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为了评价不同固化本构模型,建立了预测复合材料构件残余应力/应变和固化变形的三维数值模型。该模型由热化学分析模块和热力分析模块构成,考虑了热化学耦合、材料性能的各向异性、化学收缩及黏弹性等因素。基于线弹性、黏弹性和Path-dependent三种典型的本构模型,预测了构件的残余应力/应变及固化变形。通过与试验结果对比,验证了所建数值模型的有效性,并重点研究了不同本构模型的适用性。结果表明,黏弹性本构模型最佳,对构件的残余应力/应变及固化变形的预测结果均较好; Path-dependent本构模型次之,对构件的残余应变和固化变形的预测结果较好,但对构件的残余应力的预测结果稍差;线弹性本构模型最差,除了对构件的残余应变和较薄构件的固化变形的预测结果较好外,其他预测结果都较差。  相似文献   

针对热固性树脂基复合材料热压罐成型工艺过程,采用广义Maxwell(麦克斯韦)黏弹性本构模型建立了残余应力和固化变形的三维模型。模型考虑了复合材料固化过程中的热-化学效应、材料的热胀冷缩效应、基体树脂黏弹性效应以及材料的各向异性。通过与文献中实验结果的比较,证明了所建立的模型具有较高的可靠性。对复合材料C型制件的固化过程进行了数值模拟和实验对比,比对结果表明该数值模型具有较高的准确性。  相似文献   

复合材料层合板的固化残余应力和变形分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用非线性有限元方法研究了复合材料层合板在固化后期降温过程的残余应力和变形问题。考虑了材料的热物理与力学性质随温度的变化以及变化率和应力间耦合的影响。给出了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

采用有限元分析软件ABAQUS,对具有金属内衬的纤维缠绕复合材料圆筒在固化过程中残余应力及应变的变化规律进行了模拟计算。采用FORTRAN语言编制了用以分析固化过程中残余应力的子程序,该子程序考虑了固化过程中复合材料力学性质的变化和由于树脂固化收缩产生的化学收缩应变。算例结果表明:复合材料和金属内衬的残余应力在初始阶段均接近于零,当固化到一定阶段,残余应力迅速增加并且很快达到最大值,在降温阶段释放了部分的残余应力;在整个固化过程中,金属内衬受到压应力,而纤维缠绕层受到拉应力。本文中的三维有限元模型可以得到任意时刻复合材料的温度及固化度分布,通过数值模拟可以有效地优化复合材料固化工艺参数,提高制件的质量。  相似文献   

粘弹性基体复合材料层合板因铺层取向差异而产生的固化残余应力会随层合板在室温下放置时间的推移而变化, 这一过程可通过非对称层合板的曲率变化得到反映。本研究通过非对称板的曲率变化实验来观察板内残余应力的变化过程, 并根据细观复合材料力学理论和适宜的变形分析方法建立一种与残余应力最终稳定分布相对应的铺层修正折减模量矩阵, 用于进行层合板固化残余应力和曲率变化的渐近值预测, 并依此确定固化后残余应力的变化范围。  相似文献   

复合材料的固化有着复杂的内部过程,传统的工艺条件难以保障产品的质量。影响复合材料成型质量的主要因素为树脂基体内的气泡的增长和各铺层之间的残余应力,本文作者分析气泡和残余应力形成的机理,建立过程模型,并编制计算机程序模拟计算气泡的增长和残余应力的形成,为复合材料成型工艺的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

根据压铸法制备了SiCW/Al复合材料的应力分析提出了零残余应力温度IC的概念。通过弹塑性理论推导了TC的表达式,与试验结果相比较,得到了较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

彭晓峰  张玉峰 《材料导报》2000,(Z10):253-255
利用Eshelby模型计算了碳化硅晶须补强氧化铝复合材料中的晶须含量对残余应力的影响,与X-ray衍射测量的数据进行比较,两者结果非常接近。随着晶须含量的增加,基体Al2O3中残余张应力增加,而碳化硅晶须中的残余压应力降低。  相似文献   

