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As most closed-loop multibody systems do not have independent generalized coordinates, their dynamic equations are differential/algebraic equations (DAEs). In order to accurately solve DAEs, a usual method is using generalized α-class numerical methods to convert DAEs into difference equations by differential discretization and solve them by the Newton iteration method. However, the complexity of this method is O(n2) or more in each iteration, since it requires calculating the complex Jacobian matrix. Therefore, how to improve computational efficiency is an urgent problem. In this paper, we modify this method to make it more efficient. The first change is in the phase of building dynamic equations. We use the spatial vector note and the recursive method to establish dynamic equations (DAEs) of closed-loop multibody systems, which makes the Jacobian matrix have a special sparse structure. The second change is in the phase of solving difference equations. On the basis of the topology information of the system, we simplify this Jacobian matrix by proper matrix processing and solve the difference equations recursively. After these changes, the algorithm complexity can reach O(n) in each iteration. The algorithm proposed in this paper is not only accurate, which can control well the position/velocity constraint errors, but also efficient. It is suitable for chain systems, tree systems, and closed-loop systems.  相似文献   

This article presents a global optimization algorithm via the extension of the DIviding RECTangles (DIRECT) scheme to handle problems with computationally expensive simulations efficiently. The new optimization strategy improves the regular partition scheme of DIRECT to a flexible irregular partition scheme in order to utilize information from irregular points. The metamodelling technique is introduced to work with the flexible partition scheme to speed up the convergence, which is meaningful for simulation-based problems. Comparative results on eight representative benchmark problems and an engineering application with some existing global optimization algorithms indicate that the proposed global optimization strategy is promising for simulation-based problems in terms of efficiency and accuracy.  相似文献   

The interval optimization algorithm shows great advantages in bound constrained global optimization. An interval algorithm is presented in this article based on a new selection criterion. The selection criterion is proposed based on numerical experiments and the parameter pf* designed by Casado, Garcia and Csendes in 2000. The proposed criterion at each iteration selects some intervals of which the number is not greater than a constant so that the possible memory problem during the implementation of the algorithm is avoided and the running time of the algorithm is decreased, when the dimension of the problem is increasing. Based on the selection criterion, the proposed algorithm is implemented for a wide set of tested functions which includes easy and hard problems. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm is efficient.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms (GAs) have become a popular optimization tool for many areas of research and topology optimization an effective design tool for obtaining efficient and lighter structures. In this paper, a versatile, robust and enhanced GA is proposed for structural topology optimization by using problem‐specific knowledge. The original discrete black‐and‐white (0–1) problem is directly solved by using a bit‐array representation method. To address the related pronounced connectivity issue effectively, the four‐neighbourhood connectivity is used to suppress the occurrence of checkerboard patterns. A simpler version of the perimeter control approach is developed to obtain a well‐posed problem and the total number of hinges of each individual is explicitly penalized to achieve a hinge‐free design. To handle the problem of representation degeneracy effectively, a recessive gene technique is applied to viable topologies while unusable topologies are penalized in a hierarchical manner. An efficient FEM‐based function evaluation method is developed to reduce the computational cost. A dynamic penalty method is presented for the GA to convert the constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained problem without the possible degeneracy. With all these enhancements and appropriate choice of the GA operators, the present GA can achieve significant improvements in evolving into near‐optimum solutions and viable topologies with checkerboard free, mesh independent and hinge‐free characteristics. Numerical results show that the present GA can be more efficient and robust than the conventional GAs in solving the structural topology optimization problems of minimum compliance design, minimum weight design and optimal compliant mechanisms design. It is suggested that the present enhanced GA using problem‐specific knowledge can be a powerful global search tool for structural topology optimization. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chong Chen  Huili Yu  Hui Zhao 《工程优选》2013,45(10):1761-1776
In engineering design optimization, the usage of hybrid metamodels (HMs) can take full advantage of the individual metamodels, and improve robustness of the predictions by reducing the impact of a poor metamodel. When there are plenty of candidates, it is difficult to make decisions on which metamodels to choose before building an HM. The decisions should simultaneously take into account of the number, accuracy and diversity of the selected metamodels. To address this problem, this research developed an efficient decision-making framework based on partial least squares for metamodel screening. A new significance index is firstly derived from the view of fitting error in a regression model. Then, a desirable metamodel combination which consist of only the significant ones is subsequently configured for further constructing the final HM. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through several benchmark problems.  相似文献   

This article presents an effective hybrid cuckoo search and genetic algorithm (HCSGA) for solving engineering design optimization problems involving problem-specific constraints and mixed variables such as integer, discrete and continuous variables. The proposed algorithm, HCSGA, is first applied to 13 standard benchmark constrained optimization functions and subsequently used to solve three well-known design problems reported in the literature. The numerical results obtained by HCSGA show competitive performance with respect to recent algorithms for constrained design optimization problems.  相似文献   

