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"This study investigated the relationship between the possession of interpersonal knowledge about others and the ratings received as to leader potential… . The data indicate that the more interpersonal knowledge nonleader trainees had, the higher were the leader potential ratings they received from trainee leaders and trainee nonleaders." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For management personnel of 4 open-hearth shops, interpersonal perception (measured by means of Assumed Similarity tests which reflect how similar or different a person describes his most and his least preferred work companions) was significantly related to group effectiveness measures based on the time to complete a "heat" of steel. "These results are consistent with the hypothesis that more effective groups have supervisors who tend to predict different responses for their most—and least—preferred co-workers." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies relating premeasures of member characteristics to small-group task performance are reviewed. The individual traits used to predict performance are grouped into 6 categories: ability, adjustment, extraversion, dominance, authoritarianism, and "other characteristics." 2 member characteristics have been used as predictors in a sufficient number of studies to permit a tentative conclusion, namely, that member ability (both specific and general) and member adjustment are significantly related to group effectiveness. It is less clear however, whether extraversion, dominance, and authoritarianism would be useful for predicting group task performance. Both the requirements of the situation and social structural constraints must be taken into account when predicting group effectiveness from member traits. Specifically the type of group task and the organization of the group are seen to have a decided influence on the relationship. (26 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It was found that situational threat affected behavior in three main areas of functioning: interpersonal relations, utilization of actors' and other group members' resources, and effectiveness of the group. An attempt was made to analyze and interpret these results within the framework of a competing response theory of anxiety. 20 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The present investigations test the hypothesis that group effectiveness is related to the interpersonal perceptions which members of the group have toward one another. Interpersonal perceptions were measured by correlating identical questionnaires which subjects were instructed to fill out (a) describing themselves, (b) predicting the responses of their preferred co-worker, and (c) predicting the responses of their rejected co-worker." The assumed similarity score of the team's most preferred work companion was found to be negatively correlated with a criterion of team effectiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Schutz postulates that 3 factors: inclusion, control, and affection, can account for all or practically all of the variance in interpersonal relationships. The area of inclusion concerns being with or withdrawing from other people. The control area entails dominance and submission. The area of affection relates to liking and disliking. 7 clinical groups including paranoid, hebephrenic, and undifferentiated schizophrenics, obsessive-compulsives, anxiety hysterics, depressives, and normals were utilized. There were 20 Ss in each group. All groups were tested with FIRO-B, the measuring instrument for Schutz' FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation) theory. The age and social class of each S was assessed, the latter through the use of the Hollingshead and Redlich Index of Social Position. Reasoning from current clinical concepts and from Schutz' theory, it was assumed that schizophrenics would have more difficulty than other groups in the inclusion area, that obsessive-compulsives would demonstrate most pathology in the area of control, and that anxiety hysterics and depressives would vary to a greater extent than other groups in the affection area. The results partially supported the assumptions regarding the schizophrenics and the anxiety hysterics and depressives. Other differences among the 7 groups on the 6 FIRO-B scales occurred. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The differential effectiveness of group psychotherapy was estimated in a meta-analysis of 111 experimental and quasi-experimental studies published over the past 20 years. A number of client, therapist, group, and methodological variables were examined in an attempt to determine specific as well as generic effectiveness. Three different effect sizes were computed: active versus wait list, active versus alternative treatment, and pre- to posttreatment improvement rates. The active versus wait list overall effect size (0.58) indicated that the average recipient of group treatment is better off than 72% of untreated controls. Improvement was related to group composition, setting, and diagnosis. Findings are discussed within the context of what the authors have learned about group treatment, meta-analytic studies of the extant group literature, and what remains for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that in unstructured situations, behavior oriented toward individual prominence in the group is negatively correlated with group performance and positively correlated with member satisfaction… . Twenty-two four-person groups were observed… . Groups were required to solve five problems… . After completion of the problem, Ss rated their satisfaction with the group, the degree to which group members cooperated, and group performance… . It was concluded that in the undifferentiated situation behavior oriented toward individual prominence interferences with effective group action." