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Green areas in the urban environment can contribute to the mitigation of the Urban Heat Island. In a context of climate change, with the expected increase in temperature, dryness and intensity of heat waves, green areas assume even higher importance as they can create a cooling effect that extends to the surrounding areas. This study analyses the thermal performance of a small green space (0.24 ha) and its influence in the surrounding atmospheric environment of a densely urbanised area in Lisbon. Measurements of weather parameters (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar and infrared radiation) were carried out along a selected path, starting from inside the green area to surrounding streets with different orientations and solar exposure. It was found that the garden was cooler than the surrounding areas, either in the sun or in the shade. These differences were higher in hotter days and particularly related to the mean radiant temperature (Tmrt). The highest difference found was of 6.9 °C in relation to air temperature and 39.2 °C in relation to Tmrt; in both cases this difference occurred between the shaded site inside the garden and the sunny site in an E–W oriented street in the southern part of the studied area. Besides the local weather conditions, particularly the low wind speed, the sun exposure and the urban geometry are the potential factors that explain these differences. The cooling effect of green areas on the surrounding environment can be enhanced by additional measures related to the urban features of each city.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between housing production in the private sector and profitability in three European countries: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. The relationship between private sector production and profitability is suggested by Ambrose and Barlow (1987) to be an important contributory factor to understanding levels of house building in Europe. The article utilizes a model of ‘profitability’ based upon three variables: house prices, land prices and building costs. The model is considered with other theories relating to housing production. These are: first, the way in which governments organize housing production, second, the mode of housing development; and third, motivations of house builders themselves. These issues are shown through the results to be significant in explaining why trends in the three countries are dissimilar. The conclusions are that a private sector functions better where government plays a strong steering role, particularly in the land market. The relationship between production and profit is weak where systems of supply exhibit a high degree of speculative activity or where new production relies upon the decisions of individual households rather than firms. The article raises particular questions of definition and comparison. These are in relation to the ‘private sector’ and to the profit model itself.  相似文献   

This study describes the self-reported health and well-being status of field and packhouse workers in UK vegetable horticulture, and tests the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the self-reported health of workers on organic and conventional horticultural farms. The majority of those sampled were migrant workers (93%) from Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and the Ukraine. More than 95% of the respondents were aged 18-34 and recruited through university agricultural faculties in East European or employed via UK agencies. The health of 605 farm workers (395 males and 210 females) was measured through the use of four standard health instruments. Farm workers' health was significantly poorer than published national norms for three different health instruments (Short Form 36, EuroQol EQ-5D and the Visual Analogue Scale). There were no significant differences in the health status of farm workers between conventional and organic farms for any of these three instruments. However, organic farm workers scored higher on a fourth health instrument the Short Depression Happiness Scale (SDHS) indicating that workers on organic farms were happier than their counterparts working on conventional farms. Multiple regression analysis suggested that the difference in the SDHS score for organic and conventional farms is closely related to the range and number of tasks the workers performed each day. These findings suggest that a great deal of improvement in the self-reported health of farmers will need to occur before organic farms meet the requirements of the 'Principle of Health' as described by IFOAM. Ensuring that farm workers have a varied range of tasks could be a cost effective means of improving self-reported health status in both organic and conventional farming systems.  相似文献   

Smart technologies create opportunities for urban development and regeneration, leading to a proliferation of projects/programmes designed to address city strategies around environmental, economic and social challenges. Whilst there is considerable critical debate on the merits of smart city developments, there has been surprisingly little research on the evaluation of smart interventions, and the outcomes of embedded smart technologies for cities and citizens. This examines case-study research undertaken in Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Milton Keynes and Peterborough, on city approaches to smart city evaluation and reporting. Findings exemplify contemporary city evaluation and reporting practices, challenges and recommendations to support smart urban development.  相似文献   

Monitoring data over a year showed that the performance of a tertiary lagoon system in the United Kingdom was very variable. Distinct seasonal patterns were seen for all the determinands. Tracer studies and profile sampling of one of the lagoons were carried out in order to investigate the factors affecting performance. The tracer studies, using sodium fluoride, indicated that the hydraulic regime was dispersed plug flow. The mean retention time was found to be 26 h, but the peak in tracer concentration occurred after 12 h, showing significant short-circuiting. During the profile sampling, the pH, temperature, DO and conductivity were measured down through the lagoon at 16 positions and four depths. E. coli, enterococci and total coliform numbers were measured in samples taken from the surface and the base of the lagoon. The results showed temperature decreased down through the lagoon, but the other parameters increased with depth, indicating that the short-circuiting was caused by the cooler influent sinking to the base of the lagoon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The urban underclass has gained considerable currency as a concept to describe the changing face of poverty in the United States. Locating the urban underclass within the theoretical framework of citizenship and social class, this paper broadens conceptualizations of the urban underclass to allow a comparative analysis. Using the conceptualization developed, the author analyzes the role of housing in the social and spatial segregation and isolation that have been the hallmarks of the urban underclass in the United States, as well as in the Netherlands, Germany, and England. After comparing the divergent housing policies in the three European countries, the author examines local-level data in one old industrial city in each country. While there is some spatial concentration of poor and minority populations, the neighborhoods in question remain ethnically heterogeneous and do not lack social institutions. In short, they are far removed from the US hyperghetto.  相似文献   

