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A robust hole-filling algorithm for triangular mesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a novel hole-filling algorithm that can fill arbitrary holes in triangular mesh models. First, the advancing front mesh technique is used to cover the hole with newly created triangles. Next, the desirable normals of the new triangles are approximated using our desirable normal computing schemes. Finally, the three coordinates of every new vertex are re-positioned by solving the Poisson equation based on the desirable normals and the boundary vertices of the hole. Many experimental results and error evaluations are given to show the robustness and efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

李伟  金文标  肖仙谦 《计算机应用》2011,31(4):1013-1015
在基于网格形变的图像缩放算法中,表示图像的网格质量对于这类算法的结果有着很大的影响。为了改善图像网格质量,提出一种基于局部—全局方法的平面三角网格优化算法。在局部阶段利用自定义的最相似规则,为网格中的每一个三角形单元求取与之最相似的正三角形,得到一组目标仿射变换函数;全局阶段采用尽可能刚性方法,利用最小二乘法求取一组满足最小变形能量函数的最优解,使得最终生成的网格由尽可能相似于正三角形的三角形构成。同时,在优化过程中加入约束控制,保护网格中的重要区域不发生改变。实验结果表明,优化后的网格质量得到了明显的改善,有助于图像缩放算法后续工作的进行。  相似文献   

为降低求解三角网格表面任意两点间近似测地线长度和路径问题的时间开销,提出一种基于局部细分法的并行近似测地线算法。采用类矩阵乘最短路径并行算法求解点对间初始最短路径,并用源分割法映射子网格数据;所有处理器并行执行,对其所拥有点对之间的初始最短路径周围三角面片上的边进行细分操作;最后基于局部细化后的细分图并行,求得所有点对间的近似测地线长度和路径。实验结果表明,该并行近似测地线算法能够有效降低求解该类问题的计算时间,计算效率大大提高。  相似文献   

煤矿床地表与地质层面模型通常采用TIN表示,交线作为层面模型交叉部分的特征描述,在模型构建及后续的应用分析中都具有十分重要的作用。根据基于层面模型编制露天煤矿采剥计划的需要,提出并实现了一种基于空间索引与碰撞检测的TIN快速求交算法,算法通过建立TIN空间格网索引,使相交测试仅限于映射在同一个空间格网单元内的三角形对之间,在计算交线时,进一步应用AABB包围盒碰撞检测技术快速剔除不相交三角形对,并分别采用“边—面”及改进的“边—边”求交算法计算异面与共面三角形交线,最后,根据交线段之间的空间邻接关系实现交线的快速分离。实验分析表明,算法整体时间效率较基于OBBTree的TIN求交算法高,并在露天煤矿采剥计划CAD软件系统中应用于计划线生成、运输道路设计、追踪等值线、切割剖面等设计实践,提高了在三维图形环境下采剥计划设计的精度与可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient and stable as-rigid-as-possible mesh deformation algorithm for planar shape deformation and hexahedral mesh generation. The deformation algorithm aims to preserve two local geometric properties: scale-invariant intrinsic variables and elastic deformation energy, which are together represented in a quadric energy function. To preserve these properties, the position of each vertex is further adjusted by iteratively minimizing this quadric energy function to meet the position constraint of the controlling points. Experimental results show that the deformation algorithm is efficient, and can obtain physically plausible results, which have the same topology structure with the original mesh. Such a mesh deformation method is useful to project the source surface mesh onto the target surfaces in hexahedral mesh generation based on sweep method, and application results show that the proposed method is feasible to mesh projection not only between similar surface contours but also dissimilar surface contours.  相似文献   

We present a mesh optimization algorithm for adaptively improving the finite element interpolation of a function of interest. The algorithm minimizes an objective function by swapping edges and moving nodes. Numerical experiments are performed on model problems. The results illustrate that the mesh optimization algorithm can reduce the W 1,∞ semi-norm of the interpolation error. For these examples, the L 2, L , and H 1 norms decreased also.  相似文献   

