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吕孝飞  常春  白博峰 《化工学报》2011,62(9):2447-2454
建立了自发凝结和异质凝结流动统一的数值模型,研究了存在外界凝结核心时天然气中己烷蒸气的节流凝结性质,并对初始颗粒半径、初始颗粒浓度、背压比和总温等因素对己烷凝结性质的影响进行了分析.计算结果表明,己烷在节流后很短距离内凝结,凝结时间很短;己烷自发凝结的极限过饱和度很高;外界核心引起的异质凝结比较显著时会抑制自发凝结,使...  相似文献   

边江  曹学文  孙文娟  杨文  蒋文明 《化工进展》2021,40(4):1812-1826
超声速旋流分离技术是天然气加工处理领域的一大技术创新,它将膨胀降温、旋流式气/液分离、再压缩等处理过程集中在密闭紧凑装置中完成。本文总结了超声速旋流分离装置种类、原理及优缺点,并从理论分析、数值模拟、实验和现场应用等方面回顾了易凝气体低温凝结理论和超声速旋流分离技术研究现状和最新进展。大量实验及现场应用均表明超声速旋流分离装置具有结构紧凑轻巧、节能环保、安全可靠等优点,同时该技术的应用不断趋于多元化,从传统的脱水、脱重烃逐渐向脱酸气和天然气液化领域拓展,应用前景广阔,但在应用过程中也存在液滴二次蒸发与能量损失较大等问题。下一步研究工作可以从多组分混合物凝结过程的交互作用机制、凝结液滴的运动特性和碰撞聚并机理等方面入手,在此基础上探索提高凝结效率和降低能量损耗的方法,以促进超声速旋流分离技术多元化的工业应用。  相似文献   

在某些混合蒸气的冷凝过程中,传热面温度梯度导致冷凝液浓度及表面张力不平衡,从而驱动冷凝液滴产生自发移动现象。此现象产生的前提为传热面具有整体温度分布,即传热面从一侧表面的相对低温状态,随着表面位置变化逐渐过渡到另一侧的相对高温状态,而本论文在水-酒精混合蒸气的冷凝过程中,观测到在均匀温度传热面上也会发生冷凝液滴自发移动现象。通过对具有和不具有初速度的冷凝液滴在均匀传热面上的不同移动特性进行比较分析,确认了具有明显初速度的冷凝液滴在均匀温度领域产生自发移动现象,而无初速度液滴则产生无序运动(非自发移动)。从而验证了在均匀温度传热面,冷凝液滴自发移动的驱动力为液滴移动同时其周围形成的局部温度分布和局部表面张力不平衡的推测。  相似文献   

天然气在跨音速膨胀凝结的过程中,水分和重烃的凝结是极其重要且起关键作用的环节,主要包括蒸气的凝结成核和液滴的生长过程。为了探求准确的蒸气成核和生长模型,文中阐述了蒸气成核及液滴生长理论的研究进展,总结了相关实验研究和数值模拟,分析了影响蒸气凝结的因素,并对凝结理论中亟待解决的问题进行了展望。研究结果表明:CNT模型和非等温修正的ICCT模型能较准确地预测单组分凝结过程;修正的双组分成核理论具有较好的准确性。亟待解决的问题有:液滴表面张力模型还不完善,无法准确计算微观表面张力;双组分成核理论的精确度不高;亟待探究多组分成核理论模型,以期为天然气凝结和提高超音速喷管的分离性能打下坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

国际GB1346—89标准中关于凝结时间的测定方法有这么一段“在整个测试过程中,试针贯入的位置至少距圆模内壁10mm,临近初凝时,每隔5min测定一次,临近终凝时海隔15min测定一次,到达初凝和终凝时应立即重复测一次,当二次结果相同时,才能定为到达初凝或终凝,每次测定不得让试针落入原针孔”,标准中所讲的重复测一次,其范  相似文献   

