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7A04铝合金构件深冷处理过程瞬态温度场的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
建立了7A04铝合金构件深冷处理过程瞬态温度场的有限元模型,对7A04铝合金材料在低温状态下的若干物性参数进行了实验研究,并运用温度场反算法分别得到了铝合金试件与低温(热)介质之间的传热系数。运用ABAQUS6.5有限元软件,对7A04铝合金构件瞬态温度场的数值结果表明,在淬火、深冷与上坡淬火过程中,构件上端部位存在很陡峭的温度梯度。  相似文献   

深冷处理消除铝合金板材残余应力的建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了用(热)弹塑有限元技术对铝合金板材深冷处理过程进行建模与仿真的基本原理.基于实验研究探讨了深冷处理数值模拟所需的7075铝合金材料的物性参数.运用ABAQUS6.5有限元软件,对7075铝合金板材深冷处理过程瞬态温度场与应力场进行了数值模拟.数值模拟得到的残余应力值与已发表文献的实验结果比较一致.最后分析了不同厚度铝合金板材的深冷处理应力消除效果.  相似文献   

以3102H18铝箔为对象,研究其在液氮中保温不同时间后的室温组织和性能.结果表明,深冷5min后抗拉强度由233MPa增加到263MPa,硬度明显提高,延伸率变化不大;随着深冷保温时间的延长,强度和硬度变化不大,但延伸率小幅上升,到24h达到处理前的1.5倍.组织观察表明,经5min深冷处理可促使第二相析出,随保温时间增加,析出量增加有限;深冷5h后,纤维晶粒开始碎化,保温至24h,全部碎化为尺寸为0.3~2.5μm的细晶.  相似文献   

The normal reflectivities of Al and Al alloys which are important as cryogenic materials are measured mainly in the infrared region below room temperature down to 16 K. A new model is proposed which assumes that in the Drude equation, additional scattering of conduction electrons occur at the surface layer which explains the temperature dependence of the radiative properties. This model can predict the radiative properties of metals at low temperatures better than the anomalous skin effect theory.  相似文献   

The research area “Cryogenic Treatment of Materials” has been the subject of a multitude of research studies and therefore needs a proper review article to highlight the present state of understanding and to define the future research direction. Though reviews on cryogenic processing of tool steels are available, there has not been a review that attempts to systematically discourse the effect of cryogenic treatment on the metallurgy of various ferrous alloys. While previous reviews address transformation of retained austenite and the formation of fine precipitated carbides as the major phenomena of cryogenic treatment, developments such as the refinement of pearlite matrix, formation of fine martensite, and enhancement of properties in low carbon steel and cast iron are discussed in detail in this article. In addition, the influence of individual treatment parameters, their sequence, and the effect of room temperature stabilization on the metallurgical changes are extensively addressed. Moreover, many of the contradicting observations/conclusions such as detwinning of martensite and dissolution of secondary carbides during cryogenic treatment are highlighted for further clarification. Finally, applicability of cryogenic treatment for a range of ferrous alloys is presented with an emphasis on scope for future research.  相似文献   

GCr15钢深冷条件下的组织转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以GCr15钢轴承套圈为对象,采用深冷处理的方法对淬火后的零件进行处理以减少零件中的残余奥氏体含量。通过X射线衍射法检测残余奥氏体含量和扫描电子显微镜(scanning elec-tron m icroscopy,SEM)观察深冷处理后的零件组织,研究了深冷处理温度和时间对GCr15钢淬火后的残余奥氏体转变的影响。结果表明,深冷处理可以大幅降低淬火GCr15钢零件中的残余奥氏体,最多可使零件中71.6%的残余奥氏体可以转变为马氏体。  相似文献   

The success of deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) of austenitic stainless steels (AusSSs) relies heavily on martensitic transformation. For AusSSs that are not prone to martensitic transformation, thermomechanical treatments (such as high-temperature solution treatment, plastic deformation, and sensitisation) may expedite DCT by encouraging martensite formation. This paper looks into the influences of the aforementioned thermomechanical treatments on the cryogenic treatability of a slightly unstable AusSS regarding tensile properties. Overall, no noticeable strengthening could be achieved through DCT, but a slight improvement in ductility was observed for all the thermomechanical treatment conditions mentioned above. Preliminary results indicated that the pitting corrosion resistance of the AusSS was almost unaltered by DCT.  相似文献   

