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计算机的系统集成是一门多学科而且具有一定创造性的学科。它属于当今工学领域的一项新分支,可计算机系统集成又涵盖了非工程领域中的一些方面。怎样才能有效的掌握计算机系统集成技术,并且把这些技术应用到实际工作中,是一个值得深思和探讨的问题,本文重点阐述了怎样在计算机系统集成中对工程的控制和管理。  相似文献   

系统集成,信息产业部在“计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法(试行)”中对它作了如下定义:计算机信息系统集成是指从事计算机应用系统工程和网络系统工程的总体策划、设计、开发、实施、服务及保障。  相似文献   

计算机信息系统集成是一个多学科综合的创造性学科,并且是工程学领域中的新分支。与传统的工程领域相比,计算机信息系统集成项目具有其独特性,并且相关的项目管理规定已相对成熟,在计算机信息系统的集成中进行项目管理,能够促进计算机信息系统的完善。文章中结合本人的实际工作以及学习经验对相关问题做出了讨论。  相似文献   

计算机的信息系统集成是将多个学科综合到一起的一个创造性的学科,属于工程学领域的一个新的分支。同传统工程领域相比,该系统集成项目具有一定的独特性,并且,伴随计算机信息系统的发展,其项目管理的相关规定也逐渐的成熟起来。将项目管理应用于计算机信息的系统集成之中,可以有效的促进该信息系统的进一步完善。本文以计算机系统集成中的项目管理为研究点,就其项目管理的概念和特点进行简单介绍,并分析了当前项目管理存在的问题,最后究其问题特点提出改进方案,希望可以为项目管理人员给予建设性的工作参考意见。  相似文献   

钱蕾 《计算机》2001,(28):12-13
计算机信息系统集成是指从事计算机应用系统工程和网络系统工程的总体策划、设计、开发、实施、服务及保障。计算机信息系统集成的资质是指从事计算机信息系统集成的综合能力.包括技术水平、管理水平、服务水平、质量保证能力、技术装备、系统建设质量、人员构成与素质、经营成绩、资产状况等要素。  相似文献   

所谓网络系统集成就是指以网络为中心和载体,把相关硬件设备、传输媒介有机整合起来而形成的系统,它是信息系统集成的一个重要组成部分。特别是随着计算机技术的飞速发展,人们对计算机网络系统集成的关注和重视程度也越来越深。对计算机网络系统集成技术方法的掌握可以为相关实践提供有益指导,目前,这种方法在煤化工等领域已经得到了非常广泛的应用。鉴于此,本文拟从网络系统集成概述、计算机网络系统集成技术方法以及计算机网络系统集成在煤化工行业的应用三个方面来进行理解和阐述,以期加深对这一问题的认识与理解程度。  相似文献   

目前,市场上系统集成商云集,如何判断系统集 成商的资质等级成了用户的一大难题。自信息产业部《计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法(试行)》(信部规[1999] 1047号)文件发布以后,设在中国软件评测中心(CSTC)的信息产业部计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作办公室积极地组织开展了计算机信息系统集成资质认证审核工作,依据信息产业部文件《计算机信息系统集成资质等级评定条件(试行)》(信部规[2000]821号),经过企业申报、资质初审、现场审核。专家评审、信息产业部审批;已有21家企业通过了认证。 一级资…  相似文献   

项目管理在我国各行业正在普遍应用,尤其在建筑行业。随着IT行业的迅速发展,特别是计算机信息系统集成资质开展以来,大多数计算机信息系统集成企业认识到项目管理的重要性,在项目管理的实施中都采用了项目经理负责制,这为项目管理在计算机信息系统集成企业的有效实施提供了可靠的保证。但是我们必须看到,我国计算机信息系统集成企业实施项目管理还存在如下问题:现在大多  相似文献   