张哲  赵恩惠  严雷  杨文哲  袁晖  张秋梅  田津津 《化工进展》2021,40(10):5441-5450
液滴凝结的换热方式在航空航天工程、蒸汽动力工程、化学工程等工业领域有着广泛应用,滴状凝结更利于强化换热,大多研究专注于单个液滴凝结过程的研究,本文对液滴凝结群的性状特征进行研究,通过可视化的试验设备观察四氟乙烯平板冷表面上的液滴凝结过程,探究在不同过冷度以及相对湿度情况下冷表面上液滴凝结过程的变化规律。试验结果表明:相对湿度较过冷度来看对液滴凝结速率影响最大;第1代液滴数量随凝结时间呈正态分布,不同过冷度下液滴数量峰值出现时间为180~480s,均集中在1.0×1012~1.6×1012区间,高相对湿度下液滴合并时间短,更快进入第2代液滴凝结过程;第2代液滴形成过程中,不同相对湿度下高过冷度液滴数量峰值均高于低过冷度,80%RH时过冷度24K是22K的近2倍;面积率峰值均集中在75%~82%区间,稳定后面积率在65%~85%之间波动。在工程实际中在对液滴状态特定需求下进行环境条件的选取以及对应环境条件下对液滴特性的预测判断具有指导意义,提高冷凝换热设备的换热性能对节约能源、原材料和保护环境等方面具有积极意义。  相似文献   

针对天然气在长距离管道输送过程中,所含水蒸汽杂质会凝结成液态水的问题,通过运用动力学原理与液滴成核生长理论,开发设计了一种全新的前置式超声速旋流脱水装置。利用CFD中的用户自定义接口建立了含湿天然气的凝结流动模型,数值分析了装置内部的马赫数、过冷度、液滴成核率、液滴半径和湿度等关键凝结参数的变化规律。结果表明:所建立的三维含湿天然气的凝结流动模型可以真实描述超声速旋流分离器中的流动变化规律,为以后装置的工业应用和下一步提高分离效率提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

现行物理化学教科书中虽有定义和解释自发变化,但对自发变化及自发判据的准确理解尚有争论。在现有文献讨论的基础上,本文尝试从平衡态的角度理解并定义自发变化,厘清自发判据与不可逆判据的关系。指出了判断系统变化是否自发的核心前提在于系统与环境之间处于平衡,而不是变化发生时环境是否对系统做功。并指出在该前提下,不可逆判据与自发判据是一致的,不可逆判据可以用于判断系统变化的自发性。最后探讨了常见判据的应用范围及其原因。可以看出,从平衡态角度理解自发变化能够反映自发变化的本质,也容易厘清不可逆判据与自发判据的关系,有助于准确把握自发变化及相关概念。  相似文献   

沈月芬  李彦侠 《化工机械》1996,23(2):1-3,21
在1:1模型上对分离式热管管内换热特性及不凝结气体扩散规律和对凝结换热的影响进行了试验,得出分离式热管换热器有一最佳充液率,其值为40%左右,凝结换热系数随着蒸汽压力的增加略有降低,在本实验的压力范围内,降低了9.3%。不凝结气体对分离式热管的凝结换热仅影响冷凝段下部一小部分,通过排气阀排出不凝性气体可有效地改善冷凝段下部的凝结换热,随着压力的增加不凝结气体对分离式热管冷凝段的影响减小。  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的结晶成核速率预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤秀华  孙兴波 《应用化工》2010,39(1):14-16,24
利用神经网络所具有的输入输出之间的高度非线性映射关系,给出了一种利用BP神经网络模型预测磷酸二氢铵结晶成核速率的方法。在对网络进行训练的基础上,建立了磷酸二氢铵结晶生长速率与过饱和度、冷却温度、饱和温度及悬浮密度和之间的数学模型。仿真结果表明,利用文中所提出的神经网络模型能够较准确、快速地预测结晶成核速率的变化,预测值与测量值的最大相对误差不超过5.9%,表明该网络预测模型有很大的实用性。  相似文献   

The heterogeneous phase transition of the organic vapours, cyclohexane and p-xylene, on a cold substrate was observed by cooling the substrate at a slow rate under reduced pressure conditions. Either organic vapour at a vapour pressure lower than 130 Pa formed directly solid crystals but p-xylene vapour at a higher vapour pressure formed liquid condensates with subsequent formation of solid crystals. The dependence of the critical supersaturation ratios on the critical temperatures and the physical properties of the organic vapours has been clarified by the equation derived on the basis of classical nucleation theory.  相似文献   

Germanium nanoparticle growth on SiO2 proceeds via defect‐mediated nucleation and particle density can be enhanced by chemically treating the SiO2 with SiHx. The influence of SiHx fragments on SiO2 surface sites is studied using a fluorescent probe‐based technique to understand the chemical nature of the inherent defect trapping sites and the chemical nature of the additional trapping sites formed by SiHx. Oxygen‐vacancy sites on SiO2 are the inherent sites for defect‐mediated nucleation. SiHx fragments, generated by cracking disilane on a hot tungsten filament, are shown to react with strained siloxane sites, leading to a conversion of these strained siloxane sites into a different low density defect site that is shown to display reactive characteristics similar to the oxygen‐vacancy defect sites. Previous work demonstrating an increased density of Ge nuclei on SiO2 surfaces with increasing SiHx exposure is interpreted in the context of the current experimental results. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 367–372, 2016  相似文献   