The effect of the deep cryogenic treatment on the micro-structure and mechanical properties (tensile strength, toughness, residual stress and fatigue strength) of the medium carbon spring steel, which is subjected to different heat treatment steps, is investigated. Deep cryogenic treatment causes spring steel to keep compressive residual stress more efficiently due to an increase in the density of the crystalline defects, retardation in the stress relief after the phase transformations and nano-cluster carbide formations. If deep cryogenic treatment is applied before the tempering then the homogeneously distributed fine carbides form after the tempering and the grains remain relatively fine. The microstructure with homogeneously distributed fine carbides and fine grains cause spring steels to have simultaneously enhanced tensile strength, ductility and fatigue strength. If deep cryogenic treatment is applied after the conventional heat treatment (quenching+tempering), however, the coarse carbides form in the micro-structure and the improvement in the mechanical properties of the spring steel is limited.  相似文献   

为了研究靶丸装配对惯性约束核聚变间接驱动靶系统中靶丸表面温度场的影响,建立了三维冷冻靶系统数值计算模型,利用CFD软件的传热和Boussinesq模型分析了系统的传热规律,并对靶丸装配中可能产生的装配偏差的影响进行了探究。结果表明:靶丸在水平方向上的装配位置偏差会对靶丸表面温度场分布产生极大的影响,而在竖直方向上的装配位置偏差影响相对较小。在竖直方向上看,向上偏移的位置偏差相对于向下偏移的位置偏差对靶丸温度均匀性的影响会较大。  相似文献   

泡沫玻璃作为液化天然气运输与储存设施的保温材料,至少应能承受其自重荷载。通过对泡沫玻璃砖常温和超低温下不同容重及制作精细程度的多组试件进行单轴受压性能试验,结合与常用建筑材料混凝土受力性能的对比,发现超低温下泡沫玻璃砖受力性能有所恶化且受压脆性明显,高容重与高制作精细程度有助于其强度提升。泡沫玻璃砖超低温受力性能明显不同于混凝土,实际工程中须考虑其受力特性的差异。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effect of deep cryogenic treatment (−196 °C) on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy. The execution of deep cryogenic treatment on samples changed the distribution of β precipitates. The tiny laminar β particles almost dissolved in the microstructure and the coarse divorced eutectic β phase penetrated into the matrix. This microstructural modification resulted in a significant improvement on mechanical properties of the alloy. The steady state creep rates were measured and it was found that the creep behavior of the alloy, which is dependent on the stability of the near grain boundary microstructure, was improved by the deep cryogenic treatment. For the AZ91 alloy, the results indicate a mixed mode of creep behavior, with some grain boundary effects contributing to the overall behavior. However for the deep cryogenic samples dislocation climb controlled creep is the dominant deformation mechanism. After the deep cryogenic treatment the sliding of grain boundaries was greatly suppressed due to morphological changes. As a result, the grain boundaries are less susceptible for grain boundary sliding at high temperatures. Dry sliding wear tests were also applied and the wear resistance of the alloy improved remarkably after deep cryogenic treatment.  相似文献   

潘浩 《深冷技术》2007,(4):14-17
针对林德公司对大型低温液体贮罐日蒸发率的高要求,联合国内制造商进行技术攻关,选择质量符合要求的保温材料,根据国产保温材料的参数修改贮罐的设计参数。按照国内相关规范对2000m3液氧贮罐进行日蒸发率实际测试,其结果达到林德公司的标准。  相似文献   

介绍了低温绝热气瓶的发展和应用,并重点分析了目前低温绝热气瓶绝热、支撑、加注和无损储存关键技术的研究现状及发展方向,可为中国低温绝热气瓶的生产厂家提供参考.  相似文献   

介绍了一种特殊的辐轮式低温支撑,针对这种不同材质和辐条数量及其截面形状的辐轮式结构,分别从热学性能和力学性能两方面进行了实验研究,测量了聚醚醚酮(PEEK)和玻璃钢(GRP)两种材料的热导率以及由这两种材料组成的多种结构形式的支撑轮的热阻,对试样进行力学拉伸破坏实验,并对实验结果进行了分析与比较,给出了误差分析。实验结果表明,温度在200 K以下时PEEK材料热导率小于GRP材料,200 K以上时两者相当;支撑轮的热阻随着辐条数量和截面积的增加而减小,且实验测得的热阻是固体传热和辐射换热的综合结果;支撑轮的力学性能随着辐条数量和截面积的增加而提高,GRP材料的支撑轮径向承受载荷能力较强、轴向偏弱,而PEEK材料的支撑轮各方向上承载能力较为均匀,这主要是因为GRP材料是各向异性的。综合热性能和力学性能实验结果,PEEK材料6辐带肋结构的支撑轮是最佳选择。  相似文献   

