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As the aerospace and automotive industries continue to strive for efficient lightweight structures, topology optimization (TO) has become an important tool in this design process. However, one ever-present criticism of TO, and especially of multimaterial (MM) optimization, is that neither method can produce structures that are practical to manufacture. Optimal joint design is one of the main requirements for manufacturability. This article proposes a new density-based methodology for performing simultaneous MMTO and multijoint TO. This algorithm can simultaneously determine the optimum selection and placement of structural materials, as well as the optimum selection and placement of joints at material interfaces. In order to achieve this, a new solid isotropic material with penalization-based interpolation scheme is proposed. A process for identifying dissimilar material interfaces based on spatial gradients is also discussed. The capabilities of the algorithm are demonstrated using four case studies. Through these case studies, the coupling between the optimal structural material design and the optimal joint design is investigated. Total joint cost is considered as both an objective and a constraint in the optimization problem statement. Using the biobjective problem statement, the tradeoff between total joint cost and structural compliance is explored. Finally, a method for enforcing tooling accessibility constraints in joint design is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a checkerboard‐free topology optimization method without introducing any additional constraint parameter. This aim is accomplished by the introduction of finite element approximation for continuous material distribution in a fixed design domain. That is, the continuous distribution of microstructures, or equivalently design variables, is realized in the whole design domain in the context of the homogenization design method (HDM), by the discretization with finite element interpolations. By virtue of this continuous FE approximation of design variables, discontinuous distribution like checkerboard patterns disappear without any filtering schemes. We call this proposed method the method of continuous approximation of material distribution (CAMD) to emphasize the continuity imposed on the ‘material field’. Two representative numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the capability and the efficiency of the proposed approach against some classes of numerical instabilities. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bilateral filtering for structural topology optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Filtering has been a major approach used in the homogenization‐based methods for structural topology optimization to suppress the checkerboard pattern and relieve the numerical instabilities. In this paper a bilateral filtering technique originally developed in image processing is presented as an efficient approach to regularizing the topology optimization problem. A non‐linear bilateral filtering process leads to a suitable problem regularization to eliminate the checkerboard instability, pronounced edge preserving smoothing characteristics to favour the 0–1 convergence of the mass distribution, and computational efficiency due to its single pass and non‐iterative nature. Thus, we show that the application of the bilateral filtering brings more desirable effects of checkerboard‐free, mesh independence, crisp boundary, computational efficiency and conceptual simplicity. The proposed bilateral technique has a close relationship with the conventional domain filtering and range filtering. The proposed method is implemented in the framework of a power‐law approach based on the optimality criteria and illustrated with 2D examples of minimum compliance design that has been extensively studied in the recent literature of topology optimization and its efficiency and accuracy are highlighted. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural topology optimization aims to enhance the mechanical performance of a structure while satisfying some functional constraints. Nearly all approaches proposed in the literature are iterative, and the optimal solution is found by repeatedly solving a finite element analysis (FEA). It is thus clear that the bottleneck is the high computational effort, as these approaches require solving the FEA a large number of times. In this work, we address the need for reducing the computational time by proposing a reduced basis method that relies on functional principal component analysis (FPCA). The methodology has been validated considering a simulated annealing approach for compliance minimization in 2 classical variable thickness problems. Results show the capability of FPCA to provide good results while reducing the computational times, ie, the computational time for an FEA is about one order of magnitude lower in the reduced FPCA space.  相似文献   

This article introduces the element-propagating method to structural shape and topology optimization. Structural optimization based on the conventional level-set method needs to solve several partial differential equations. By the insertion and deletion of basic material elements around the geometric boundary, the element-propagating method can avoid solving the partial differential equations and realize the dynamic updating of the material region. This approach also places no restrictions on the signed distance function and the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition for numerical stability. At the same time, in order to suppress the dependence on the design initialization for the 2D structural optimization problem, the strain energy density is taken as a criterion to generate new holes in the material region. The coupled algorithm of the element-propagating method and the method for generating new holes makes the structural optimization more robust. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed approach greatly improves numerical efficiency, compared with the conventional level-set method for structural topology optimization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to present a level set‐based approach for the structural topology optimization problem of mass minimization submitted to local stress constraints. The main contributions are threefold. First, the inclusion of local stress constraints by means of an augmented Lagrangian approach within the level set context. Second, the proposition of a constraint procedure that accounts for a continuous activation/deactivation of a finite number of local stress constraints during the optimization sequence. Finally, the proposition of a logarithmic scaling of the level set normal velocity as an additional regularization technique in order to improve the minimization sequence. A set of benchmark tests in two dimensions achieving successful numerical results assesses the good behavior of the proposed method. In these examples, it is verified that the algorithm is able to identify stress concentrations and drive the design to a feasible local minimum. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a methodology that solves multimaterial topology optimization problems while also optimizing the quantity and type of joints between dissimilar materials is proposed. Multimaterial topology optimization has become a popular design optimization technique since the enhanced design freedom typically leads to superior solutions; however, the conventional assumption that all elements are perfectly fused together as a single piece limits the usefulness of the approach since the mutual dependency between optimal multimaterial geometry and optimal joint design is not properly accounted for. The proposed methodology uses an effective decomposition approach to both determine the optimal topology of a structure using multiple materials and the optimal joint design using multiple joint types. By decomposing the problem into two smaller subproblems, gradient‐based optimization techniques can be used and large models that cannot be solved with nongradient approaches can be solved. Moreover, since the joining interfaces are interpreted directly from multimaterial topology optimization results, the shape of the joining interfaces and the quantity of joints connecting dissimilar materials do not need to be defined a priori. Three numerical examples, which demonstrate how the methodology optimizes the geometry of a multimaterial structure for both compliance and cost of joining, are presented.  相似文献   

When geometric uncertainties arising from manufacturing errors are comparable with the characteristic length or the product responses are sensitive to such uncertainties, the products of deterministic design cannot perform robustly. This paper presents a new level set‐based framework for robust shape and topology optimization against geometric uncertainties. We first propose a stochastic level set perturbation model of uncertain topology/shape to characterize manufacturing errors in conjunction with Karhunen–Loève (K–L) expansion. We then utilize polynomial chaos expansion to implement the stochastic response analysis. In this context, the mathematical formulation of the considered robust shape and topology optimization problem is developed, and the adjoint‐variable shape sensitivity scheme is derived. An advantage of this method is that relatively large shape variations and even topological changes can be accounted for with desired accuracy and efficiency. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the validity of the present formulation and numerical techniques. In particular, this method is justified by the observations in minimum compliance problems, where slender bars vanish when the manufacturing errors become comparable with the characteristic length of the structures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work is focused on the topology optimization of lightweight structures consisting of multiphase materials. Instead of adopting the common idea of using volume constraint, a new problem formulation with mass constraint is proposed. Meanwhile, recursive multiphase materials interpolation (RMMI) and uniform multiphase materials interpolation (UMMI) schemes are discussed and compared based on numerical tests and theoretical analysis. It is indicated that the nonlinearity of the mass constraint introduced by RMMI brings numerical difficulties to attain the global optimum of the optimization problem. On the contrary, the UMMI‐2 scheme makes it possible to formulate the mass constraint in a linear form with separable design variables. One such formulation favors very much the problem resolution by means of mathematical programming approaches, especially the convex programming methods. Moreover, numerical analysis indicates that fully uniform initial weighting is beneficial to seek the global optimum when UMMI‐2 scheme is used. Besides, the relationship between the volume constraint and mass constraint is theoretically revealed. The filtering technique is adapted to avoid the checkerboard pattern related to the problem with multiphase materials. Numerical examples show that the UMMI‐2 scheme with fully uniform initial weighting is reliable and efficient to deal with the structural topology optimization with multiphase materials and mass constraint. Meanwhile, the mass constraint formulation is evidently more significant than the volume constraint formulation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An automated multi-material approach that integrates multi-objective Topology Optimization (TO) and multi-objective shape optimization is presented. A new ant colony optimization algorithm is presented and applied to solving the TO problem, estimating a trade-off set of initial topologies or distributions of material. The solutions found usually present irregular boundaries, which are not desirable in applications. Thus, shape parameterization of the internal boundaries of the design region, and subsequent shape optimization, is performed to improve the quality of the estimated Pareto-optimal solutions. The selection of solutions for shape optimization is done by using the PROMETHEE II decision-making method. The parameterization process involves identifying the boundaries of different materials and describing these boundaries by non-uniform rational B-spline curves. The proposed approach is applied to the optimization of a C-core magnetic actuator, with two objectives: the maximization of the attractive force on the armature and the minimization of the volume of permanent magnet material.  相似文献   

