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吴智君  田奋扬  刘玉琪  欧安琪  罗洁 《功能材料》2020,(3):3128-3132,3163
选择天然石墨鳞片为原料,采用改进的Hummers法制备出氧化石墨(GO),再以硫脲、硫酸亚铁和氯化镍为改性剂,利用化学还原法和自组装法制备了氮、硫、铁、镍共掺杂三维石墨烯电极材料。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线能谱(EDS)等测试手段对材料进行分析表征,研究了不同因素对其析氢反应活性(HER)的影响,并通过均匀试验设计确定了制备的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:所制备的电极材料具有丰富的孔结构和完整的三维结构,石墨烯片层间距为0.3734 nm,并且无明显垛叠团聚,在酸性条件下显示出较高的HER活性,在电流密度为10 mA/cm2时,析氢过电位为-158 mV,塔菲尔(Tafel)斜率为74.33 mV/dec。  相似文献   

以钼酸铵为钼源、硫脲为硫源,使用核桃壳活性炭通过水热法成功制备二硫化钼(MoS_2)/核桃壳活性炭复合纳米材料。研究了MoS_2含量对复合纳米材料形貌、尺寸及电化学性能的影响,通过X射线粉末衍射仪、冷场发射扫描电子显微镜、比表面积及孔隙度分析仪、线性扫描伏安法对复合纳米材料的结构、形貌、电化学性能进行分析和表征。结果表明,MoS_2质量分数为80%的MoS_2/核桃壳活性炭复合纳米材料的电催化析氢反应活性最好。  相似文献   

设计一种高活性、高稳定性的非贵金属基催化剂,对电催化析氢的应用具有重要意义.以硫酸和植酸为硫磷掺杂剂,采用水热法合成了硫磷共掺杂石墨烯(SPG);随后,采用简单的醇热法制备了直接生长在SPG上的Ni基纳米材料(Ni/SPG).制备的Ni/SPG电催化剂表现出杰出的析氢性能,其阻抗极低(0.48Ω),电化学活性表面积极好...  相似文献   

电解水产氢是近来研究的热点,电极催化材料是影响析氢反应的重要因素.通过两步水热法,成功在碳布上合成了NiS2@MoS2三维异质结构复合催化剂(NiS2@MoS2/CC).在碳布上垂直排列的NiS2纳米片为MoS2提供了良好的支撑,在暴露更多边缘活性位点的同时,也为析氢反应提供了快速的物质传输通道.合理的界面设计促使Ni...  相似文献   

复合电沉积制备(Ni-Mo)-TiO2电极及其电催化析氢性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发新型廉价高效的析氢材料,用恒电流复合电沉积方法制备了(Ni-Mo)-TiO2复合电极,讨论了TiO2悬浮量和电沉积时间对电极催化析氢性能的影响.用XRD和SEM对电极的晶体结构和表面形貌进行了表征,以稳态极化曲线对电极的催化析氢特性进行了评价.结果表明,(Ni-Mo)-TiO2电极是纳米TiO2粒子相和纳米晶Ni-Mo固溶体相构成的复合电极.电极具有较高的催化析氢活性.在25℃、0.5mol.dm-3H2SO4溶液中其表观交换电流密度是Ni-Mo合金电极的2.6倍,是Ni电极的60倍.在电流密度为100mA·cm-2时,电极电势相对于Ni-Mo电极正移了120mV,相对于Ni电极正移了542mV.催化活性的提高源于反应机理的改变,表观活化吉布斯自由能相对于Ni-Mo合金电极降低了24.48kJ·mol-1.  相似文献   

刘文凯  罗洁  杨梓群  张越纯 《功能材料》2024,(3):3122-3127+3137
以硫化钠和硝酸银为原料,采用了化学浴沉积法将Ag2S沉积在高度有序TiO2纳米管(TNTs)上制备出Ag2S/TNTs析氢电极。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱分析(XPS)对电极进行表征,结果显示Ag2S颗粒均匀的沉积在TiO2纳米管表面,且没有破坏纳米管原有的形态结构。在0.5 mol/L H2SO4条件下,通过线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、塔菲尔曲线(Tafel)、双电层电容和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等电化学测试分析了不同Ag2S沉积圈数所得的复合电极的析氢性能。与TNTs相比,Ag2S/TNTs显示出更优异的析氢性能。Ag2S沉积圈数为9圈时制备出的复合电极在10 mA/cm2电流密度时,过电位达到了288.14 mV,Tafel斜率为61.8 mV/dec,双电层电容分别为54.7 mF/cm2...  相似文献   

高效析氢反应(HER)电催化剂的制备对氢能的大规模推广具有重大的意义。本文以羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)和RuCl3为原料,利用Ru离子与CMC-Na在溶液中配位制备了Ru-CMC-Na水凝胶,随后通过冷冻干燥、高温退火和酸洗制备了多孔碳负载Ru单原子和Ru纳米团簇的催化剂Ru SA+NC/C-2。催化剂RuSA+NC/C-2在酸性和碱性电解质中都具有优异的HER活性和稳定性,达到10 mA·cm-2电流密度,所需过电位分别20 mV和23 mV,经过12 h的恒电位测试其活性未见明显衰减。催化剂RuSA+NC/C-2中Ru的含量为5.52wt%,在1 mol/L KOH电解质中,过电位为0.05 V时,催化剂的质量活性是商业Pt/C的5.8倍。通过对催化剂RuSA+NC/C-2的物理表征测试发现,催化剂RuSA+NC/C-2的多孔结构和大比表面积,可以暴露更多的活性位点。Ru单原子与Ru纳米团簇结构提高了Ru原子的利用率。通过XP...  相似文献   

