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Individuals receive so much verbal stimulation that one would expect verbal response habits to be greatly overlearned, yet clinical data suggests an almost complete breakdown in verbal behavior of psychotics. In the present study, affective ratings, m data, and associative data were gathered from normal and psychotic Ss. Patients, as compared with normals, rate words as affectively better, produce lower m values and more idiosyncratic associations to verbal stimuli. Beneath these apparent differences between the 2 groups there exists a surprisingly substantial core of similarity. This core of similarity suggests that verbal response habits do not break down in psychosis to as large a degree as is generally believed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed an objective scoring system to determine whether right and left hemiplegics differ from normal controls, and from one another, in terms of competence levels, style of performance, constructional deviations, and various rates of activity while attempting to solve block designs. A microanalysis of the wais block design performances of 40 normals, 56 right hemiplegics, and 49 left hemiplegics was conducted. Results indicate that (a) brain-injured ss were inferior to normals in competence, (b) brain-injured ss did not differ from normals in style of performance and in partial competence, (c) right hemiplegic ss differed from left hemiplegic ss on all parameters of performance but competence level. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed. (29 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Professionals in the fields of mental retardation and giftedness have much to teach each other as well as the field of human development in general. Examining the commonalities and differences between the fields in social issues, definitions, developmental differences from the norm, values and policy issues, and educational and long-term implications deepens insights about both normal and deviant development. The authors stress the importance of individual differences in the differential design of educational strategies and the application of approaches developed with specialized populations to normally developing children. Current social inequalities affect both of these fields in particular ways. Finally, numerous research agendas can be enhanced by including representatives of both ends of the normal curve. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A requirement for a minimum viewing box brightness of 3000 cd m-2 for reading mammograms has been widely advocated. Some recent work has challenged that opinion by reporting no significant variation in visibility of low contrast and fine detail objects over a wide range of brightness levels. This paper provides further experimental evidence to support the latter conclusion, at least over the range 1340-4190 cd m-2, and suggests that the currently recommended minimum viewing box brightness levels need to be revised. The importance of reducing room lighting levels is fully confirmed.  相似文献   

Cognitive developmental theory predicts that gender constant children bias their attention to same-sex TV characters compared with children who have not achieved gender constancy. The TV viewing at home of 24 5-year-old children was videotaped over 10 days. Half of the children were high in gender constancy. Gender constant boys biased their attention consistent with the hypothesis, and they viewed programs featuring a greater percentage of men as TV characters than did preconstant boys. An analysis of TV-viewing diaries of 313 5-yr-olds showed that gender constant boys viewed more programming intended for adults (especially sports and action programs) than did preconstant boys. Gender constant girls viewed more action programming than did preconstant girls. There was no association of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test IQ with level of gender constancy. Gender constancy is associated with multiple changes in TV-viewing behavior especially in boys. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate perceptions and metaperceptions of individuals in a mixed sex dating situation in which they were offered alcohol. Male and female participants who were unfamiliar with one another were brought together in individual sessions and asked to imagine that they were on a blind date. At the outset of the 15-minute interaction, they each had an opportunity to select an alcoholic or nonalcoholic drink; after receiving their drink, they interacted privately. At the conclusion of the interaction, participants completed questionnaires that solicited their view of their partner and their perception of their partner's view of them. Results indicate that alcohol expectancies predicted alcoholic beverage selection. When women selected alcohol, they found their partner more likeable; those men whose partner was drinking believed that their partner found them more likeable. Additionally, when both partners were drinking they perceived each other as more extroverted, although they did not think their partner perceived them as extroverted. These results are discussed in terms of implications for further research on the role of alcohol as a cue in a mixed-sex social/dating environment.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the type, size and depth of suppression scotomata in microstrabismus and small angle convergent strabismus, we performed binocular static perimetry in 14 subjects with strabismus and four normal observers. The strabismic cases had an objective angle of convergent squint between 1 and 8 deg, visual acuity between 0.1 and 1.25, and limited stereopsis. During testing the subjects fused pictures on two Friedmann visual field analyzers. Right and left eyes were studied separately under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions. In five strabismics a suppression scotoma was found in the squinting eye, with a diameter of 5-30 deg and a depth ranging from 4 to 14 dB. No suppression scotomata could be detected in the nine other subjects nor in the four normal observers. In conclusion, only 36% of subjects with strabismus were found to have a suppression scotoma. These scotomata were centered around the fixation point of the squinting eye, in some cases also encompassing the foveal area, and varying in depth and size.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution in combination with 3D anatomy of 13 patients treated for cervical carcinoma with intracavitary brachytherapy was analyzed. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between a dose value obtained from the integral dose volume histogram (DVH) of the rectum and (a) the Nederlands Kanker Instituut (NKI) point of reference for the rectum dose (R) and (b) the highest dose to the frontal rectum wall in the transverse CT slice near the top of the vagina through point R. RESULTS: The correlation between the DVH rectum dose value for 2 cm3 in the highest dose region and the rectum dose at point R was poor (regression coefficient 0.50). On the contrary, however, the correlation between the DVH rectum dose value for 2 cm3 in the highest dose region and the maximum rectum dose value in a transverse CT slice through point R was good (regression coefficient 0.90). CONCLUSIONS: The maximal rectum dose value obtained from a transverse CT slice near the top of the vagina through point R was found to be a more representative point for the rectal dose burden and might therefore show a good correlation with complications. The point of reference for the rectal dose (R) was found not to be a reliable estimation of the maximal dose in the rectum.  相似文献   