In the nested approach to structural optimization, most of the computational effort is invested in the solution of finite element analysis equations. In this study, the integration of an approximate reanalysis procedure into the framework of topology optimization of continuum structures is investigated. The nested optimization problem is reformulated to accommodate the use of an approximate displacement vector and the design sensitivities are derived accordingly. It is shown that relatively rough approximations are acceptable since the errors are taken into account in the sensitivity analysis. The implementation is tested on several small and medium scale problems, including 2‐D and 3‐D minimum compliance problems and 2‐D compliant force inverter problems. Accurate results are obtained and the savings in computation time are promising. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general parametric design approach for 2-D shape optimization problems. This approach has been achieved by integrating practical design methodologies into numerical procedures. It is characterized by three features: (i) automatic selection of a minimum number of shape design variables based on the CAD geometric model; (ii) integration of sequential convex programming algorithms to solve equality constrained optimization problems; (iii) efficient sensitivity analysis by means of the improved semi-analytical method. It is shown that shape design variables can be either manually or systematically identified with the help of equality constraints describing the relationship between geometric entities. Numerical solutions are performed to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach. A discussion of the results is also given:  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms (GAs) have become a popular optimization tool for many areas of research and topology optimization an effective design tool for obtaining efficient and lighter structures. In this paper, a versatile, robust and enhanced GA is proposed for structural topology optimization by using problem‐specific knowledge. The original discrete black‐and‐white (0–1) problem is directly solved by using a bit‐array representation method. To address the related pronounced connectivity issue effectively, the four‐neighbourhood connectivity is used to suppress the occurrence of checkerboard patterns. A simpler version of the perimeter control approach is developed to obtain a well‐posed problem and the total number of hinges of each individual is explicitly penalized to achieve a hinge‐free design. To handle the problem of representation degeneracy effectively, a recessive gene technique is applied to viable topologies while unusable topologies are penalized in a hierarchical manner. An efficient FEM‐based function evaluation method is developed to reduce the computational cost. A dynamic penalty method is presented for the GA to convert the constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained problem without the possible degeneracy. With all these enhancements and appropriate choice of the GA operators, the present GA can achieve significant improvements in evolving into near‐optimum solutions and viable topologies with checkerboard free, mesh independent and hinge‐free characteristics. Numerical results show that the present GA can be more efficient and robust than the conventional GAs in solving the structural topology optimization problems of minimum compliance design, minimum weight design and optimal compliant mechanisms design. It is suggested that the present enhanced GA using problem‐specific knowledge can be a powerful global search tool for structural topology optimization. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Level set methods have become an attractive design tool in shape and topology optimization for obtaining lighter and more efficient structures. In this paper, the popular radial basis functions (RBFs) in scattered data fitting and function approximation are incorporated into the conventional level set methods to construct a more efficient approach for structural topology optimization. RBF implicit modelling with multiquadric (MQ) splines is developed to define the implicit level set function with a high level of accuracy and smoothness. A RBF–level set optimization method is proposed to transform the Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equation (PDE) into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) over the entire design domain by using a collocation formulation of the method of lines. With the mathematical convenience, the original time dependent initial value problem is changed to an interpolation problem for the initial values of the generalized expansion coefficients. A physically meaningful and efficient extension velocity method is presented to avoid possible problems without reinitialization in the level set methods. The proposed method is implemented in the framework of minimum compliance design that has been extensively studied in topology optimization and its efficiency and accuracy over the conventional level set methods are highlighted. Numerical examples show the success of the present RBF–level set method in the accuracy, convergence speed and insensitivity to initial designs in topology optimization of two‐dimensional (2D) structures. It is suggested that the introduction of the radial basis functions to the level set methods can be promising in structural topology optimization. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach for robust compliance topology optimization under volume constraint. The compliance is evaluated considering a point‐wise worst‐case scenario. Analogously to sequential optimization and reliability assessment, the resulting robust optimization problem can be decoupled into a deterministic topology optimization step and a reliability analysis step. This procedure allows us to use topology optimization algorithms already developed with only small modifications. Here, the deterministic topology optimization problem is addressed with an efficient algorithm based on the topological derivative concept and a level‐set domain representation method. The reliability analysis step is handled as in the performance measure approach. Several numerical examples are presented showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new implementation of the level set shape and topology optimization, the velocity field level set method. Therein, the normal velocity field is constructed with specified basis functions and velocity design variables defined on a given set of points that are independent of the finite element mesh. A general mathematical programming algorithm can be employed to find the optimal normal velocities on the basis of the sensitivity analysis. As compared with conventional level set methods, mapping the variational boundary shape optimization problem into a finite‐dimensional design space and the use of a general optimizer makes it more efficient and straightforward to handle multiple constraints and additional design variables. Moreover, the level set function is updated by the Hamilton‐Jacobi equation using the normal velocity field; thus, the inherent merits of the implicit representation is retained. Therefore, this method combines the merits of both the general mathematical programming and conventional level set methods. Integrated topology optimization of structures with embedded components of designable geometries is considered to show the capability of this method to deal with general design variables. Several numerical examples in 2D or 3D design domains illustrate the robustness and efficiency of the method using different basis functions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an approach for reliability‐based design optimization where a structure of minimum weight subject to reliability constraints on the effective stresses is sought. The reliability‐based topology optimization problem is formulated by using the performance measure approach, and the sequential optimization and reliability assessment method is employed. This strategy allows for decoupling the reliability‐based topology optimization problem into 2 steps, namely, deterministic topology optimization and reliability analysis. In particular, the deterministic structural optimization problem subject to stress constraints is addressed with an efficient methodology based on the topological derivative concept together with a level‐set domain representation method. The resulting algorithm is applied to some benchmark problems, showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Structural designers are reconsidering traditional design procedures using structural optimization techniques. Although shape and sizing optimization techniques have facilitated a great improvement in the emergence of new optimum designs, they are still limited by the fact that a suitable topology must be assumed initially. In this paper a hybrid algorithm entitled constrained adaptive topology optimization, or CATO is introduced. The algorithm, based on an artificial material model and an adaptive updating scheme, combines ideas from the mathematically rigorous homogenization (h) methods and the intuitive evolutionary (e) methods. The algorithm is applied to shell structures under static or free vibration situations. For the static situation, the objective is to produce the stiffest structure subject to given loading conditions, boundary conditions and material properties. For the free vibration situation, the objective is to maximize or minimize a chosen frequency. In both cases, a constraint on the structural volume/mass is applied and the optimization process is achieved by redistributing the material through the shell structure. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated through several numerical examples of shells under either static or free vibration situations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The desired results of variable topology material layout computations are stable and discrete material distributions that optimize the performance of structural systems. To achieve such material layout designs a continuous topology design framework based on hybrid combinations of classical Reuss (compliant) and Voigt (stiff) mixing rules is investigated. To avoid checkerboarding instabilities, the continuous topology optimization formulation is coupled with a novel spatial filtering procedure. The issue of obtaining globally optimal discrete layout designs with the proposed formulation is investigated using a continuation method which gradually transitions from the stiff Voigt formulation to the compliant Reuss formulation. The very good performance of the proposed methods is demonstrated on four structural topology design optimization problems from the literature. © 1997 John Wiley & sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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