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Graduate students (N=76) fulfilling a class requirement for interpersonal group participation completed measures of interpersonal problems and adult attachment at pretest. At the midpoint and at termination they completed measures of interpersonal problems and group attraction and provided interpersonal circumplex ratings of each fellow group member. As predicted, selected attachment insecurities were significantly correlated with interpersonal problems and group attraction. Attachment anxiety and avoidance, also as hypothesized, were associated with discrepancies in self-other perceptions. Whereas members with attachment avoidance tended to overestimate hostile and hostile-submissive problems, members with attachment anxiety were likely to overestimate interpersonal problems in the "friendly" half of the circumplex. Implications for the conceptualization of attachment-based distortions and interpersonal learning in group therapy are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effectiveness of inpatient group therapy was estimated in a meta-analysis of 24 controlled and 46 studies with pre-post-measures published between 1980 and 2004. Diagnosis, theoretical orientation and the role of the group in the particular treatment setting were used to examine differential effectiveness. Beneficial effects were found for inpatient group therapy in controlled studies (d = 0.31) as well as in the studies with pre-post-data (d = 0.59). Differences in the homogeneity of patient improvement effect sizes were found across different diagnostic categories. Furthermore, greater improvement was exhibited in mood disorder patients when compared to mixed, psychosomatic, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and schizophrenic patients replicating recent findings from meta-analyses of outpatient group treatment. A comparison between controlled studies and pre-post-measure studies indicated no improvement for waitlist patients which contradicts previous reports. Implications for therapy and future research are discussed within the context of methodical considerations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of various degrees of minority-majority conditions on member behavior during the course of group discussions and to ascertain some of the relationships between various aspects of the interpersonal perceptions and discussion behavior… . The results… indicated an intimate linkage between interpersonal perceptions and discussion behavior… . The findings lend some support, as well as some qualifications, to Festinger's conclusions regarding influence effects in small groups." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Problems were presented for brainstorming to 48 research scientists and 48 advertising personnel employed with the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Within a counterbalanced experimental design, each S brainstormed certain problems individually and other equated problems as a member of a 4-man team. Individuals produced not only more ideas than groups, but they accomplished this without sacrificing quality. The net superiority of individual performance over group participation is highlighted by the fact that 23 of 24 groups produced a larger number of different ideas under the individual condition. The superiority of individual brainstorming over group brainstorming was relatively greater when it was preceded by group participation. Apparently, group participation is accompanied by certain inhibitory influences even under conditions (e.g., brainstorming) which place a moratorium on all criticism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Pathfinder were used to examine changes in the knowledge structures of 9 group therapy trainees, and to examine convergence in the trainees' knowledge structures with one experienced group leader. Participants (experienced group therapist and group therapy trainees) judged the similarity of each pair of group members in an ongoing interpersonal process group early and late in a semester of group therapy training. As in previous research, MDS and Pathfinder analyses of these similarity judgments were used to infer the cognitive structure of the trainees and of the experienced group leader. These analyses suggested that (a) the dimensions used by the trainees to conceptualize group members increased in complexity with training, and (b) trainees' knowledge structures became more similar to the experienced leader's knowledge structure with training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

On each of 12 trials, Ss were asked to indicate which of 2 groups, represented by sets of 5 facial photographs each, they would prefer meeting and getting to know. The 2 sets whose members had previously been scaled on certain dimensions, were always matched on mean value but differed in variance. Sets having the higher variance were chosen more often (p  相似文献   

Developmental sequence in small groups.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

介绍了唐钢通过发挥领导作用、坚持培训教育、健全管理体系、缩短质量管理小组活动周期、着眼实际保证成果质量、有效地实施“三结合”,提高了质量管理小组活动有效性的工作探讨。  相似文献   

"This study was designed to explore the relationship between selected group structure variables and the group's ability to adjust to the requirements of a new situation (group flexibility) and the group members' expressed confidence in the ability of the group to succeed in a problem-solving situation." About 1000 men in 96 aircrews did a group task (8-item intelligence exam). Leaders in flexible groups scored low on the F scale and high on conformity. Greater confidence was expressed by members of high attraction groups and groups whose leaders tended to conform to the group members' opinions. "… groups with more open communication systems (group with fewer communication restraints) are more flexible and more confident." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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