可靠性优化的一种新的算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
建立了可靠性冗余优化模型,提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的可靠性优化的新方法,该方法结合了遗传算法的思想。实例结果表明,粒子群算法比模拟退火算法和遗传算法效果好。  相似文献   

An efficient multi-start algorithm for global optimization is developed by introducing multi-dimensional simplexes as new expression units of attraction regions. The region elimination method generally consists of making a set of eliminated regions called attraction regions, checking adjacency between the current design point and the attraction region, and quitting local optimization for the attracted design points. The efficiency of the elimination method is considerably enhanced by supplementing general simplexes and their neighborhoods to conventional units of attraction regions of points and lines. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, mathematical problems from the literature are solved and the results are compared with several well-known multi-start algorithms. The present algorithm produces the global optimum in all problems more efficiently than the variants of the multi-start method. Several types of truss, frame, and composite material structures are optimized as engineering applications. Many local optima are found and the differences among the local optima are not negligibly small. These results suggest that an efficient and reliable global optimizer is strongly required in some fields of engineering optimization.  相似文献   

An efficient method is proposed to estimate the first‐order global sensitivity indices based on failure probability and variance by using maximum entropy theory and Nataf transformation. The computational cost of this proposed method is quite small, and the proposed method can efficiently overcome the ‘dimensional curse’ due to dimensional reduction technique. Ideas for the estimation of higher‐order sensitivity indices are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The existing global–local multiscale computational methods, using finite element discretization at both the macro‐scale and micro‐scale, are intensive both in terms of computational time and memory requirements and their parallelization using domain decomposition methods incur substantial communication overhead, limiting their application. We are interested in a class of explicit global–local multiscale methods whose architecture significantly reduces this communication overhead on massively parallel machines. However, a naïve task decomposition based on distributing individual macro‐scale integration points to a single group of processors is not optimal and leads to communication overheads and idling of processors. To overcome this problem, we have developed a novel coarse‐grained parallel algorithm in which groups of macro‐scale integration points are distributed to a layer of processors. Each processor in this layer communicates locally with a group of processors that are responsible for the micro‐scale computations. The overlapping groups of processors are shown to achieve optimal concurrency at significantly reduced communication overhead. Several example problems are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evolutionary algorithms cannot effectively handle computationally expensive problems because of the unaffordable computational cost brought by a large number of fitness evaluations. Therefore, surrogates are widely used to assist evolutionary algorithms in solving these problems. This article proposes an improved surrogate-assisted particle swarm optimization (ISAPSO) algorithm, in which a hybrid particle swarm optimization (PSO) is combined with global and local surrogates. The global surrogate is not only used to predict fitness values for reducing computational burden but also regarded as a global searcher to speed up the global search process of PSO by using an efficient global optimization algorithm, while the local one is constructed for a local search in the neighbourhood of the current optimal solution by finding the predicted optimal solution of the local surrogate. Empirical studies on 10 widely used benchmark problems and a real-world structural design optimization problem of a driving axle show that the ISAPSO algorithm is effective and highly competitive.  相似文献   

Mehdi Ebrahimi 《工程优选》2017,49(12):2079-2094
An efficient strategy is presented for global shape optimization of wing sections with a parallel genetic algorithm. Several computational techniques are applied to increase the convergence rate and the efficiency of the method. A variable fidelity computational evaluation method is applied in which the expensive Navier–Stokes flow solver is complemented by an inexpensive multi-layer perceptron neural network for the objective function evaluations. A population dispersion method that consists of two phases, of exploration and refinement, is developed to improve the convergence rate and the robustness of the genetic algorithm. Owing to the nature of the optimization problem, a parallel framework based on the master/slave approach is used. The outcomes indicate that the method is able to find the global optimum with significantly lower computational time in comparison to the conventional genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

System availability is a key element for any industry. System designers and operators try to do their best to maintain the required availability of the systems to avoid production stoppages. They set up and undertake different maintenances, and these interventions imply cost. Therefore, the goal is to minimize the cost, but considering the constraint of the availability requirement. The problem involves three main aspects: redundancy allocation, component failure rates, and repair rates. In this paper, a novel solution approach is proposed based on an efficient cuckoo optimization algorithm (EF-COA). Two numerical case studies are solved, and the results confirm the effectiveness of the approach proposed.  相似文献   