在Cu基体上电沉积Ni-W-P合金后,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了纳米TiO2修饰Ni-W-P合金电极.利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、阴极极化曲线测试了TiO2/Ni-W-P电极的表面形貌、结构及催化析氢性能,考察了烧结温度、TiO2膜层厚度对电极结构和性能的影响.实验结果表明:550℃下烧结1h、拉膜15次制备的TiO2/Ni-W-P电极光电催化析氢性能最佳,500W碘钨灯照射下析氢过电位减小约140mV;此时TiO2为锐态矿型和金红石型混晶结构,平均晶粒尺寸约7nm.  相似文献   

工业界普遍采用Haber-Bosch方法在高温(400~600℃)和高压(150~300 atm, 1 atm=0.101325 MPa)条件下催化氮气裂解和加氢而合成氨气(NH3),这不仅消耗大量能源,也给环境造成很大污染。为改变这种状况,探索常温常压条件下合成NH3的全新途径已成为研究热点。电催化还原N2合成NH3是尚待探索的重点方向之一。本研究利用密度泛函理论计算,探讨了过渡金属元素(如Fe, Nb, Mo, W, Ru)和非金属元素(如B, P, S)共掺杂石墨烯作为该方向催化剂的可行性。结果表明, Mo和S(Mo/S)共掺杂石墨烯在NH3合成中具有极低的电极电势(仅为0.47 V),其速率控制步骤涉及的中间产物为*NNH。NH3合成电势比析氢反应的电势(0.51 V)低,说明N2还原制备NH3具有选择性。经从头算的分子动力学计算验证,Mo/S共掺杂石墨烯体系在室温下具有良好的热力学稳定性。电子结构分析进一步揭示,过渡金属电子...  相似文献   

二维层状二硫化钼(MoS_(2))是一种非常有前景的替代贵金属铂的电水解制氢催化剂。然而,MoS_(2)电子导电性较差,且在碱性氢析出反应(HER)中对水分子吸附/裂解的活化能垒较高,限制其在碱性电水解的应用。通过一步水热法将MoS_(2)纳米片均匀生长在三维导电碳布(CC)上,以有效提高电极导电性。随后在RuCl_(3)的乙醇溶液中通过溶剂热法可控制备超小Ru纳米颗粒负载MoS_(2)纳米片,形成CC@MoS_(2)/Ru异质结构。Ru的负载能有效促进水吸附/裂解反应,从而和MoS_(2)协同催化HER。采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)等方法对MoS_(2)/Ru进行结构和形貌表征。结果表明:MoS_(2)呈纳米片状交错生长在碳布上,并且超小Ru纳米颗粒(平均粒径2.5 nm)均匀负载在MoS_(2)纳米片上。将CC@MoS_(2)/Ru作为工作电极,石墨棒和Hg/HgO电极分别为对电极和参比电极进行碱性HER测试。在电流密度为-10 mA·cm^(-2)下的过电位仅为71.3 mV,Tafel斜率为104.8 mV·dec^(-1)。通过对其进行计时电位滴定法稳定性测试,发现在恒电流密度-10 mA·cm^(-2)下能够维持至少35 h而没有明显性能衰减。  相似文献   

Designing efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has attracted substantial attention owing to the urgent demand for clean energy to face the energy crisis and subsequent environmental issues in the near future.Among the large variety of HER catalysts,molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been regarded as the most famous catalyst owing to its abundance,low price,high efficiency,and definite catalytic mechanism.In this study,defect-engineered MoS2 nanowall (NW) catalysts with controllable thickness were fabricated and exhibited a significantly enhanced HER performance.Benefiting from the highly exposed active edge sites and the rough surface accompanied by the robust NW structure,the defect-rich MoS2 NW catalyst with an optimized thickness showed an ultralow onset overpotential of 85 mV,a high current density of 310.6 mA·cm-2 at η =300 mV,and a low potential of 95 mV to drive a 10 mA.cm-2 cathodic current.Additionally,excellent electrochemical stability was realized,making this freestanding NW catalyst a promising candidate for practical water splitting and hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolution by electrocatalysis is an attractive method of supplying clean energy.However,it is challenging to find cheap and efficient alternatives to rare and expensive platinum based catalysts.Pt provides the best hydrogen evolution performance,because it optimally balances the free energies of adsorption and desorption.Appropriate control of these quantities is essential for producing an efficient electrocatalyst.We demonstrate,based on first principles calculations,a stepwise designed Rh-Au-Si ternary catalyst,in which adsorption (the Volmer reaction) and desorption (the Heyrovsky reaction) take place on Rh and Si surfaces,respectively.The intermediate Au surface plays a vital role by promoting hydrogen diffusion from the Rh to the Si surface.Theoretical predictions have been explored extensively and verified by experimental observations.The optimized catalyst (Rh-Au-SiNW-2) has a composition of 2.2∶28.5∶69.3 (Rh∶Au∶Si mass ratio) and exhibits a Tafel slope of 24.0 mV·dec-1.Its electrocatalytic activity surpasses that of a commercial 40 wt.% Pt/C catalyst at overpotentials above 0.19 V by exhibiting a current density of greater than 108 mA·cm-2.At 0.3 V overpotential,the turnover frequency of Rh-Au-SiNW-2 is 10.8 times greater than that of 40 wt.% Pt/C.These properties may open new directions in the stepwise design of highly efficient catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER).  相似文献   

