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电动汽车总成控制器的fuzzy控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电动汽车总成控制系统直接决定电动汽车性能的好坏.本文将模糊控制应用于电动汽车总成控制系统,给出了具体的设计方案.仿真结果表明,本方案可以有效地提高电动汽车控制实时性和稳定性.  相似文献   

分析了影响电动汽车分布式控制系统实时性的主要因素,通过对整个网络系统的测试,考察了实际运行的网络的性能是否能够满足汽车动力系统的实时性要求.对目前电动汽车网络中常采用的125kb/s,250kb/s和500kb/s三种通信速率的CAN网络实时性进行了对比测试分析,结果表明:在相同的网络中,总线正常通信的情况下,提高总线通信速率,能有效降低总线负载率;10ms的信息在网络上实时性要求比较高,将主要影响网络实时性能.所得研究结果对制定电动汽车CAN网络协议具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

为解决多轴驱动车辆在定期审验中制动性能检测困难的现状,基于平板式和滚筒反力式制动检验台的工作原理和基本结构,提出几种多轴驱动车辆制动性能检测的可行方法,并进行对比分析和论证,为多轴驱动车辆制动性能的检测提供理论参考.其中,左右滚筒异向同步驱动零差速法可以满足多轴驱动车辆定期审验制动性能检测的要求,且该方法方便、快捷、准确.  相似文献   

朱易  徐克林 《工业工程》2009,12(4):82-85,105
为了克服应用传统的过程实效模式与影响分析(PFMEA)时对失效模式的风险顺序识别度不高的问题,在防抱死制动系统(ABS)阀体制造中提出了具有模糊综合评价的PFMEA方法.通过将专家评估与系数变异相结合的方法,分别获得了评价因素集、因素权集、评价等级集.通过模糊综合评价可以计算等级值和最终的风险顺序.这一方法在ABS阀体制造中得到了有效的应用.  相似文献   

耿聪  张欣  张良  刘溧  王勇 《高技术通讯》2004,14(8):80-83
分析了典型循环工况下城市公交汽车制动能量随制动减速度变化的分布规律,根据城市公交汽车车速变化大,制动频繁且制动强度较低的特点,提出了适合于混合动力电动公交汽车(HEB)的再生制动控制策略——低制动强度时优先采用再生制动,高强度时按比例复合再生制动与摩擦制动。这种控制策略既可保证低制动强度时制动能量的再生利用,又可保证制动效能和制动安全性的要求。针对EQ6110HEV混合动力电动汽车进行的再生制动性能仿真计算表明:不同循环工况下,采用这种再生制动控制策略的HEB均有较好的节能效果,可降低能耗10%~25%。  相似文献   

根据CAN总线通信原理,设计纯电动汽车驱动控制系统网络结构,参照SAE J1939协议制定纯电动汽车驱动控制系统的CAN通信协议,并利用CANoe对总线系统进行性能仿真分析,最后采用Matlab/Simulink软件结合CANcaseXL总线分析仪对纯电动汽车电机驱动控制系统进行硬件在环测试。通过仿真及测试实验,验证CAN通信协议及电机驱动控制系统的有效性。  相似文献   

轮毂电机电动汽车(in-wheel motor electric vehicle, IWM-EV)的电机激励与车辆系统的耦合特性严重的恶化车辆的动力学性能以及电机的工作稳定性,针对这种振动负效应问题,建立了考虑机电耦合的车辆动力学耦合模型,并设计了工况识别的主动悬架多目标粒子群(multi-objective part...  相似文献   

并联混合动力汽车复合电源控制策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对复合电源在混合动力汽车(HEV)中应用的研究,设计了针对某款并联式混合动力汽车的复合电源结构,并对其效率特性进行了分析,提出了复合电源的功率分配控制策略以及电池给超级电容充电策略,基于MATALAB/Simulink,建立了复合能量存储系统模型,并嵌入ADVISOR软件中,在城市道路循环UDDS工况下进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,通过采用该复合电源控制策略,可以充分发挥超级电容和蓄电池各自的优点,改善整车储能系统的存储效率,提高制动能量的回收效率。  相似文献   

