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Two sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, -copaene and -ylangene, were isolated from bioactive fractions of angelica seed oil and were shown by field bioassays to be attractive to the male Mediterranean fruit fly. Their relative attractiveness, compared with the(+)-and (–)--copaene enantiomers, are: (+)--copaene>angelica -copaene>angelica -ylangene>(–)--copaene. The enantiomer ratios for the two compounds are: -copaene, 61.4% (+), 38.6% (–); -ylangene, 91.9% (+), 8.1% (–).trans--Bergamotene was also isolated from the same fractions, but in sufficient quantity for bioassay [enantiomer ratio: 95.7% (+), 4.3% (–)].  相似文献   

Behavioral and chemical evidence is presented for the identity of the male wing pheromone ofEphestia elutella (Hübner) and the role of this pheromone in courtship success is evaluated. Males with the forewing removed experienced a mating success rate less than half of that of either intact males or males that had only the wing gland area remaining of their forewings. GC-MS analysis and microchemical reactions indicated the presence of (E)-phytol and a series of saturated -lactones in a methylene chloride extract of the wings. Using an assay of female courtship behavioral response, (E)-phytol was found to evoke an intermediate level of response in females when presented alone, while the complete array of insect-derived -lactones produced no significant response. The combination of either -decalactone or -undecalactone with (E)-phytol in a 12 ratio, however, elicited a female response equivalent to that produced by the unfractionated wing extract.  相似文献   

In laboratory bioassays, the parasitoidCampoletis sonorensis was attracted to the following sesquiterpenes isolated from cotton essential oil: -humulene, -bisabolene, -caryophyllene oxide, spathulenol, -bisabolol, and a new, naturally occurring bisabolene-related alcohol, (2-p-tolyl-6-methylhept-5-en-2-ol) which we name gossonorol. This is the first report of spathulenol in cotton. -Caryophyllene, a major component of cotton, was not attractive to the parasitoids. The response of the parasitoids to these compounds and the possibility of augmenting parasitoid activity in the field by manipulating plant secondary metabolites is discussed.Synomone: A chemical produced or acquired by an organism that benefits both the emitting and receiving organisms (Nordlund and Lewis, 1976).  相似文献   

Chemical defense in larvae of the plant bugHotea gambiae has been investigated. Results of analyses (GC, GC-MS) on the secretions from the three dorsally situated larval abdominal defense (scent) glands are reported. The secretion from the first abdominal gland consists of a mixture of C10 and C15 isoprenoids: (C10) -pinene, -pinene, limonene, -phellandrene; (C15) -caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, -humulene, and (the major component) humulene epoxide II. The secretions from the second and third abdominal glands are similar mixtures consisting of (E)-2-decenal, (E)-4-oxohex-2-enal, andn-tridecane together with lesser amounts of (E)-2-hexenal,n-dodecane, and other materials. Isoprenoid defense is now known from four species of plant bugs (Heteroptera) associated with Malvaceae.  相似文献   

A new procedure is described that is based on NMR and MS analysis of the products of perdeuterioacetylation of the products of partial hydrolysis of -D-glucose pentaacetate by the lipase fromAspergillus niger. This procedure eliminates the need for separation and estimation of each individual product and is of general applicability.  相似文献   

Phase behaviorof ternary blends of polystyrene (PS), tetramethylbisphenol-A polycarbonate (TMPC), and poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) at two different temperatures (i.e., 210 and 300 °C, respectively) was studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry. Miscibility of the ternary blends at either temperature was found restricted to limited compositions, in agreement with simulated spinodal curves based on published values of interaction parameters. The limited ability of PS, which is separately miscible with TMPC and PPO at 210 °C, to act as a common solvent for the immiscible TMPC/PPO pair at this temperature was explained in terms of the disparity in PS/TMPC and PS/PPO pair interactions (i.e., the 'X effect).  相似文献   