服务是一个大概念,它包括了系统集成业务,贯穿于系统集成业务的始终。但是,在中国的行业和企业用户那里,服务这个概念仍然是界限模糊,因此,在系统集成领域,服务被分成了两部分:清晰的和不清晰的。清晰的如培训和技术支持,已经在市场上明确标价;不清晰的如大大小小的集成服务,其收入被夹在工程费用之中,或者成为一个单独的系统集成业务费。所以,在系统集成领域,因为还没有获得广泛认同,服务其实颇有些尴尬。模糊的市场认同对系统集成商的业务有何影响?系统集成又是如何定义服务这个概念?记者走访了神州数码系统集成本部,系统集成事业本部副总经理岑涛认  相似文献   

2010年2月上海安科瑞电气股份有限公司通过了工业和信息化部计算机信息系统集成认证,取得了有效期为三年的资质证书,标志着其在系统集成领域中迈出了关键的一步。  相似文献   

Mattias Nystrm  Tore Risch 《Software》2004,34(10):949-975
The mechanical product development process uses many different software systems to virtually simulate the behaviour of a design. The present work deals with flexible and efficient integration using object‐oriented mediator technology that provides transparent access to distributed engineering systems. The use of mediator technology is investigated for semi‐automatically integrating engineering information resident in computer aided design systems with a Common Object Request Broker Architecture based application programming interface. The purpose is to provide engineering analysis applications access to computer aided design system information and computational methods through a declarative query language. We conclude that the use of a declarative query language for developing engineering applications shows great potential in terms of flexibility, development productivity, performance, and ease of use, compared with using a procedural programming language. The work also shows new use of mediator technology, declarative queries, and active rules within engineering information integration that traditionally is accomplished using procedural programming. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

软件工程专业教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为计算机领域迅猛发展的软件工程学科,如何设置并优化专业课程体系与教学计划、改进教学方法,以培养出满足社会即时需求、具有较强动手能力、具有创新意识的实践型软件工程人才,一直是软件工程专业所面临的问题。为此,以社会需求为导向,我们建立了软件工程专业课程多层次体系,建立了新的实践环节多层次体系,课程体系与实践环节体系互为支撑、互为补充,为培养学生自主学习能力和创新性思维能力打下坚实基础;还建立了软件工程专业教育平台,从特色专业教育、专业人才培养、实训平台、精品课程、远程辅导等多方面为本专业学生提供网络学习、实训、就业等资源。  相似文献   

山东省黄水东调工程调度运行管理系统综合考虑与胶东调水等工程联合调度需要,通过采用先进、科学的信息与管理技术,形成山东省黄水东调工程调度运行管理系统的总体框架,实现系统内多应用的融合。系统由计算机监控、视频监视、工程管理综合信息、计算机网络、综合通信网络等子系统组成,解决区域跨度大、信息点位多、控制建筑物种类多等难题,实现精细配水。  相似文献   

An approach to the design of expert systems for integrated production automation is presented. The major components in an integrated manufacturing system consist of corporate planning, marketing planning, research and development, engineering design, production planning, manufacturing, warehousing, and product distribution. These components are linked by management information flow, technology information flow, as well as materials flow. An intelligent computer is used to integrate information flow and to control materials flow. This paper discusses characteristics of the future factory, elements of knowledge based systems, and the design of computer based expert systems for production planning, for engineering design, and for integrated manufacturing.  相似文献   

Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is creating unexpected problems for a growing number of manufacturing companies. Manufacturers are finding it especially difficult to attract programmers who are both willing and able to develop the highly complex software that integrates existing accounting, sales, production, engineering, and quality control information subsystems. Consequently, many companies abdicate their responsibility for manufacturing information systems and seek third party support ranging from consulting assistance to a total takeover of the company's information resources and operations. Companies that “give away” their internal information system capabilities to third parties will ultimately lose control of their enterprise information, a danger to be avoided. Off-the-shelf software for desktop computers has become sufficiently powerful to help solve a major portion of this serious problem. We hypothesize that manufacturing engineers (and others) can be trained to use packaged software to leverage their company's systems programming capabilities. In effect they would become “paraprogrammers” who would help design, develop, and maintain manufacturing information systems. This new type of professional would not require a computer science or similar educational background, but could be trained to satisfy many specialized programming needs in a manner similar to how paramedics and paralegals are trained and used in the medical and legal professions, respectively. This paper reports on the early stages of research to determine whether or not product design engineers can use a desktop relational database management system and its various command languages to develop a master bill of material information system (BOMIS). The purpose of the research is to evaluate the amount of programming complexity reduction and increased operational effectiveness that can be achieved through paraprogramming by manufacturing engineers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a preliminary system structure supporting integration of expert systems and knowledge-based problem solving to other kinds of computing. The structure is based on layers on different abstraction levels communicating with each other through well-defined interface protocols. The result of applying such structure is a knowledge system capable of utilizing existing computer programs and information stores during its problem solving process.The structure is used in an application supporting hydrodynamic design of ships. A brief presentation of a demonstration system integrated to an existing ship design and engineering system is given.  相似文献   

论计算机学科工程能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对计算机学科教育存在工程能力培养不够重视,培养体系不够完善的现状,在分析计算机学科学生应具备的工程能力的内涵基础上,文章阐述了计算机学科工程能力培养的培养体系和培养方案,并展示工程能力培养具体措施的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

A key component of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is computer aided process planning (CAPP). Process planning in machining involves the determination of the cutting operations and sequences, the selection of machine tools and cutting tools, the calculation of machining parameters, and the generation of CNC part programs. Industrial structures in Norway are defined as small and medium-sized companies. The important fact is how well these companies use high technologies and resources in order to improve their production efficiency, product quality, and company competition in international markets. The concept of an integrated intelligent system (IIS) is created for this purpose. A prototype system, the integrated intelligent process planning system (IIPPS), is described for machining; it was developed on the basis of an IIS and constructed using three levels of effort: (1) AutoCAD, (2) dBASE III and (3) KnowledgePro. The system may be utilized not only by a process plann ing engineer in a company, but also by students of mechanical or industrial engineering.  相似文献   

该方法结合信息处理智能技术、科学计算可视化技术、计算机动态模拟及仿真技术、基于XML的可视化接口技术、软构件技术及工程数据库等技术,充分将先进的计算机科学技术与土木工程领域的结构分析与优化相结合,使其不仅能有效直观地反映问题,有效地辅助结构分析与优化,而且能够解决传统方法因数据不足或干扰给结构分析带来的困难,为结构受力动态分析及系统健康监测提供了先进的技术手段。提出了结构状态智能模拟环境的基本框架,并介绍了关键技术的应用。  相似文献   

The integration of computers within the manufacturing environment has long been a method of enhancing productivity. Their use in many facets of a manufacturing enterprise has given industries the ability to deliver low-cost, high-quality competitive products. As computer technology advances, we find more and more uses for new hardware and software in the enterprise. Over a period of time, we have seen many “islands” of computer integration. Distinct, fully functional hardware and software installations are a common base for many industries. Unfortunately, these islands are just that, separate, distinct and functional but non-integrated. The lack of integration within these information systems make it difficult for end users to see the same manufacturing data. We are finding the need for a “single image” real-time information system to provide the enterprise with the data that is required to plan, justify, design, manufacture and deliver products to the customer. Unfortunately, many industries have a large installed base of hardware and software. Replacement of current systems is not a cost-justified business decision. An alternative would be the migration of current systems to a more integrated solution. The migration to a computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)-based architecture would provide that single image real-time information system.

The effort and skills necessary for the implementation of a CIM-based architecture would require active participation from two key organizations: Manufacturing and information systems (I/S). The manufacturing engineers, process engineers and other manufacturing resource would be the cornerstone for obtaining requirements. The ability to effectively use I/S is a critical success factor in the implementation of CIM. I/S has to be viewed as an equal partner, not just as a service organization. Manufacturing management needs to understand the justification process of integrating computer systems and the “real” cost of integration versus the cost of non-integrated manufacturing systems. The active participation of both organizations during all phases of CIM implementation will result in a effective and useful integrated information system.  相似文献   

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