金属基复合材料残余应力测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了金属基复合中热残余应力的形成机理及表现特点,并对几种常用的测定金属基复合材料残余应力的方法进行了分析比较,普通X射线法虽然简便、经济、但穿透能力有限,所测值仅反映试样表面的残余应力状态;中子衍射的区域较大,测出的仅是残余应力平均值。X射线能量衍射法虽然穿透能力较强,能测出试样内部较深范围的残余应力,但由于产生衍射法穿透力强,分辩率高,能测出复合材料内部的残余应力场梯度,是测定金属基复合材料残  相似文献   

The means by which residual stresses are generated in continuous carbon-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites are reviewed, with specific attention to the macroscopic stresses which form on a ply-to-ply level. Different means for their estimation are assessed, and approximate stress levels are defined for a variety of materials. The capacity for stress relaxation to occur during processing is examined, and it is shown that little useful stress-relieving ability can be promoted in such systems.  相似文献   

根据热传导和固化动力学理论, 采用三维有限元方法, 对正交各向异性复合材料层合板固化过程的温度和固化度历程及其变化规律进行数值模拟研究。在有限元分析中节点自由度为温度和固化度, 考虑了两者之间的耦合作用。计算结果表明: 厚度越大, 温度峰值越高, 中心点开始固化越晚; 不同纤维体积含量层合板在固化初期是同步的; 中心点温度超过保温平台(85 ℃) 后, 随着环境温度继续升高, 纤维体积含量越低, 中心点温度峰值越大, 出现时间越早。   相似文献   

建立了考虑纤维随机分布并包含界面的复合材料微观力学数值模型,模拟玻璃纤维/环氧复合材料固化过程中的热残余应力。通过与纤维周期性分布模型的计算结果进行对比,发现纤维分布形式会对复合材料的热残余应力产生重要影响,纤维随机分布情况下的最大热残余应力明显大于纤维周期性分布的情况下。研究了含热残余应力的复合材料在横向拉伸与压缩载荷下的损伤和破坏过程,结果表明:热残余应力的存在显著影响了复合材料的损伤起始位置和扩展路径,削弱了复合材料的横向拉伸和压缩强度。在横向拉伸载荷下,考虑热残余应力后,复合材料的强度有所下降,断裂应变显著降低;在横向压缩载荷下,考虑热残余应力后,复合材料的强度略有下降,但失效应变基本保持不变。由于热残余应力的影响,复合材料的横向拉伸和压缩强度分别下降了10.5%和5.2%。   相似文献   

When a metal matrix composite (MMC) is cooled down from the fabrication or annealing temperature to room temperature, residual stresses are induced in the composite due to the mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients of the matrix and reinforcement. A thermomechanical model describing these processes is presented considering that the reinforcement component has a thermo‐elastic behaviour and that the matrix material exhibits a thermo‐elastoviscoplastic behaviour. The model is implemented with a semi‐implicit forward gradient finite element method algorithm and the resulting code is used to perform numerical simulations and calculate thermally induced residual stress fields in MMCs. Several tests are performed on a continuously reinforced MMC and a short cylindrical particle MMC in order to optimize the algorithm and define its governing parameters. Good agreement was obtained with results from other authors. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented that predicts the thermal stresses which arise from mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion between a fibre and the surrounding matrix in a continuous fibre composite. The model consists of two coaxial isotropic cylinders. Stress transfer between the fibre and the matrix near an unstressed free surface has been modelled by means of a shear-lag analysis. Away from the free surface the theoretical approach satisfies exactly the conditions for equilibrium and continuity of stress at the fibre-matrix interface. Application of the model to a composite consisting of a glass-ceramic calcium alumino-silicate (CAS) matrix containing unidirectional Nicalon fibres points to a strong dependence of stress on fibre volume fraction. Surface effects are significant for depths of the order of one fibre diameter. Near-surface shear stresses resulting from cooling from the stress-free temperature are sufficiently high to suggest that a portion of fibre close to the surface is debonded at room temperature. Experimental results acquired with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a heating stage are consistent with this prediction. Consequently, the model has been modified in a simple way to incorporate frictional slip at the interface, according to the Coulomb friction law. Although detailed measurements are limited by the resolution of the technique, experimental evidence suggests that the transfer length is within an order of magnitude of the model prediction.  相似文献   