It is shown that Pt impregnated zeolite has a high reforming capability for naphthenic feeds such as methylcyclopentane and methylcyclohexane, which are transformed in aromatic and cyclic saturated multibranched molecules with higher octane numbers. The temperature plays a major role in these reactions. The cycloolefinic intermediates produced by the dehydrogenation of the feed molecules are alkylated with the carbonium ions produced by the ring opening of other feed molecules. The disproportionation of the alkylated compounds is suggested to be responsible for the enlargement of the feed molecules. This disproportionation, the isomerization of the cycloolefinic intermediates, and some cracking particularly for methylcyclohexane, are proposed to be responsible for the product distribution under the present conditions.  相似文献   

In the absence of a structure-directing organic molecule, aluminosilicate ZSM-5 is produced directly from high-silica zeolite Y or zeolite by a simple hydrothermal treatment of the alkali metal hydroxide-treated starting zeolite material. NMR and FTIR results clearly suggest that the majority of the Al(III) species is present in the framework yielding Brønsted acid sites. Addition of an appropriate organic molecule such as tetrapropylammonium bromide or tetrabutylammonium bromide facilitates the formation of ZSM-5 and ZSM-11, respectively. The protonated form of all the ZSM-5 catalysts shows very good catalytic activity for the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The male Bactrian camel's occipital scent gland produces a series of steroids including 5-androst-16-en-3-one in addition to a series of fatty acids and -dodecalactone. 3-Methylbutanoic acid is the most volatile of the acids which include hexanoic, a decenoic, and the saturated acids from C15 to C25 with the exception of C24. The constitution of this secretion changes appreciably with the season.  相似文献   

Partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas has been carried out over a number of transition metal catalysts under a range of conditions. It is found that the metals Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir and Pt, either supported on alumina or present in mixed metal oxide precursors, will bring the system to equilibrium. The yield of CO and H2 improves with increasing temperature in the range 650–1050 K, and decreases with increasing pressure between 1 and 20 atm. An excellent yield (92%) is obtained with a 421 N2CH4O2 ratio at 1050 K and atmospheric pressure, with a space velocity of 4×104 hour–1.  相似文献   

-keto esters have been successfully transesterified with primary, secondary, tertiary, allylic and alkynic alcohols in good yields using TBD anchored on MCM support for the first time. The hybrid solid base catalyst can be recycled several times with consistent activity.  相似文献   

Quantification of Invertase Activity in Ants Under Field Conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Invertases (EC are hydrolases that cleave sucrose into the monosacccharides, glucose, and fructose. They play a central role in carbohydrate metabolism of plants and animals. Methods presented so far to quantify invertase activity in ants or other animals have been hampered by the variability in both substrates and products of the enzymatic reaction in animals whose carbohydrate metabolism is highly active. Our method is based on a spectrophotometric quantification of the kinetics of glucose release. We first obtained an equilibrium state summarizing reactions of any carbohydrates and enzymes that are present in the extract. Sucrose was then added to quantify invertase activity as newly released glucose. Invertase activities differed significantly among species of ants. Variances were lowest among individuals from the same colony and highest among different species. When preparations were made from ants of the same species, invertase activity was linearly related to the number of ants used for extraction. Our method does not require ants to be kept on specific substrates prior to the experiment, or expensive or large equipment. It, thus, appears suitable for dealing with a broad range of physiological, ecological, and evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

The protein-precipitating capacities of tanniferous extracts from immature and mature leaves of threeShorea spp. (Dipterocarpaceae) seedlings were measured by an adaptation of Goldstein and Swain's -glucosidase precipitation assay. Protein precipitation by the extracts was not correlated with total phenolics (Folin-Denis assay) or proanthocyanidin content (BuOH-HCl assay) as measured in an earlier study. Extracts ofS. maxwelliana mature leaves had much lower protein-precipitating capacity than those ofS. acuminata andS. leprosula, but fewer insect species feed on and cause less damage to the foliage ofS. maxwelliana compared with the other species' foliage. Immature leaf extracts ofS. leprosula andS. acuminata had substantial protein-precipitating capacities which in the latter species exceeded that of its mature leaf extracts. Leaf extracts precipitated less protein when initial protein concentration was reduced, although not limiting, but no effect or the reverse effect occurred with quebracho tannin and tannic acid. Problems in the characterization of foliage astringency and the interpretation of its role as a potential antiherbivore defense are discussed.  相似文献   