表面诱导药物多晶型成核的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
表面诱导成核是指在异相成核过程中,利用异质表面与溶质分子的相互作用来调控成核过程。表面诱导成核不仅可以降低成核能垒促进成核,而且可以在不改变溶剂、温度等条件下对晶型进行调控。近年来,表面诱导成核在药物新晶型的筛选和亚稳晶型的调控两方面得到了广泛研究。本文综述了异质表面影响多晶型成核的机理,介绍了用于诱导多晶型成核的四种异质表面——聚合物、有机小分子晶体、自组装单层膜(SAMs)和凝胶,总结了四种表面选择与设计的策略。最后,对目前存在的问题进行了总结,对未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

The line tension of a three-phase contact is believed to play an important role in phase transition and phase equilibria in multiphase nanoscale systems hence the need in developing various methods for its experimental evaluation. In this paper we suggest an indirect experimental method for determining the line tension of a solid-liquid-vapor contact based on experiments on homogeneous crystallization of droplets. The underlying idea explores our recent finding that the line tension can give rise to an important contribution to the free energy of formation of a crystal nucleus in a surface-stimulated mode when one of its facets forms at the droplet surface and thus represents a “crystal-vapor” interface. The proposed method requires experimental data on the rate of homogeneous crystal nucleation as a function of droplet size. However, it can provide a rough estimate of line tension even if the rate is known only for one droplet size. Using the method to examine experimental data on homogeneous crystal nucleation in droplets of 19, 49, and radii at , we evaluated the line tension of ice-(liquid)water-(water)vapor contact to be positive and of the order of consistent with the current expectations.  相似文献   

The Rachford‐Rice expressions [Rachford HH, Rice JD, Petroleum Trans AIME 1952;195:327‐328] have been modified to include interfacial contributions in the calculation of the equilibrium coexistence between two macroscopic phases. It is shown that two‐phase equilibrium states for first‐order phase transitions from nucleation to the presence of evolved macroscopic phases can be characterized by using these generalized expressions. Thus, this new treatment allows the determination of the critical inclusion of nucleation of the so‐called dispersed phase in a way similar to the determination of incipient new‐phase formation points of a saturated phase on the binodal curve. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

纳米流体沸腾核化的热力学探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李启明  王补宣  段远源 《化工学报》2011,62(11):2987-2992
基于经典的核化理论,将纳米流体看成是一个均匀的体系,不考虑颗粒的团聚及其在壁面处的富集和沉积,仅考虑体相纳米颗粒的影响。将纳米颗粒类比为大分子溶质,基液类比为溶剂,则纳米流体便可看作是浓度极稀的溶液,借用溶液热力学的相关理论,并假设气液界面处的颗粒是单层嵌入的方式且排布均匀,分别建立了纳米流体的均相和非均相核化模型,分析探讨颗粒对核化的影响。结果表明,纳米颗粒在界面处的吸附可减小核化的平衡胚泡半径,降低沸腾核化势垒,有利于核化的发生。  相似文献   

The use of high-melting fibres as linear nuclei for quiescent polymeric melts is instrumental in providing the superior mechanical properties of polymeric self-composites. It also has inherent advantages in the elucidation of fundamental aspects of polymeric crystallization and self-organization, not least in allowing systematic microscopic studies of polymeric crystallization from nucleation through to the growth interface. This has demonstrated explicitly that lamellae develop in two distinct ways, for slower and faster growth, depending on whether fold packing has or has not time to order before the next molecular layer is added with only the former leading to banded growth in linear polyethylene. Other gains in understanding concern cellulation and morphological instability, internuclear interference, isothermal lamellar thickening and banded growth being a consequence of the partial relief of initial surface stress.  相似文献   

Natural gas hydrate nucleation is a complex physical and chemical process that is not well understood presently. In this article, an improved thermodynamic model is proposed to analyze the effects of surface curvature and wettability on methane hydrate nucleation for the first time. The results indicate that methane hydrate nucleation is more difficult on hydrophilic curvature surfaces under the same conditions, with a larger critical nucleation radius and required energy barrier than on hydrophobic surfaces. Furthermore, a convex surface is more favorable for forming methane hydrate under the same conditions than a concave surface. The model's results are critical in elucidating the microscopic mechanism of methane hydrate nucleation and providing a theoretical foundation for developing technologies for strengthening and inhibiting hydrate formation.  相似文献   

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