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The aim of this work is to show the ability of stochastic regular grammars to generate accurate language models which can be well integrated, allocated and handled in a continuous speech recognition system. For this purpose, a syntactic version of the well-known n -gram model, called k -testable language in the strict sense (k -TSS), is used. The complete definition of a k -TSS stochastic finite state automaton is provided in the paper. One of the difficulties arising in representing a language model through a stochastic finite state network is that the recursive schema involved in the smoothing procedure must be adopted in the finite state formalism to achieve an efficient implementation of the backing-off mechanism. The use of the syntactic back-off smoothing technique applied to k -TSS language modelling allowed us to obtain a self-contained smoothed model integrating several k -TSS automata in a unique smoothed and integrated model, which is also fully defined in the paper. The proposed formulation leads to a very compact representation of the model parameters learned at training time: probability distribution and model structure. The dynamic expansion of the structure at decoding time allows an efficient integration in a continuous speech recognition system using a one-step decoding procedure. An experimental evaluation of the proposed formulation was carried out on two Spanish corpora. These experiments showed that regular grammars generate accurate language models (k -TSS) that can be efficiently represented and managed in real speech recognition systems, even for high values of k, leading to very good system performance.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition letters》1999,20(11-13):1449-1456
In state mixture modelling (SMM), the temporal structure of the observation sequences is represented by the state joint probability distribution where mixtures of states are considered. This technique is considered in an iterative scheme via maximum likelihood estimation. A fuzzy estimation approach is also introduced to cooperate with the SMM model. This new approach not only saves calculations from 2NTT (HMM direct calculation) and N2T (Forward–backward algorithm) to just only 2NT calculations, but also achieves a better recognition result.  相似文献   

Recently, minimum perfect hashing (MPH)-based language model (LM) lookup methods have been proposed for fast access of N-gram LM scores in lexical-tree based LVCSR (large vocabulary continuous speech recognition) decoding. Methods of node-based LM cache and LM context pre-computing (LMCP) have also been proposed to combine with MPH for further reduction of LM lookup time. Although these methods are effective, LM lookup still takes a large share of overall decoding time when trigram LM lookahead (LMLA) is used for lower word error rate than unigram or bigram LMLAs. Besides computation time, memory cost is also an important performance aspect of decoding systems. Most speedup methods for LM lookup obtain higher speed at the cost of increased memory demand, which makes system performance unpredictable when running on computers with smaller memory capacities. In this paper, an order-preserving LM context pre-computing (OPCP) method is proposed to achieve both fast speed and small memory cost in LM lookup. By reducing hashing operations through order-preserving access of LM scores, OPCP cuts down LM lookup time effectively. In the meantime, OPCP significantly reduces memory cost because of reduced size of hashing keys and the need for only last word index of each N-gram in LM storage. Experimental results are reported on two LVCSR tasks (Wall Street Journal 20K and Switchboard 33K) with three sizes of trigram LMs (small, medium, large). In comparison with above-mentioned existing methods, OPCP reduced LM lookup time from about 30–80% of total decoding time to about 8–14%, without any increase of word error rate. Except for the small LM, the total memory cost of OPCP for LM lookup and storage was about the same or less than the original N-gram LM storage, much less than the compared methods. The time and memory savings in LM lookup by using OPCP became more pronounced with the increase of LM size.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the backoff hierarchical class n-gram language models to better estimate the likelihood of unseen n-gram events. This multi-level class hierarchy language modeling approach generalizes the well-known backoff n-gram language modeling technique. It uses a class hierarchy to define word contexts. Each node in the hierarchy is a class that contains all the words of its descendant nodes. The closer a node to the root, the more general the class (and context) is. We investigate the effectiveness of the approach to model unseen events in speech recognition. Our results illustrate that the proposed technique outperforms backoff n-gram language models. We also study the effect of the vocabulary size and the depth of the class hierarchy on the performance of the approach. Results are presented on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus using two vocabulary set: 5000 words and 20,000 words. Experiments with 5000 word vocabulary, which contain a small numbers of unseen events in the test set, show up to 10% improvement of the unseen event perplexity when using the hierarchical class n-gram language models. With a vocabulary of 20,000 words, characterized by a larger number of unseen events, the perplexity of unseen events decreases by 26%, while the word error rate (WER) decreases by 12% when using the hierarchical approach. Our results suggest that the largest gains in performance are obtained when the test set contains a large number of unseen events.  相似文献   

