWI of 1.6 microg/kg bw. This will significantly contribute to the population mercury exposure and might explain why 38% of the local inhabitants were classified as Hg intoxicated during a mercury toxicity assessment [Drasch GS, B?se, O'Reilly S, Beinhoff C, Roider G, Maydl S. The Mt. Diwata study on the Philippines 1999-assessing mercury intoxication of the population by small scale gold mining. Sci Total Environ 2001; 267(1-3): 151-168.].  相似文献   

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