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In this retrospective study, 47 patients with clinical diagnosis of central nervous system metastases of breast cancer were evaluated by computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination. The patients were divided in 2 groups: 1, without leptomeningeal neoplasm and 2, with leptomeningeal neoplasm. In the group 2, the time interval between the primary disease and the central nervous system metastasis as well as the survival time were shorter than in group 1 (40 and 4.3 months in group 2 versus 57 and 10 months respectively, in group 1). In both groups the most common neurological symptoms and signs were intracranial hypertension and motor deficits. The most sensitive diagnostic methods were CT and MRI in group 1, and the CSF examination in group 2. The use of the tumor markers CEA and CA-15.3 in the routine examination of CSF showed promising results, mainly in leptomeningeal forms.  相似文献   

We examined chemotaxis of human plasma cells (PCs) in response to extracellular matrix proteins (ECMs) in the human PC cell lines FR4ds and OPM-1ds. The FR4ds cells expressed beta 1+, beta 3-, alpha 2-, alpha 3-, alpha 4+, alpha 5+, alpha 6+, and alpha v+ integrins, whereas the OPM-1ds cells expressed beta 1+, beta 3-, alpha 2-, alpha 3+, alpha 4+, alpha 5-, alpha 6+, and alpha v+. Fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LN) promoted the chemotaxis of the PCs. An inhibitory assay with anti-integrin monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) showed that anti-alpha 4 MoAb partially inhibited the chemotaxis of FR4ds and completely inhibited the chemotaxis of OPM-1ds. Anti-alpha 5 MoAb alone had no effect on either of these two lines. Nevertheless, anti-alpha 5 MoAb completely inhibited chemotaxis when it was added with anti-alpha 4 in FR4ds, demonstrating a novel complementary role of VLA-5 toward VLA-4 in the chemotaxis induced by FN. LN facilitated chemotaxis both in OPM-1ds expressing alpha 3 and alpha 6 integrins and in FR4ds expressing alpha 6 integrin alone. Anti-alpha 6 MoAb completely inhibited FR4ds chemotaxis, whereas anti-alpha 3 and -alpha 6 MoAb had synergistic inhibitory effects on the chemotaxis of OPM-1ds. These results indicated that the distribution of PCs in human tissue are determined by at least two factors: the concentration of the ECM proteins FN and LN and the expression of integrins.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma has long been recognized to show spontaneous regression during fetal development and in the majority of stage 4s infants < 1 year of age with disseminated disease. Stage 4s disease regresses with no chemotherapy in 50% of the patients. The mechanism by which this occurs is not understood but may be programmed cell death or apoptosis. Betulinic acid (BA) has been reported to induce apoptosis in human melanoma with in vitro and in vivo model systems. Melanoma, like neuroblastoma, is derived from the neural crest cell. We hypothesised that neuroblastoma cells have the machinery for programmed cell death and that apoptosis could be induced by betulinic acid. Nine human neuroblastoma cell lines were treated in vitro with BA at concentrations of 0-20 micrograms/ml for 0-6 days. Profound morphological changes were noted within 3 days. Cells withdrew their axonic-like extensions, became non-adherent and condensed into irregular dense spheroids typical of apoptotic cell death (ED50 = 14-17 micrograms/ml). DNA fragmentation analysis showed ladder formation in the 100-1200 bp region in 3/3 neuroblastoma cell lines treated with BA for 24-72 h. Thus, apparently BA does induce AP in neuroblastoma in vitro. This model will be utilised to investigate the role of apoptosis-related genes in neuroblastoma proliferation and to determine the therapeutic efficacy of BA in neuroblastoma in vivo.  相似文献   

3H labelled thymidine, uridine and leucine were used to evaluate the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins in malignant cells and normal cells incubated with Ukrain in different concentrations. Compared with the controls, the inhibiting effects of Ukrain are demonstrated in guinea pig hepatocytes, CIL hepatocytes, human tonsil cells, two murine lymphomas, murine myeloma, Yoshida cells, two HeLa strains, EsB- and EB- (murine) lymphomas. YAC-1, P815 and human WiDr cells. Ukrain inhibits the DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in malignant cell lines at relatively high concentrations and to a small extent in normal cells.  相似文献   