Policymakers and regulators increasingly need to balance the requirements of energy demand, security and costs, and to do so they need accurate estimates of performance. This study uses public data to assess United Kingdom offshore wind farm performance to improve policy decisions. We find that average capacity factors have improved from 34.9% in Round 1 (2001) to 41.0% in Round 2 (2002) projects. Drivers and correlations of performance for United Kingdom offshore wind farms are analysed. The research also addresses problems with existing capacity factor estimates and generates new estimates of inter-year variability of capacity factors, providing a more accurate evidence base for policy and regulatory decisions.  相似文献   

在国家空间规划转型的背景下,通过对比英国、美国、德国的绿色基础设施规划案例,探讨适宜中国国情的绿色基础设施或生态空间规划体系。发现:德国绿色基础设施规划流程体系更为完善;美国绿色基础设施规划是在城市更新的背景下发展演化而来的;英国的绿色基础设施规划更注重乡村的地方特色保护。我国地理环境的多样性,城乡结构的复杂性决定我国的绿色基础设施规划需要区别、借鉴国外的体系。主要建议包括:理念上,树立自然资源的综合价值观;体系上,通过借鉴德国绿色基础设施来建构一个以自然资源价值为先导的法律依托,进而在不同层级构建系统的绿色基础设施或生态空间规划体系、方法途径与制图规范;方法上,要区别对待乡村和城市,探索各自适宜的思路与方法体系,如:城市应借鉴美国费城的规划思路,乡村地区则需参考英国案例。  相似文献   

Two years of data of water level, salinity and turbidity have been analysed to understand the response of the estuarine turbidity maximum in the Thames to variations in tidal range and freshwater flow. We show the increase in turbidity in spring, together with a sudden decrease in autumn after fluvial flooding. In order to try to understand the mechanisms, we also present data from individual tides. During dry periods, there is a period of slack water around high tide when settling occurs. There is little equivalent settling at low tide, nor is there any significant settling during wet weather periods, pointing to the importance of tidal asymmetry at certain times of year. We also present an empirical relationship between peak tidal water level and turbidity during flood tides, which clearly shows the greater landward transport of sediment under spring tides, although this is moderated by the availability of erodible material.  相似文献   

Dietary exposure of man to chlorinated benzenes in the United Kingdom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chlorinated benzenes are produced in large quantities on a world-wide basis. They are important industrial chemicals, chemical intermediates and components of the waste products of chemical synthesis. Their widespread occurrence and persistence, particularly in the case of the more highly chlorinated benzenes, has resulted in residues in food and human tissues. Information currently available about the levels of residues of these compounds in food has been summarised with particular reference to U.K. data. Estimation of average dietary intake is only possible for the most highly chlorinated compound, hexachlorobenzene, and is calculated to be 0.2 micrograms per person per day. Though insufficient data exist to assess dietary intake of other chlorinated benzenes in the U.K. it is considered unlikely that they would occur at levels greater than hexachlorobenzene in the diet.  相似文献   

Two tertiary lagoons at Holmwood Sewage Treatment Works in the United Kingdom were sampled over a 1 year period. Each lagoon is approximately 39×28 m, receives domestic wastewater only, and serves approximately 2000 people. The aim of the work is to gain a greater understanding of the performance of the lagoon with respect to a number of chemical, biological and physical parameters. Samples were analysed for E. coli, enterococci, total coliforms, BOD, COD, suspended solids, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, total oxidised nitrogen and soluble phosphate. Occasional samples were also analysed for Cryptosporidium, Giardia and enteroviruses. Cusum charts were used to analyse the cumulative variations that were seen for the parameters being investigated, and had the advantage of emphasising their distinct seasonal trends. Although good percentage removals were seen, there was a lack of consistency in performance for all parameters over the year. No ammonia or phosphorus removal was found, although limited nitrification does appear to occur. None of the bacterial criteria for the WHO guidelines on wastewater reuse or the EC directive on bathing water were reached.  相似文献   