A facile method was developed to fabricate nitrogen-doped graphene microtubes (N-GMT) with ultra-thin walls of 1–4 nm and large inner voids of 1–2 μm. The successful introduction of nitrogen dopants afforded N-GMT more active sites for significantly enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity, achieving a current density of 10 mA·cm–2 at overpotentials of 0.464 and 0.426 V vs. RHE in 0.1 and 6 M KOH solution, respectively. This HER performance surpassed that of the best metal-free catalyst reported in basic solution, further illustrating the great potential of N-GMT as an efficient HER catalyst for real applications in water splitting and chlor-alkali processes.

Developing efficient earth‐abundant MoS2 based hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) electrocatalysts is important but challenging due to the sluggish kinetics in alkaline media. Herein, a strategy to fabricate a high‐performance MoS2 based HER electrocatalyst by modulating interface electronic structure via metal oxides is developed. All the heterostructure catalysts present significant improvement of HER electrocatalytic activities, demonstrating a positive role of metal oxides decoration in promoting the rate‐limited water dissociation step for the HER mechanism in alkaline media. The as‐obtained MoS2/Ni2O3H catalyst exhibits a low overpotential of 84 mV at 10 mA cm?2 and small charge‐transfer resistance of 1.5 Ω in 1 m KOH solution. The current density (217 mA cm?2) at the overpotential of 200 mV is about 2 and 24 times higher than that of commercial Pt/C and bare MoS2, respectively. Additionally, these MoS2/metal oxides heterostructure catalysts show outstanding long‐term stability under a harsh chronopotentiometry test. Theoretical calculations reveal the varied sensitivity of 3d‐band in different transition oxides, in which Ni‐3d of Ni2O3H is evidently activated to achieve fast electron transfer for HER as the electron‐depletion center. Both electronic properties and energetic reaction trends confirm the high electroactivity of MoS2/Ni2O3H in the adsorption and dissociation of H2O for highly efficient HER in alkaline media.  相似文献   

2D metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have been widely investigated for electrocatalysis because of their unique characteristics such as large specific surface area, tunable structures, and enhanced conductivity. However, most of the works are focused on oxygen evolution reaction. There are very limited numbers of reports on MOFs for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and generally these reported MOFs suffer from unsatisfactory HER activities. In this contribution, novel 2D Co‐BDC/MoS2 (BDC stands for 1,4‐benzenedicarboxylate, C8H4O4) hybrid nanosheets are synthesized via a facile sonication‐assisted solution strategy. The introduction of Co‐BDC induces a partial phase transfer from semiconducting 2H‐MoS2 to metallic 1T‐MoS2. Compared with 2H‐MoS2, 1T‐MoS2 can activate the inert basal plane to provide more catalytic active sites, which contributes significantly to improving HER activity. The well‐designed Co‐BDC/MoS2 interface is vital for alkaline HER, as Co‐BDC makes it possible to speed up the sluggish water dissociation (rate‐limiting step for alkaline HER), and modified MoS2 is favorable for the subsequent hydrogen generation step. As expected, the resultant 2D Co‐BDC/MoS2 hybrid nanosheets demonstrate remarkable catalytic activity and good stability toward alkaline HER, outperforming those of bare Co‐BDC, MoS2, and almost all the previously reported MOF‐based electrocatalysts.  相似文献   

Using the MoS2‐WTe2 heterostructure as a model system combined with electrochemical microreactors and density function theory calculations, it is shown that heterostructured contacts enhance the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity of monolayer MoS2. Two possible mechanisms are suggested to explain this enhancement: efficient charge injection through large‐area heterojunctions between MoS2 and WTe2 and effective screening of mirror charges due to the semimetallic nature of WTe2. The dielectric screening effect is proven minor, probed by measuring the HER activity of monolayer MoS2 on various support substrates with dielectric constants ranging from 4 to 300. Thus, the enhanced HER is attributed to the increased charge injection into MoS2 through large‐area heterojunctions. Based on this understanding, a MoS2/WTe2 hybrid catalyst is fabricated with an HER overpotential of ?140 mV at 10 mA cm?2, a Tafel slope of 40 mV dec?1, and long stability. These results demonstrate the importance of interfacial design in transition metal dichalcogenide HER catalysts. The microreactor platform presents an unambiguous approach to probe interfacial effects in various electrocatalytic reactions.  相似文献   

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