研制了一种与掩膜光刻机相配套的新型掩膜管理控制系统.系统硬件由1个4自由度机械手、2个版库、粗预对准机构、精细预对准机构、PLC控制器和伺服驱动器等构成;系统软件由基于VC的上层管理程序以及基于梯形图的底层流程控制程序构成,其中上掩膜版和卸掩膜版是流程控制的主要组成部分.介绍了四象限光电探测器的对准工作原理和掩膜版的粗、精细预对准方法,实验测试了上、卸掩膜版的节拍,粗、精细预对准时间和掩膜版经过精细预对准后的重复定位精度,讨论了激光器和四象限光电探测器相对 位姿的标定方法,并指出了该系统的特点.实验结果表明,该系统性能稳定,主要指标能够满足掩膜光刻机的实际生产要求.  相似文献   

针对并联式混合动力电动汽车的能量控制问题进行了研究,提出了一种多模式能量管理策略.建立了整车模型,以负载力矩、电池荷电状态(SOC)和车速作为控制依据设计了多个工作模式间的切换逻辑,将模式切换状态作为控制变量引入到力矩分配算法中,实现了多工况下对发动机与电机的优化控制.结合US06、UDDS和EUDC等工况进行了Simulink系统仿真,结果表明所提出的能量管理策略较传统功率跟随策略相比可以提高燃油经济性约1.91%,且对于不同的工况具有良好的普遍适用性;基于D2P系统构建了硬件在环仿真平台,采用真实的驾驶员输入设备和控制器进行实时仿真,进一步表明所提出的能量管理策略合理有效且算法具有良好的实时性.  相似文献   

研究了命名数据网络(NDN)的拥塞控制。为了解决突发流量问题和提高吞吐量及网络资源利用率,考虑了路由器缓冲区大小与拥塞控制机制的相互影响以及NDN内部署缓存这一重要特性,提出了一种基于缓存交互的NDN拥塞控制算法。该算法通过利用NDN中的路由器缓存,在逻辑上动态扩充缓冲区大小并控制Data包的发送速率,同时与现有的NDN拥塞控制算法相结合,动态调整Interest包发送速率阈值,以平滑突发流量,缓解网络拥塞。基于ndn SIM的仿真实验结果表明,该算法能有效提高NDN的传输效率、吞吐量和网络资源利用率。  相似文献   

并联构型装备的研究进展及若干关键技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
并联构型装备正处于商品化、产业化的关键时期。文章从结构、应用领域、驱动方式、控制等方面阐述了并联构型装备的研究进展,介绍了国际上的一些主要研究计划,分析了产业化进程中的若干关键技术及其可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive traffic control system (ATCS) is proposed using the state of the art of video processing techniques. We illustrate how the system controls standard four-way intersections using three parameters; namely, average vehicles flow speed, level of crowdedness of vehicles, and a critical state timer. These parameters are detected from traffic videos using our computer vision algorithm. The ATCS decision-making process has been designed to adapt to predefined priorities over the traffic parameters. The validation of the proposed ATCS has been tested using four synchronized test videos in order to feed the proposed ATCS with different traffic information. Experimental results show a complete adaptation for the traffic flow.  相似文献   

The cumulative score (Cuscore) statistic is devised to ‘resonate’ with deviations or signals of an expected type. When a process signal subject to feedback control occurs, it results in a fault signature in the output error. In this paper, Cuscore statistics are designed to monitor process parameters and characteristics measured by a generalized minimum variance (GMV) feedback‐control system sensitive to the fault signature of a spike, step, and bump signal. In this study, the GMV considered is a first‐order dynamic system with autoregressive moving average (ARMA) noise. We show theoretically that the performance of Cuscore charts is independent of the amount of variability transferred from the output quality characteristic to the adjustment actions in the GMV control system. Simulation is used to test the performance using the Cuscore charts. In general, the Cuscore can detect signals over a broad range of system parameter values. However, areas of low detection capability occur for certain fault signatures. In these cases, a tracking signal test is combined with the Cuscore statistics to improve detection performance. This study provides several illustrations of the underlying behavior and shows how the methodology developed can be easily applied in practice. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高速列车在实际运行过程中,当路面不平顺、车轮磨耗或者列车由明线运行到突然进入隧道均可能会引起转矩脉动,引起齿轮箱振动加剧。为研究谐波转矩波动幅值对高速列车牵引齿轮箱振动加速度的影响,建立考虑时变啮合刚度、啮合阻尼、啮合误差、齿侧间隙的齿轮传动系统与三相异步动态电机耦合的机电传动系统模型,在Simulink平台上分析牵引传动系统在谐波转矩幅值变化的工况下齿轮箱输入端振动加速度特性。结果表明,谐波转矩增大使齿轮箱振动加速度加大,且横向振动加速度增加最明显。耦合系统叠加混合型自抗扰控制器(ADRC)后,对谐波转矩引起的齿轮箱横向振动具有较好的抑制作用。  相似文献   

