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Contents The solution of a 3-dimensional problem is, almost in all cases, a quite difficult task, since a great computational effort is required. AT- method accompanied by a boundary element technique is presented for the evaluation of the field inside a conducting cylinder of finite length. The excitation is a current dipole with harmonic time variation (electric Hertzian dipole), located somewhere inside the cylinder. According to the method the problem is split into smaller independent successive problems, requiring much less computational effort.
Berechnung des elektromagnetischen Feldes innerhalb eines leitenden Zylinders endlicher Länge mit Hilfe der T--Methode
Übersicht Die Lösung des dreidimensionalen Problems ist, fast in allen Fällen, wegen der großen Mühe, die bei den Computerberechnungen erforderlich ist, sehr schwierig. EineT--Methode kombiniert mit einer Randelementtechnik für die Berechnung des Feldes innerhalb eines leitenden Zylinders endlicher Länge wird präsentiert. Ein Hertzscher Dipol an einer beliebigen Stelle innerhalb des Zylinders stellt die Felderregung dar. Entsprechend der Methode wird das Problem in mehrere kleinere, unabhängige sukzessive Probleme, die viel weniger Mühe bei der Computerberechnung erfordern, unterteilt.

The piezoelectric influence on carrier (electrons and holes) trapping time in a hybrid p–n junction system is investigated in this paper. The hybrid nature of the junction is the conceptual combination of p–n junction solar cell and piezoelectricity. The mechanism is that the piezoelectric field induced on the p–n interface can affect the transport of free carriers such as electrons and holes present inside the junction system. These free carriers included are dissociated from excitons which are generated by the light or by the piezoelectric field on the interface via Langevin recombination. The numerical analysis focuses on carrier density (np), carrier velocity \((v_{n},v_{p})\), carrier capture cross section \((\sigma _{n},\sigma _{p})\), and carrier capturing time \((\tau _{n},\tau _{p})\) using the finite element method. These parameters are affected by the piezoelectric potential induced by different vertical stresses \((T_{z})\) on the p–n interface. Based on these features, the simulation of the distribution of the carrier (electrons or holes) capturing time over the junction system can be used to analyze the piezophototronic devices where traps are present.  相似文献   

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