The effect of certain amino acids and amino acid derivatives on cell proliferation have been studied in the author's Institute for more than 25 years. The optically active forms of arginine, lysine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid influence the growth of transplantable rat tumors. L-arginine, D-lysine, L-aspartic acid and D-glutamic acid promoted; D-aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, D-arginine and L-lysine inhibited tumour growth. E-amino trimethyl-lysine (TML) stimulated cell proliferation in various cell systems (bone marrow, small intestine, cultured lymphocytes). When administered simultaneously with high doses of Cyclophosphamide, Vincristin or Doxorubicin to tumour-bearing mice, TML decreased the toxicity of the antitumour drugs, resulting in a higher rate of survivors. L-leucine methyl ester caused cell death of mouse peritoneal macrophages by inducing disruption of macrophages.  相似文献   

The specificity of neuroendocrine prohormone convertases for tetrabasic amino acid sites was investigated. Mutations were introduced into the tetrabasic cleavage site of the procalcitonin gene-related peptide (proCGRP) cDNA and these mutated cDNA's were expressed in AtT-20 cells which predominantly express the endoprotease prohormone convertase-1 (PC1/3), and in GH3 cells which predominantly express prohormone convertase-2 (PC2). Mutations were introduced into the proCGRP cDNA which converted the wild-type ArgArgArgArg site to LysLysArgArg and ArgArgLysLys, and the proCGRP variants were stably transfected into AtT-20 and GH3 cells. ProCGRP containing each of the LysLysArgArg permutations were efficiently cleaved in both AtT-20 and GH3 cells. Cleavage of LysLysArgArg in exogenous proCGRP, but not in endogenous POMC, suggests that the specificity of cleavage at tetrabasic sites is not defined solely by the endoproteases expressed by the cell or by the amino acid sequence at the cleavage site, but is also dependent on the structure of the propeptide.  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis has been implicated as an anticarcinogenic mechanism of both folic acid and retinoic acid. The ability of retinoic acid or folic acid to induce gastric cancer cell apoptosis was investigated in the human gastric cancer cell lines MKN-45 and MKN-28, and DNA fragmentation was studied in situ by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling and DNA agarose gel electrophoresis. The rates of apoptosis in both the poorly differentiated MKN-45 and the well differentiated MKN-28 cell line were less than 5% after treatment with either retinoic or folic acid. Apoptosis may be induced by the administration of retinoic acid or folic acid, and the apoptosis indices of MKN-45 and MKN-28 cells were related to the doses of these drugs. The induction of gastric cancer cell apoptosis may play a role in the anticarcinogenic effect of retinoic acid and folic acid, both of which are potential agents for the treatment of human gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Arginine transport is important for a number of biological processes in vertebrates, and its transport may be rate-limiting for the production of nitric oxide. The majority of L-Arg transport is mediated by System y+, although several other carriers have been kinetically defined. System y+ cationic amino acid transport is mediated by proteins encoded by a family of genes, Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3. High affinity L-arginine transport was investigated in embryonic fibroblast cells derived from Cat1 knockout mice that lack functional Cat1. Both wild type and knockout cells transport arginine with comparable Km and Vmax. However, the apparent affinity for lysine transport was 2.4 times lower in Cat1(-/-) cells when compared with wild type cells, a property characteristic of Cat3-mediated transport. Northern analysis-documented Cat2 mRNA increased 2-fold, whereas Cat3 mRNA levels increased 11-fold in Cat1(-/-) relative to Cat1(+/+) cells. The low affinity Cat2a mRNA was not detectably expressed in these cells. Even though Cat3 expression is normally limited to adult brain, there was a large increase in the amount of Cat3 protein present at the plasma membrane of Cat1(-/-) embryonic fibroblast cells. These results suggest that Cat3 compensates for the loss of functional Cat1 in cells derived from Cat1 knockout mice and mediates the majority of high affinity arginine transport.  相似文献   

