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研究一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)增量式光电编码器精度提高的方法。首先分别对低精度(500puls/r)和高精度(2 500puls/r)的增量式光电编码器的原始输出信号进行滤波和电平转换处理,然后将低精度光电编码器和DSP输出的采样脉冲信号输入到FP-GA中,通过数字时间转换(TDC)方法测出2个脉冲信号之间的时间差值(误差为0.67ns),将时间差值利用数据总线实时送入到DSP中进行算法处理,得出采样处的位置,并与输入到DSP中的高精度光电编码器位置进行比较,分析表明精度提高了5倍。 相似文献
使用通常的单片机、A/D转换器等芯片构造一个数据有集系统,往往设计周期长,成本较高。ADμC812微转换器采用了高性能的闪速电擦除存储器技术和模拟测量技术,能灵活的对芯片进行编程,大大降低了数据采集系统的开发时间和成本。ADμC812装有工厂编程的校准系数,它在上电时自动下载到ADC,可以获得很高的精度,并且可以采用软件进一步校准,从而获得现高的精度,确保最佳的ADC性能。 相似文献
杨旭辉 《工业仪表与自动化装置》2009,(5):71-73
根据TMS320F2812芯片的结构特点,提出一种新颖的基于TMS320F2812的PWM输出实现D/A输出的方法,详细讨论该设计的理论基础和软、硬件实现,并给出具体的应用实例。该设计方案简单易行,性价比高,具有一定的通用性。 相似文献
基于DSP的有源磁悬浮轴承数字控制系统研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了有源磁悬浮轴承(AMB)的工作原理及其数字控制器,讨论了以定点数字信号处理器TMS320F240为核心的数字控制系统.控制算法采用改进的积分分离PID算法,实现了单自由度磁轴承的稳定悬浮. 相似文献
研究了有源磁悬浮轴承(AMB)的工作原理及其数字控制器,讨论了以定点数字信号处理器TMS320F240为核心的数字控制系统。控制算法采用改进的积分分离PID算法,实现了单自由度磁轴承的稳定悬浮。 相似文献
王俊峰 《仪表技术与传感器》2012,(11)
固定步长LMS(least mean square)算法自适应滤波器在收敛速度、时变跟踪能力与稳态误差上对步长因子的要求存在矛盾.变步长LMS算法的步长因子是变化的,能够有效地避免此矛盾.在分析了2种变步长LMS算法的基础上,提出了全新的变步长算法,并在MATLAB环境中进行仿真,之后应用SZ-EPP5402评估板对其进行了DSP实现.仿真结果与DSP实现都表明:变步长LMS算法在一定程度上改善了收敛速度与稳态误差间矛盾,具有更快收敛速度与更小稳态误差. 相似文献
Self-generation of machining precision and its realization in lapping of super precision solid balls
Bopeng ZHANG 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China》2008,3(3):348-353
This paper presents the principle of self-generation of machining precision by explaining its basic concept and five necessary conditions for forming a system with self-organization capability. A self-generation system is a kind of system with self-organization capability. The self-generation of machining precision for solid balls with super precision is emphatically explained. From the view-point of self-organization, there are three types of systems including system S1 with the self-regulation capability, S2 with the self-determination capability of goals, and S3 with the self-organization capability. Although they are all closed loop control systems, they have different constructions and functions. Necessary conditions for achieving self-generation of machining precision are given. Establishment of the system for machining solid balls with super precision is discussed. Self-generation of machining precision for solid balls with super precision on the basis of the capability of self-removal of errors is presented. Self-generation includes the ability of self-removal of errors for solid balls, convergence of self-removal of errors, self-generation of precision, and self-generating system for the given. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2007, 43(9): 75–79 [译自 机械工程学报] 相似文献
Self-generation of machining precision and its
realization in lapping of super precision solid balls
ZHANG Bopeng 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》2008,3(3):348
This paper presents the principle of self-generation of machining precision by explaining its basic concept and five necessary conditions for forming a system with self-organization capability. A self-generation system is a kind of system with self-organization capability. The self-generation of machining precision for solid balls with super precision is emphatically explained. From the viewpoint of self-organization, there are three types of systems including system S1 with the self-regulation capability, S2 with the self-determination capability of goals, and S3 with the self-organization capability. Although they are all closed loop control systems, they have different constructions and functions. Necessary conditions for achieving self-generation of machining precision are given. Establishment of the system for machining solid balls with super precision is discussed. Self-generation of machining precision for solid balls with super precision on the basis of the capability of self-removal of errors is presented. Self-generation includes the ability of self-removal of errors for solid balls, convergence of self-removal of errors, self-generation of precision, and self-generating system for the given. 相似文献
针对传统工业设备安防系统存在的问题,研究了工业码垛机器人安防系统的功能特性和使用条件,以TMS320F2812和ISD4003-4为核心器件,并选用光电传感器作为信号采集器件,构建了新型工业码垛机器人安防系统。该安防系统具有采集信息准确、处理信息快捷的特点,可显著提高工业码垛机器人安防系统的准确性、实时性和有效性。该安防系统能够适应复杂作业环境,可有效抗击各种干扰,且操作简单、使用方便,不需专用语音开发工具。实验证明该安防系统具有很好的实用性,可进一步推广应用。 相似文献
高精度A/D转换器实际测量中有着广泛的工程应用,其中三斜积分式A/D转换电路具有结构简单、线性度好的优点。为实现高精度设计,对积分过程的精确控制和高位数计数器的设计尤为关键。该设计为16位高分辨率的双积分式直流A/D转换器,积分电路采用普通元器件实现,利用89S51单片机及FPGA器件实现数字计数及显示功能,同时采用89S51单片机编程实现直流电压表量程的自动转换、自动校零和液晶显示等功能。 相似文献
AD7846是AD公司制造的一种16位数模转换器件,这里简要介绍了其基本结构和引脚功能,并结合DSP(TMS320VC5402)产生高精度波形信号设计. 相似文献