提出分治加工策略以保证复杂三角网格模型数控加工同时具有较高的加工效率和加工精度;针对分治加工的需求,提出一种将机械零件三角网格模型分割成具有加工意义区域的算法。算法采用半边数据结构,基于区域生长原理,以二面角结合刀轴矢量为区域生长的驱动信号,实现了三角网格模型内子加工区域的快速分割。为了避免过分割现象,实现了小区域或误判区域的优化合并处理算法。运行实例表明了该算法能够有效实现加工模型的区域分割。  相似文献   

In this article the authors present PolyFront, a new triangulation algorithm for two dimensional domains with holes. PolyFront is based on a normal offsetting technique, where a domain is triangulated starting from a discretization of its boundary and constructing the mesh layer by layer going toward the interior of the domain. The authors propose some numerical experiments to compare this algorithm with other four mesh generators. This comparison shows that the algorithm gives good quality meshes with reduced computational time.  相似文献   

《Computers & Geosciences》2003,29(6):741-751
Some applications use data formats (e.g. STL file format), where a set of triangles is used to represent the surface of a 3D object and it is necessary to reconstruct the triangular mesh with adjacency information. It is a lengthy process for large data sets as the time complexity of this process is O(N log N), where N is number of triangles. Triangular mesh reconstruction is a general problem and relevant algorithms can be used in GIS and DTM systems as well as in CAD/CAM systems. Many algorithms rely on space subdivision techniques while hash functions offer a more effective solution to the reconstruction problem. Hash data structures are widely used throughout the field of computer science. The hash table can be used to speed up the process of triangular mesh reconstruction but the speed strongly depends on hash function properties. Nevertheless the design or selection of the hash function for data sets with unknown properties is a serious problem. This paper describes a new hash function, presents the properties obtained for large data sets, and discusses validity of the reconstructed surface. Experimental results proved theoretical considerations and advantages of hash function use for mesh reconstruction.  相似文献   

为解决三维地质建模中难以表达层状地质体内部属性的问题,将有限元网格划分方法应用于层状地质体建模中,研究基于Netgen进行层状地质体四面体网格划分的方法.以地质钻探数据为数据源,按照钻孔数据分层构建三维表面模型,用三角面片的集合构成封闭的包围壳来描述层状地质体的外部形状;结合Netgen强大的几何自适应和细部划分控制功能,用四面体网格划分方法对形成的三维表面模型进行空间区域划分,从而实现对复杂形状的层状地质体三维模型构建,并分析Netgen的输入、输出数据结构和地质钻探数据到STL格式的三维模型数据、STL格式数据到Netgen网格划分结果数据的生成过程.某矿区多个岩层的模型构建证明该方法稳定、可靠且有效.  相似文献   

In this paper, an algorithm based on unstructured triangular meshes using standard refinement patterns for anisotropic adaptive meshes is presented. It consists of three main actions: anisotropic refinement, solution-weighted smoothing and patch unrefinement. Moreover, a hierarchical mesh formulation is used. The main idea is to use the error and error gradient on each mesh element to locally control the anisotropy of the mesh. The proposed algorithm is tested on interpolation and boundary-value problems with a discontinuous solution.  相似文献   

为解决许多网格简化方法不能很好地保持模型的重要几何特征问题,提出基于顶点重要度和三角剖分的边折叠简化算法.算法通过特征因子加权顶点重要度作为边的折叠代价,定义法向量夹角因子,控制边的折叠顺序;在折叠过程中对边界特征区域进行冻结处理,以保持模型总体轮廓特征;采用边中点折叠和边邻域网格重建方法完成折叠操作.实验结果表明,模型在大规模简化后,该方法能较好地保持模型的几何特征.  相似文献   

An improved method is presented for generating variable order elements by superelement generation. This method is simple to apply and requires less execution time in comparison with other variable order mesh generators. Depending on geometrical complexity and material variation, the superelements are manually determined to be refined into high or low order elements. Different mesh generation subroutines are employed to generate elements of different orders. The refined elements of different orders are finally patched to form a hybrid mesh. A FORTRAN program is given to generate finite element meshes of linear and quadratic triangular and rectangular elements automatically.  相似文献   