英国份地花园的历史与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
份地花园在英国起源于圈地运动和工业化过程中失去了土地的城市化人口的生计需要,在立法的推动下一直稳步增长,在2次世界大战和大萧条时期因为国家的推动力形成高潮,在战后经济恢复时期陷入低谷。20世纪90年代以后,份地花园经历了从份地花园向休闲花园的过渡。在多元化的当代社会,由于其独特的社会意义和悠久的历史,成为重要的文化遗产,并在可持续发展战略和21世纪议程的框架下逐渐复兴。  相似文献   


The wide variety in country specific fire codes can dramatically affect the fire safety of home furnishings resulting in more or less escape time from structure fires. This study uses three replicates of identical rooms for each of the countries tested (France, United Kingdom, US) to increase reliability of data for a more reliable comparison. France and the US rely on smolder only furniture flammability standards while the United Kingdom relies on a combination of smolder and open flame ignition test. Each test room contained a 3 cushion couch, chair and flat panel television of identical models/manufacturers purchased from the respective countries. Additionally, each room was fitted with an identical coffee table, end table, curtain, and bookcase obtained from Walmart in the United States and 12 kg of books. All rooms were meticulously set-up to ensure comparability of results. Flat panel televisions were purchased from electronic stores in the three countries, all were 1.4 m (55 inch) Samsung FPD LED models of as similar design as possible in the markets purchased. The couches and chairs were the same Ektorp furniture line of identical color purchased from Ikea. All FPD TVs and furniture appeared to be identical. All room burns were conducted in a standard ISO 9705 room. Heat release was measured by oxygen consumption calorimetry and smoke development by light dispersion in the ventilation duct. Acute toxicity measurements were made using FTIR at two collection points, the door way and at crawling height in the center of the room. Other smoke constituents were measured for concentration of PAH, VOC, SVOCs and chlorinated and brominated dioxins and furans. Two separate collection events were performed, before and after white smoke transitioned to black smoke. The time to transition from white to black smoke for the British furnishings was five times as long as that observed for the French and US models. The same is true of the time to flashover. The average pHHR for the British rooms was 200 KW less than the US and 400 KW less than the French rooms. All rooms had pHHR between 2.5 MW and 3.3 MW. Total smoke produced for the British rooms was half that of the French and US and the Peak Smoke was delayed for the British rooms by approximately 12 min. This study illustrated that the UK standard does provide a significantly better performance for an identical size and shaped couch based on time to pHHR, pHHR, time to peak smoke, and total smoke. In addition, the chemical composition of the smoke generated in the room burns featuring UK furniture were less acutely toxic based on HCN and CO emission. The time to toxic levels for these gases was delayed 15 min. The French and US rooms reached 1200 and 1600 ppm for HCN at the doorway in 6 min. The chronic toxicity of the UK rooms also appears to be less based on the lower molecular weight and lower concentration of PAH produced. These results directly contradict results published by Stec and Hull. The condition of the test do affect the results. It is critical to test under realistic conditions to be able to predict the performance of materials in home fires.


The occurrence of 12 selected pharmaceutical compounds and pharmaceutical compound metabolites in sewage treatment works (STW) effluents and surface waters was investigated. The substances selected for the monitoring programme were identified by a risk ranking procedure to identify those substances with the greatest potential to pose a risk to the aquatic environment. STW final effluent and surface water samples were collected from Corby, Great Billing, East Hyde, Harpenden and Ryemeads STWs. Ten of the 12 pharmaceutical compounds were detected in the STW effluent samples: propranolol (100%, median = 76 ng/l), diclofenac (86%, median = 424 ng/l), ibuprofen (84%, median = 3086 ng/l), mefenamic acid (81%, median = 133 ng/l), dextropropoxyphene (74%, median = 195 ng/l), trimethoprim (65%, 70 ng/l), erythromycin (44%, < 10 ng/l), acetyl-sulfamethoxazole (33%, median =< 50 ng/l), sulfamethoxazole (9%, median =< 50 ng/l), tamoxifen (4%, median =< 10 ng/l). In the corresponding receiving streams, fewer compounds and lower concentrations were found: propranolol (87%, median = 29 ng/l), ibuprofen (69%, median = 826 ng/l), mefenamic acid (60%, median = 62 ng/l), dextropropoxyphene (53%, median = 58 ng/l), diclofenac (47%, median =< 20 ng/l), erythromycin (38%, median =< 10 ng/l), trimethoprim (38%, median =< 10 ng/l), acetyl sulfamethoxazole (38%, median =< 50 ng/l). Four human pharmaceutical compounds were detected in samples upstream of the STWs sampled: ibuprofen (57%, median = 181 ng/l), trimethoprim (36%, median < 10 ng/l), erythromycin (17%, median =< 10 ng/l), propranolol (14%, median =< 10 ng/l), suggesting that longer range stream transport of some compounds is possible. The particular STW that was sampled and the month that it was sampled significantly influenced the measured concentrations of several, but not all, substances. There was no significant relationship between usage data and the overall frequency with which different substances were detected. There was however, some evidence to suggest that usage data are positively associated with concentrations of pharmaceuticals in effluent and, particularly, with concentrations measured in surface waters below STWs. These results suggest that most sewage treatment works in England and Wales are likely to be routinely discharging small quantities of pharmaceuticals into UK rivers. None of the pharmaceuticals were found at concentrations that were high enough to cause acute toxic impacts to aquatic organisms. However, insufficient data were available to be able to comment on whether the concentrations measured have the potential to result in more subtle long-term effects on aquatic organisms (e.g. effects on growth, ability to reproduce).  相似文献   

