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楚政  翟献军 《高技术通讯》2007,17(9):907-911
研究了不同网络拓扑结构对IP组播效率的影响,给出了一种度量组播效率的方法,并进行了分析与仿真.结果表明:在随机选择组播树根节点的情况下,平均节点度越大的网络,组播效率越低;限制组播路由的通过性和适当选择组播根节点的位置能够有效提高组播效率;有源最短路径树在不同网络拓扑下的性能差异较大,并且不是一种能够适合于各种网络结构的高效组播树构建算法.  相似文献   

IP包在ATM无源光网络中传输   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种在基于ATM平台的无源光网络 (ATMPON )中传送IP数据包的实施方案 ,避免了IPOA方式 ,简化了系统的复杂性 ,极大地提高了效率。  相似文献   

苏建新  邱树业 《声学技术》1996,15(3):138-140
本文将力导纳的互易原理应用到力矩导纳测量方法,对力矩导纳间接测量的结果可信性给出一个判定方法,并进行相应的实验。  相似文献   

近年来,物质文化的丰富激发了人们对基本生活资料之外的流行文化的关注,品牌文化的强化加之互联网的推波助澜更是推动了IP形象的生成。一个好的IP形象已经日渐成为成功品牌不可或缺的要素之一。文章拟通过调研和分析如今几个成功的咖啡品牌IP形象,来寻找IP形象与品牌自身更好结合的途径,并最终将这一方法及原则运用到咖啡品牌的IP设计与传播中,希望通过IP设计为品牌获得更大的市场活力。  相似文献   

为了进一步满足ATMPON增加带宽的需求 ,同时考虑到现行WDM器件性能的限制 ,提出了一种结合WDM与ATMPON技术的新型光纤接入网络结构。通过对IPOA的简化 ,给出了IP数据包在PON中传送的具体优化实施方案  相似文献   

The formation of machine-part families is an important task in the design of cellular manufacturing systems. Manufacturing cell grouping has the effect of reducing material handing cost and work in process. Among the many methods utilized in machine cells formation, the similarity coefficient method is most widely used. Production sequence and product volumes, if incorporated properly in determining the machine cells, can enhance the quality of solutions and reduce the number of intercellular movements. Measures for cell formation based on operations sequence utilizing ordinal production data are few and have many limitations, such as counting the number of the trips for each individual part instead of counting the weights of the batches. A new ordinal production data similarity coefficient based on the sequence of operations and the batch size of the parts is introduced. Furthermore, a new clustering algorithm for machine cell formation is proposed. The new similarity measure showed more sensitivity to the intercellular movements and the clustering algorithm showed better machine grouping.  相似文献   

The installation of small cells in a 5G network extends the maximum coverage and provides high availability. However, this approach increases the handover overhead in the Core Network (CN) due to frequent handoffs. The variation of user density and movement inside a region of small cells also increases the handover overhead in CN. However, the present 5G system cannot reduce the handover overhead in CN under such circumstances because it relies on a traditionally rigid and complex hierarchical sequence for a handover procedure. Recently, Not Only Stack (NO Stack) architecture has been introduced for Radio Access Network (RAN) to reduce the signaling during handover. This paper proposes a system based on NO Stack architecture and solves the aforementioned problem by adding a dedicated local mobility controller to the edge cloud for each cluster. The dedicated cluster controller manages the user mobility locally inside a cluster and also maintains the forwarding data of a mobile user locally. To reduce the latency for X2-based handover requests, an edge cloud infrastructure has been also developed to provide high-computing for dedicated controllers at the edge of a cellular network. The proposed system is also compared with the traditional 3GPP architecture and other works in the context of overhead and delay caused by X2-based handover requests during user mobility. Simulated results show that the inclusion of a dedicated local controller for small clusters together with the implementation of NO Stack framework reduces the significant amount of overhead of X2-based handover requests at CN.  相似文献   

彭红  张薇 《包装工程》2019,40(18):254-258
目的 对湖北省博物馆IP开发的现有问题进行总结,并根据现有问题提出相应的开发策略。方法 通过文献法查阅资料,了解IP的学术概念、博物馆IP的基本特征、行业内的优秀经验以及博物馆IP的学术研究现状,利用实地考察法和深度访谈法对湖北省博物馆的IP开发现状进行调研,全方位了解湖北省博物馆进行IP开发的基本条件和计划,最后综合湖北省博物馆IP开发的问题,参照博物馆相关工作人员的意见,提出湖北省博物馆IP开发的具体策略。结论 博物馆IP开发可以采用“三步走”的策略:对外联合、对内计划和精准开发。对湖北省博物馆内可能拥有的IP类型的梳理,选择合适的IP进行开发。在了解可用于深度开发的IP后,根据IP开发中产品扩展、项目协同和众创3种模式,结合实际需要选择对应的模式,并在IP开发之前确立其成果的权利归属。  相似文献   