Male-released semiochemicals of the stink bug Piezodorus hybneri (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) elicit attraction of male and female bugs and homosexual behavior in males. Three active components were isolated from the airborne volatiles of males by flash chromatography, with the activity monitored by GC-EAD and behavioral bioassay. The pheromone system was characterized as a mixture of -sesquiphellandrene, (R)-15-hexadecanolide, and methyl 8-(Z)-hexadecenoate (ratio: 10:4:1), and the activity of the semiochemicals was assessed with authentic samples. Enantiomerically pure samples of the R and S macrolactones were obtained by Yamaguchi's and Mitsunobu's macrolactonization of a key intermediate, (R)-15-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid. The nonnatural S stereoisomer was neither a beneficial nor a behavioral antagonist. Individual constituents or binary mixtures were active, but the optimal male response was elicited only by the full mixture. Behavioral observation and the fact that the onset of pheromone production is coincident with ovarian development strongly suggest that these semiochemicals are, in fact, sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Pure unsupported copper is a poor catalyst for CH3OH synthesis from CO2+H2 when it is compared to Cu coprecipitated with Zr or Zr+V in which case its selectivity and yield in methanol are strongly enhanced. The two Zr and V components added to pure Cu are shown to be textural promoters towards zerovalent Cu which participate to the building of the active sites. Methanol formation on these catalysts is a structure insensitive reaction with respect to the metallic Cu dosed by N2O surface decomposition.  相似文献   

-Carboline alkaloids are found worldwide in many plant families. Harman, harmine, and other simple -carboline alkaloids were tested for activity against a generalist phytophagous insect, the beet army worm [Spodoptera exigua (Hubner)]. Chronic dietary exposure tests (neonate to pupa) reveal potent antifeedant and possible toxic effects. Acute dietary exposure tests on fifth-instar larvae also demonstrate antifeedant activity.  相似文献   

The effects of fluorination on H zeolite and alkylation of benzene with long-chain olefins catalyzed by fluorinated zeolite are investigated. The lifetime of the catalysts depends on the surface area and pore volume rather than acidity. When the fluorine content is 0.5%, the lifetime improves by 30%, when the catalyst has maximum specific surface area and pore volume.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the relative effectiveness of 5-cholestane-3,24-dione (diketone) and 5-cholestan-3-one (monoketone) in eliciting trail following from eastern tent caterpillars,Malacosoma americanum. In Y maze tests, trails prepared from the monoketone were followed preferentially over diketone trails, even when the diketone trail was several orders of magnitude stronger. Under field conditions, colonies readily abandoned well-developed trail systems in favor of artificial trails that were established with the monoketone. Other tests in which the caterpillars selected trails prepared from the monoketone (but not the diketone) more often than their own recruitment trails indicate that the monoketone constitutes the chemical basis of recruitment communication in this insect. The study also shows that tent caterpillars are highly sensitive to small differences in the amount of monoketone in a trail and can distinguish between new and aged trails prepared from the compound.  相似文献   

Reticulitermes flavipes andR. virginicus have been examined for the presence and possible defense functions of soldiers specific secretions. The cephalic extracts for soldiers of both species contained the identical two major sesquiterpenes which were absent from other castes. The sesquiterpenes have been identified as 1-cadinene (I) and the corresponding aldehyde (II) by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry using homonuclear proton decoupling and by high-resolution mass spectrometry. When groups of termite soldiers were exposed to foraging parties of the sympatric native fire ant,Solenopsis geminata, the termites utilized only mechanical defenses. No evidence was obtained to indicate that the ants had been sprayed or coated with either an irritant or toxicant, and there was no evidence that an alarm had been promulgated.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that larvae of the eastern tent caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum F.) mark trails, leading from their tent to feeding sites on host trees, with a pheromone secreted from the posterior tip of the abdominal sternum. 5-Cholestane-3,24-dione (1) has been identified as an active component of the trail. The larvae have a threshold sensitivity to the pheromone of 10–11 g/mm of trail. Several related compounds elicit the trail-following response. Two other species of tent caterpillars also responded positively to the pheromone in preliminary laboratory tests.  相似文献   

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