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近年来随着高校扩招,高职院校蓬勃发展,毕业生人数逐年增加,就业难度持续加大,在这种背景下,高职院校的职业指导工作就显得尤为重要.然而,在具体的职业指导工作中,许多高职院校都存在着机构设置、职能定位、人员配置、指导内容、指导方式等方面的不足.因此,加强和改进职业指导工作,在以上方面做全方位的完善势在必行.  相似文献   

高职生心理健康教育是高职院校教育中的重要内容,作者通过对当前高职生的心理健康状况的分析,从而提出高职生心理健康教育的对策。  相似文献   

高职教育已经逐渐走到了高等教育的中心地带,对于高职这个不断扩大的特殊群体,社会、家庭、企业对高职生有了更多的关注,我们的教育机构也应对高职教育更加关注,做到理论和实践相结合,加强高职生自我价值的认知,增加自信,关注高职生的成长,使高职生自我价值认识的研究更具有前瞻性。  相似文献   

吕莹 《中国科技博览》2010,(26):199-200
在高校中开展职业指导教育具有重要意义。本文以职业指导课为重心,通过对职业指导教育的重新定位,尝试建构我国高校的职业指导教育课程体系。  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断进行,职业技术教育事业蓬勃发展,职业技术类院校为社会输送了大量的各类技术人才,取得了可喜的成绩。这其中也有德育教育的一份功劳。然而,不容回避的是,我们的高职院校中,德育教育的效果还不甚理想,甚至还存在着较大的问题和差距。这就要求我们重点培养学生的内在道德品质,从日常管理的各个方面着手,将外在的道德要求转化为学生的自我要求,这也是为高职生今后的生存和发展提供重要的道德保障。  相似文献   

强化妇产科实习护生的角色意识,明确患者的权利和护士的义务,使护生尽快适应角色转变,融洽护患关系,提高实习效果,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

本案例通过一位高职生因求职中遭遇挫折而引发一般心理问题的个案咨询,运用合理情绪疗法和情绪宣泄法进行治疗,改变求助者的不合理信念,帮助求助者树立正确的挫折认知。在求助者的积极配合下,咨询师通过会谈的方式,较好地实现了咨询的具体目标。  相似文献   

随着高校扩招,毕业生的人数也逐年增加,就业压力也越来越大,大学毕业生就业已经成为社会关注的热点问题一方面,大学毕业生找工作难的呼声越来越高。另一方面是大学生缺乏职业化素质、缺少职业规划意识导致自身缺少市场竞争力。在出现这种现实情况下对高职学生职业指导在就业工作总显得十分重要。  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为一种独特的办学方式在我国愈益常见,而高职生的培养也日益引起社会的关注。针对高职教育创新能力培养存在的问题和不足,本文在参考了同行研究策略之后,试列举四点现象概括家长,学校,学生和社会需要重点解决的问题,并有针对性的提出了四点应对措施,呼吁社会各方能够加强合作,共同提高高职生的创新能力。  相似文献   

高职生心理危机干预的探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校注重高职生心理危机现状,深入探讨高职生心理危机干预的内涵、意义、对策,具有重大的社会和现实意义。  相似文献   

都元松  罗威  董睿杰  董文锋 《光电工程》2019,46(9):180475-1-180475-8
针对现有激光主动制导武器导引头易受欺骗式干扰的技术现状,提出了采用伪随机序列编码提高其抗干扰性能的新构想。利用伪随机序列抗干扰性能较好的特点,可以使激光主动探测目标系统既能实现远距离主动探测目标,又能有效防止外界干扰,提高系统性能的可靠性。本文结合Arduino IDE、Arduino UNO R3单片机、示波器与YAG激光器等实验仪器,设计并实现了一种抗干扰性能良好的伪随机序列激光制导信号产生系统。该系统可以用于新型目标指示器的研究。  相似文献   

译是英语语言运用技能之一,然而,高职高专学生英语基础较差,教师应在教学过程中加强对汉译英翻译的运用,提高学生翻译能力。本文结合大学英语教学实际分析了汉泽英在教学任务中学生对汉译英的运用能力。  相似文献   

A method for replica molding electrospun (ES) fibers on the surface of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is developed for culturing and guiding of cells, instead of ES fibers. With this method, microgrooves and microstructures composed of microgrooves can be obtained. PDMS is integrated into the microfluidic chip as a substrate to successfully pattern and guide neurites on the PDMS surface with microgrooves.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of shift work and extended working hours on occupational injuries. Estimation based on four studies shows that the risk of occupational injury during afternoon shifts was 6% lower than that during morning shifts. The same kind of calculation showed that the risk of occupational injury during night shifts was 15% lower than during morning shifts. A review of eight studies showed that the risk of occupational injury was 41% higher for 10?h working days compared to 8?h working days. On the other hand, working 12?h days increased the risk of occupational injury by 14%. When working more than 12?h per day, three studies showed a 98% increase in involvement in occupational injury. The results of this study showed that shift work considerably increased the risk of occupational injury. Extended working hours was related to estimated risk of occupational injury.  相似文献   