Under natural viewing conditions primates make frequent exploratory eye movements across complex scenes. We recorded neural activity of 62 cells in visual areas V1, V2 and V4 in an awake behaving monkey that freely viewed natural images. About half of the cells studied showed a modulation in firing rate following some of the eye movements made during free viewing, though the proportions showing a discernible modulation varied across areas. These cells were also examined under controlled viewing conditions in which gratings or natural image patches were flashed in and around the classical receptive field while the animal performed a fixation task. Activity rates were generally highest with flashed gratings and lowest during free viewing. Flashed natural image patches evoked responses between these two extremes, and the responses were higher when the patches were confined to the classical receptive field than when they extended into the non-classical surround. Thus the reduction of activity during free viewing relative to that obtained with flashed gratings is partly attributable to natural images being less effective stimuli and partly to suppressive spatio-temporal neural mechanisms that are important during natural vision.  相似文献   

Under natural viewing conditions primates make frequent exploratory eye movements across complex scenes. We recorded neural activity of 62 cells in visual areas V1, V2 and V4 in an awake behaving monkey that freely viewed natural images. About half of the cells studied showed a modulation in firing rate following some of the eye movements made during free viewing, though the proportions showing a discernible modulation varied across areas. These cells were also examined under controlled viewing conditions in which gratings or natural image patches were flashed in and around the classical receptive field while the animal performed a fixation task. Activity rates were generally highest with flashed gratings and lowest during free viewing. Flashed natural image patches evoked responses between these two extremes, and the responses were higher when the patches were confined to the classical receptive field than when they extended into the non-classical surround. Thus the reduction of activity during free viewing relative to that obtained with flashed gratings is partly attributable to natural images being less effective stimuli and partly to suppressive spatio-temporal neural mechanisms that are important during natural vision.  相似文献   