近年来大词汇量连续语音识别技术得到了迅速的发展,国内外研究机构加大了对汉语和英语语音识别技术的研究,然而,维吾尔语语音识别技术的研究工作最近才起步。建立了面向大词汇量的维吾尔语语音语料库,研究了维吾尔语声学模型和语言模型建模技术、解码技术,进行了面向大词汇量的维吾尔语连续语音识别实验。对维吾尔语大词汇量连续语音识别技术进一步发展中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Despite the significant progress of automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the past three decades, it could not gain the level of human performance, particularly in the adverse conditions. To improve the performance of ASR, various approaches have been studied, which differ in feature extraction method, classification method, and training algorithms. Different approaches often utilize complementary information; therefore, to use their combination can be a better option. In this paper, we have proposed a novel approach to use the best characteristics of conventional, hybrid and segmental HMM by integrating them with the help of ROVER system combination technique. In the proposed framework, three different recognizers are created and combined, each having its own feature set and classification technique. For design and development of the complete system, three separate acoustic models are used with three different feature sets and two language models. Experimental result shows that word error rate (WER) can be reduced about 4% using the proposed technique as compared to conventional methods. Various modules are implemented and tested for Hindi Language ASR, in typical field conditions as well as in noisy environment.  相似文献   

In a real environment, acoustic and language features often vary depending on the speakers, speaking styles and topic changes. To accommodate these changes, speech recognition approaches that include the incremental tracking of changing environments have attracted attention. This paper proposes a topic tracking language model that can adaptively track changes in topics based on current text information and previously estimated topic models in an on-line manner. The proposed model is applied to language model adaptation in speech recognition. We use the MIT OpenCourseWare corpus and Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese in speech recognition experiments, and show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We show the results of studying models of the Russian language constructed with recurrent artificial neural networks for systems of automatic recognition of continuous speech. We construct neural network models with different number of elements in the hidden layer and perform linear interpolation of neural network models with the baseline trigram language model. The resulting models were used at the stage of rescoring the N best list. In our experiments on the recognition of continuous Russian speech with extra-large vocabulary (150 thousands of word forms), the relative reduction in the word error rate obtained after rescoring the 50 best list with the neural network language models interpolated with the trigram model was 14%.  相似文献   

The major difficulty for large vocabulary sign recognition lies in the huge search space due to a variety of recognized classes. How to reduce the recognition time without loss of accuracy is a challenging issue. In this paper, a fuzzy decision tree with heterogeneous classifiers is proposed for large vocabulary sign language recognition. As each sign feature has the different discrimination to gestures, the corresponding classifiers are presented for the hierarchical decision to sign language attributes. A one- or two- handed classifier and a hand-shaped classifier with little computational cost are first used to progressively eliminate many impossible candidates, and then, a self-organizing feature maps/hidden Markov model (SOFM/HMM) classifier in which SOFM being as an implicit different signers' feature extractor for continuous HMM, is proposed as a special component of a fuzzy decision tree to get the final results at the last nonleaf nodes that only include a few candidates. Experimental results on a large vocabulary of 5113-signs show that the proposed method dramatically reduces the recognition time by 11 times and also improves the recognition rate about 0.95% over single SOFM/HMM.  相似文献   

The noise robustness of automatic speech recognition systems can be improved by reducing an eventual mismatch between the training and test data distributions during feature extraction. Based on the quantiles of these distributions the parameters of transformation functions can be reliably estimated with small amounts of data. This paper will give a detailed review of quantile equalization applied to the Mel scaled filter bank, including considerations about the application in online systems and improvements through a second transformation step that combines neighboring filter channels. The recognition tests have shown that previous experimental observations on small vocabulary recognition tasks can be confirmed on the larger vocabulary Aurora 4 noisy Wall Street Journal database. The word error rate could be reduced from 45.7% to 25.5% (clean training) and from 19.5% to 17.0% (multicondition training).  相似文献   

A cache-based natural language model for speech recognition   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Speech-recognition systems must often decide between competing ways of breaking up the acoustic input into strings of words. Since the possible strings may be acoustically similar, a language model is required; given a word string, the model returns its linguistic probability. Several Markov language models are discussed. A novel kind of language model which reflects short-term patterns of word use by means of a cache component (analogous to cache memory in hardware terminology) is presented. The model also contains a 3g-gram component of the traditional type. The combined model and a pure 3g-gram model were tested on samples drawn from the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen (LOB) corpus of English text. The relative performance of the two models is examined, and suggestions for the future improvements are made  相似文献   