首先简要介绍了Mobile IP及其切换原理,然后通过具体实验分析了Mobile IP切换对传输层协议(TCP和UDP)造成的影响。实验主要测试了切换对TCP造成的影响,并由此类推出对UDP的影响。最后讨论了可行的改进措施,重点讨论了如何减少Mobile IP切换时的分组丢失和时延。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a method to forecast the spread of SARS-CoV-2 across regions with a focus on the role of mobility. Mobility has previously been shown to play a significant role in the spread of the virus, particularly between regions. Here, we investigate under which epidemiological circumstances incorporating mobility into transmission models yields improvements in the accuracy of forecasting, where we take the situation in The Netherlands during and after the first wave of transmission in 2020 as a case study. We assess the quality of forecasting on the detailed level of municipalities, instead of on a nationwide level. To model transmissions, we use a simple mobility-enhanced SEIR compartmental model with subpopulations corresponding to the Dutch municipalities. We use commuter information to quantify mobility, and develop a method based on maximum likelihood estimation to determine the other relevant parameters. We show that taking inter-regional mobility into account generally leads to an improvement in forecast quality. However, at times when policies are in place that aim to reduce contacts or travel, this improvement is very small. By contrast, the improvement becomes larger when municipalities have a relatively large amount of incoming mobility compared with the number of inhabitants.  相似文献   

李连源  刘泽民  周正 《高技术通讯》2000,10(6):31-33,30
对IP交换中长流、短流分类时应考虑的各种因素进行了分析,提出了一种模糊流分类器,它可根据网络中流的具体情况和IP交换机的工作状况,自动调节流的分类阈值。与常规X/Y分类器相比,模糊分类器能更有效地利用IP交换机的资源,交换更多的数据包。  相似文献   

在泛IP化时代,打造IP成为当下众多品牌的选择,一个好的IP可以成为品牌营销的利器。将IP形象引入包装设计中,从视觉的角度引起消费者的兴趣与关注,为品牌带来源源不断的价值。文章通过分析IP形象的特点、优势及在包装设计中的应用,归纳出在商品包装设计中IP形象的设计方法及策略。强调IP形象在包装设计中应与品牌定位及产品风格相统一,重视情感共鸣以及符号化打造。以期为商品包装中的IP形象设计提供新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

元胞自动机模型方法及其在材料组织结构模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元胞自动机是复杂体系的一种理想化模型 ,它对处理那些难以用数学定量描述的复杂动态体系问题如材料的组织结构演变问题有独到之处 ,并且特别便于计算机模拟实施。本文介绍了元胞自动机的基本思想、分类与特征 ,并综述了元胞自动机模型方法在材料的凝固结晶、再结晶和晶粒长大以及相沉淀和相分解的模拟研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Time-of-flight transient photoconductivity measurements reveal a monotonic increase with the deposition pressure in the hole mobility in polymorphous silicon for samples deposited under hydrogen dilution. With helium dilution, a maximum mobility that matches the highest value from H-dilution samples is measured at the intermediate pressure of 1.4 Torr. The deposition rate of those samples is twice the rate for the H-dilution ones. For the samples with the best hole mobilities, the valence-band tail is comparable to the one of standard hydrogenated amorphous silicon.  相似文献   

Despite the long history of modelling human mobility, we continue to lack a highly accurate approach with low data requirements for predicting mobility patterns in cities. Here, we present a population-weighted opportunities model without any adjustable parameters to capture the underlying driving force accounting for human mobility patterns at the city scale. We use various mobility data collected from a number of cities with different characteristics to demonstrate the predictive power of our model. We find that insofar as the spatial distribution of population is available, our model offers universal prediction of mobility patterns in good agreement with real observations, including distance distribution, destination travel constraints and flux. By contrast, the models that succeed in modelling mobility patterns in countries are not applicable in cities, which suggests that there is a diversity of human mobility at different spatial scales. Our model has potential applications in many fields relevant to mobility behaviour in cities, without relying on previous mobility measurements.  相似文献   