This paper examines methods promoted and used in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) practice, practitioner choices about methodology and the nature of SEA guidance. Results show that SEA is not challenged by a lack of methods, but the range of methods promoted and used is restrictive. A major challenge to practice is making the ‘right choices’ about methods and methodology. Much SEA guidance is focused on flexibility in SEA, providing high-level principles, and is too generic to facilitate such choices. It is assumed that there is sufficient expertise amongst SEA practitioners, and that practitioners will simply know what methods and methodologies are best. Our results indicate that more detailed operational guidance is needed at the practitioner level on how to make sound methodological choices and how to select the best available methods for the SEA tier and context at hand.  相似文献   

针对全向车位姿检测中由于麦克纳姆轮驱动打滑引起的整车运行精度测量误差大的问题,提出了测量轮自主导引方式,建立数学模型,并对AGV系统结构进行了阐述.设计方案中的整车六轮布局,采用四驱两从动,俩从动轮作为测量轮,运用差速原理获取自动导引全向车的路径信息,同时解决了现有单测量轮全向车原地回转状态下位姿无法精确检测的难题.提出浮动三自由度测量轮结构设计,实现实时接触地面,保证位姿检测的准确性,并对直线、曲线、原地自转三种典型运动状态下的位姿检测进行了ADAMS仿真,结果表明,此种导引方式可满足灵活设置路径下全向车位姿的精确检测,适用范围广.  相似文献   

大学生就业指导个性化探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生就业指导课程设置已经多年,但教学建设跟不上形势发展。特别是大学“扩招”后学生就业面临的许多新情况、新问题,要求教育工作者转变观念,针对大学生人生观、价值观、世界观的新变化,在职业生涯设计、求职创业等方面加大指导力度。因此,加强大学生就业指导队伍建设,改革大学生就业指导课教学内容和教学方法,特别是根据不同教育对象实施个性化教育,对传统的一种教材、一个大纲、一套模式、一个课堂的方式进行调整,加强对学生的个体研究,加强个性化教育、指导和服务,是就业指导改革的重要议题。  相似文献   

为了了解青少年的听力零级,并为优秀耳的筛选提供基础数据,使用医用听力计对三组青少年群体的纯音听力级进行调查观测。被调查群体包括一组农村中小学校学生,一组大学生,一组专科学校学员。参考其它研究者的文献数据,对青少年群体的纯音听力级进行了分析。发现调查结果与其它文献所给出的数据有明显差异,根据调查结果提出了优秀耳的纯音听力级筛选建议。  相似文献   

S C Gupta  B N Suresh 《Sadhana》1988,12(3):235-249
The orbital injection accuracy of any payload depends on the calibre of the inertial guidance system used on board the launch vehicle. This paper outlines the mission definition and the rationale for the selection of a proper guidance system to meet final mission objectives. The functions and the architecture of the navigation, guidance and control are discussed. The developmental aspects of the sophisticated inertial sensors, inertial systems, associated complex electronics, on-board computers, control actuators and systems are reported. The complexity of the on-board control and guidance software and the test and evaluation procedures used for their validation are included. The general scheme of the inertial guidance systems and the critical role played by them in the realization of Indian satellite launch vehicles SLV-3, ASLV and PSLV are presented in brief.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to specify the causes of occupational accidents, determine social responsibility and the role of groups involved in work-related accidents. This study develops occupational accidents causes tree, occupational accidents responsibility tree, and occupational accidents component-responsibility analysis worksheet; based on these methods, it develops cause-responsibility analysis (CRA) techniques, and for testing them, analyzes 100 fatal/disabling occupational accidents in the construction setting that were randomly selected from all the work-related accidents in Tehran, Iran, over a 5-year period (2010–2014). The main result of this study involves two techniques for CRA: occupational accidents tree analysis (OATA) and occupational accidents components analysis (OACA), used in parallel for determination of responsible groups and responsibilities rate. From the results, we find that the management group of construction projects has 74.65% responsibility of work-related accidents. The developed techniques are purposeful for occupational accidents investigation/analysis, especially for the determination of detailed list of tasks, responsibilities, and their rates. Therefore, it is useful for preventing work-related accidents by focusing on the responsible group’s duties.  相似文献   

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