The orthogonal segment intersection search problem is stated as follows: given a setS ofn orthogonal segments in the plane, report all the segments ofS that intersect a given orthogonal query segment. For this problem, we propose a simple and practical algorithm based on bucketing techniques. It constructs, inO(n) time preprocessing, a search structure of sizeO(n) so that all the segments ofS intersecting a query segment can be reported inO(k) time in the average case, wherek is the number of the reported segments. The proposed algorithm as well as existing algorithms is implemented in FORTRAN, and their practical efficiencies are investigated through computational experiments. It is shown that ourO(k) search time,O(n) space, andO(n) preprocessing time algorithm is in practice the most efficient among the algorithms tested.  相似文献   

The orthogonal segment intersection search problem is stated as follows: given a setS ofn orthogonal segments in the plane, report all the segments ofS that intersect a given orthogonal query segment. For this problem, we propose a simple and practical algorithm based on bucketing techniques. It constructs, inO(n) time preprocessing, a search structure of sizeO(n) so that all the segments ofS intersecting a query segment can be reported inO(k) time in the average case, wherek is the number of the reported segments. The proposed algorithm as well as existing algorithms is implemented in FORTRAN, and their practical efficiencies are investigated through computational experiments. It is shown that ourO(k) search time,O(n) space, andO(n) preprocessing time algorithm is in practice the most efficient among the algorithms tested.Supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan under Grant No. 62550270 (1987).  相似文献   

We discuss a simple algorithm for solving sets of simultaneous equations. The algorithm can solve systems of linear and some kinds of non-linear equations, although it has nowhere near the power of a general non-linear equation solver. Its principal advantages over more general algorithms are simplicity and speed. Versions of the algorithm have been used in a graphics language and in a system for interactively modifying the equations that constitute financial models. We discuss the second application in more detail here.  相似文献   

Copyright protection of digital media has become an important issue in the creation and distribution of digital content. As a solution to this problem, digital watermarking techniques have been developed for embedding specific information identifying the owner in the host data imperceptibly. Most watermarking methods developed to date mainly focused on digital media such as images, video, audio, and text. Relatively few watermarking methods have been presented for 3D graphical models. In this paper we propose a robust 3D graphical model watermarking scheme for triangle meshes. Our approach embeds watermark information by perturbing the distance between the vertices of the model to the center of the model. More importantly, to make our watermarking scheme robust against various forms of attack while preserving the visual quality of the models our approach distributes information corresponds to a bit of the watermark over the entire model, and the strength of the embedded watermark signal is adaptive with respect to the local geometry of the model. We also introduce a weighting scheme in the watermark extraction process that makes watermark detection more robust against attacks. Experiments show that this watermarking scheme is able to withstand common attacks on 3D models such as mesh simplification, addition of noise, model cropping as well as a combination of these attacks.  相似文献   

为了解决樽海鞘群算法SSA在寻优过程中存在收敛速度慢、计算精度差等问题,提出一种新型的樽海鞘群算法NSSA。首先分析SSA中樽海鞘在追随领导者过程中的不足,然后借鉴灰狼优化算法中追随头狼的思想来改进樽海鞘追随领导者的方式。在23个基准函数上对NSSA与其他算法进行性能比较,并把该算法应用于图像匹配之中。所有实验结果表明,NSSA具有更好的收敛速度、计算精度和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

文中给出了一种区域内布点的自动生成算法,可从背景点云中逐个选出符合区域几何特征的内部节点,其疏密变化通过边界点上的节点间距函数进行控制。最终生成的内部点云和边界点既可以用来做无网格计算,也可以结合波前推进法生成Delaunay三角形网格。通过对网格生成算法的改进,算例表明该算法得到网格具有很好质量。  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to propose a new method to generate the topological properties among the input data necessary for the user of the Finite Element Method. The method can generate the element-node relation for triangular and quadrilateral areas which are required to subdivide into different numbers of segments on their edges. This flexibility can largely remove the complexity of the mesh generation of two-dimensional area. The algorithm of the proposed method is so simple as to be used on a microcomputer. The main part of program listing written in BASIC is attached to this paper.  相似文献   

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