Language modeling for large-vocabulary conversational Arabic speech recognition is faced with the problem of the complex morphology of Arabic, which increases the perplexity and out-of-vocabulary rate. This problem is compounded by the enormous dialectal variability and differences between spoken and written language. In this paper, we investigate improvements in Arabic language modeling by developing various morphology-based language models. We present four different approaches to morphology-based language modeling, including a novel technique called factored language models. Experimental results are presented for both rescoring and first-pass recognition experiments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a handwriting recognition system that deals with unconstrained handwriting and large vocabularies. The system is based on the segmentation-recognition paradigm where words are first loosely segmented into characters or pseudocharacters and the final segmentation is obtained during the recognition process, which is carried out with a lexicon. Characters are modeled by multiple hidden Markov models (HMMs), which are concatenated to build up word models. The lexicon is organized as a tree structure, and during the decoding words with similar prefixes share the same computation steps. To avoid an explosion of the search space due to the presence of multiple character models, a lexicon-driven level building algorithm (LDLBA) is used to decode the lexical tree and to choose at each level the more likely models. Bigram probabilities related to the variation of writing styles within the words are inserted between the levels of the LDLBA to improve the recognition accuracy. To further speed up the recognition process, some constraints are added to limit the search efforts to the more likely parts of the search space. Experimental results on a dataset of 4674 unconstrained words show that the proposed recognition system achieves recognition rates from 98% for a 10-word vocabulary to 71% for a 30,000-word vocabulary and recognition times from 9 ms to 18.4 s, respectively.Received: 8 July 2002, Accepted: 1 July 2003, Published online: 12 September 2003 Correspondence to: Alessandro L. Koerich  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) with Gaussian mixture distributions rely on an assumption that speech features are temporally uncorrelated, and often assume a diagonal covariance matrix where correlations between feature vectors for adjacent frames are ignored. A Linear Dynamic Model (LDM) is a Markovian state-space model that also relies on hidden state modeling, but explicitly models the evolution of these hidden states using an autoregressive process. An LDM is capable of modeling higher order statistics and can exploit correlations of features in an efficient and parsimonious manner. In this paper, we present a hybrid LDM/HMM decoder architecture that postprocesses segmentations derived from the first pass of an HMM-based recognition. This smoothed trajectory model is complementary to existing HMM systems. An Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach for parameter estimation is presented. We demonstrate a 13 % relative WER reduction on the Aurora-4 clean evaluation set, and a 13 % relative WER reduction on the babble noise condition.  相似文献   

Traditional statistical models for speech recognition have mostly been based on a Bayesian framework using generative models such as hidden Markov models (HMMs). This paper focuses on a new framework for speech recognition using maximum entropy direct modeling, where the probability of a state or word sequence given an observation sequence is computed directly from the model. In contrast to HMMs, features can be asynchronous and overlapping. This model therefore allows for the potential combination of many different types of features, which need not be statistically independent of each other. In this paper, a specific kind of direct model, the maximum entropy Markov model (MEMM), is studied. Even with conventional acoustic features, the approach already shows promising results for phone level decoding. The MEMM significantly outperforms traditional HMMs in word error rate when used as stand-alone acoustic models. Preliminary results combining the MEMM scores with HMM and language model scores show modest improvements over the best HMM speech recognizer.  相似文献   

In this paper, an in-depth analysis is undertaken into effective strategies for integrating the audio-visual speech modalities with respect to two major questions. Firstly, at what level should integration occur? Secondly, given a level of integration how should this integration be implemented? Our work is based around the well-known hidden Markov model (HMM) classifier framework for modeling speech. A novel framework for modeling the mismatch between train and test observation sets is proposed, so as to provide effective classifier combination performance between the acoustic and visual HMM classifiers. From this framework, it can be shown that strategies for combining independent classifiers, such as the weighted product or sum rules, naturally emerge depending on the influence of the mismatch. Based on the assumption that poor performance in most audio-visual speech processing applications can be attributed to train/test mismatches we propose that the main impetus of practical audio-visual integration is to dampen the independent errors, resulting from the mismatch, rather than trying to model any bimodal speech dependencies. To this end a strategy is recommended, based on theory and empirical evidence, using a hybrid between the weighted product and weighted sum rules in the presence of varying acoustic noise for the task of text-dependent speaker recognition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report our development of context-dependent allophonic hidden Markov models (HMMs) implemented in a 75 000-word speaker-dependent Gaussian-HMM recognizer. The context explored is the immediate left and/or right adjacent phoneme. To achieve reliable estimation of the model parameters, phonemes are grouped into classes based on their expected co-articulatory effects on neighboring phonemes. Only five separate preceding and following contexts are identified explicitly for each phoneme. By grouping the contexts we ensure that they occur frequently enough in the training data to allow reliable estimation of the parameters of the HMM representing the context-dependent units. Further improvement in the estimation reliability is obtained by tying the covariance matrices in the HMM output distributions across all contexts. Speech recognition experiments show that when a large amount of data (e.g. over 2500 words) is used to train context-dependent HMMs, the word recognition error rate is reduced by 33%, compared with the context-independent HMMs. For smaller amounts of training data the error reduction becomes less significant.  相似文献   

In this work, buried Markov models (BMM) are introduced. In a BMM, a Markov chain state at time t determines the conditional independence patterns that exist between random variables lying within a local time window surrounding t. This model is motivated by and can be fully described by “graphical models”, a general technique to describe families of probability distributions. In the paper, it is shown how information-theoretic criterion functions can be used to induce sparse, discriminative, and class-conditional network structures that yield an optimal approximation to the class posterior probability, and therefore are useful for classification tasks such as speech recognition. Using a new structure learning heuristic, the resulting structurally discriminative models are tested on a medium-vocabulary isolated-word speech recognition task. It is demonstrated that discriminatively structured BMMs, when trained in a maximum likelihood setting using EM, can outperform both hidden Markov models (HMMs) and other dynamic Bayesian networks with a similar number of parameters.  相似文献   

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