In this article, each author gives a brief comment on similarities he or she sees throughout the case formulations captured in the articles by Watson (2010a), Silberschatz (2010), Goldfried (2010), and Caspar (2010). A systematic comparison is added. Overall, the impression is confirmed and maintained that if authors are ready to renounce the use of the jargon of their specific approach, many similarities can be found. There are nevertheless differences that would lead us to expect a different course of therapy and different effects beyond the main effect of recovery in the case of David, pursuing the conceptualization and interventions proposed by Watson (2010b). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Variation in HIV-1 genomic RNA was studied in seroconversion samples from mother-child pairs from a Rwandan cohort. The mothers (n = 8) were heterosexually infected and their children (n = 6) were vertically infected by breast milk. Five of the children seroconverted within the same 3-month period as did their mothers. Highly homogeneous subtype A V3 and p17gag sequence populations were observed in three mother-child pairs, one of the two nontransmitting mothers, and one child (mean nucleotide distances 0 to 0.9%). Heterogeneous populations of subtype A V3 and p17gag sequences were found in one mother and a mother-child pair (1.4 to 2.8% for V3, 1.0 to 1.9% for p17). The second nontransmitting mother was infected with a heterogeneous AV1-V3/Cp17-p24 recombinant virus population (3. 8% for V3, 2.4% for p17). Finally, in one woman subtype C V3 sequences were observed, in addition to highly homogeneous subtype A V3 and p17gag sequence populations, also found in the child. Coexistence of subtype AV1-V3 and CV1-V3 env sequences in the mother was confirmed in a follow-up sample. The gag gene of both the maternal and the child's virus population represented an A/C recombinant sequence (Ap17/Cp24). An infection with subtype CV1-V3/p17-p24 was found upon testing of three additional participants of the mother-child cohort, indicating that subtype C is present in Rwanda. In conclusion, heterogeneity, coinfection, and intersubtype recombinants are not uncommon in primary HIV-1 infections in Rwanda.  相似文献   

30 subjects performed an interception task in which the accuracy demands were varied under binocular vs monocular viewing conditions and under different conditions of environmental structure. The pattern of results suggests that the advantage of binocular viewing is due to the concordance of information detected by both eyes rather than to binocular vision per se. The presence of static environmental structure enhances performance because it provides a stable external basis against which optical changes can be evaluated.  相似文献   

In many nonhuman species of vertebrates, females are attracted to red on male conspecifics. Red is also a signal of male status in many nonhuman vertebrate species, and females show a mating preference for high-status males. These red–attraction and red–status links have been found even when red is displayed on males artificially. In the present research, we document parallels between human and nonhuman females' response to male red. Specifically, in a series of 7 experiments we demonstrate that women perceive men to be more attractive and sexually desirable when seen on a red background and in red clothing, and we additionally show that status perceptions are responsible for this red effect. The influence of red appears to be specific to women's romantic attraction to men: Red did not influence men's perceptions of other men, nor did it influence women's perceptions of men's overall likability, agreeableness, or extraversion. Participants showed no awareness that the research focused on the influence of color. These findings indicate that color not only has aesthetic value but can carry meaning and impact psychological functioning in subtle, important, and provocative ways. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It can be argued that the ethical conduct of research involves achieving a balance between the rights and needs of three parties-potential research participants, society, and researchers. Local Research Ethics Committees (LRECs) have a number of roles and functions in the research enterprise, but there have been some indications that LREC members, researchers and the public can have different views about these responsibilities. Any such differences are potential sources of disagreement and misunderstanding. OBJECTIVES: To compare the views of LREC members, researchers and the public towards the roles and functions of LRECs. DESIGN: A questionnaire that contained items concerned with a variety of such roles was distributed to general practice patients (as proxies for potential research participants), researchers and LREC members. FINDINGS: While general practice patients believed that the main function of LRECs is to ensure that research participants come to no harm, LREC members were more concerned with the protection of participants' rights. There was also some disagreement between members and researchers with regard to the consideration of proposals on the grounds of scientific merit. CONCLUSIONS: Local Research Ethics Committee members need to be aware of potential differences in views, that they ought to make their priorities clear, and that membership of LRECs ought to reflect the views of both researchers and potential research participants.  相似文献   