Androgen plays a critical role in regulating the growth and differentiation of normal prostate epithelia, as well as the initial growth of prostate cancer cells. Nevertheless, prostate carcinomas eventually become androgen-unresponsive, and the cancer is refractory to hormonal therapy. To gain insight into the mechanism involved in this hormone-refractory phenomenon, we have examined the potential role of the androgen receptor (AR) in that process. We have investigated the expression of AR and two prostate-specific androgen-responsive antigens, prostatic acid phosphatase (PAcP) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA), for the functional activity of AR in LNCaP and PC-3 human prostate carcinoma cells. Our results are as follows. (i) Clone 33 LNCaP cells express AR, PAcP, and PSA, and cell growth is stimulated by 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Stimulation of cell growth correlates with decreased cellular PAcP activity. (ii) In clone 81 LNCaP cells, the expression of PAcP decreases with a concurrent decrease in the degree of androgen stimulation of cell growth, whereas the expression of PSA mRNA level is up-regulated by DHT, as in clone 33 cells. Conversely, in PAcP cDNA-transfected clone 81 cells, an additional expression of cellular PAcP correlates with an increased stimulation by androgen, higher than the corresponding control cells. (iii) PC-3 cells express a low level of functional AR with no detectable PAcP or PSA, and the growth of PC-3 cells is not affected by DHT treatment. Nevertheless, in two PAcP cDNA-transfected PC-3 sublines, the expression of exogenous cellular PAcP correlates with androgen stimulation. This androgen stimulation of cell growth concurs with an increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a phosphoprotein of 185 kDa. In summary, the data indicate that the expression of AR alone is not sufficient for androgen stimulation of cell growth. Furthermore, in AR-expressing prostate cancer cells, the expression of cellular PAcP correlates with androgen stimulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide, an immunosuppressive agent, was administered as an additional mode of therapy to 30 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) refractory to conventional management. Of 22 previously tested by splenectomy an excellent response was achieved in 12, who remained in complete hematologic remission for 14-96 months after therapy was discontinued; a fair response in 3, with definite increase in platelets, but not to normal levels; and a poor response in 7 who failed to improve. Of 8 nonsplenectomized patients who failed to respond to steroids or maintain a response after steroids were discontinued, 4 were considered excellent, 1 required continued therapy to remain in remission (good response), 2 were fair, and 1 was poor. Remission was observed in 2-10 weeks in both groups and appeared to be related to duration of disease; presence of disease for less than 1 year was associated with a much better response to treatment (11 of 15) when compared with disorders lasting over 2 years (6 of 15). Cyclophosphamide therapy offers additional means of treating patients with ITP who fail to respond to conventional therapy and may serve as an alternative to splenectomy when surgery is contraindicated.  相似文献   

We have investigated the potential role of gastrin in the regulation of cell growth in human astrocytic tumors. To this end we have used synthetic analogs of gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) which behave as gastrin and/or CCK antagonists, e.g. compounds JMV-97, JMV-209 and JMV-179. Their effects on astrocytic tumor cell proliferation was investigated by the use of the colorimetric MTT assay. The in vitro biological models used in the present study included the SW1088, U87 and U373 astrocytic tumor cell lines. The results demonstrated marked influence of gastrin and CCK antagonists in the regulation of astrocytic tumor growth. This suggests that gastrin and/or CCK antagonists might be tested in experimental glioblastoma.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine, thymidine, and folinic acid protection from methotrexate cytotoxicity were compared in human lymphoid cell lines variably sensitive to thymidine-induced growth suppression. Hypoxanthine protection differed among the cell lines, and the dose-response relationship for protection occurred within the physiologic bone marrow hypoxanthine concentration range. The slopes of the thymidine protection curves were virtually superimposable in a B cell line versus a T cell line, but threefold to fourfold higher thymidine concentrations were required to maximally protect the B versus the T cell line. Thymidine (plus hypoxanthine) protection was superior to that of folinic acid in both the B and the T cell lines when protection was delayed. As the interval between methotrexate and folinic acid exposure was progressively delayed, there was a linear decline in the degree of maximum protection in both cell lines. However, as thymidine exposure was progressively delayed, maximal protection was maintained, except at 12 hours in the B cell line. The influence of methotrexate on thymidine-induced growth suppression was studied. Methotrexate enhanced thymidine-induced growth suppression in sensitive cells as manifested by a significant shift of the dose-response curve. Deoxycytidine protection from thymidine toxicity was superior in the presence of methotrexate. The results of these studies indicate that thymidine protection and folinic acid protection against methotrexate toxicity produce different effects, which in part are dependent on the cell type. The complexity of these interactions points out the need for further studies.  相似文献   