Using detailed micro-level survey data for three advanced European welfare-state economies (Germany, Netherlands and UK), our analyses suggest a fairly common hierarchy to homeownership, according to partnership status, exists. In all three countries, a variety of interrelated factors appear to encourage greater propensities for homeownership amongst co-residential households (married/cohabiting), as compared to single-person households. However, important macro-contextual differences do appear to play a significant role in mediating the magnitude of difference within this hierarchy. For instance, in Germany the importance of marriage as a predictor of homeownership is found to be particularly strong, with married couples having far higher propensities for homeownership, even when compared to non-married cohabiters. In the Netherlands and UK, where an emphasis on traditional family and marriage is less pronounced, and where homeownership is generally more popular and accessible, the differentiation between married/unmarried partners is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we find no evidence to suggest that living-apart-together partners are more/less likely to own their home than singles.  相似文献   

During the period 1975 to 1980, research in the United Kingdom has produced a large, and possibly unique body of data on the distribution of solutes derived from agricultural land in the major British aquifers. Unsaturated zone pore-water quality profiles demonstrate a clear relationship between the concentrations of certain solutes, especially nitrate, and farming practice. High concentrations of nitrate, often in excess of WHO recommended limits, are characteristic of areas of arable farming, whilst low concentrations are generally found beneath permanent grass or woodland. Mathematical models have been developed which simulate the vertical distribution of mobile solutes, notably nitrate and tritium, at a number of sites.High concentrations of nitrate and other solutes have also been measured in the saturated zones of aquifers whose recharge areas are formed by arable farmland. The spatial distributions and temporal variations in concentrations suggest control by the hydrogeological properties and geometry of the aquifers. For some catchments it has been possible to use fully-mixed cell models to predict changes in groundwater nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Millions of people in United States of America (U.S.) participate in hunting activities which benefit the U.S. economy and help promote conservation and environmental goals. The 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated RecreationSurvey reported that 13.7 million people aged 16 and above participated in recreational hunting activities, spending $33.7 billion on trips and equipment. This paper reports quantified economic contributions of hunting and its sub-activity expenditure for the thirteen states in the U.S. South by calculating total gross output, employment, total income, personal income and value-added. Input–output models were developed for each State, to determine the direct, indirect, and induced impacts of expenditure derived from hunting. Comparison at broad activity (hunting) and sub-activity (type of game etc.) levels revealed that there were differences in the individual states’ economies, and that levels of expenditure affected the total economic contribution of hunting activities. Generally, states with larger economies benefited from greater multiplier effects while the total economic contribution, when expressed as a percentage of the economy, was greater for states with smaller economies.  相似文献   

This empirical study analyzes university-business co-operation (UBC) from a distance-based perspective. Focusing on the UK's 48 largest research universities, we collected data from author affiliate addresses in 2008–2017 university-business research publications (UBRPs). The spatial proximity between university and its business partners listed in these co-authored research publications concerns three main distance zones: “local” (0–99 km); “regional” (100–499 km); “global” (500 km or more). The annual UBRP trends reveal a tendency towards UBC globalization. Several universities show signs of UBC glocalization, where the numbers of their global UBRPs have increased more rapidly than local UBRPs. Four common factors largely determine the UBRP quantities, irrespective of the zone: business sector R&D-intensity in the university's local geographical area; university's research size; university's high-end international citation impact; presence of university researchers with work experience in the business sector.  相似文献   

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