张斌 《包装工程》2019,40(14):94-98
目的 研究古装IP剧海报设计中“意”与“象”的融合、“意中之象”和“意外之象”的塑造,将中国传统美学思想与海报设计艺术相结合,从而使古装IP剧的海报设计更具民族特点和个性,在注重商业宣传价值的同时提高其审美价值。方法 通过分析古装IP剧盛行的原因和意象美学的内涵,以及古装IP剧海报设计中“意”与“象”的塑造,阐述中国传统“意象”美学在海报设计风格和个性形成中的重要指导作用。结论 将“意象”美学理论运用于古装IP剧海报设计,有助于体现剧集的文化底蕴和艺术意蕴,可以创造出更加有意味、有意境的海报艺术作品,能够体现影视剧的商业价值,成为一个时代审美精神的象征。  相似文献   

王颖 《包装工程》2024,(8):443-449, 459
目的 基于IP开发角度,解读壮族绣球传统价值,探析新语境下壮族绣球的当代价值,提出绣球IP营造实施具体策略。方法 以文化母体理论分析壮族文化IP与绣球IP的衍生关系,以让.鲍德里亚“物的逻辑”分析壮族绣球物使用功能逻辑、交换经济逻辑、象征交换逻辑、符号价值逻辑,探寻绣球IP价值。结果 通过对壮族绣球传统价值和当代价值的解读和探寻,以实例开发对壮族绣球IP营造提出了聚焦于心智情感化、内容多元符号化、视觉跨界潮流化的具体实施路径。结论 发掘壮族绣球IP的当代价值,形成壮族绣球IP系统性、整体性、全局性开发,在传承创新壮族绣球文化的同时,形成区域文化产业发展创新点。  相似文献   

赵敏婷  杨伊文  刘畅 《包装工程》2020,41(20):223-227
目的 针对陕西剪纸艺术的现代化传承问题,深入挖掘陕西剪纸艺术的内容,结合IP时代的特征,完成陕西剪纸艺术的IP塑造,做到对陕西剪纸艺术的创新性转化以及价值的变现。方法 采用资料收集法,从史料的角度,搜集、整理和归纳出关于陕西民间剪纸艺术的原始材料,挖掘陕西剪纸艺术的内容,进行IP可塑性分析,并通过图像提取法、受众分析法以及跨界思维法,归纳塑造陕西剪纸艺术IP的设计要点。结论 在陕西剪纸艺术的IP塑造中,首先要对其进行人格化设计,其次要使陕西剪纸艺术的受众形成圈层化,在分享、沟通和满足归属感的同时,自发地为陕西剪纸艺术进行宣传,再次要与其他IP进行跨界融合,达到一加一大于二的效果,从而完成陕西剪纸艺术的创新性转化,以此来保障其延绵不衰的文化价值,提高剪纸艺术的文化地位和社会认同感。  相似文献   

对包装行业中常用的一类包装材料—硬泡沫塑料的压缩弹性模量的估算方法进行了探讨,发展了以力学模型为基础的随机模拟方法。以PUR发泡硬泡沫塑料为例,将此方法的计算结果与试验数据进行了比较。本方法既反映泡沫塑料的结构的力学性质,又体现了结构参数的随机特征,并且算法简单,编程容易,耗机时小,利于工程应用。  相似文献   

目的 在消费文化视域下,对农产品品牌IP视觉形象设计的规律与方法进行梳理,进而探讨农产品品牌IP视觉形象设计的创新思路和优化路径。方法 首先,从消费文化和视觉消费视角,通过消费符号化、消费感性化、消费体验化三个特征维度分析农产品品牌IP视觉形象设计主流形式及需求趋势;随后,通过文献分析与案例研究法对农产品IP视觉形象的设计规律与设计方法进行梳理,结合消费文化视域下农产品IP视觉形象设计的应用价值、创新思路、优化路径提出具体的设计策略;最后,通过“温氏天露”食品品牌的设计实践案例,从满足物质消费需求的设计定位,到满足文化消费需求的内容设计,再到满足精神消费需求的场景化构建三个维度的设计策略进行实例验证。结论 基于当前消费文化特征的农产品品牌IP视觉形象设计策略,能有效建立IP视觉形象与农产品、品牌、消费者之间的联系,有助于实现农产品品牌的精准定位、品牌理念的输出,以及消费体验的增强,为农产品品牌IP视觉形象设计提供新的研究视角与有益启示。  相似文献   

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