Cysteine (CYS) is a non-essential amino acid which elicits excitotoxic properties via the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the glutamate receptor. CYS levels are known to be elevated in association with neurological disease such as Alzheimers Disease (AD) and Parkinsons Disease (PD). We have previously reported studies investigating the toxicity of CYS and its major metabolite cysteinesulfinic acid (CSA) to human neuronal cell lines in vitro and in continuation of this we now report the toxicity of other compounds (Homocysteic Acid, HCA; Homocysteine, HCYS; and Cysteic Acid, CA) in the CYS metabolic pathway. Three cell lines, all of human origin and derived from separate discrete areas of the brain were used in the neurotoxicity assays. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release was assayed as a measure of cell death. The cell lines investigated showed varying degrees of toxic responses which were the reverse of those seen when they were exposed to CYS or CSA. The SK.N.SH (Neuroblastoma) cell line, which exhibits a high toxic response to CYS and CSA, gave a low toxic response to HCA and CA while the TE 671 (Medulloblastoma) cell line, which exhibits a low toxic response to CYS and CSA, showed a high toxic response to HCYS, HCA and CA. However, the U-87 MG (Glioblastoma) cell line, which has a median toxic response to CYS and CSA, also has median response to HCYS, HCA and CA. These results show that toxic responses are cell-type specific for CYS and its metabolites and this may be reflected in the patterns of neurodegeneration observed in such diseases as AD and PD. HCYS is selectively toxic to medulloblastoma cells; this may explain why high HCYS levels result in neural tube defects in prenatal humans, where the same cell-type is involved.  相似文献   

We report the construction of 34 cDNA libraries from human tissues and cell lines in lambda phage vectors (Charon BS, lambda gt11, lambda SHK, or lambda zapII). The cDNA was synthesized from poly A+ RNA, using oligo-dT as a primer, and size-selected before ligation to vector arms. High-complexity cDNA libraries from human tissues and cell lines should be a valuable resource for genome mapping studies and identification of disease genes.  相似文献   

Five continuous cell lines have been established from 29 ocular melanomas and maintained for periods ranging from 3 to 9 years in medium identical to that in which 3 concomitantly studied lines of cutaneous melanoma cells were cultured as controls. The long-term problems to be overcome in establishing uveal cell lines are related to cell-doubling times which ranged from 72 to 432 hr, and plating efficiency, which ranged from 0.5%-6.5%. Tumors and cell lines were found to contain melanosomes. The morphology of uveal cells during the early subcultures exhibited multiple changes. Two different established cell lines were obtained from one ciliary-body tumor. Biochemical studies revealed markers of melanogenesis and neuroendocrine compounds. Cytogenetic studies revealed chromosomal abnormalities that differed between uveal and conjunctival melanomas.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicities of 6,7-modified-5,8-quinoxalinedione derivatives and heterocyclic quinoxaline derivatives containing nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen on human lung adenocarcinoma cell (PC 14), human gastric adenocarcinoma cell (MKN 45), and human colon adenocarcinoma cell (colon 205) were examined in vitro using MTT assay. Pyrido[1,2-a]imidazo[4,5-g]quinoxaline-6,11-dione (10) was markedly cytotoxic against MKN 45 compared with adriamycin and cis-platin used as anticancer drugs. The IC50 value of compound 10 was 0.073 microM while those of adriamycin and cis-platin were 0.12 microM and 2.67 microM, respectively.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects exerted by sodium butyrate (NaBu) on the growth and cell cycle perturbations of four human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, T47D, MDA-MB231 and BT20) with different steroid receptor profiles. Moreover, since one of the supposed mechanisms of action for NaBu activity involves the induction of apoptosis, we have studied the effects of NaBu on DNA fragmentation by agarose gel electrophoresis and flow cytometry. In all investigated cell lines, NaBu exerted a time- and dose-dependent inhibition of growth and caused a maximum inhibitory effect (85% to 90%) at the concentration of 2.5 mM. The inhibition was already evident after 3 days of treatment. The antiproliferative effect of NaBu was associated with a persistent block of cells in the G2M phase. The block was associated with apoptosis only in oestrogen-receptor positive cell lines. The inhibiting effect of NaBu in hormone-dependent and independent cell lines and its ability to induce apoptosis through a cell cycle perturbation in hormone-dependent cell lines may have important implications in the treatment of human tumours including breast cancer.  相似文献   

Sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) is used in urea cycle disorders. We screened 6 neuroblastoma cell lines for in vitro potency of NaPB as an antiproliferative agent, evaluated multiple dosing schedules, and assessed its activity in combination with clinically active agents for neuroblastoma. We determined that NaPB achieves a 30-80% growth inhibition at 5 mM. Repeated dosing and prolonged drug exposure enhanced the cytotoxic effect. NaPB had additive cytotoxic effects when administered with vincristine; however, NaPB did not affect the activity of etoposide, adriamycin, 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide or cisplatinum. These results suggest that NaPB is an active agent against neuroblastoma and could be combined with vincristine in novel chemotherapy regimens.  相似文献   

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