为研究车载LNG低温绝热气瓶内液体的蒸发规律,以200 L高真空多层绝热气瓶为例,采用液氮(LN2)为工质,进行了一系列LN2日蒸发率试验。列出根据实验系统结构参数得到的相关传热学计算结果,包括试验系统分别贮存LN2和LNG各项漏热及理论蒸发率。对理论计算与实验结果进行比较,通过理论计算结果与LN2蒸发率实验结果对LNG试验蒸发率作了预测。根据大气压力下进行的各种充满率的LN2蒸发率实验,拟合出了系统蒸发率与充满率的关系曲线,并分析了系统中环境温度和压力对蒸发率的影响规律。  相似文献   

倪磊  黄宝锐  李培林 《光电工程》2017,44(10):1014-1021
为了实现低温真空环境下红外材料热膨胀系数的高精度测量,提出了一种固体材料低温热膨胀系数的测量方案。本方案基于自准直原理,设计了一种测微结构,建立起了结构变形与角度的关系,并推导出热膨胀系数测量公式。利用测量公式,从理论上分析了该方案的测量误差传递函数关系,并利用误差灵敏度函数对红外材料低温热膨胀系数测量装置的设计精度进行了分析,最后通过计算得到了该方案的测量相对误差。结果表明,测量的热膨胀系数相对误差仅为0.76%,满足纳米级测量要求。  相似文献   

W. Sereinig  F. Gross 《低温学》1982,22(1):17-20
An apparatus for measuring the integral thermal expansions at cryogenic temperatures is described. The thermal expansions are given for a number of commercial epoxy resins, commercial polyester resins and inorganic cements. A method to reduce the thermal expansion of the resins by the use of quartz powder fillers is reported.  相似文献   

This study concerns the effect of the holding time at liquid nitrogen temperature during the deep cryogenic heat treatment on the microstructural changes, carbide distribution, carbide percentage, hardness and microhardness of 1.2080 tool steel. These analyses were performed via the scanning electron microscope (SEM), optical microscope (OM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and X-ay diffraction (XRD). The obtained results showed that there is an optimum holding duration in which the carbides exhibit a maximum percentage and the most homogenous distribution as compared to the other soaking durations. It was also shown that by increasing the holding duration beyond the optimum holding duration, the hardness, microhardness, carbide percentage, carbide distribution homogeneity and particle size reach a constant value and do not change.  相似文献   

非金属绝热材料低温热导率测试装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一套非金属绝热材料低温热导率测试装置,测试采用稳态轴向热流法,高真空绝热,通过可控气体热开关提高了样品的降温速度,运用该装置对聚氨酯隔热材料液氮到室温温区热导率进行了测量,并对装置的重复性以及漏热和误差进行了分析。  相似文献   

Processing of materials at cryogenic temperature has improved the properties of materials such as hardness, toughness, wear resistance, tensile strength, dimensional stability, corrosion resistance, etc. However, the extent of improvement in the properties of materials subjected to cryogenic treatment as claimed in the literature is diverse and sometimes contradictory to each other. Contradictions have also been reported regarding its various aspects like tempering prior and postcryogenic treatment, tempering temperature, aging before cryogenic treatment and cryogenic parameters like soaking temperature, soaking time, and cooling rate. There is need of investigating the cryogenic treatment in relation to pre and postheat treatment conditions. In this study, an attempt has been made to review the various research articles published in the literature on the subject matter extensively. Cryogenic processing of cutting tools and workpiece material has also emerged as a potential technique for improving the performance of cutting tools during metal cutting as well as for improving the machinability and weldability of workpiece materials. The implications of cryogenic treatment in the perspective of manufacturing have been revealed clearly through review of related studies. The various findings reported in the literature have been highlighted systematically and futuristic directions have been proposed to encourage research work in the area of cryogenic treatment.  相似文献   

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