Haoxiang Jie  Jianwan Ding 《工程优选》2013,45(11):1459-1480
In this article, an adaptive metamodel-based global optimization (AMGO) algorithm is presented to solve unconstrained black-box problems. In the AMGO algorithm, a type of hybrid model composed of kriging and augmented radial basis function (RBF) is used as the surrogate model. The weight factors of hybrid model are adaptively selected in the optimization process. To balance the local and global search, a sub-optimization problem is constructed during each iteration to determine the new iterative points. As numerical experiments, six standard two-dimensional test functions are selected to show the distributions of iterative points. The AMGO algorithm is also tested on seven well-known benchmark optimization problems and contrasted with three representative metamodel-based optimization methods: efficient global optimization (EGO), GutmannRBF and hybrid and adaptive metamodel (HAM). The test results demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method. The AMGO algorithm is finally applied to the structural design of the import and export chamber of a cycloid gear pump, achieving satisfactory results.  相似文献   

An improved genetic algorithm (IGA) is presented to solve the mixed-discrete-continuous design optimization problems. The IGA approach combines the traditional genetic algorithm with the experimental design method. The experimental design method is incorporated in the crossover operations to systematically select better genes to tailor the crossover operations in order to find the representative chromosomes to be the new potential offspring, so that the IGA approach possesses the merit of global exploration and obtains better solutions. The presented IGA approach is effectively applied to solve one structural and five mechanical engineering problems. The computational results show that the presented IGA approach can obtain better solutions than both the GA-based and the particle-swarm-optimizer-based methods reported recently.  相似文献   

Sami Barmada  Marco Raugi 《工程优选》2016,48(10):1740-1758
In this article, a new population-based algorithm for real-parameter global optimization is presented, which is denoted as self-organizing centroids optimization (SOC-opt). The proposed method uses a stochastic approach which is based on the sequential learning paradigm for self-organizing maps (SOMs). A modified version of the SOM is proposed where each cell contains an individual, which performs a search for a locally optimal solution and it is affected by the search for a global optimum. The movement of the individuals in the search space is based on a discrete-time dynamic filter, and various choices of this filter are possible to obtain different dynamics of the centroids. In this way, a general framework is defined where well-known algorithms represent a particular case. The proposed algorithm is validated through a set of problems, which include non-separable problems, and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms for global optimization.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an algorithm based on a model of the immune system to handle constraints of all types (linear, nonlinear, equality, and inequality) in a genetic algorithm used for global optimization. The approach is implemented both in serial and parallel forms, and it is validated using several test functions taken from the specialized literature. Our results indicate that the proposed approach is highly competitive with respect to penalty-based techniques and with respect to other constraint-handling techniques which are considerably more complex to implement.  相似文献   

The response surface method (RSM) is widely adopted for structural reliability analysis because of its numerical efficiency. However, the RSM is time consuming for large-scale applications and sometimes shows large errors in the calculation of the sensitivity of the reliability index with respect to random variables. In order to overcome these problems, this study proposes an efficient RSM applying a moving least squares (MLS) approximation instead of the traditional least squares approximation generally used in the RSM. The MLS approximation gives higher weight to the experimental points closer to the most probable failure point (MPFP), which allows the response surface function (RSF) to be closer to the limit state function at the MPFP. In the proposed method, a linear RSF is constructed at first and a quadratic RSF is formed using the axial experimental points selected from the reduced region where the MPFP is likely to exist. The RSF is updated successively by adding one new experimental point to the previous set of experimental points. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the improved accuracy and computational efficiency of the proposed method compared to the conventional RSM.  相似文献   

Shape representation plays a vital role in any shape optimization exercise. The ability to identify a shape with good functional properties is dependent on the underlying shape representation scheme, the morphing mechanism and the efficiency of the optimization algorithm. This article presents a novel and efficient methodology for morphing 3D shapes via smart repair of control points. The repaired sequence of control points are subsequently used to define the 3D object using a B-spline surface representation. The control points are evolved within the framework of a memetic algorithm for greater efficiency. While the authors have already proposed an approach for 2D shape matching, this article extends it further to deal with 3D shape matching problems. Three 3D examples and a real customized 3D earplug design have been used as examples to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach and the effectiveness of the repair scheme. Complete details of the problems are presented for future work in this direction.  相似文献   

针对面向服务的军事综合电子信息系统候选服务的服务质量往往依赖于其他候选服务的问题,提出了一种支持服务关联的全局最优服务选择方法.该方法将基于QoS的军事信息服务选择问题建模为带QoS约束的多目标组合优化问题,采用基于独立成分分析(ICA)的多目标分布估计算法同时优化多个目标函数,最终产生一组满足约束条件的Pareto最优解服务组合集.对比实验结果表明,基于ICA的多目标分布估计算法通过概率图模型可以描述服务间的相互关系,可以更好地解决存在服务关联的组合服务选择问题,具有良好的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

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