 建立了含驾驶室的商用车十自由度整车数学模型,对安装了驾驶室有限带宽主动悬置的商用车进行模糊控制系统设计,该控制系统全面考虑了驾驶室质心处垂直、俯仰、侧倾方向振动,并采用遗传算法对模糊控制器增益因子进行优化.以积分白噪声随机路面输入作为激励进行振动仿真,仿真结果表明采用本文设计的驾驶室有限带宽主动悬置模糊控制系统相对全浮式悬置系统有效降低了驾驶室质心垂直、俯仰和侧倾加速度,一定程度上提高了商用车行驶平顺性和乘坐舒适性.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been held that statistical process control (SPC) and engineering process control (EPC) were two distinct domains for process improvement. However, we specifically consider the impact for integrating the two approaches on a first‐order dynamic system with ARIMA disturbances. We show how to model and analyze this system over a range of practical conditions. Our work results in a set of response surfaces that characterize the performance of the integrated design. We also compare these results to the case where the SPC and EPC policies are applied separately. In general, we find that the EPC approach performs best in terms of minimizing error, but that we can reduce the number and magnitude of adjustments using the integrated monitoring and control approach. This work also further supports our earlier findings that the integrated design is effective on complex dynamic systems during the initial transient or startup period. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recursive model of accident investigation is proposed by exploiting earlier work in systems thinking. Safety analysts can understand better the underlying causes of decision or action flaws by probing into the patterns of breakdown in the organization of safety. For this deeper analysis, a cybernetic model of organizational factors and a control model of human processes have been integrated in this article (i.e., the viable system model and the extended control model). The joint VSM–ECOM framework has been applied to a case study to help safety practitioners with the analysis of patterns of breakdown with regard to how operators and organizations manage goal conflicts, monitor work progress, recognize weak signals, align goals across teams, and adapt plans on the fly. The recursive accident representation brings together several organizational issues (e.g., the dilemma of autonomy versus compliance, or the interaction between structure and strategy) and addresses how operators adapt to challenges in their environment by adjusting their modes of functioning and recovery. Finally, it facilitates the transfer of knowledge from diverse incidents and near misses within similar domains of practice.  相似文献   

随着制造业的智能化发展,机器人抛光、打磨、去毛刺和装配等连续接触式作业的需求日益增加。力控末端执行器作为机器人力-位混合控制与连续接触式作业的关键部件,其性能对于提升机器人作业质量和拓展应用范围具有重要影响。因此,对现有机器人力控末端执行器进行研究,分析其性能特点与关键技术,指明其发展方向,对于高性能力控末端执行器的研制具有重要意义。首先,介绍了力控末端执行器的发展背景,阐述了其组成与分类、工作模式和工作原理;其次,简述了力控末端执行器研发中涉及并联机构构型综合理论与优化技术、恒力补偿作动部件设计技术、质量力补偿技术、柔性碰撞技术、解耦控制技术和力波动抑制技术等;然后,分别对机械式、气动式和电驱式等单自由度与多自由度力控末端执行器的国内外研究现状进行了概述,并分析了各自的优缺点;最后,指出力控末端执行器将向高精度、高频响、电驱化、多自由度柔顺、重载化、高集成化和智能化等方向发展。分析表明,当前普遍应用的力控末端执行器多为机械式或气动式,但存在迟滞大、响应速度较慢和力控制精度不高等缺点,且仅能实现单自由度恒力控制,因此,开展高精度高频响的智能电驱式多自由度力控末端执行器的研制,对于提高机器人连续接触式作业系统的力控制精度、曲面适应性、加工装配质量和效率具有重要意义,可有效提升工厂机器人智能化作业水平。  相似文献   

A new electron beam (EB) control system was developed in a general vacuum EB machine by equipping it with an industrial control computer, programmable logic control (PLC), deflection coil, data acquisition card, power amplifier, etc. In this control system, the scanning track and energy distribution of the EB could be edited off-line, adjusted in real-time, and controlled on-line. Ti-Mo gradient material (GM) with high temperature resistance was fabricated using electron beam smelting (EBS) control. The smelting pro cesses include three steps such as preheating, smelting, and homogenizing. The results show that GM prepared by using smelting technology has fine appearance, and has good integrated interface with Ti alloy. The Mo and Ti elements are gradual diversification in the interface of the gradient material. The microstructure near the Ti alloy base metal is α+β basket-waver grain, and the microstructure near GM is single phase of β solid solution.  相似文献   

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