The influence of manufacturing process thermal residual stresses and hydrostatic stresses on yielding behavior of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites has been investigated when subsequently subjected to various mechanical loadings. Three-dimensional finite element micro-mechanical models have been used. The results of this study reveal that the size of the initial yield surface is highly affected by the thermal residual and hydrostatic stresses. It was also found that effects of a uniform temperature change on the initial yield surface in the composite stress space is not equivalent to a solid translation of the surface in the direction of the hydrostatic stress axis. At the micro-level, magnitudes of various stress components within the matrix due to the thermal residual and hydrostatic stresses are different. However, at a macro-level, both temperature change and hydrostatic loading of composites show similar effects on the initial yield surface in the composite stress space. In an agreement with experimental data, results also show that residual stresses are responsible for asymmetric behavior of composites in uniaxial tension/compression in the fiber direction. This asymmetric behavior suggests that the existing quadratic yield criteria need modification to include thermal residual stress effects.  相似文献   

针对热固性树脂基复合材料固化过程中各种复杂的物理化学变化之间的相互影响,建立了基于材料性能时变特性的复合材料固化过程的二维多场耦合计算模型。该模型由已知的3个经典复合材料固化过程子模型构成,包括热-化学模型、树脂黏度模型和树脂流动模型。在此基础上,将固化过程中材料性能的时变特性引入多场耦合计算模型中。通过与文献中实验结果的比较,证明了所建立的模型具有较高的可靠性。对AS4/3501-6复合材料层合平板的固化过程进行了数值模拟,重点研究了固化过程中纤维体积分数变化及材料参数的时变特性对固化过程中温度、固化度和树脂压力等参量的影响。分析结果表明:考虑纤维体积分数变化和材料性能的时变特性后,固化过程中复合材料层合板中心温度峰值明显减小,树脂压力随时间的变化将有所滞后。  相似文献   

The nozzle parts of solid rocket motors must endure both the internal pressure generated by high temperature exhaust gas and the mechanical load generated by steering operation. Therefore, the nozzle parts of solid rocket motors are fabricated with thick carbon fiber phenolic resin composites. When the thick-walled phenolic composite cylinder is cooled down from the curing temperature of about 155 °C to the room temperature, thermal residual stresses are created due to the anisotropic thermal deformation of the composite structure.

In this paper, a smart cure method with cooling and reheating was developed to reduce residual stresses in thick-wound composite cylinders made of carbon phenolic woven composite. The optimal cure cycle was obtained to reduce the residual stresses without increasing processing time and applied to fabrication of the thick-walled composite cylinder. From the residual stresses measured by the radial-cut-cylinder-bending method, it was found that the residual stresses were reduced 30% by using the smart cure method.  相似文献   

提出了一个细观力学模型 , 用于预测非线性黏弹聚合物基复合材料的有效性质。该方法利用广义割线模量方法对单积分型热力学本构进行线性化 , 并运用 Laplace变换技术将黏性问题转化为弹性问题。利用热力学本构拟合高密度聚乙烯的实验数据 , 得到基体的材料参数。 利用该模型计算了玻璃微珠填充高密度聚乙烯复合材料(GB/HDPE)在恒应变率下的应力应变关系 , 计算结果与文献实验结果吻合较好。数值计算结果表明 GB/HDPE复合材料表现出明显的非线性力学行为。 该细观力学模型可以很好地预测复合材料非线性黏弹性性质。   相似文献   

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