Information about TV habits, (a) length of time watched and (b) extent of violence in favorite programs, was obtained from 689 mothers and 522 fathers in individual interviews having to do with the psychosocial antecedents of aggressive behavior in their children. This information was related to ratings of aggressive behavior of 3rd-grade children made by their peers. It was found that there was a significant positive relationship between the violence ratings of favorite programs as reported by both mothers and fathers and aggressive behavior of boys as rated in school. Also there was a significant negative relation between total time watched by boys as reported by mothers and aggressive behavior. The results for fathers' reports in this latter case were in the same direction, although not significant. No consistent relationships were noted between girls' TV habits as reported by either mother or father and aggression as rated in school by the peers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated postdecision changes in time spent viewing chosen and rejected alternatives as a function of providing 30 undergraduates with positive information (PI), negative information (NI), or no information (NOI) as to the correctness of their decisions. The procedure consisted of (a) recording the time spent by each S viewing each of a series of nonrepresentational patterns; (b) presenting the 2 patterns closest in viewing time for a decision; (c) providing either PI, NI, or NOI as to the correctness of the decision; and (d) presenting the series of patterns a 2nd time and recording once again the time spent viewing each. Consistent with the results of studies employing ratings or rankings of attractiveness, analyses of variance revealed that the Ss of the NOI group increased their viewing of the chosen alternative (p  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of the study was to determine the risk of postoperative complications and the functional outcome after a hand-sewn ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) for ulcerative colitis using a single J-shaped pouch design. METHODS: Preoperative function, operative morbidity and long-term functional outcome were assessed prospectively in 1310 patients who underwent IPAA between 1981 and 1994 for ulcerative colitis. RESULTS: Three patients died after operation. Postoperative pelvic sepsis rates decreased from 7 per cent in 1981-1985 to 3 per cent in 1991-1994 (P = 0.02). After mean follow-up of 6.5 (range 2-15) years, the mean number of stools was 5 per day and 1 per night. Frequent daytime and nighttime incontinence occurred in 7 and 12 per cent of patients respectively, and did not change over a 10-year period. The cumulative probability of suffering at least one episode of 'clinical' pouchitis was 18 and 48 per cent at 1 and 10 years and the cumulative probability of pouch failure at 1 and 10 years was 2 and 9 per cent respectively. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that increased experience decreases the risk of pouch-related complications and that with time the functional results remain stable, but the failure rate increases.  相似文献   

Bovine brain microvessel pericytes, bone cells, and fibroblasts were grown in tissue culture in 3%, 21%, or 60% oxygen for 7 weeks. Alkaline phosphatase activity was highest in bone cells and pericytes grown in 3% oxygen, with the activity higher in the former than the latter. Alkaline phosphatase activity was very low in fibroblasts at every oxygen concentration. Osteocalcin concentration was higher in bone cells than in pericytes, was not detected in fibroblasts, and in bone cells and pericytes the concentration was highest in 21% oxygen. Other bovine brain microvessel pericytes were grown in 3% or 21% oxygen for 3 to 24 days in the presence or absence of bone morphogenetic protein 2 and in the presence or absence of parathyroid hormone. At Day 3 of culture, alkaline phosphatase activity was highest in 21% oxygen in the presence of bone morphogenetic protein 2. By Day 17 of culture, alkaline phosphatase activity was highest in 3% oxygen whether bone morphogenetic protein was present or not. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate production in pericytes in response to parathyroid hormone stimulation was very modest when compared with that of bone cells, and this response was not found to be significantly altered by bone morphogenetic protein 2, duration of culture, or the oxygen concentration during incubation. These findings show that the microvessel pericyte is capable of exhibiting several oxygen dependent, phenotypic characteristics ascribed to osteoblasts.  相似文献   

The ability of external counterpulsation (Cardiassist) and intra-aortic balloon pumping (AVCO) to influence collateral coronary blood flow in ischemic myocardium was measured in anesthetized dogs. Cardiac output and heart rate (atrial pacing) were held constant on right-heart bypass. Both external counterpulsation and balloon pumping augmented peak diastolic pressure (30 mmHg and 38 mmHg, respectively), while mean aortic pressure, peak left-ventricular pressure, left-ventricular end-diastolic pressure, maximum left-ventricular dp/dt, hematocrit, and osmolality remained unchanged. Regional coronary blood flow was measured using 9-mum radioactive microspheres. External counterpulsation and balloon pumping begun immediately following ligation of the left-anterior descending coronary artery significantly increased collateral coronary blood flow 29 +/- 7.5% (SE, P is less than .01) and 20 +/- 8% (P is less than .05), respectively, to ischemic myocardium. This redistribution of collateral coronary blood flow produced by both methods of counterpulsation was primarily to the subepicardial region of the ischemic myocardium. The mechanism responsible for the measured increases in collateral coronary blood flow appears most likely to be an increased pressure gradient produced by diastolic augmentation.  相似文献   

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